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First published by Oxford University Press, 1934 

Reprinted 1964, by arrangement with Oxford U. Pr. 

Published by Benjamin Blom, Inc., New York 52. 

L.C. Catalog Card No.: 64-147O1 

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NEW YORK 3, N. Y. 


GOOD INDEX speaks for itself and needs no 
preface. But I cannot omit this opportunity of express- 
ing my gratitude to my friends of the Shakespeare Associa- 
tion for the generous thought which led them to honour me 
by this compilation, and for the skill and pains which have 
gone to the making of it. I hope that it will serve to render 
the contents of six bulky and widely ranging volumes more 
readily accessible to students. A special word of thanks is 
due to Miss Beatrice White^ who has carried out the work 
under the direction of a Committee of the Association. 



Index is based on the works themselves, 
JL though it necessarily makes use of the existing 
indexes which it attempts to enlarge upon uniform lines. 
The chief departure in principle from the original 
indexes lies in the inclusion of players' names. In cases 
of doubt I have followed the form used by Sir E. K. 

Modern critics are not mentioned and the Index is 
confined in the main to the sixteenth century. As far 
as possible long entries have been arranged in a uniform 
manner. The Index is intended as a guide to, rather 
than an epitome of, the works of Sir E. K. Chambers. 

The titles of plays properly German are given in 
German in the Index, e.g. Fratricide Punished appears as 
Bestrafte Brudermord. 



[Play-tides are in italics. Lost plays are distinguished by inverted commas. 

Book titles are in inverted commas but not italicized. Only the most 

important references to plays arc given under dramatists.] 

A Bad Beginning Makes a Good 

Ending^ E.S. ii. 217; iii. 315; 

iir. 127, 180, 397, 398; WS. 11.343. 
A Woman is a Weathercock^ E.S. 

i. 198; ii. 60, 516, 523; iii. 313; 

iv. 392. 
A Woman will have her Will. See 

Englishmen for my Money. 
Abbotstone (Hants), E.S. iv. 85, 90, 


Abercrombie, dancer, E.S. iii. 388. 
Aberdeen, E.S. ii. 269* 
Abergavenny (title). See Neville. 
Abergavenny's men, E.S. i. 278; ii. 

92; in provinces, E.S. ii. 92; iv. 

Abnormal spellings, WS.i. 163, 178, 

187, 306, 333, 370, 379, 385, 

430, 441, 479, 509. 
Above, E.S. iii. 78, 91-8, 115, 133, 

Abraham > E.S. iii. 322, 514. 
Abraham Sacrifiant y E.S. i. 249; iii. 

Abraham's Sacrifice, E.S. iii. 322; iv. 


'Abram "and Lot', E.S. ii. 95, 275; 

W.S. ii. 317. 
Abridgement of plays, E.S. iii. 186, 

251; W.S. i. 214, 229, 284, 307, 

342,455,471. See Cuts. 
'Absalom* (1602), E.S. ii. 228. 
Absalon (c. 1535), E.S. iii. 506; iv. 


Absey Court, E.S. iv. 1 14. 
'A buses', E.S. ii. 22; iv. 33. 
Abuses of Players, Act to Restrain, 

E.S. i. 303, 322; iii. 360; iv. 

3385 W.S. i. 98, 103, 116, 164, 

238, 289, 403. See Profanity. 

Abyngdon, Henry, Master of Chapel, 
E.S. ii. 27, 296. 

Academic plays, lists of, E.S. 127-3 * 5 
iv. 373-9; staging of, E.S. i. 226, 
228; critics of, E.S. i. 249; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 221,233, 250, 251; 
iii.3o;iv. 18,53, 245. 

Accession day, E.S. i. 18, 21, 128, 
131, 141-8; iii. 212, 402, 405-6, 

Accidents at performances, E.S. i. 
128, 228, 256, 264, 283, 290, 
292, 314, 316? ii. 135, I75>4i3> 
418, 462, 471; iii. 311; iv. 36, 
208, 219, 220, 225, 274, 292-5, 
300. See Globe Theatre, Paris 

Accolti, Bernardo, W.S. i. 452. 

Acheson, James, E.S. i. 17. 

Acolastus, E.S. 1.232. 

Act for Advancement of True 
Religion, E.S. i. 242. 

Act of Supremacy, E.S. iii. 161. 

Act of Uniformity, E.S. i. 243, 271, 
276; iii. 161. 

Act-divisions, E.S. iii. 124, 125, 130, 
185, 199; W.S. i. 118, 124, 199, 

29, 37> 328, 335* 35.8, 3$5> 393- 

Action. See Interior action. 

Activities (acrobatics, tumbling), 
E.S. i. 123, 282, 300; ii. 99, 101, 
no, in, 118-19, 136, 176, 
180, 182, 186, 261-3, 272, 273, 

292* 294> 395> 4i3. 5 2 9> 555 

iv. 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 

104, 105, 112, 114, 154, 156, 

158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 167, 

174, 205, 206, 217, 273, 279, 
283; 0^.1.32,33-5, 37, 39,41; 
ii. 305, 306. 


Acton, John, W.S. i. 10. 

Acton, Richard, E.S. iii. 402. 

Actor-lists, E.S. ii. 79-260 passim; 
iii. 223, 226, 228, 229, 359, 361, 
363* 3$5> 367 3$ 8 > 370. 37*> 
372, 497, 510; W.S. i. 79 20I 5 
ii. 71-80. 

Actors. See Players. 

Actors' economics, E.S. i. 348-88. 

Actors' quality, E.S. i. 308-47. 

Acts of the Apostles* E.S. i. 246, 

1 Adams Tragedie\ E.S. iv. 391, 

Adams, John, player, E.S. ii. 5, 93, 
106, 107, 109, no, 296; iii. 328, 
330; iv. 150, 296; W.S. i. 53. 

Adams, John, Master of Westmin- 
ster, E.S. ii. 69. 

Adams, Robert, E.S. ii. 343. 

Adaptations. See Shakespearean 

Addenbroke, John, W.S. i. 84; ii. 

Adelphe, E.S. i. 131; iii. 238; iv. 127, 


Adelphi, E.S.m. 236; iv. 385. 

Adlington, W., WS. i. 362. 

Admiral, Lord, E.S. i. 67. 

Admiral's men, notice of, E.S. ii. 
134-86; mentioned, E.S. i. 20, 

3S*> 353* 354> 3^ 3^> 3<$7, 
371, 374; ii. 1 10, 176, 177, 198, 

224, 3$5> 49 44i; WS. i. 32, 
38, 41, 52, 95, 211, 216, 288, 
316, 394, 476; ii. 304-19. See 
Alleyn company, Court calendar, 
Court payments, Printed plays. 

Adolescens, significance of, W.S. ii. 7. 

Adorno, Prospero, W.S. i. 494. 

Adult Companies, E.S. ii. 77-260; 
list of, E.S. ii. 77. 

Advertisement. See Tide-pages. 

Aegio, E.S. iii. 209. 

*Aemitia\ E.S. i. 131. 

1 'Aeneas and Dido 9 , E.S. iv. 122. 

Aesop, E.S. i. 376, 385. 

'Aesop's crow\ E.S. ii. 83 ; W.S. 1.2*7. 
Afterthoughts, W.S. i. 232, 235, 326, 

333> 344> 3^0, 39 6 > 44- 
Agamemnon, E.S. iii. 477; iv. 380. 
'Agamemnon*, E.S. ii. 169; iii. 265, 

* Agamemnon and Ulysses*, E.S. ii. 17, 

101; iv. lor, 160; W.S. i. 448. 
Agarite, E.S. iii. 16. 
Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, on plays, 

E.S. i. 377; iv. 195. 
'Ajax and Ulysses\ E.S. ii. 63; iv. 

87, 146; W.S. i. 448. 
'Ajax Flagellifer*, E.S. i. 130, 233. 
'Ajax FlagellifeS (trans.), E.S. i. 

127, 128. 
Alabaster, William, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 207-8 ;iv. 378. 
Al., G., E.S. iii. 514. 
Alaham, E.S. iii. 331; iv. 395, 404. 
Alamanni, Luigi, E.S. iii. 13. 
Alarum for London, E.S. ii. 204; iii. 

54, 67, 169, 188; iv. i, 386; 

W.S. 1.145. 
Alasco, Count Albert of, E.S. i. 129; 

111. 318, 458; iv. roo. 
'Alia 9 , E.S. 1.130. 

'Albcre Galles\ E.S. ii. 227; iii. 341, 

347, 494; iv. 37. 
Alberghini, Angelica, E.S. ii. 263. 
Alberti, Leo Battista, E.S. iii. 2. 
Albion Knight, E.S. iv. i, 380. 
Albumazar, E.S. i. 131 ; iii. 498; iv. 

373. 393- 

Alcester (Warwick), W.S. ii. 367. 
Alchemist, notice of, E.S. iii. 371; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 215, 217, 300, 

346; iii. 123, 127, 222, 224, 499; 

iv. 51, 127, 180, 371, 392; W.S. 

ii- 74. 233*343- 

'Alcmaeon', E.S. ii. 1 5 ; iv. 89, 147. 
Alcove, E.S. iii. 82, 85, 89, in, 

112, 120. 

Aldbury (Herts.), E.S. iv. 81. 
Aldeburgh (Suffolk), players at, W.S. 

ii. 310; plays at, E.S. ii. 2. 
Aldermaston (Berks.), E.S. iv. 85, 

107, 114. 


Aldersbrook (Essex), E.S. iv. 98. 
Aldershot (Hants), E.S. iv. 124. 
Alderson, William, player, E.S. ii. 


Alderton (Glos.), E.S, iv. 107. 
Alderton (Northants), E.S. iv. 123. 
Aldus Manutius, W.B. i. 190. 
Alen^on, Francois, duke of (also duke 

of Anjou), E.S. i. 5, 10, 16, 22, 

39, 90, 167^ 175; ii. 90; iv. 64, 

96, 98; m. i. 337- 
'Alexander and Lodowictf, E.S. ii. 

144, 167, 170. 
Alexander, Robert, E.S. iii. 402; iv. 


Alexander, W., E.S. iv. 376. 
Alexander, Sir William, earl of 

Stirling, E.S. iii. 208-9; W.S. ii. 

220 sqq. 
Alexandraean Tragedy, E.S. iii. 209; 

iv. 388. 
Alexandrines, W.S. i. 259, 260; 

tables of, W.S. ii. 400, 404. See 


'Alexius', E.S. iv. 2. 
*Alfonso\ E.S. iv. 2. 
Alfonso, duke of Calabria, E.S. i. 1 54. 
Alice and Alexis (fr.), E.S. iv. 2, 404. 
c uf/to P/Vra?', E.S. ii. 132, 1 66. 
Alington, Sir Giles, E.S. iv. 95. 
^/// Fools, E.S. ii. 50; iii. 146, 252; 

iv. 119, 171. 
'All Fools but the Fool 9 . See 'The 

World runs on Wheels*. 
All for Money, E.S. iii. 23, 411; iv. 

'All is not Gold that Glisters', E.S. 

ii. 178; iii. 266. 
All is True. See Henry JTIIL 
Allde, Edward, printer, W.S. i. 169. 
Allde, John, stationer, E.S. iii. 444. 
Allen, Giles, .8. ii. 385, 396, 398, 

Allen, John, musician, E.S. i. 201; 

iii. 246, 383. 

Allen, Sir William, E.S. ii. 401. 
Alley, William, playwright, E.S. iii. 

209; on pkys, E.S. i. 244; iv. 192. 

AUeyn company, E.S. iv. 24; W.S. 
i- 42-52, 54 55> 6 > 79* 81, 288, 
3 r 9> 327; H. 306-18. 

Alleyn, Edward, pkyer, his career, 
E.S. ii. 137-8, 198, 296-8; his 
parts, E.S. ii. 297; iii. 194, 421, 
425 ; WS. i. 1 22 ; retirement from 
stage, E.S. i. 157; return to stage, 
E.S. i. 173; and Fortune play- 
house, E.S. i. 300; ii. 173, 436-9; 
iv. 21, 326, 328, 330, 371; and 
Beargarden, E.S. i. 316, 317; ii. 
452, 453, 454, 463; praised as an 
actor, E.S. iv. 240, 252; his 
finances, E.S. i. 349; letters to 
and from, E.S. ii. 124, 445; 
WS. ii. 312-14; as payee, E.S. 
iv. 165 sq.; in forgeries, E.S. iii. 
410; iftS.n. 379, 386, 389; rela- 
tions with playing companies: 
Admiral's, E.S. i. 352, 353, 367; 
ii. 6, no, 112, 120, 121, 123, 
149; iii. 461; W.S. i. 48, 51; 
'Alleyn Company', E.S. iv. 24; 
W.$. i. 54, 5 5 (see separate entrf] ; 
Prince's, E.S. i. 133; ii. 186; 
Strange's, E.S. ii. 120, 121, 123; 
W.S. i. 45; Worcester's, E.S. ii. 
222, 224; W.S. i. 38; relations 
with contemporaries: Daborae, 
W.S. i. 96; Gosson, ..iii. 323; 
Henslowe, E.S. i. 296, 358, 364; 
ii. 152, 153, 187, 435, 440, 45 2 ; 
iii. 426, 462 ; Richard Jones, E.S. 
i. 351; ii. 287; W.S. i. 39; Charles 
Massey, E.S. ii. 191 ; Meade, -E.. 
ii. 245, 452; mentioned, E.S. ii. 
125, 150, 177, 201; iii. 458; W.$. 
ii. 79, 215, 274. 

Alleyn, John, pkyer, career of, E.S. 
ii. 298; mentioned, E.S. ii. 136, 
I37> 138, 252, 392; iii. 507; 
ra.i. 39, 41, 43, 48, 5 1, 52, 5 13. 

AUeyn (Allen), Richard, pkyer, E.S. 
ii. 59, 115, 150, 153, 156, 1 60, 
176,251,252, 301 -,111.223,299, 

Allot, Sir John, E.S. i. 137; iii. 455. 


Allot, Robt., E.S. iiL 359, 372, 373; 
iv.46; W.S.i. 143. 

Allowances. See Licences. 

All's One. See Yorkshire Tragedy. 

All's Wen that Ends Well, discussed, 
E.S. iii. 487; W.S. i. 449-52; 
bibliography, W.S. i. 449; text, 
W.S. i. 1 66, 449; dropped threads, 
W.S. i. 230; and Love Labours 
Won, W.S. i. 273; date, E.S. ii. 
207; W.S. i. 271, 450; revision 
theories, W.S. i. 218, 452; stage- 
directions, E.S. iii. 196; W.S. i. 
450; variation of nomenclature, 
W.S. i. 450; temper of, W.S. i. 
444; style of, W.S. i. 451; source, 
WS. i. 452; staging of, E.S. iii. 
124; mentioned, E.S. iv. 394; 
W.S. i. 417. 

Allot Pageant, E.S. iii. 455. 

Allusions, as evidence of date, W.&. 
i. 245. 

*Almanac\ E.S. ii. 190; iv. 12 J, 178. 

Almonry, E.S. i. 35; boys ofj E.S. 
ii. 9, 70. 

Alphabetical figures in masks, E.S. i. 
198; iii. 378,383. 

Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany, E.S. 
ii. 202; iii. 466; iv. 2, 396. 

Alphonsus, King of Arragon, E.S. 
ii. 147, 286; iii. 327; iv. 36. 

Alresford (Hants), E.S. iv. 90. 

Alrewas (Staffs.), E.S. iv. 91. 

'Alt Procutt, E.S. ii. 286. 

Alternationist theory of staging, E.S. 
iii. 1 20. 

Alternative endings, W.S. i. 360, 


Altham, James, E.S. iv. 88, 93, 95. 
Althorp (Northants), E.S. i. 124, 

126; iii. 391; iv. 117. 
Althorp Entertainment, E.S. i. 126; 

111. 39 1. 

Aludus', E.S. ii. 35; iv. 97, 156. 
Alvechurch (Worcs.), W.S. ii. 133-8. 
Amalgamation of companies, E.S. i. 
355; ii- 5* 17, 60, 94, 95, 101, 

112, 113, 120, 124, 129, 132, 

136, 140, 155, 156, 192-3, 225, 
244, 248, 250, 258; iii. 343-4- 

Amantes Amentes, E.S. ii. 285. 

Amanuensis to playwright, E.S. iii. 

Ambassadors, E.S. i. 22-5, 204; iii. 
241, 243, 246, 277, 280, 283, 
376, 380, 382, 384, 385, 386, 
389, 390; iv. 63, 77, 79, 81, 84, 
87, 96, 98, 100, 118, 119, 120; 
their precedence, problem of, E.S. 
i. 25, 204; iii. 243, 244, 246, 280, 
281, 283, 376, 377, 380, 381, 
382, 384, 385, 389, 390. 

Amends for Ladies, E.S. ii. 190, 245, 

259'4735'iii- 2 97 3*3; iv. 393; 

W.S. i. 382. 
Amerie, Robert, E.S. i. 135 ; iii. 210; 

iv. 71. 

Amersham (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 81, 107. 
Amesbury (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Aminta, E.S. ii. 262; iii. 317. 
Amphibious sections, WS. i. 266. 

See Metre. 

Amphitruo, E.S. iii. 4, 5 ; W.S. i. 3 1 1. 
'Amphitryo', E.S. ii. 286; iii. 345. 
Ampthill (Beds.), E.S. iv. 120, 126. 
Amyot, Jacques, W.S. i. 401. 
Anabaptists, E.S. iv. 29. 
Anapaestic feet, W.S. i. 261. See 


Anderson, player ?, E.S. ii. 159. 
Andover (Hants), E.S. iv. 128, 130. 
Andreae, Joannes Valentinus, E.S. i. 


Andrewe, Henry, player, E.S. ii. 299. 
Andrewes, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 

222, 299. 

Andria, E.S. iii. 7. 

Andria (Bernard), E.S. iii. 236; iv. 

3 8 ?- 
Andria (Kyffin), E.S. iii. 398; iv. 


Androwes, George, Whitefriars les- 
see, E.S. ii. 65, 67, 299, 516. 

'Ang/ia', E.S. ii. 277. 

Anglorum Feriae (tilt), E.S. iii. 212, 
268, 463. 


Anhalt-Cothen, Louis Prince of, E.S. 
ii. 360, 412. 

Animals on stage, E.S. i. 372; iii. 75. 

Ankerwyke (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 82. 

''Annabella eines Hertzogen Techier 
von Ferrari , E.S. ii. 284, 286; 
iii. 432. 

Anne of Denmark, Queen, her men, 
E.S. i. 12, 302; ii. 22540; W.S. 
i. 51, 95; ii. 342; warrant to 
players from, E.S. ii. 234. men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 6, 12, 115, 121, 

122, 126, 130, 167, 170, 174, 

I77> I97> I99> 2 4> 212, 215, 

216, 218, 303, 304, 325, 326; 

ii. 51, 69, 220, 265, 556; iii. 241, 

244, 278, 281, 282, 375, 380, 

383* 384> 386, 387, 392, 399; 

iv. 58, 116, 117, 122, 125, 128, 

183; W.S. i. 238, 414; ii. 332. 

See Bristol, Children of; Progresses. 
Annus Recurrent. See Fertumnus. 
Anonymous work, E.S. iv. 1-74; 

plays, E.S. 15 5 ; masks, E.S. 5 5 

60; receptions and entertainments, 

E.S. 60-74. 
Ansell, Richard, mat-layer, E.S. iii. 


Ansley. See Harvey. 
Anticipations and recollections, W.S. 

i. 157, 281, 299, 342, 39 I 4i5> 


Antick dance, E.S. iii. 385. 
Antick play, E.S. iii % 502; iv. roi, 

Antigone, E.S. iii. 506; iv. 234, 246, 

Antimask, E.S. i. 183, 187, 193, 194, 

200; iii. 381, 383,^385, 386; 

*Antemasque', E.S. i. 194; iii. 

261, 281 ; iv. 59; *Anticke-maske', 

E.S. i. 194; iii. 244; iv. 59. See 


Antipoe, E.S. iii. 503 ; iv. 373, 404. 
'Antonie and Cleopatra', W.S. i. 

Antonio and Mellida, notice of, E.S. 

iii. 429; mentioned, E.S. iii. 79, 

131, 132, 169, 196, 256; iv. 387; 
W.S. i. 107. 

Antonio of Portugal, WS. i. 372. 

Antonio's Revenge. See Antonio and 

Antony, E.S. iii. 337; iv. 383. 

Antony and Cleopatra, discussed, E.S. 
iii. 488; W.S. i. 477-8; biblio- 
graphy, W.S. i. 477; temper of, 
W.S. i. 86; mislineations, WS. i. 
183, 184, 477; date, E.S. ii. 213; 
iii. 220; W.S. i. 250, 477; stage- 
directions, W.S. i. 477; printing 
of, E.S. iii. 189; W.S. i. 140; 
staging of, E.S. iii. 115, 121, 124; 
mentioned, E.S. iii. 275; iv. 391, 

'Antony and F'alia', E.S. ii. 147; 

iii. 301, 436; iv. 397, 398. 
Ap John, Owen, playwright?, E.S. 

iii. 457- 

Ape- and pony-baiting, E.S. ii. 454. 
Apethorpe (Northants), E.S. iv. 83, 

116, 120, 124, 126, 129. 
Afhrodysial) E.S.i. 22o;iii. 132, 137, 

464; iv. 404. 
Apileutter, Christopher, player, E.S. 

ii. 290, 299. 
Apius and Virginia (R. B.), E.S. ii. 

32, 303; iii. 23, 236, 311; iv. 3, 


Apostrophes, JF.S. i. 188, 488. 
Apparel of players, E.S. i. 348, 352, 

358, 362, 365, 371, 372; ii. 26, 

27, 35, 86, 131, 168, 184, 185, 

215, 228, 243, 245, 248, 254, 

25 6 > 3 6 5> 4 T 95 ^ 3 10 ? iv - X 99> 

204, 217, 237, 240, 241, 304. 
Apparelling charges, E.S. i. 63. 
Appian, PKS. i. 401, 478. 
Appius and Virginia (Webster), E.S. 

iii. 508; iv. 396. 
Appleton, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 338. 
Apprentices, plays by, E.S. iii. 493, 

Apprentices to players, E.S. i. 371; 

ii. 154, 176, 212; W.S* i. 82; 

ii. 82-6. 


Approach scenes, E.S. iii. 90. 

Apuleius, W.S. i. 362, 487. 

Aquatic shows, E.S. i. 123, 138, 139. 

Ara Fortunae. See Christmas Prince. 

Arabia Sitiens, E.S. iii. 464; iv. 404. 

Aragon, Katharine of, E.S. i. 151; 
ii. 28. 

Arbaces, W.S. ii. 251. 

Arbori, E.S. iv. 362. 

Arbours, E.S. iii. 55, 89. 

Arcadia Reformed. See Queen's Ar- 

'Arcadian Vir&tf, E.S. ii. 173; iii. 
266, 335. 

Archer, Edward, stationer, W.S. i. 


Archer, Francis, E.S. iii. 419. 
Archer, Richard, vide Arkinstall, 

player, E.S. ii. 299. 
Archer ? (Arzschar, Ertzer), Robert, 

player, E.S. ii. 291, 299. 
Archer, Thomas, printer, E.S. iii. 

Archery, E.S. i. 139, 290; ii. 404; 

iv. 294, 295. 
Arches of Triumph. See Coronation 


Archtyropheta, E.S. iii. 31. 
Arden, Robert, W.S. i. n, 12; ii. 

18-32, 35-41. 

Arden, Thomas, W.S. ii. 30-2. 
Aiden family, E.S. i. 350; W.S.i. 12; 

ii. 28-32, 39. 
Arden of Faversham, notice of, E.S. 

iv. 3; mentioned, E.S. ii. 108; iii. 

51, 59, 69, 99, 395, 518; iv. 382; 

0^- *-53>5S> 3i>538. 
Ardern Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 103. 
Aremberg, Jean de Ligne, count of, 

E.S. i. 25; iv. 170. 
Argyll, Anne, Lady, E.S. ii. 317. 
'Ariodante and Genevora*, E.S. ii. 76; 

iv. 99, 159; #T. 1.388. 
Ariosto, Ludovico, E.S. iii. 8, 321, 

329; /3K. 1.388. 
Aristophanes, E.S. i. 240, 295. 
Aristotle, E.S. i. 240, 254; W.S. i. 


Arkinstall, John, player, E.S. ii. 299. 

Arlecchino, E.S. ii. 264. 

Armada, the, E.S. i. 5, 18, 94, 120, 
125; iii- 327, 328, 329, 460, 465; 
iv. 18,24,43. 

Armada day, E.S. i. 22. 

Armigeri, WS.ii. 31. 

Armin, Robert, player and play- 
wright, career of, E.S. ii. 299; 
iii. 210, 297, 371, 51 3; mentioned 
E.S. ii. 203, 208, 211, 215, 218, 
2i9>339403;iv. 51; WS.i.-j^, 

83, 4i i, 443 ; 73-9' 378, 387- 
See Two Maids of Moreclacke. 
Armoury, office of, E.S. i. 49; iii. 

Arms of players, E.S. i. 350; ii. 98, 

35> 333- 
Armstrong, Archie, court fool, E.S. 

i. 53- 
Arnold, John, yeoman of revels, E.S. 

i. 79, 83, 86. 
'Arraignment ofLondon\ E.S. i. 375; 

ii. 253; iii. 35, 272; W.B. i. 211. 
Arraignment of Paris, notice of, E.S. 

iii. 459; mentioned, E.S. i. 190, 

226; ii. 36, 40; iii. 35, 178; iv. 

236, 382; W.S.i. 53, 268, 537. 
Arras, E.S. iii. 80, 1 1 1, 1 33 ; iv. 367. 
Arthur and Round Table Show, E.S. 

i. 139; iv. 102. 

'Arthur, King, E.S. ii. 166; iii. 333. 
Arthur, Prince, E.S. i. 151; ii. 28. 
Arthur, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 81, 

300; PP.S, ii. 84. 
Articles of players, E.S. i. 352, 364 

5> 3795 2- 45> *5> HI> H5> 247, 


Artington. toLoseley. 
Arundel (title). See Fitzalan, 


Arundel, Matthew, E.S. iv. 14. 
Arundel's men, E.S. ii. 116. 
'As Plain as can Be\ E.S. iv. 84, 144. 
As Tou Like It, discussed, E.S. iii, 

486; WS. i. 402-4; text, IKS. i. 

402; bibliography, W.S. i. 402; 

Jonson satirized in, W.S. i. 72; 


assembling, W.S. i. 154; inter- 
polations, W.S. i. 1 66; verse- 
fossils, W.S. i. 233; spectacle, E.S. 
i. 1 86; fKS. i. 235; censorship, 
W.S. i. 241, 403; date, E.S. ii. 
204; W.&. i. 248, 402; title of, 
W$. i. 272; Shakespeare as 
'Adam' in, W.S.i. 84; ii. 278, 289; 
'stay 7 of, W.S. i. 145; revision 
theories, W.$. i. 403 ; source, W.B. 
i. 404; performances, E.S. ii. 209; 
iv. 117; W.B. i. 76; ii. 329; staging 
of, E.S. iii. 107, 123; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 6, 296; iii. 190; iv. 386, 
394; W.B. ii. 390. 

Asbies (Warwick), PP.S. i. 1 2 ; ii. 3 5-9. 

Ascham, Roger, on plays, E.S. i. 239; 
iv. 191. 

Ashborne, Edward, player, W.S. ii. 

Ashby, Castle (Northants), E.S. iv. 
120, 124, 126. 

Ashby de la Zouch (Leics.), E.S. 
i. 174; iii. 434; iv. 1 16. 

Ashby Entertainment, E.S. iii. 434; 
iv. 406. 

Ashdon (Essex), E.S. iv. 95. 

Asheby, William, E.S. ii. in, 266. 

Asheton, Roger, E.S. ii. in, 266, 


Ashley, Sir Anthony, clerk of privy 

council, E.S. ii. 41 1, 5 17. 
Ashley or Astley (b. Champernowne), 

Catherine, mistress of robes, E.S. 

Ashley, or Astley, Sir John, master of 

revels, E.S. i. 104; iii. 241, 378; 

W.8. i. 99, 100, 130. 
Ashton, Thomas, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 210. 

Asinana, E.S. iii. 5. 
Aske, James, E.S. iii. 21 1 ; iv. 65. 
Askewe, Anne, Lady, E.S. iv. 99. 
Aspinall, Alex., W.B. i. 10. 
Aspley, William, stationer, E.S. iii. 

189; W.B.\. 131, 1*38. 
Assaults in masks, E.S. i. 151, 154, 


Assembling of texts, E.S. iii. 185, 
194; W.S. i. 153-5, J 66, 36> 329, 
370, 402, 429, 430, 453, 488. 
Bee Play-texts, Reported plays. 

Associations of players, E.S. i. 352; 
ii, 3. 

Astley (Worcs.), fKS. ii. 128. 

Aston, Sir Walter, E.S. iii. 221, 306. 

Aston Cantlow (Warwick), W.B. ii. 
30. tf^Wilmcote. 

Astree, E.S. iii. 228, 

Astringer, W.B. i. 450. 

AstrohgO) E.S. iii. 499. 

Atalanta, E.S. iv. 373. 

Atchelow, Thomas, E.S. iii. 211; 
iv. 236. 

Atheist's Tragedy, E.S. iii. 499; iv. 

42, 39*- 

Atkins, John, W.B. ii. 57. 
Atkinson, Christopher, E.S. iii. 507, 
Atkyns, Mr., Secondary of the 

compter, E.S. iv. 261. 
Atmospheric phenomena on stage, 

E.S. iii. 76, no; iv. 248. See 

Staging, Thunder. 
Attacks on plays. &?* Ethics. 
Attendants in playhouses, E.S. i. 371 ; 

ii. 1 50, 1 87, 541. 
Attewell. tf^rOttewell. 
Aubigny (tide). See Stuart. 
Aubrey, John, E.S. ii. 197, 401; 

iii- 399> 4> 4^4; && i I2 s^-* 

Aubrey, William, master of requests, 
E.S. iv. 105, 106. 

Auchternouty, dancer, E.S. iii. 388. 

Audit, E.S. i. 58-62; iv. 131. 

Auditorium. See Court plays, Play- 

Auditory errors, W.S* . 157, 171, 
1 80. 

Audley, John, WS.i. 15. 

Audley, Richard, E.S. iv. 85. 

Audley End (Essex), E.S. i. 75; iv. 
87, 95, 129. 

Augmentations, court of, E.S. i. 60. 

Augusten, William, player, E.S. ii. 



Aulaeum, .8. i. i8r; iii. n. 
Aulularia, .8. i. 127. 
Aumont, Marshal de, W.S. i. 338. 
Austen, Thomas, .8. ii. 499. 
Austin, William, .8. iii. 287. 
Authenticity, problem of, W.S. i. 


Authors as editors, .8. iii. 198. 
Autograph plays. See Originals. 
'Ave, Csesar', .8. iv. 10; W.B. i. 

Aveley (Essex), .8. iv. 103. 

Avenon, Sir Alexander, .8. i. 136. 
Averie, Margery, .8. iv, 95. 
Avington (Berks.), .8. iv. 107. 
Awdeley, Sampson, printer, .8. iii, 


Aylesbury (Bucks.), .8. iv. 117. 
Aylmer, John, bishop of London, 

.S.ii. no;iv. 229. 
Aynsworth, John, player, .8. ii. 301. 
Ayrer, Jacob, .8. i. 344; ii. 271; 

iii. 396, 418, 462; fKS. i. 388, 



B.,C. (1614), JKS.ii. 219. 

B.,R.(i594), W- 2.190- 

Babington, Gervase, on plays, .8. 
i. 254; iv. 225. 

Baboons, E.S. iii. 215, 234, 261, 
369; iv. ii, 16,254. 

Eacchldes, E.B. iii. 5. 

Backcloths, .8. i. 184; iii. 129, 154. 

Backhouse, Nicholas, E.S. iv. 85. 

Bacon, Anne (b. BlackweU), W.S. ii. 

Bacon (b. Cooke), Anne, Lady, .8. 
i. 264; ii. 381; iii. 2ii;iv. 56. 

Bacon, Anthony, .8. i. 65; ii. 381; 
iii. 2 n; iv. 56. 

Bacon, Sir Edmund, .8. ii. 419; 
iii. 496. 

Bacon, Sir Francis, career and drama- 
tic activities, .S. iii. 211-14, 
348; and masks, E.S. i. 174, 199, 
203, 21 1 ; iii. 234, 235; iv. 56, 
59; and Essex, .$. i. 145; JKS. 
ii. 326; and watermen, E.S. ii. 
371; and Marprelate controversy, 
.S. i. 294; and Isle of Dogs, .$. 
iii. 454; on surreptitious printing, 
E.S. iii. 187; mentioned, WS. i. 
444; ii. 196,221,327. 

Bacon, Mathias, W.S. ii. 159-69. 

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, lord keeper of 
the seals, .S. i. no, 115, 117* 
ii. 33;iv. 88, 93. 

Baddesley Clinton (Warwick), 

Shakespeares of, W.8. ii. 26. 
Baden, margrave of, .8. i. 334. 
Badger, John, .$. iii. 214; iv. 61. 
Badger, Sir Thomas, .$. iii. 241, 

Badges of players, E.S. L 311, 382; 

ii. 81,91; ^y.i.45. 
Badius Ascensius, Jodocus, .8. iii. 


Badius, Conrad, .$. i. 249. 
Bagley, Edward, JKS. ii. 7, 164, 180, 

Bagshot (Surrey), .8. iv. 78, 82, 83, 

84, 85, 90, 100, 106, 125, 130. 
'Baggr Seneca*, .8. iv. 398. 
Baheire, Robert, .8. iv. 320. 
BaTf, Jean de, .8. iii. 13. 
Baile, Steven, groom of revels, .8. 

i. 100. 

Baines, Richard, .8. iii. 419. 
Baker, Daniel, PKS. ii. 103-5, I22 - 
Baker, Harry, player, .8. ii. 301; 

iii. 453. 

Baker, Richard, .8. iv. 89. 
Baker, Sir Richard, E.8. ii. 308. 
Balam, Chr., .8. iv. 32. 
Balancing of pairs, W.S. i. 254. 
Baldwin, William, .8. ii. 82-3. 
Bale, John, .8. i. 241 sq., iii. 28; 

WS. i. 448. 
Bales, Peter, W3. i. 161. 


Balet Comlque de la Royne, E.S. i. 

176, 192; iii. 15. 
Ball. See The Ball. 
Ball, Cutting, E.S. iii. 324. 
Ballads, E.S. ii. 420; iii. 423, 424, 

444, 463, 469, 476, 505, 518; 

iv. ri, 44, 62, 69; W.8. i. 314, 

321; ii. 391, 393. 
Ballet, in France, E.S. i. 176. 
Ballet de Monseigneur le Due de 

Pandosme, 1610, E.S. i. 199. 
Ballowe, William, E.S. iii. 318. 
Balsall (Warwick), IKS. ii. 355. 
Bame. See Baines. 
Banaster, Gilbert, master of chapel, 

E.S.ii. 27, 28, 301. 
Banbury (title). See Knollys. 
Bancroft, Richard, bishop of London, 

W.8. i. 33; archbishop of Canter- 
bury, E.S. iii. 168; iv. 229. 
Bancroft, Thomas, W.S. ii. 373. 
Band, Cuff and Ruff. See Ruff, Cuff 

and Band. 
Bandello, Matteo, W.S. i. 346, 387, 

407, 518. 

Banister, William, E.S. ii. 507. 
Banks, John, horse-trainer, E.S. ii. 

383; iii. 279; /F.&L335. 
Banquet of Jeasts, W.S. ii. 239. 
Banqueting houses, E.S. i. 15-17, 

74, 80, 84, 90, 1 1 6, 157, 202, 

205, 208, 216; iii. 401. 
Banquets after masks, E.S. i. 206; 

iii. 235, 280, 283, 376. 
'Barabas, Juden von Malta', E.S. iii. 


Barbarigo, Gregorio, Venetian am- 
bassador, E.S. i. 25. 
Barbaturiae, E.S. i. 152, 192. 
Barber, Thomas, W.S. ii. 143, 149. 
Bardolfe, George, W.S. i. 25, 396. 
Barfield, Roger, player, E.S. ii. 235, 


Barham Hall (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 95. 
Barjona, Laurentius, E.S. iv. 31. 
Barker family, WS. ii. 118-27. 
Barker, Robert, printer, E.S. ii. 506. 
Barker, W., E.S. iii. 311. 

Barker, vide Arkinstall, player, E.S. 

ii. 301. 
Barksted (Backsted), William, player, 

E.8. ii. 59, 60, 67, 245, 247, 251, 

301 ; iii. 214, 223, 370, 417, 433 5 

W.S. i. 453 ;ii. 216. 
Barley, William, stationer, E.S. iv. 

6 5- 
Barlow, William, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 1 68; iv. 121. 
Barn Elms (Surrey), E.S. iv. 94, 99, 

IOT, 102, 104, 109. 
Barnard, John, clerk comptroller of 

tents and revels, E.S. i. 73; ii. 


Barnardiston, Thomas, E.S. iv. 95. 
'Barnardo and Fiammettd*, E.S. ii. 

Barne, William, player, E.S. ii. 177, 


Barne, Sir George, E.S. iv. 305. 
Barnes, Barnabe, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 214, 464; WS. i. 479, &*> 


Barnes, John, E.S. iv. 310, 322. 
Barnes, Joshua, WS. i. 20; ii. 257. 
Barnet (Herts.), E.S. iv. 92, 93, 102. 
Barnfield, Richard, W.S. i. 548; ii. 

190, 195. 
Barnstaple (Devon), players at, WS. 

" 333 3345 pkys at, E.S. ii. 


Barrett, Edward, E.S. iv. 103. 
Barriers, E.S. i. 19, 140, 166, 173, 

180, 232; iii. 378, 385, 393; iv. 

57, 64, 77, 82, 86, 87, 96, 98, 

109, 114, 120, 124; in play, 

E.S. i. 232; in show, E.S. iii. 501. 
Barrington, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 93, 


Barrose, John, fencer, E.S. m. 359. 
Barry, David (Lord), player and 

dramatist, E.S. ii. 65, 66, 301; 

iii. 215. 

Barry, Leonard, E.S. iii. 388. 
Barston (Warwick), W.B. ii. 367. 
Bartholomew Fair, notice of, E.S. iii. 

372; mentioned, E.S. i. 234, 262, 



320; ii. 109, 258, 308, 316, 469, 
534; iii. 106, 123, 227, 314; iv. 
33, 42, 130, 183, 395; W.S. i. 
103, 108, 489, 513, 530; ii. 206. 

'Bartholomew Fairing* 9 E.S. iv. 398. 

Bartle, , player, E.S. ii. 301. 

Bartlett, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 104, 

Barton, Onesiphorus, pkyer, E.S. 
ii. 301. 

Barton-on-the-Heath (Barton Hen- 
marsh) (Warwick), W.S. 1.25,328; 

ii- 35-9- 
Bashe, Edward, E.S. iv. 87, 93, 94. 

Basil, Simon, surveyor of works, E.S. 

i. 1 80. 
Basing (Hants), E.S. 1.117; iv,78, 8 5, 

106, 114,117,122,123, 128,130. 
Basingstoke (Hants), E.S. i. 167. 
Baskervile, Francis, E.S. ii. 237. 
Baskervile, James, E.S. ii. 237. 
Baskervile, Susanna, E.S. ii. 236, 

2 37> 2 38' See Greene, Susanna. 
Basse, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 236, 

238, 240, 247, 251, 301; iii. 227. 
Basse, William, poet, W.S. i. 557; ii. 


Bastead (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Batenhall Park (Worcs.), E.S. iv. 92, 
Bath(Som.), E.S.i. 12,122, 334; iv. 

90,128; ^.11.307,314,321,328. 
Battersea (Surrey), E.S. iv. 109. 
'Battle of Affliction*, E.S. iv. 398. 
Battle of Alcazar* E.S. ii. 122, 126, 

I39 M-7, 175 5 ft- S 1 *^^ 1 ' I2 7> 

4595 iv. 5, 384, 406; W.S. i. 53, 

123, 317. 

'Battle ofEvesham\ E.S. iii. 214. 
'Battle ofHexham\ E.S. iii. 214. 
Battle scenes, E.S. iii. 52, 72, 106. 
Battlements in court plays, E.S. i. 

231; iii. 44, 91, 96; iv. 28. 
Bavande, William, on plays, E.S. i. 

237; iv. 190. 

Bawdewin, Thomas, E.S. ii. 301. 
'Baxter's Tragedy 9 , E.S. ii. 179. 
Baxter, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 43, 

2 4 8 > 2 5 J > 3*> iii- 3^3. 
Baylye, Paul's boy, E.S. ii. 302. 

Baylye, Thomas, pkyer, E.S. ii. 301 , 
Beachampton (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 88. 
Beale, Robert, E.S. iii. 455. 
Beam on Paul's stage, E.S. iii. 136, 


Bean, king of the, E.S. i. 19; iv. 82. 
Bear-baiting, E.S. i. 123, 290, 302, 

3595 " 355 363, 375 4". 

449-71; days for, E.S. i. 316; 

ii. 257, 258, 471; iv. 307. See 

Blind Bear. 
Bear-gardens, E.S. i. 364; ii. 376-9, 

'Bear a Brain', E.S. ii. 171; iii. 303; 

iv. 28. 

Beard, Thomas, E.S. iii. 419. 
Beards, E.S. ii. 105. 
Bearing down the Inn. See Cuck- 

qucans and Cuckolds Errant. 
Bears in masks, E.S. iii. 385, 388; 

in pkys, E.S. iv. 35. 
Bears, names of, E.S. ii. 457. 
Beart, Rudolph, player, E.S. ii. 291, 

Beauchamp family, of Warwick, W.S* 

ii. 26, 29, 32. 
Beaudesert (Staffs.), E.S. iv. 91- 

(Warwick), W.S. ii. 365. 
Beaulieu, Lambert de, musician, E.S. 

i- 177- 
Beaulieu (Hants), E.S. iv. 121, 122, 

123, 125, 128. 

Beaumont, comte de, French am- 
bassador, E.S. i. 24, 176, 204, 325 ; 
iii. 258, 281, 376. 

Beaumont, Francis, playwright, 
career and works, E.S. iii. 215 
35> 355> 3^8, 370, 372; relations 
with contemporaries: Drayton, 
E.S. iii. 216; Jonson, E.S. iii. 
216; W.S. ii. 208, 222; Fletcher, 
E.S. iii. 216, 217; W.S. i. 96, 
151, 210; Shakespeare, W.S. i. 
70, 219, 399, 486, 492; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 187, 193, 221; 
ii. 22, 213; iii. 510; iv. 127; 
W.S. i. 96, 221, 455, 484, 532, 
5575 & 74*167, 2 1 8, 



Beaumont, Francis (cont.). 

Plays: Captain, E.S. iii. 226; 
WS. ii. 74, 343; Coxcomb, .8. 
iii. 223.; Cupid's Revenge, E.S. 
iii. 225; Faithful Friends, E.S. 
iii. 232; W.S. i. 93, in, 116; 
Four Plays in One, E.S. iii. 231; 
W.S. i. 484; Honest Man's For- 
tune, E.S. iii, 227; W.S. i. 92, 
104, in, 116, 117, 151, 239, 
530; Inner Temple and Gray's 
Inn Mask, 1613, E.S. iii. 2335; 
W.S.i. 530; King and No King, 
E.S. iii. 225; 342, 343; 
Knight of Burning Pestle, E.S. 
iii. 220; W.S. i. 475 ; Love's Cure, 
E.S., iii. 231; iv. 395; Maid's 
Tragedy, E.S. iii. 224; WS. ii. 
343? Nightwalker, E.S. iii. 230; 
Philaster, E.S. iii. 222; W.S. i. 
213,485;^. 308; Scornful Lady, 
E.S. iii. 229; Ttierry and Theo- 
doret, E.S. iii. 230; Wit at 
Several Weapons, E.S. iii. 232; 
Woman Hater, E.S. iii. 219; Lost 
Play, E.S. iii. 233. 
See Fletcher, John; Jonson, Benja- 
min; Shakespeare, William; Two 
Noble Kinsmen. 

Beaumont, Sir Richard, E.S. iii. 


Beaumont' *s Mask, E.S. i. 173, 180, 

193, 198, 202, 207, 211. 
Beaurepaire (Hants), E.S. iv. 114. 
Beauty (mask), E.S.i. 173, 180, 182, 

184, 200, 201, 202, 207, 212; 

iii. 379; iv. 122. 
'Beauty and Housewifery' , E.S. i. 23 1 ; 

ii. 192 ;iv. 99, 159. 
Beauxlieux, Philibert de, of Geneva, 

E.S. i. 247. 
Becke, Mathew, sergeant of bears, 

E.S. ii. 450. 

Bedchamber, E.S. i. 14, 53. 
Bed-curtains, E.S. iii. 86, 112. 
Bed 'thrust out', E.S. iii. 113, 


Beddington (Surrey), E.S. iv. 84, 92, 

97 9 8 99 IOI > I02 > I0 5> Io6 > 
109, in, 112, 113, 116. 

Bedfont (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 107, 


Bedford (title). Bee Russell. 
Bedgebury (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Bedingfield, Anne, E.S. ii. 445. 
Bedney, Nicholas, E.S. ii. 441. 
Bedwyn (Wilts.), E.S. i. 85. 
'Beech's Tragedy*. See 'Thomas 

Beer, Nicholas, of Dartford, E.S. iv. 

Beeston, Christopher, player, career 

of, E.S. ii. 302; and Prince 

Charles's men, E.S. ii. 246; Queen 

Anne's men, E.S. i. 353; ii. 229, 

233* 236; Worcester's men, E.S. 

ii. 226; and fellow-players, W.S. ii. 

71-82; in actor lists, E.S. ii. 125, 

1 97 ; iii. 3 59 ; lawsuit v. Baskervile, 

E.S. ii. 2379; owner of Cockpit 

(Drury Lane), E.S. ii. 246, 259; 

iii. 217; on Shakespeare, W.S. ii. 

252; mentioned, E.S. i. 363; ii. 

134, 199, 212; iv. 250, 342, 344; 

W.S. i. 80, 136, 147. 
Beeston, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 229, 

Beeston, William, player, W.S. i. 

22, 85, 90, 101, 149; ii. 239, 


Beeston, , player, E.S. ii. 303. 
Beggars and Vagabonds, Act con- 

cerning punishment of, E.S. iv. 

260, 269, 336. 
Beggar's Bush, W.S. i. 93. 
'Behendig Dieff, E.S. ii. 286. 
Bel Savage playhouse, E.S. ii. 36, 

i9f 357> 3 82 5 iv. 204. 
Belgiojoso, Baldassarino da, E.S. i. 

176, 192, 197. 
Belhus (Essex), E.S. iv. 103. 
Believe as You List, E.S. i. 321; W.S. 

i. 92, 101, nosqq., 115, 118, 

121, 124, 152, 214; ii. 349. 
'Belin Dun\ E.S. ii. 141, 143, 148, 

168; iv. 403; W*S* ii. 319. 



Berkeley, George, 8th Lord, E.S. 
iii. 510. 

Berkeley, Henry, 7th Lord, E.S. i. 
115 ; ii. 103 ;iv. 90, 282; his men, 
E.S. i. 287; ii. 103; iv. 282. 

Berkeley, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 107 

Berkeley, Thomas, E.S. ii. 103, 194; 

/sw. 1.69, 358, 567- 

Berkeley's men, E.S. ii. 103. 
Berkshire (title). See Norris. 
Berkswell (Warwick), W.S. ii. 367. 
Bernard, Sir John, W.S. i. 90; ii. 13, 

46, 1 80, 269. 
Bernard, Richard, translator, E.S. iii. 


Berners, Anthony, E.S. iv. 96. 

Berthelet, Thomas, printer, E.S. iii. 

Bertie (b. Willoughby), Catherine, 
duchess of Suffolk, E.S. i. 108; 
ii. 2; iv. 83. 

Bertie, Peregrine, nth Lord Wil- 
loughby d'Eresby, E.S. ii. 440, 
500; iv. 326. 

Bertie, Richard, E.S. ii. 2. 

Bertie, Robert, I2th Lord Wil- 
loughby d'Eresby, E.S. iii. 246, 
377> 378. 

Berwick (Northumb.), E.S. iv. n6. 

Beschreibung der Reiss, &c., E.S. iv. 
73. See Marriage of Frederick 
and Elizabeth. 

Bestrafte Brudermord, WS. i. 4092 3 . 

Bethell, payee, E.S. i. 210; iii. 381. 

Bethnal Green (Middlesex), E.S. 

Bett, Henry, E.S. ii. 390, 397. 

Betterton, Thomas, player, as Ham- 
let, E.S. ii. 219; W.S.' 263, 268; 
as Henry VIII, E.S. ii. 329; 
W.S. ii. 264; mentioned, E.S. iii. 
490; W.S. i. 16, 107, 542; ii. 238, 
262, 271, 276, 277, 281, 285. 

Bettie, W., W.S. i. 363. 

Betts, Robert, E.S. ii. 316. 

Beverley (Yorks.), E.S. ii. 81, 83. 

Bevill (b. Knyvet), Frances, Lady, 
E.S. iii. 375. 

.S. iii. 183; iv. 398. 
Bell inn, E.S. ii. 357. 
Bell playhouse, E.S. ii. 381 ; iv. 296. 
Bell, John, bishop of Worcester, 

#f.ii. 130. 

Bell-ringers, I.S. i. 20; iv. 123, 127. 
Belleau, Remy, E.S. iii. 13. 
Belleforest, F. de, W.S. i. 387, 407, 


Bellenden, John, W.S. i. 475. 
Bellingham, Edward, E.S. iv. 277. 
'Bellman of London*, E.S. ii. 253; 

iii. 272. 

'Bellman of Paris', E.S. iii. 289, 304. 
Bellum Grammaticale, E.S. i. 129; 

iv. 238, 373, 395. 
Belott, Stephen, W.S. ii. 90-5. 
Belt, T., player, E.S. ii. 125, 303; 

WS. i. 44. 
Belvoir (Leics.), E.S. i. 1 1 8 ; iv. 1 16, 

126, 129; plays at, E.S. ii. 2. 
Bendish, Sir Thomas, W.S. ii. 159- 


Bendlowes, Sergeant, E.S. i. 107. 
'Bendo and RicJiardo\ E.S. ii. 122; 

W. ii. 308 sqq. 
Benedicte and Betteris. See Mr>{ 


Benefits, E.S. i. 370, 373; ii. 172. 
Benenden (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Benfield, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 218, 

219, 251, 303 (career of), 425, 

510; iii. 218, 223, 227, 510; W.S. 

i. 80; ii. 65-77, 348. 
Benger, Sir Thomas, master of 

revels, E.S. i. 75, 80, 88, 93, 223, 

3 19? "-72. 
Benson, John, stationer, W.S. i. 557; 

ii. 237. 
Bentley, John, player, E.S. ii. 105, 

106, 107, 303; iv. 240, 252, 296. 
Bentley, Thomas, IKS. ii. 98. 
Berden (Essex), E.S. iv. 95. 
Bereblock, Mr., E.S. iv. 113. 
Berkeley (Glos.), E.S. i. 1 1 5 ; iv. 90. 
Berkeley (b. Carey), Elizabeth, E.ti. 

ii. 194; iii. 272, 378; WM. i. 69, 

358, 567- 


Bevis, player, W.S. i. 363. 
Bewdley (Worcs.), pkyers at, W.S. 

Beza, Theodore, E.S. i. 245, 249; 

R. 322, 514. 

Bibbiena, Bernardo da, E.S. iii. 9, 13. 
Bibliography, 'critical', W.S. i. 225. 
Bicester (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 85. 
Biel (Behel), Jacob, pkyer. See 


Bienvenu, Jacques, E.S. i. 249. 
Bierdt, Burchard, player, E.S. ii. 

291, 303. 

Bill, John, printer, E.S. ii. 506. 
Bill, William, dean of Westminster, 

E.S. ii. 70. 
Billesley, W.S. ii. 46. 
Billingesley, Sir Henry, E.S. iv. 128. 
Billingesley, John, player, E.S. ii. 

6 973 33;i v - H 6 - 
Bills, -.. ii. 113, 514, 547; iii. 

126, 189, 373, 501; iv. 199, 205, 

228, 267, 283, 289, 303. 
Bindon. See Howard. 
Binfield (Berks.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Biographia Britannica, W.S. ii. 287. 
Biondi, G. F., E.S. iii. 242, 246. 
Birch, George, player, E.S. ii. 79, 

80, 82, 303; W.S. 11. 78. 
Birch, John, player, E.S. ii. 82, 303. 
Birch Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 88. 
Birck, Sixt, E.S. iv. 378. See Sapi- 

entia Solomonis. 

Bird, John, of Oxford, W.S. i. 573. 
Bird, Robert, W.S. i. 141. 
Bird, Theophilus, E.S. iii. 218. 
Bird, alias Borne, William, player, 

career of, E.S. ii. 303; mentioned, 

E.S.i. 133,356511.131, 151, 152, 

I53sq., 160, 175,176,177,186, 
187, 200, 202, 442, 443; iii. 236, 

423, 454, 472. 

Bird family of Bristol, W.S. i. 571. 
Birling (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Biron, dues de, W.S. i. 337. 
Biron, Armand, due de, W.S. i. 338. 
Biron, Charles, due de, E.S. i. 23; 
ii. 4565111. 257; iv. 1 5; ##.1.3 

Birrel, Robert, E.S. iv. 41. 

Birth, of Hercules, E.S. iv. 4, 373, 405. 

Birth of Merlin, E.S. ii. 145; iii. 

47451V. 397; 0^-i- 537-. 
Birthday of sovereign, E.S. i. 20. 
Bisham (Berks.), E.S. i. 124; iv. 66, 

85, 107, 120, 124, 127, 129. 
Bisham Entertainment, E.S. iv. 66. 
Bishop Auckland (Durham), E.S. 

iv. 1 1 6. 
Bishop, George, of Northiam, E.S. 

iv. 89. 

Bishop, Nichoks, E.S. ii. 392. 
Bishop, Sir William, WS. ii. 238, 

272, 276, 279, 292. 
Bishop's Cannings (Wilts.), E.S. i. 

127; iii. 312; iv. 128. 
Bishop's Itchington (Warwick), E.S. 

iv. 88. 
Bishop's Tachbrook (Warwick), W.S. 

ii. 366. 
Bishop's Waltham (Hants), E.S. iv. 


Bispham, William, E.S. iv. 320. 
Bizarus, Petnis, E.S. iii. 398. 
'i, 2 Black Bateman of the North 7 , 

E.S. ii. 162, 166; iii. 265, 302, 

308, 516. 
'Black Dick', player, E.S. ii. 150, 

'i, 2 Black Dog of Newgate', E.S. 

ii. 227; iii. 288, 333,494. 
'Black Joan 9 , E.S. ii. 132, 168. 
Black stages, E.S. iii. 79. 
Blackfriars, children of, E.S. i. 386; 

ii. 53-5>59; i*- 22 - 
Blackfriars gatehouse, W.S. i. 87; 

ii. 154-69. 
Blackfriars playhouse (1576), history 

of, E.S. ii. 495-7; mentioned, 

E.S.ii. 8, 22, 37, 39, 357; (1596) 

history of, E.S. ii. 503-15; 

staging at, E.S. iii. 130, 134, 145; 

Shakespeare's interest in, W.S. ii. 

62-71; performance at, W.S. ii. 

352; in forgeries, W.S. ii. 386-90; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 368, 369, 370; 

ii- 4* 44> 46> 48, 49> 5i> 54> 55 


57, 5 8 101, 195, 214, 245, 259, 

311, ,372, 425; iii. 103; iv. 335, 

345> 37i; MS- i- 77, 8 1, 149; 

200, 236; ii. 229, 327,348. 
Blackfriars, prior of, WS. ii. 165. 
Bkckfriars, residents of, .8. iv. 320. 
Blackness (mask), .8. i. 171, 179, 

180, 182, 196, 197, 198, 202, 

205, 206, 21 1 ; iii. 375; iv. 119, 

406; W.S. 1.453. 
'Blacksmith's Daughter , .8. ii. 

394; iv. 204. 

Blackwater (Hants), .8. iv. 100. 
Blackwell, William, .8. ii. 485- 
Blackwell family, WS.ii. 160, 165. 
Blackwood, Thomas, pkyer, .8. ii. 

226, 228, 280, 283, 303; iv. 20. 
Bkgrave, Thomas, clerk of tents and 

revels, acting master of revels, .8. 

' 73 79 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 

93, 99, 224; ii. 492, 499, 5> 

502; iii. 409; W.S. i. 99. 
Bkgrave, William, deputy master of 

revels, W.B. i. 99, 112; ii. 348. 
Bknden, Mr., .8. iv. 1 14. 
Bkney, John, player, .8. ii. 59, 236, 

237, 240, 303; iii. 370. 
Bknk, Margaret, Lady, .. iv. 106, 

Bknk, Sir Thomas, .8. i. 290; iv. 

Bknk, William Alexander, player, 

.8. ii. 292, 303. 
Bknk verse, evolution of, W.B. i. 

256; tables of, W.S. ii. 400-2, 

404, 405. See Metre. 
Bletsoe (Beds.), .8. iv. 83, 118, 

120, 123, 124, 126. 

Blind bear, whipping of, .8. ii. 456- 

8, 4^9* 
Blind Beggar of Alexandria, .8. 

11.144, 148, 168,33 5; iii. 52, 62, 

99, 169, 186, 251 ;iv. 385. 
Blind Beggar ofBethnal Green, .8. 

ii. 171, 178; iii. 266, 285, 336; 

iv. 396. 
'Blind eats many a Fly. 9 See 'The 


Blocking entries, WS. i, 146. 
Bloody Brother, W.S. i. 455, 557. 
Bloomson, Michael, of the revels, 

.8. i. 101. 

Blount, Charles, 8th Lord Mount- 
joy, earl of Devonshire, .8. i. 4, 

220; iii. 212, 276, 402. 
Blount, Sir Christopher, W.S. ii. 324. 
Blount, Edward, stationer, .8. iii. 

189; WS. i. 132, 135, 138, 142, 


Bliimel, Christopher, W.S. i. 375. 
Blunt family, W.B. ii. 132, 137. 
Blurt Master Constable, .8. ii. 21, 

523; iii. 142, 439; iv. 388. 
Blyth (Notts.), .8. iv. 116. 
Boaistuau, Pierre, W.S. i. 346. 
Board and cord game, E.S. i. 123. 
Boar's Head playhouse, history of, 

.8. ii. 443-5; mentioned, .8. 

i- 3 2 > 355; " IOI 22 5 2 3, 

242* 35 6 3$5> 3 68 > 374* 404; 

iv. 334> 33?- 
Boccaccio, Giovanni, W.S. i. 447, 

452, 487. 
Bochan, dancer, .8. i. 202; iii. 244, 


Bochetel, Jacques, .8. i. 24. 

Boddington (Glos.), .8. iv. 90. 

Bodenham, John, .8. iii. 332, 358; 
WS. ii. 211. 

Bodley, Sir John, .8. ii. 426, 429. 

Boece, Hector, W8. i. 475. 

Boiardo, Matteo, W.B. i. 484. 

Boice, Henry, .8. iv. 320. 

Boier, Simon, gentleman usher of 
chamber, .8. i. 108. 

Boiscot, ambassador, .8. iii. 243. 

Boissise, ThumeVy de, French am- 
bassador, .8. i. 24, 169. 

'Bold Beauchamps', .8. iii. 347. 

Bolderi, G., WS. i. 346. 

Bolton, Edmund, .8. iii. 355, 368, 
470; /##. ii. 225. 


Bonds of players, .8. i. 3 52 ; ii. 1 3 1, 

Bonduca, .8.u. 218; iii. 116, 117, 

228;iv.395; #f.i.92, 110,125, 

151; S. 75- 

Bonetti, Rocco, fencer, .. ii. 500-3. 
Bonham, John, E.S. iv. 90. 
Bonian, Richard, stationer, fKS. i. 

I33> HO- 

Bonner, Edmund, .. iii. 470. 
t 'Bonos Nochios\ E.S. iv, 391, 399. 
Book-keepers, E.S. i. 189; ii. 540; 

iii. 195 ; iv. 404; W.S. i. 79, 105-8. 

117-22, 153, 158, 236, 283, 299, 

36 323, 370, 386, 413, 502, 

530. See *Part'-savmg. 
Books, as stock of players, E.S. i. 

372; ii. 65, 161, i68;^iii. 193; 

used by prompter, E.S. i. 227; ii. 

540; provided for court audience, 

E.S. i. 227; ii. 72; iv. 378; 

describing masks, E.S. i. 207; ii. 

264; iii. 278, 381, 382; describing 

tilt, E.S. i. 145. See Originals; 

Books hawked in playhouses, E.S. ii. 

Booksellers, Commonwealth and 

Restoration, W.&. i. 207. 
Boone, William, player, E.8. ii. 303. 
Boreham (Essex), E.S. iv. 79, 96. 
Borgia, Lucrezia, E.S. iii. 4. 
Borne, William, vide Bird. 
Borough's men, W.S. ii. 316. 
Borrowings in reported plays, WS. 

i. 159,285, 325,421,429. 
'Boss of Billingsgate', E.S. ii. 180; 

iii. 288, 334. 

Boswell, James, W.$. ii. 293, 300. 
Bothwell, Francis Hepburn, 5th 

earl of, WS. i. 476. 
Bott, William, IKS. ii. 98. 
Botta, Bergonzio, E.S. i. 152. 
'Botzario ein Alt Romer*, E.S. ii. 284. 
'Bouche of court', E.S. i. 51. 
Boughton (Northants), E.S. iv. 81. 
Boughton Malherbe (Kent), E.S. iv. 


Bouillon, due de, E.S. i. 24; iv. 126. 
Bourbon, Francois de, dauphin of 

Auvergne, E.S. i. 22; iv. 64. 


*Bourbon\ E.S. ii. 132, 156, 167; 

iv. 50. 
Bourchier, Henry, ist earl of Essex, 

E.S. ii. 102. 
Bourke, John, 2nd Lord Bourke o, 

Connell, E.S. iii. 402. 
Bouset, Johan, player, E.S. ii. 275, 

276, 292. See Sackvile, Thomas. 
Bower, Richard, master of chapel 

and playwright, E.S. ii. 23, 31, 

3 2 > 38, 33? Si- 236; iv. 3, 6, 7. 
Bowes, Edward, E.S. ii* 451. 
Bowes, Henry, E.S. iv. 320. 
Bowes, Sir Jerome, E.S. i. 88; ii. 

506; iv. 276. 
Bowes, Ralph, master of Paris 

Garden, E.S. ii. 450, 486; iii. 

402; iv. 64. 
Bowes, Robert, treasurer of Berwick, 

E.S. ii. 266. 

Bowes, Thomas, E.S. ii. 451. 
Bowier, Mr., E.S. ^.323. 
Bowll, William, yeoman of chamber, 

deputy yeoman of revels, E.S. 

i. 79, 81, 86. 
Bowman, John, player, W.8. ii. 239, 

276, 279. 
Bowringe, Gregory, player, E.S. ii. 


Bowyer, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 388. 

Box, Edward, E.S. ii. 410. 

Boxes, E.S. ii, 5 3 1, 5 55 ; iii. 496. 

Boxholders, E.S. i. 356; ii. 187, 
388, 514, 532; iv. 228. 

Boxley (Kent), E.S. ii. 359. 

Boy-bishop, E.S. ii. i r, 70, 74. 

Boy companies, bibliography, E.S. 
ii. 1-3 ; list of, E.S. ii. 8; organiza- 
tion of, E.S. i. 378, 386; ii. 47; 
staging for, E.S. iii. 13054; 
history of, E.S. i. 187; ii. 8-76, 
88, roo-r, 119; mentioned, W.B. 
i. 32, 65, 77, 414. 

Boyd, Sergeant, E.S. iii. 388. 

Boys, in companies, W.S* i. 65, 79, 
95 359 4345 u. 79, 82-6 (see 
Commissions) ; in women's clothes, 
E.S. i. 248, 251, 254, 262, 362, 


371; iii. 373 ;iv. 217, 249, 252, 


Brabine, Thomas, E.S. iii. 325. 
Brabourne (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Bracciano, Orsino, duke of, E.S. i. 

222; W.B. i. 406. 
Brachygraph7, W.B.i. 161. 
Brackets, W.B. i. 114, 196, 439, 488. 
Brackyn, Francis, E.S. iii. 476. 
Bracon Ash (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Bradenham (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 83, 92. 
Bradley, Richard, E.S. ii. 441. 
Bradock, Richard, stationer, IKS. i. 


Bradshaw, Charles, E.S. ii. 495, 504. 
Bradshaw, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 

158, 33- 

Bradstreet, John, player, E.S. ii. 138, 
274, 275, 276, 277, 304; W.B. i. 

Brakinbury, Richard, E.S. iii. 403. 

Bramshott (Hants), E.S. iv. 106. 

Branch, John, E.S. iv. 95. 

Brand, Thomas, E.S. iv. 97, 99, 102, 

104, 107. 
Brandenburg, electors of, E.S. i. 342 ; 

ii. 279, 283, 288; players at court 

of, E.S. i. 342; ii. 288-92. 
Brandon, Samuel, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 236; ^9.1.383,478. 
' Brandy mer\ E.S. ii. 122; W.B. ii. 


'Branholf, E.S. ii. 132, 1 66; iii. 230. 
Brant6me, Pierre de Bourdeilles, 

Abb de, E.S. i. 159, 176, 199. 
Brasebridge, Rowland, E.S. iv. 63. 
Brassey, Mr., E.S. iv. 101. 
Brasted (Kent), E.S. i. 280. 
Brathwaite, Richard, E.S. ii. 320, 

3 27; iii. 502; WB.ii. 138. 
Brawls, E.$. i. 198; iii. 239. 
Bray (Berks.), E.S. iv. 86, 88, 92, 


Bray, Edward, E.S. iv. 97, 105. 
Braybrooke (Northants.), E.S.iv. 81. 
Braye, locksmith, E.S. ii. 388. 
Brayne, John, E.S. i. 287; ii. 380, 

387> 3975 iv. 278. 

Brayne, Margaret, E.S. ii. 389. 
Brazen Age, E.S. iii. 109, 345; iv. 

39 2 - 
Breckles (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 9$. 

Brend, Judith, E.S. ii. 431. 

Brend, Sir Matthew, E.S. ii. 374, 

Brend, Nicholas, E.S. ii. 415, 426; 

W.B. ii. 52-8. 
Brende, J., W.B. i. 363. 
'Brennus\ E.S. iii. 183; iv. 398. 
Brent Pelham (Herts.), E.S. iv. 87. 
Brentford (Middlesex), E.S. i. 388; 

iv. 100, 114. 

Brentwood (Essex), E.S. iv. 96. 
Bretin, Filbert, W.S. i. 484. 
Breton, John, W.B. ii. 223. 
Breton, Nicholas, E.S. iii. 236, 320, 

440; iv. 66; W.B. i. 461; ii. 194, 


Bretten, William, player, E.S. ii. 304. 
Breuning von Buchenback, John 

Jacob, W.B. i. 428. 
Brew, Anth., player, E.S. iii. 237. 
Brewe, Patrick, E.S. ii. 435. 
Brewer, Anthony, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 237, 436, 498. 
Brewer, Thomas, E.S. iii. 237. 
Brewster, Edward, W.B. i. 141. 
Brewyn, Ralph, E.S. ii. 441. 
Brian, Edward, E.S. ii. 447. 
Brickhill (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 84. 
Bride ale, E.S. i. 123. 
Bridges, John, dean of Salisbury, 

E.S. iv. 229. 
Bridges, John, yeoman of revels, 

E.S. i. 73;iv. 135. 
Bridgnorth (Salop), E.S. i. 335. 
Brigham, Mark, E.S. ii. 442. 
Brigham, Nicholas, E.S. iii. 349. 
Bright, Timothy, E.S. iii. 185; W.B. 

i. 159-61. 
Bristol (Glos.), E.S. i. 1 19, 120, 122, 

131* 139? " 6o > 68, 83; iv. 60, 

74, 8 1, 90, 128, 379; plays at, 

E.S. ii. i ; W.B. ii. 321 ; children of 

chamber of, E.S. i. 132, 304, 

386; ii. 68, 236. 


Bristol Entertainment (1574), E.S. 

\v. 60; (1613), E.S. iv. 74. 
'Bristol Tragedy\ E.S. ii. 179; iii. 

288, 304; iv. 12. 
Bristow, James, boy-player, E.S. ii. 

153, 154, 156, 176, 177, 186, 

304; #tf.ii. 83. 

'Bristow Merchant 1 , E.S. iii. 304. 
Britanniae Primitiae, E.S. iv. 374. 
Broad Hinton (Wilts.), E.S. i. 164. 
Broadlands (Hants), E.S. iv. 130. 
Brockett, John, E.S. iv. 88. 
Brockett Hall (Herts.), E.S. iv. 

Broelmannus, Stephanus, E.S. iii. 


Broke, Joan, E.S. ii. 443. 
Broke, Ralph, W.B. i. 293; ii. 24. 
Brome, R., WS. i. 229. 
Bromeham, player, E.S. ii. 304. 
Bromfield, Robert, mercer, E.S. ii. 


Bromley, Mr., E.S. iv. 115. 
Bromley, Sir Thomas, lord chan- 
cellor, E.S. i. 287; iv. 92, 100, 

279, 282, 296. 
Bromley, Thomas, E.S. ii. 334, 

Bromvill, Peter, tumbler, .. i. 300; 

11.413, 529; iv. 112, 329. 
Brooke (Rutland), E.S. iv. 126. 
Brooke, Mr., E.S.iv. 115. 
Brooke, Arthur, playwright, E.S. iii. 

237; iv. 378; WS. i. 346. 
Brooke, Christopher, E.S. iii. 262; 

W.S. ii. 219. 
Brooke (b. Howard), Frances, Lady 

Cobham, formerly Countess of 

Kildare, E.S. ii. 507: 
Brooke, George, gth Lord Cobham, 

E.S. ii. 476, 478, 485, 492-3- 
Brooke, George, E.S. i. 199. 
Brooke, Henry, nth Lord Cobham, 

lord warden of Cinque Ports, E.S. 

i. 220; ii. 507; iv. 37, 113; WB. 

i- 383> 433- 

Brooke, Ralph, E.S. iii. 198. 
Brooke, Samuel, playwright, career 

and works, E.S. iii. 238; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 131; iv. 373, 376, 

Brooke, William, loth Lord Cobham, 

lord warden of Cinque Ports, lord 

chamberlain, E.S. i. 40, 169, 268; 

ii. 196, 495, 507; iv. 77, 89; 

WS. i. 64, 383. 
Brooke. See Parr. 
Broughton. See Unton. 
Broughton (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 83. 
Brouncker, William, E.S. iv. 90. 
Browker, Hugh, E.S. ii. 413. 
Browne, serving man, E.S. iv. 297. 
Browne, player, E.S. ii. 304, 444. 
Browne, Anthony, ist Viscount 

Montague, E.S. i. in, 162-3; 

iii. 32i;iv. 65, 106. 
Browne, Anthony, E.S. i. 163; iii. 

Browne, Sir Anthony, judge, E.S. 

ii. 486. 
Browne, Sir Christopher, E.S. iv. 

88, 90, 92. 
Browne, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 

138, 177, 186, 222, 279, 304; 

8.i. 38. 

Browne, George, E.S. iv. 107. 
Browne, Henry, E.S. ii. 105. 
Browne, John, bearward, E.S. ii. 

Browne, John, player (Interluder), 

E.S. ii. 83, 304. 
Browne, John, player (Revels), E.S. 

ii- 55 304. 
Browne (b. Dormer), Mary, E.S. 

i. 163; iii. 322. 
Browne, Robert, pkyer, career of, 

E.S. ii. 304; mentioned, E.S. i. 

342, 35 r 354> 35 6 ? " S*> 7> 
137, 138, 150, 187,222, 236, 273, 
274, 277, 278, 280, 281, 284, 285, 
287, 445; "i- 289, 507; iv. 166; 
WS. i. 38, 39, 48. 

Browne, Thomas, Master of West- 
minster, E.S. ii. 69. 

Browne, Thomas, resident of Black- 
friars, E.S. iv. 320. 


Browne, Thomas, masker, E.S. i. 

Browne, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

238, 304. 
Browne, William, poet, E.S. i. 174; 

iii. 238. 

Browne, Wiston, E.S. iv. 87, 95. 
Browne. See Dormer, Petre, 


Brownsword, John, W.S* i. 10. 
Broxbourne (Herts.), E.S. iv. 91, 


Bruce, Lord, E.S. iii. 246. 
Bruce, Robert, E.S. ii. 267. 
Brudenell, Edmund, E.S. iv. 83. 
Brunkerd, Henry, E.S. iv. 64, 
Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, players at 

court of, E.S. i. 343; ii. 275-7. 
Brunswick-Wolfenbfittel, Henry Ju- 
lius, duke of, playwright, E.S. i. 

343, 344; ii. 275, 284; ^S.i-437- 
Bruskett, Thomas, E.S. ii. 503-5. 
'Brute Greenshield* . See 'Conquest of 

Bryan, Sir Francis, E.S. i. 43; ii. 

485; /ZTtf.ii. 165, 195, 
Bryan, George, player, career of, E.S 

ii. 304; mentioned, E.S. i. 45, 3 1 2 ; 

ii. 90, 123, 195, 198, 201, 219, 

272, 273 ; iv. 43, 165 ; W.S. i. 40, 

41, 44, 45, 48, 64, 79 ; ii. 77, 3 1 3, 

Brydges (b. Bray), Dorothy, Lady 

Chandos, afterwards Lady Knollys, 

E.S. iv. 115. 
Brydges (b. Clinton), Frances, Lady 

Chandos, E.S. iv. 90. 
Brydges, Giles, 3rd Lord Chandos, 

E.S. iv. 66, 92, 107. 
Brydges, Grey, 5th Lord Chandos, 

E.S. iii. 246, 394. 
Brydges, Henry, E.S. iv. 90. 
Brydges, Katharine, E.S. iii. 401. 
Brydges (b. Hopton), Mary, Lady 

Chandos, E.S. ii. 299; iii. 401. 
Brydges, William, 4th Lord Chan- 
dos, E.S. ii. 299. 
Biydges. See Kennedy. 

Bucer, Martin, on plays, E.S. i. 239, 

240; iv. 1 88. 
Buchanan, George, E.S. iii. 12, 514; 

iv. 246. 

Buchell, ArendVan,..<S.ii. 361, 526. 
Buck, Sir George, master of revels, 

career of, E.S. i. 46, 96-105, 320; 

ii. 68, 188, 231,^243,^247; iii. 

412; iv. 342; his activities as 

censor and reputed laxness, E.S. 

i. 319, 321, 322; ii. 216; iii. 224, 

225, 297, 488, 491, 496; iv. 45; 

W.S. i. 99, 104, 109, no, 116, 

242, 5 1 o, 5 3 6 ; reputed playwright, 

E.S. iii. 239; iv. 27; on brachy- 

graphy, E.S. iii. 185; W.S.i. 161; 

mentioned, E.S. iii. 170, 219; 

W.S. ii. 346, 347* 
Buck is a Thief. See The Buck. 
Buckden (Hunts.), play at, W.S. ^.349. 
Bucke, Paul, player, E.S. ii. 304; 

iii. 515. 
Buckeridge, John, president of St. 

John's, Oxford, E.S. iii. 168; iv. 


Buckholt, Harman, Blackfriars resi- 
dent, E.S. iv. 320. 
Buckhurst (title). See Sackville. 
Buckingham (title). See Sheffield, 


Buckingham, E.S. iv. 84. 
'Buckingham', E.S. ii. 95, 130, 202, 

217; WS. i. 61, 303, 497; ii. 317. 
Buckle, Sir Cuthbert, E.S. iv. 314. 
Buckley, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 1 1 5. 
Buckner, William, E.S. iii. 192. 
Buckstead, William, E.S. iii. 214. 
Budbrooke (Warwick), WS. ii. 150, 

365; Shakespeares of, W.S. ii. 13, 

Bugbears, E.S. ii. 14; iii. 28, 351; 

iv. 405. 

Bugby, John, player, E.S. ii. 305. 
Buggin, Edward, clerk comptroller 

of tents and revels, E.S. i. 79, 82, 

83> 84; 86, 91, 96, 213, 224. 
Bull-baiting, E.S. ii. 355, 449, 



Bull inn, E.S. ii. 380. 

Bull, John, player, E.S. ii. 40, 305. 

Bull, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 272, 

305; W.S. i. 40. 

Bullen, Anne, E.S. i. 43, 135, 155. 
Bullettini (tickets), .S. ii. 522; iii. 


Bulley Hill (Kent), E.S. iv. 89, 99. 
Burbadge, Cuthbert, E.S. ii. 203, 

213, 306, 307, 313, 317, 322, 

3 8 4> 389* 39 2 > 4i7, 425* 5 IQ 5 
W.S. ii. 58-66. 

Burbadge, James, pkyer, career of, 
E.S. ii. 305-6; his building enter- 
prises: The Theatre playhouse, 
E.S. i. 287, 349; ii. 89, 1 08, 136, 
357, 380, 383-400 (history of and 
litigation about); W.S. i. 31, 41-4, 
51; Blackfriars playhouse (1596), 
E.S. ii. 41, 360, 479, 53> 54> 
508, 512; iii. 103, 130, 145; iv. 
319; attitude to sharers, E.S. i. 
355,356,358; mentioned, E.S.i. 
360, 368; ii. 36, 45, 49, 86, 87, 
138, 195; iv. 278. 

Burbadge, Richard, pkyer, career of, 
E.S. ii. 306-10; his parts, E.S. 
i. 134, 139; iii. 510; iv. 72; W.S. 
i- 83, 303, 413, 462; ii. 212; 
praised as an actor, E.S. iv. 370, 
371; playing in Lent, E.S. iv. 
342; as character in Parnassus, 
E.S. ii. 207; iv. 40; W.S. i. 72; 
in actor-lists, E.S. iii. 226, 228, 

229* 3 59 36i, 3$7> S^S, 371, 372; 
in 'plots', E.S. ii. 136; W.S. i. 44; 
in forgeries, WS.u. 387, 388, 390; 
relations with playing companies, 
E.S. ii. 120, 126, 194, 208, 210, 
211, 213, 215, 216 sq.; W.S. i. 
48, 64, 79; as payee, E.S. iv. 150, 
164, 168; W.S. ii. 319; sharer in 
Blackfriars, E.S. ii. 41, 59, 508; 
iv. 319; W.S. ii. 62-80; in Globe, 
E.S. i. 356, 357, 358, 360, 368; 
ii. 203, 417; W.S. ii. 52-62; in 
Theatre, E.S. ii. 384, 398-9; 
relations with Shakespeare, E.S. i. 

148; ii. 308, 309; W.S.i. 64, 89; 

his finances, E.S. i. 349; as a 

painter, E.S. ii. 309; W.S. i. 87; 

ii. 153, 213, 241; in assault, E.S. 

ii. 392; W.S. i. 42; mentioned, 

E.S. i. 363; ii. 419; W.S. L 413, 

ii. 262, 343. 
Burbadge, William, of Stratford, 

W.S. ii. 33. 
Burby, Cuthbert, stationer, E.S. ii. 

306; iii. 188, 189; W.S. i. 131; 

ii. 193. 

Burderhope (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Burford (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Burges, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 310. 
Burgess, Sir James, W.S. ii. 300. 
Burgh, Sir John, E.S. ii. 361. 
Burgh, Nicholas, W.S. ii. 246. 
Burgh, Thomas, 5th Lord Burgh, 

Lord Deputy of Ireland, E.S. iv. 

101, no. 

Burghfield (Berks.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Burghley (title). See Cecil. 
Burghley (Northants.), E.S. iv. 116. 
Burgram (Bingham), John, E.S. iu 

417, 432. 
Burley on the Hill (Rutland), E.S. 

iv. 116, 129. 
Burnaby, Thomas, E.S. ii. 45 1, 464- 

Burnell, Mr., secondary of the 

compter, E.S. iv. 261. 
Burning of pkyhouses, E.S. ii. 419, 

Burre, Walter, printer, E.S. iii. 1 89, 


Burrough, Mrs., E.S. iii. 401. 
Burt, Thomas, E.S. ii. 416, 433. 
Burton, Robert, E.S. i. 130; W.S. 

i. 530. 

Bury Fair, E.S. iii. 314. 
Bury St. Edmunds (Suffolk), E.S. 

iv. 95. 
Busby, John, stationer, E.S. iii. 189, 

191; W.S. i. 130, 132. 
Busino, Orazio, almoner to Venetian 

ambassador, E.S. i. 202; iii. 510. 
Bushmead (Beds.), E.S. iv. 83. 



Busshell, Edward, JK8. ii. 324. 
Bussy d'Ambois, discussed, E.S. iii. 

253; mentioned, E.S. ii. 20, 22, 

50, 60, 317; iii. 132, 142, 196; 

iv. 390; W.B. 1.213, 478. 
Bust, Henry, E.S. iii. 318. 
Butchers' Company, E.S. ii. 459. 
Butler, Sir John, E.S. iv. 91. 
Butler, Sir Philip, .8. iii. 402; iv. 


Butler, Samuel, W.S. ii. 254. 
Butter, Nathaniel, stationer, E.S. 

iii. 191; W.S. i. 132, 135, 140, 


Button, Sir William, deputy master 

of ceremonies, E.S. i. 53. 
By progresses, E.S. i. 20, 120. 
Byfleet (Surrey), E.S. iv. 86, 93, 99, 


Bygrave (Herts.), E.S. iv. 83. 
Bynneman, Henry, printer, W.$. i. 

'Byron* (1602), E.S. ii. 228; iii. 258, 

Byron (1608). See Conspiracy and 


Byron, Sir John, E.S. iv. 126, 129. 
Bywater, Laurence, E.S. ii. 499. 

C., L, W.B. i. 443- 

Cadiz expedition, E.S. i. 96. 

Cadman, Thomas, printer, E.S. iii. 

Caesar and Pompey (Chapman), E.S. 

iii. 259; iv. 394; W.S. i. 398. 
'Caesar and Pompey' (c. 1582), E.S. 

ii. 394; iv. 216; W.S. i. 400. 
*i, 2 Caesar and Pompey' (1594-5)* 

E.S. ii. 143-4, 168; iii. 259; W.S. 

i. 39 8 - 
Caesar and Pompey. See Caesar's 

'Caesar Interfectus\ E.S. iii. 309; iv, 

374; W.S. i. 400. 
Caesar, Sir Julius, master of requests, 

chancellor of exchequer, master of 

the rolls, E.S. i. 102; ii. 371,451; 

iv. in; W.S. ii. 145. 
'Caesar's Fall', or, 'The Two Shapes', 

E.S. ii. 179; iii. 304, 308, 437, 

448, 511; W8. 1.398. 
Caesar's Revenge, E.S. ii. 523; iv. 4, 

Caesura, W.S. 1. 192. 

Calandra, E.S. iii. 9, 13. 
Calciatura, E.S. i. 51. 
Calderwood, David, E.S. ii. 267. 
Czdfhill, James, playwright, E.S. i. 
128, 250; iii. 239, 

Calisto. See Escapes of Jupiter. 

Calisto andMelibaea, E.S. ii. 30; iv. 

Calle, Mrs., tire-woman, E.S. ii. 

Calligraphic transcripts, W.S. i. 125, 
1 97, 3 1 3 . See Play-texts, Printing- 
house methods. 

Calliopius, E.S. iii. 7. 

Calthorpe, Sir Martin, E.S. i. 137. 

Calthrop Pageant, E.S. iii. 463. 

Calverley, Walter, E.S. iii. 513; iv. 


Calvert, George, E.S. ii. 371. 
Calvert, Samuel, E.S. i. 325. 
Calvin, John, E.S. i. 245-9, 2 5 2 > 


Calvinism, E.S. i. 242; and plays, 
E.S. i. 245. 

Camberwell (Kent), E.S. iv. 109. 

Cambridge, E.S. i. 119, 122, 127, 
131, 226, 227, 228, 233, 250, 
253; ii. 81, 99, 113, 206; iv. 49, 
53, 81, 127, 130, 373-9J w - s * 
u- t 35> 3H> 320, 333. &r Acade- 
mic plays. 

Cambyses, E.S. iii. 37, 436, 470; 
iv. 6, 79, 381. 

Camden, William, E.S. i. 5, 16, 18, 
104; ii. 69; iii. 254, 359, 398, 


470, 507; W.B. i. 3, 469; ii. 20, 

Camera regis, E.S. i. 54. 

Camerarii, E.S. i. 36. 

Camp scenes, E.S. iii. 53, 106. 

Campaspe, E.S. i. 224; ii. 17, 39; 
iii. 32, 413 ;i v - 3 8 2; Wtf.i. 53. 

Campbell, or, the Ironmongers' Fair 
/V*/^ (show), E.S. i. 137; iv. 72. 

Campbell (b. Cornwallis), Anne, 
countess of Argyll, E.S. ii. 317. 

Campbell, James, E.S. iv. 72. 

Campbell, Thomas, E.S. i. 137; 
iv. 72. 

Campden (Glos.), E.S. iv. 92. 

Campion, Edmund, E.S. iii. 468. 

Campion, Thomas, career of, E.S. 
iii. 240; his masks: Cavcrsham 
Entertainment, E.S. iii. 244; Lord 
Hay's Mask, E.S. iii. 240; Lord 
Somerset's Mask [Squires], E.S. iii. 
245-7; Lords' Mas A, E.S. iii. 241; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 168, 171, 172, 
179, 200, 202; ii. 56, 3365^.41, 
57, 122, 128; W.S.ii. 215. 

Campnies, masker, E.S. iv. 57. 

Cancels, W.B. \. 175, 341, 350, 378, 
3 80, 441 . See Play-texts, Printing- 
house methods. 

Candelabra, E.S. i. 225. 

Candelieri, E.S. iv. 364. 

Candlemas, E.S. i. 20, 165, 213, 221, 
222 ;ii. 34. 

Candler, James, pkyer, E.S. ii*. 310. 

Canon Row, play at, W.B. ii. 320. 

Canopy, E.S. ii. 557; iii. 137, 13 8, 
141, 142, 144, 148. 

Canterbury (Kent), .8. i. 75, no, 
117, 165, 317, 334, 339; ii. 91; 
iv. 89, 98; W.B. ii. 310. 

Capel, Henry, E.S. iv. 95. 

Capell, Edward, W.B. i. 20; ii. 289. 

Capitalization, W.B. i. 197. See 
Printing-house methods. 

Capitalism and profit-sharing, E.S. i. 
360-8 ; ii. 248-50. See Henslowe, 

Caplen, John, E.S. iv. 106. 


Captain, E.S. ii. 217; iii. 226; iv. 

127, 1 80, 395; W.B. ii. 74 343- 
Captain of Guard, E.S. i. 47. 
'Captain Mario*, E.S. iii. 323 ; iv. 2 14. 
Captain Thomas Stukeley. See 


Captives, W.B. i. 92, 108, 112. 
''Capture of Btuhl Weissenbcrg , E.S. 

ii. 207, 367. 

Cardell, Thomas, dancer, E.S. i. 202. 
'Cardenio 9 , notice of, E.S. iii. 489; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 217; iv. 127, 

128, 1 80, 396, 399; W.B. i. 497, 

53 1,538 sqq.;ii. 343- 

% 2 Cardinal Wolsey\ E.S. ii. 178; 
iii. 266, 308, 448, 494; W.B. i. 

Cardinal's Hat inn, E.S. ii. 372. 

'Cards', E.S. i. 268; iii. 453; iv. 238. 

Cards in playhouse, E.S. ii. 549; iv. 

Caretto, Galeotto del, W.B. i. 484. 

Carew, Sir, Francis, E.S. iv. 84, 92, 
97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 105, 106, 
109, in, 112, 113, 116. 

Carew, George, ist Lord, E.S. iii. 
212; PKS.ii. 123, 147, 152. 

Carew, Richard, W.B. ii. 196, 219. 

Carew, Thomas, W.B. i. 557. 

Carewe, Nicholas, E.S. i. 43. 

Carey (b. Morgan), Anne, Lady 
Hunsdon, E.S. i. 10; iii. 401. 

Carey, Mr., E.S. iv. 113. 

Carey, George, 2nd Lord Hunsdon, 
knight marshal, lord chamber- 
lain, notice of, E.S. ii. 192; his 
musicians, W.B. i. 359; ii. 86; his 
men, E.S. ii. 195-208; W.B. i. 64, 
?6, 3 3 7 ; ii- 3 2 2, 3 27 ; performance 
before, E.S. i. 220; ii. 204; W.B. 
i. 382; daughter's wedding, W.B. 
i. 567; entertainment of Elizabeth, 
E.S. iv. 107, 114, 115; as patron, 
E.S. iii. 450, 505; resident in 
Blackfriars, E.S. ii. 479, 501, 505, 
508; iv. 320; mentioned, E.S. i. 

Carey, Henry, ist Lord Hunsdon, 



lord chamberlain, notice of, E.S. 
ii. 192; his men, E.S. i. 40, 297; 
ii. 192-5; W.S. i. 32, 47, 63, 64, 
337; entertainment of Elizabeth, 
E.S. i. no, 141; iv. 99, 1 08; as 
patron, E.S. iii. 505 ; and Somerset 
House, E.S. i. 10; and residence 
in Blackfriars, E.S. ii. 486, 497; 
and control of stage, E.S. iv. 280, 
284, 288, 296; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 40, 268 ; ii. 41 1 ; W.. 1.353. 

Carey, Robert, ist earl of Mon- 
mouth, E.S. i. 145, 199; iii. 212, 
267, 377* 402, 405- 

Carey. See Berkeley, Hoby, Howard, 

Carie (Gary), Giles, player, E.S. ii. 
59, 247, 251, 310; iii. 223, 370. 

Carleton, Dudley, correspondence 
with Chamberlain and others, E.S. 
i. 7, 17, 101, 104, 177, 205, 206, 
328; ii. 48, 326; iii. 242, 243, 

246, 279, 280, 283, 359, 37^, 
377> 380, 382, 384, 387, 388, 
389,442,475,496, 501 ;iv. 59, 
68, 139; W.S.i. 103, 362; ii. 327 
sqq., 346. See Chamberlain, John. 

Carleton, Nicholas, player, E.S. ii. 


Carlisle (title). See Hay. 
Carmarden, Richard, E.S. iv. no. 
Carnab, John, of the Revels, E.S. I 

'Carolus Herzog aus Burgundf, E.S. 

ii. 284. 

Caron, Sir Noel, E.S. iv. 112. 
Carpenter, William, player, E.S. ii. 

247, 310. 

Carpenters' Company, E.S. ii. 379. 

Carr, Mr., ,& iii. 389. 

Carr, Henry, E.S. iv. 1 1 . 

Carr, Robert, Viscount Rochester, 
earl of Somerset, lord chamber- 
lain, E.S. i, 12, 41, 53, 146, 148, 
173, 220, 226; ii. 68, 372; iii. 
220, 232, 240, 245, 250, 286, 
388, 389, 393>442>iv. 59, 128; 

Cart-takers, ..1.117. 

Cartwright, William, player, E.S. 

ii. 176, 177, 190, 310; iii. 469; 

iv. 43; W.S.i. in. 
Cary, Mrs., maid of honour, E.S. i. 

Cary, Henry, ist Lord Falkland, E.S. 

iii. 241, 245, 294. 
Cary, Lady Elizabeth, E.S. iii. 247. 
Casamenti (houses), E.S. iii. 5; iv. 

355> 35^, 359>36o. 
Case (houses), E.S. iii. 3-12. 
Case, John, E.S. iii. 318; on plays, 

E.S. i. 250, 254, iv. 228. 
Case is Altered. See The Case. 
Cases, W.B. i. 171. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Casimir, John, Prince Palatine, E.S. 

iv. 96. 

Casina, E.S. iii. 5. 
Cason (b. Brend), Elizabeth, E.S. 


Cassaria, E.S. iii. 8, 1 1 . 
Castelnau, Michel de, E.S. i. 24. 
Castelvetro, Ludovico, E.S. i. 258; 

iii. 1 8. 

Castiglione, Baldassare, WB. i. 388. 
Casting of plays, W.S.i. 122, 124. 
'Castle of Security*, E.S. i. 333. 
Castle, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 310. 
Castle, William, W.B. ii. 259. 
Castles, E.S. i. ii. 
'Casts', number of pkyers required 

for, E.S. i. 332; iii. 179, 317, 437, 

470, 54> 55> 517; iv. 1, 13, 20, 

21 9 37 9 51 > players' names in, E.S. 

iii. 510. 
Catchwords, W.B. i. 172, 300. See 

Printing-house methods. 
Catiline, his Conspiracy ( 1 6 1 1), notice 

of, E.S. iii. 372; mentioned, E.S. 

i. 167; ii. 216; iii. 123, 126, 509; 

WS.ii. 74, 87, 233. 
'Catiline 9 (1588), ..i. 222. 
'Catiline's Conspiracies' (c. 1579), 

E.S. ii. 394; iii. 265, 323; iv. 204. 
'Catiline's Conspiracy' (i 598-9), E.S. 

ii. 163, 170; iii. 516. 


Cattanes, player, E.S. ii. 226, 310. 
Cavallerizzo, Claudio, E.S. ii. 265, 


Cave. See Knollys. 
Cavendish, Mrs., E.S. i. 45. 
Cavendish, Thomas, E.S. iii. 409; 

iv. 103. 
Cavendish, William, earl, marquis, 

and duke of Newcastle, E.S. i. 

208 ;ii. 374; iii. 372. 
Cavendish, Sir William, treasurer of 

chamber, E.S. i. 59; iv. 1 34. 
Cavendish (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Caversham (Oxon.), E.S. i. 174, 

199, 214; iv. 90, 114, 128. 
Caversham Entertainment, E.S.i. 1 80; 

iii. 244. 
Cawarden, Elizabeth, Lady, E.S. ii. 

Cawarden, Sir Thomas, master of 

revels, E.S. i. 34, 73, 77, 82, 93, 

1 54; 11.474, 477, 480-93 ;iv. 13 5. 
Caxton, William, WS. i. 447. 
Cecil, Edward, playwright, E.S. i. 


Cecil, Sir Edward, E.S. iii. 499. 

Cecil (b. Howard), Katharine, Vis- 
countess Cranborne, E.S. iii. 383. 

Cecil (b. Cooke), Mildred, Lady 
Burghley, E.S. iii. 248. 

Cecil, Robert, Viscount Cranborne, 
ist earl of Salisbury, secretary, 
lord treasurer; and Merchant of 
Venice, W.B. i. 248, 372; and 
Richard II, E.S. i. 220; ii. 196; 
WS. i. 351, 353; ii. 320; satirized 
in pky, E.S. iii. 212, 496; and 
Lyly, E.S. i. 96; iii. 413; and 
control of stage, E.S. iii. 257; iv. 

3*5' 3 2 9> 335? *&<* royal pro- 
gresses, E.S. i. 1 1 8, 1 21 ; iii. 247, 
284, 392; iv. 69, 71, 108, 109, 
in, 113, 115, 116, 118, 119, 
12 o, 121, 125; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 10, 12; ii. 269; iii. 254, 266, 
269, 276, 331, 384, 455 ;iv. 139; 
0T.i. 418, 474, 549; 11.332. 
Cecil, Thomas, ist earl of Exeter, 


2nd Lord Burghley, E.S. iii. 247; 
iv. 106, 108, 112, 115, 116; W.$. 
i. 418, 428. 

Cecil, William, ist Lord Burghley, 
secretary, lord treasurer; and Eliza- 
beth, E.S. i. 20, no, 117, 119; 
iii. 247; iv. 79, 8 1, 83, 87, 88, 91, 
93, 94, 98, 100, 101, 102, 105, 
108, 109, no, in; and Revels 
Office, E.S. i. 79, 80, 88, 91; 
satirized in play, E.S. iii. 212; 
WiS. i. 41 8 ; and Laurence John- 
son, E.S. iv. 32; and Peele, E.S. 
iii. 459; and control of stage, E.S. 
i. 244, 267, 274, 278, 281, 290, 
295, 296, 297; iii. 160; iv, 266, 
269, 276, 277, 281, 292, 296, 
305, 310, 316; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 227, 265, 323 ; ii. 100, 1 1 3, 306; 
iii. 412, 477; W.$. 1,428. 

Cecil, William, 2nd earl of Salisbury, 
E.S. iii. 242, 246. 

Cecil. &tfHatton,Vere,Wentworth. 

Cecil House Entertainment, E.S. iii. 


Cecilia of Sweden, E.S. i. 10, 23, 
142, 216, 324; ii. 14, 73; iv. 82, 

144, 378. 

'Celestina*, E.S. i. 238; iv. 385, 399, 
'Celinde and Sedea\ E.S. ii. 2 84, 2 89 ; 

Cellarius, Johannes, E.S. ii. 277. 

Cellius, Erhard, E.S. i. 343, 346. 

Censorship of plays, idea of, E.S. i. 
240; nature of, W.B. i. 29-30; 
struggle of court and city in admini- 
stration of, E.S.L 269-307; master 
of revels and administration of, 
E.S. i. 71-105, 318-28; PXS. i. 
98-105; and play MSS., E.S. iv. 
45; W.&. i. 115-17: Sir Thomas 
More, E.S. iv. 32-; W.B. \. 502; 
and printing of plays, E.S. iii. 

traces of in texts, W.S. i. 237-42: 
Henry 17, W.S. i. 379, 382; Lear, 
WS. i. 467, 470; Merchant of 
Venice, W.S. i. 371 ; Merry Wives, 


W8. i. 432; Much Ado, MS. i. 
386; Richard II) W.B. i. 355; and 
court plays, E.S. i. 223, 224; and 
playing companies, E.S. ii. 5 1-4; 
WS. i. 65, 77; at Geneva, E.S. i. 
246, 249; by local authorities, E.S. 
i. 271, 275 ; iv. 263, 269, 27 1, 274, 
288, 332; by special commission, 
E.S. iv. 306; mentioned, E.S. i. 
266; iv. 2, 6, 36, 261; WS. i. 68, 
214. See also Abuses of Players, 
Indecency, Libels, Licences, Mas- 
ter of revels, Play-texts, Politics, 
Profanity, Satire, Sedition, Social 
criticism, and Buck, Sir George; 
Herbert, Sir Henry; Tilney, 

Ceremonies, master of, E.S. i. 53, 

Cervantes, Miguel de, E.S. iii. 221. 

Chabot, Admiral of France, E.S. ii. 
60; iii. 259; iv. 395. 

Chaderton, Edmund, treasurer of 
chamber, E.S. i. 57. 

Chalfont St. Giles (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 


Challenge at Tilt, E.S. iii. 393. 
Challenges for tilt, E.S. i. 142. 
Chalks al. Grostock, E.S. iv. 297. 
Chalmers, George, W.S. ii. 346, 


Chaloner, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 211; 
ii. 83; iii. 386; iv. 80; WS.ii. 221. 

Chamber, Accounts of, E.S. i. 5 8-66 ; 
iv. 132-5, 140, 142-83 (extracts); 
WS. ii. 304-46, 352, 353; as 
organ of administration, E.S. i. 56; 
officers of, E.S. i. 42-7. 

Chamber scenes, E.S. iii. 65, 94, 1 1 1 . 

Chamberers, E.S. i. 44. 

Chamberhouse (Berks.), E.S. iv. 107. 

Chamberlain, Great, E.S. i. 32. 

Chamberlain of household, Lord, 
E.S. i. 36-41, 48, 50, 66, 67, too, 
108, 205, 207, 209, 218, 224, 
226, 233, 281, 284, 300, 305, 
316; of Queen Anne's household, 
E.S. ii. 237; protection of play- 

wrights by, W.B.i. 130, 131, 136, 
145, 149, 208. 

Chamberlain, John, correspondence 
with Carleton and others, E.S. i. 
7, 17, 39, 101, 104, 169, 205, 
2ir, 213, 220, 328; ii. 48, 326, 
420, 423, 442; iii. 234, 242, 243, 
245, 261, 276, 279, 282, 305, 375, 

377, 380, 382, 384* 387* 388, 
389* 393 442, 475. 498, 501; 
iv. 59, 68, 114, 130, 139; W.S. i. 
103, 362; ii. 332. See Carleton, 

Chamberlain's men, E.S. i. 301, 302, 
312, 342, 367; ii. 21, 92-3, 126, 
134-5, 193-208, 365, 415; W.S. 
i. 62-8, 76-84, 237, 316, 394; 
ii. 52-87, 319-28, 386; in the 
provinces, E.S. ii. 93-4, 96, 192. 

Chameleon players, E.S. i. 340, 376, 

378, 383; ii. 3, 98; iii. 325. 
Champagny, M. de, E.S. iii. 405; 

iv. i or. 

Chancellor, Lord, E.S. iv. 67. 
'Chance Medley' , E.S. ii. 169; iii. 

Chancery, E.S. i. 31, 55, 272. 
Chances, E.S. iii. 218; W.S.i. 537. 
Chandos (title). See Brydges. 
Chapel, children of, E.S. i. 223, 301, 

326; ii. 23-48, 50, 52, 59, 60; 

list of, E.S. ii. 27. 
Chapel Lane, WS. i. 75; ii. 111-13, 

170, 179- 
Chapel Royal, E.S. i. 14, 48, 214; 

ii. 24; iv. 352; plays in, E.S. ii. 35. 
Chapman, George, playwright, career 

and works, E.S. iii. 249-62 ; Plays: 

All Fools , E.S. iii. 252; iv. 171; 

Blind Beggar of Alexandria, E.S. 

ii. 145; iii. 251; Bussy d'Ambois, 

E.S. ii. 20, 22; iii. 253; W.S. i. 

213, tf%\CaesarandPompey, E.S. 

iii. 259; W.B. i. 398; Chabot, 

Admiral of France, E.S. iii. 259; 

Charles, Duke of Byron, E.S. i. 

327; ii. 53; iii. 257; EastwardHo! 

E.S. i. 326; ii. 51; iii. 254-6; 


Gentleman Usher, E.S. iii. 251; 
Humourous Day's Mirth, E.S. ii. 
144, 145 ; iii. 251; May Day, E.S. 
L 362; iii. 256; Monsieur d Olive, 
E.S. iii. 252; Revenge of Bussy, 
E.S. iii. 258; Widow's Tears, E.S. 
iii. 256; Doubtful and Lost Plays, 
E.S. iii. 259; Middle Temple and 
Lincoln's Inn Mask, E.S. iii. 
260-2 ; Homeric translations, E.S. 
iii. 250; W.S. i. 448; and Shakes- 
peare, E.S. iii. 249, 260; W.B. i. 
69, 561, 568; and contemporaries, 
E.S. iii. 250, 507, 510; #?$.i.95, 
107, 210; in revision theories, 
E.S.iv. 2, 5, 14, 15, 18; W.B. i. 
218, 219, 292, 324, 335-6, 394, 
437, 446, 452, 457, 482, 486, 
492, 504, 561; commendatory 
verses by, E.S. iii. 221, 313, 355; 
mentioned, E.S. ii. 20, 149; iii. 
365, 408, 511; iv. 21, 45, 246; 
W.S. i. 209, 247, 539, 549; ii. 190, 
Chapman's Mask, E.S. i. 173, 180, 

182, 183, 193, 196, 202, 205, 

21 1; iii. 260. 

Chappell, John, player, E.S. ii. 43, 

Charlecote (Warwick), E.S. iv. 83, 
88; WS. i. 4, 19; ii. 265, 301. 

'Charlemagne* (c. 1589), E.S. iii. 
260, 329; iv. 5. 

Charlemagne (c. 1600), E.S. iii. 260; 
iv. 5; #59.1.92. 

'Charles, Duke of Burgundy*, E.S. ii. 

Charles, duke of York, afterwards 
Charles I, E.S. i. 13, 171, 174, 
199, 200, 208, 322; ii. 241; iii. 
230, 238, 280, 281, 376, 382, 
383, 443; iv. 119, 122, 123, 124, 
127, 129, 130; W$. i. 101, 102, 
239, 367; his men, E.S. i. 302, 
3 l6 , 35 2 ; ii- 241, 244, 368, 444; 
iii. 105; W.$. i. 105. 

Charles, Prince, later Charles II, his 
men, W.$. i. 107. 

Charles IX, king of France, E.S. ii. 

261, 263. 

Charlton (Northants), E.S. iv. 84. 
Charlton (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 128. 
Charlwood, John, printer, E.S. ii. 

548; iii. 173. 

Charnock, Richard, E.S. iv. 91. 
Chartley (Staffs.), E.S. i. 120; hr. 


Chases, W.S. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Chaste Maid in Cheapside, E.S. ii. 

257, 414; iii. 71, 79, 106, 114, 

441 ;iv. 394. 

Chatham (Kent), E.S. iv. 121. 
Chatillon, Madame de, E.S. iv. 86. 
CMtillon, Odet de Coligny, cardinal 

of, E.S. i. I29;iv. 85. 
Chatsworth (Derby), E.S. i. 184. 
Chaucer, Geoffrey, IRS. i. 43, 311, 

363447 532 ;ii. 196,197,20$, 

219, 226. 

Chaultemps, Richard, E.S. i. 248. 
Chauncey, William, E.S. iv. 88. 
Cheke, Henry, playwright, E.S. iii. 

Cheke, Sir John, E.S. ii. 493 ; iii. 262 ; 

WS. ii. 219. 
Chelsea (Middlesex), E.S. i. 17, 20; 

iv. 96, TOO, 104, 107, no, in, 

ii2, 113. 
Chenies (Bucks.), E.S. i. no, 118; 

iv. 86, 107. 

Chequers (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Cheques for tilt, E.S. iv. 64. 
Chertsey (Surrey), E.S. iv. 85, 1 15. 
Cheshire, E.S. iv. 271. 
Cheshunt (Herts.), E.S. iv. 102. 
Chesnaye, M. de la, E.S. i. 177. 
Chessington (Surrey), E.S. iv. 105. 
Chesson, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

roo, 310; iv. 280. 
Chester, E.S. i. 134, 335, 339, 387; 

iv. 71, 124, 271. 

Chester, Charles, E.S. iii. 363 ; iv. 3 9. 
Chester, Robert, WS.L 549 ;iv. 116, 
Chester's Triumph, E.S. iv. 71. 
Chettle, Henry, playwright, career 



and works, .8. iii. 263-7; Pkys: 
Blind Beggar of Bethnal Green, 
E.S. iii. 264; Death of Robert Earl 
of Huntingdon, E.S. iii. 264 ; Down- 
fall of Robert Earl of Huntingdon, 
E.S. iii. 264; W.S. i. 514; Ho/- 
man, E.S. iii. 264; W.S. i. 537; 
Patient Grissell, E.S. iii. 264; 
Sir Thomas Wyatt, E.S. iii. 264; 
Doubtful and Lost Pkys, E.S. iii. 
265-7; and Henslowe, E.S. ii. 
162-3, 175; iii. 263, 326, 419, 
447, 471; W.S. i. 209-12; and 
Shakespeare, W.S. i. 84; in revision 
theories, W.S. i. 394, 445 ; on plays, 
E.S. i. 261; iv. 242; WiS* i. 58; ii. 
189; mentioned, E.S. i. 224, 374; 
iv. 10, 50, 52, 246; W,S. i. 95, 
109,216, 503 ;ii. 195,392. 
Chetwind, Philip, stationer, W.S. i. 

532, 537- 
Chetwood, W. R., IKS. ii. 257, 285, 

Cheyne, Henry, Lord, E.S. iv. 81, 

86, 91. 
Cheyne (b. Wentworth), Jane, Lady, 

E.S. iii. 263 ;iv. 123. 
Cheyne, Sir Thomas, treasurer of 

household, lord warden of Cinque 

Ports, E.S. i. 35; ii. 476, 485, 

490-2, 499. 

Cheyne. See Pole, Wriothesley. 
Chicheley (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 88, 91. 
Chichester (Sussex), E.S. iv. 106. 
Chichester (b. Harington), Frances, 

Lady, E.S. iii. 380. 
Chidley, Mr., E.S. iii. 267. 
Chigwell (Essex), E.S. iv. 93. 
Children, of Blackfriars, E.S. ii. 5 3-5 ; 

Chamber of Bristol, E.S. ii. 68; 

Chapel, E.S. ii. 23-48, 50, 52, 59, 

60; Eton, E.S. ii. 73; King's 

Revels, E.S. ii. 64-8; Merchant 

Taylors, E.S. ii. 75; Paul's, E.S. 

ii- 8-23; Queen's Revels, E.S. ii. 

48-5 1, 56-61 ; Revels, E.S. ii. 5 1 ; 

Revels to Queen Anne (1623), 

E.S. iii. 474; iv. 43 ; Westminster, 

E.S. ii. 69-73; Whitefriars, E.S. 

ii. 55; Windsor, E.S. ii. 61-4. 
'Children of the Chapel Stript and 

Whipt,' .<?.i. 278 ;ii. 34; iv. 195. 
Chillington (Staffs.), E.S. iv. 92. 
'Chinon of England*, E.S. ii. 144; 

iv. 385>399- 

Chippenham (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 95. 
Chisan, Alexander, musician, E.S. i. 

202; iii. 385. 

Chislehurst (Kent), E.S. iv. no. 
Chiswick (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 91, 

Chobham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 97, 99, 

100, 105. 

Choke, Richard, E.S. iv. 107. 
Cholmley, John, E.S. i. 356, 361; 

ii. 406-8. 

'ChristabelM, E.S. ii. 286. 
Christiaenz, Pieter Bor, WS. i. 527. 
Christian I, elector of Saxony, E.S. 

ii. 272. 
'Christian Terence', E.S. i. 239, 242 ; 

iii. 12, 18,25, 321. 
Christian turned Turk, E.S. L 328; 

ii. 21 5; iii. 271; iv. 392. 
Christmas, E.S. i. 19, 32, 75, 78, 

150, 159, 213, 250; ii. 24, 71, 74; 

iv. 237. 
'Christmas Comes but Once a Year*, 

E.S. ii. 227; iii. 267, 304, 347, 


Christmas Prince, E.S. iv. 71. 
Christmas Prince (revels), E.S. ii. 

141, 148; iv. 71, 228. 
Christus Redivivus, E.S. iii. 31. 
Chronology, problem of, W.S. i. 

Chrysanaleia (show), E.S. i. 137; 

iii. 449. 
Chryso-Thriambos (show), E.S. i. 

1 37; iii. 449- 

Churcham (Glos.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Churches, plays in, E.S. i. 3 36 ; ii. 3 5 ; 

advertised in, E.S. iv. 210. 
Churchyard, Thomas, E.S. i. 139; iii. 

211, 267, 5 1 2 ; iv. 60, 62, 63, 208 ; 

WS. i. 187, 335 ;ii. 221, 385. 


Chute, Anthony, E.S. iii. 268. 
Chytraeus, N., E.S. ii. 455. 
Gibber, Theophilus, W.B. ii. 275, 

Cicero, W.S. i. 10, 401; on plays, 

E.S. i. 238, 377; iv. 206, 21 5. 
Cinthio, Giraldi, E.S. iii. 512; W.S. 

i. 407, 457, 462. 
Circe, 0T&1L 251. 
Cirencester (Glos.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Cities in court plays, E.S. i. 231; 

iii. 44. 
City Gallant. See Greene's Tu 


City scenes, E.S. iii. 56-9. 
City Shuffler, W.S. i. 101. 
Civic receptions, E.S. i. 126, 131. 
i, 2 Civil Wars of France, E.S. ii. 

164, 169; iii. 79, 253, 302, 308; 

W.S. i. 293. 

Civitatis Amor (show), E.S. iii. 443. 
Claiton, William, victualler, E.S. i. 

304; iv. 340. 

Clandon (Surrey), E.S. iv. 106, 114. 
Clapham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 94, 99, 


Ckque, E.S. ii. 549. 
Clare family, W.S. ii. 137. 
Clarendon Park (Wilts.), JB.S. iv. 90. 
Clark, Francis, porter of St. John's, 

Oxford, E.S. iv. 36. 
Clark, Sill, player, E.S. ii. 310; iii. 


Clarke, Captain, E.S. iii. 409. 
Clarke, John, E.S. iv. 320. 
Clarke, Richard, W.S. i. 557. 
Clarke, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 310. 
Clarke, Roger, E.S. ii. 115. 
Clarke, Sampson, W.S. i. 140, 365. 
Clarke, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 86, 

Ckrke, Sir William, E.S. i. 118; iv. 

Clatterbocke, Thomas, groom of 

revels, E.S. i. 93, 100. 
Claudius Tiberius Nero, E.S. iv. 5, 

373 3 8 9- 
Ckverdon (Warwick), W.S. ii. 365. 



Cky, Henry, player, W.S. ii. 81. 
Clay, Nathaniel, pkyer, E.S. ii. 69, 


Ckybury (Essex), E.S. iv. 1 1 1 . 
Clayton, John, W.S. i. 62 ; ii. 52. 
Clearke, Hugh, E.S. iii. 218. 
Cleere, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 95. 
Clement, William, player, E.S. ii. 

310; iv. 262. 

Clerk, Edmund, E.S. iv. 78. 
Clerk of market, E.S. i. 116. 
Clerk of revels and tents, E.S. i. 

Clerk comptroller of revels and 

tents, E.S. i. 73, 94. 
Clerk pkys, E.S. ii. 265. 
'Cleopatra' (Anon.), E.S. iv. 399. 
Cleopatra (Daniel), E.S. iii. 275; 

iv. 383; /KS. 1.351, 477- 
Cleopatre Captive, E.S. iii. 13. 
Cleve Wars, E.S. iii. 229; 313. 
'Clever Thief, E.S. ii. 286. 
Clifford, Francis, E.S. iv. 107. 
Clifford, George, 3rd earl of Cum- 
berland, in dramatic shows, E.S. 

iii. 268. 
Clifford (b. Russell), Margaret, 

countess of Cumberknd, E.S. iii. 

268, 273, 399; iv. 94. 
Clifford. See Sackville, Stanley, 

Clifford Chambers (Glos.), WS. i. 

4, 89; ii. 130, 248; Shakespeares 

of, WS. i. 16. 

Clifton, Sir Gervase, E.S. iii. 429. 
Clifton, Henry, E.S. ii. 43. 
Clifton, Thomas, pkyer, E.S. ii. 44, 

Clinton, Edward, ist earl of Lincoln, 

lord admiral, lord steward, E.S. 

i. 35, 109, 157; ii. 90, 96, 261; 

iv. 78, 79, 83, 86, 92, 93, 94, 97, 

100, 284, 288; his men, E.S. ii. 

96, 97. 
Clinton, Henry, 2nd earl of Lincoln, 

E.S. i. 328; ii. 96, 278; iv. 113; 

his men, E.S. ii. 97. 
Clinton's men, E.S. ii. 96. 



Clopton family, pedigree of, W.$. 

ii. 97 ; and Combe family, W.S. ii. 

132; and New Place, W.S. ii. 

98-9; and Old Stratford freehold, 

W.S. ii. no; mentioned, WIS. i. 

4, 11,75511.273,297, 298. 
^Cloridon and Radiamanta\ E.S. ii. 

96; iv. 87, 146. 
'Clorys and Qrgasto\ E.S. ii. 122; 

W.S. ii. 308. 
Close walk, .8. iii. 56. 
Closet, E.S. i. 14, 48. 
Closet plays, E.S. iii. 19, 208, 236, 

247> 275, 321, 330. 
Closing of the theatres, E.S. i. 263, 

306, 388. 
'Cloth Breeches and Velvet Hose\ 

E.S. ii. 204; iii. 169, 188, 189; 

iv. 386, 399. 
Clowes, William, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 168. 
Clownage, interpolation of, WS. i. 

23** 2 3S> 33 37*> 4I5 46i, 


Clowns, E.S. i. 194; ii. 152, 334. 
Club Law, E.S. iii. 476; iv. 5, .373, 

Cobham (Kent), .8. i. 15; iv. 77, 


Cobham (Surrey), JS.S. iv. 100. 
Cobham (title). See Brooke. 
'CoblerofQueenhitht, E.S. ii. 168. 
Cot/er*s Prophecy ', notice of, E.S. iii. 

516; mentioned, E.S. i. 136; ii. 

Coborne, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 

Cock, Sir Henry, cofferer of house- 

hold, E.S. iv. 100, ii 6. 
Cocke, J., E.S. iii. 269; on players, 

.. iv. 255. 

Cockle de Moye. See Dutch Courtesan. 
Cockmaster, E.S. i. 53. 
Cockpit at court, E.S. i. 8; iii. 296; 

as playhouse, E.S. i. 216, 234; 

Cockpit, Dniry Lane, playhouse, E.S. 

ii. 238, 240, 246, 248, 259, 302, 

365, 372; iii, 228, 229, 344; iv. 

15, 371; W.B. i. 105, 107, 149; 

ii. 229, 233, 386. 
Coffer Chamber, E.S. i. 45. 
Cofferer of Household, E.S. i. 35, 

50,61, 115, 117; iv. 134. 
Coffyn, William, E.S. i. 43. 
Cokain, Sir Aston, W.B. i. 210; ii. 

Coke, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 82, 


Coke, Sir Edward, solicitor- and 
attorney-general, chief justice of 
common pleas and king's bench, 
E.S. i. 103, 200, 306, 338; ii. 
473;iv. 114; 0TS.L 19; ii. 145. 

Coke. &*Hatton. 

Colbrand, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 
188, 310. 

Colchester (Essex), E.S. ii. 345; iv. 

7 9' 
Cole, corrector of books, E.S. iii. 167. 

Cole, player, E.S. ii. 310. 
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, W.S. i. 

Colet, John, dean of St. Paul's, E.S. 

i. 132 ;ii. 9; W+S.i. 10. 
Collaboration, W.S. i. 209-11, 234, 

290, 324, 331, 344, 394, 497, 

516, 526, 531. See Henslowe, 

Philip; Playwrights. 
Collective editions of plays, E.S. iii. 

Collective reporting, W.8. i. 158. 

See Play-texts. 
'College of Canonical Clerks', E.S. iv. 

38r, 399. 
'Col!ier\ E.S. ii. 89; iii. 317; iv. 93, 


Collier, Jeremy, W.B. ii. 263. 
Collier, J. P., W.S. i. 453; ii. 330, 

384. &** Forgeries. 
Collins, Edward, E.S. ii. 390. 
Collins, Francis, W.S. i. 507; ii. 152, 

172, 174-8. 

Collins, Nicholas, E.S. iv. 326. 
Collins, Richard, clerk to stationers, 

E.S. iii. 158, 165, 171. 



Collins, William, E.S. iii. 309; W.S. 

i- 493- 
Colly Weston (Northants), E.S. iv. 

8 3- 
Colman, William, player, E.S. ii. 

Colnbrook (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 90, 92, 

97, 99, 102, 107. 
Colonne, Guido delle, W.S. i. 447. 
Colophons, W.S. i. 175. &tf 

Printing-house methods. 
Colse, Peter, W.B. i. 570. 
Colt, Sir George, E.S. iv. 95. 
Colton (Staffs.), E.S. iv. 91. 
'Columbus', E.S. iii. 434. 
Colvin, John, E.S. iii. 283. 
Colwell, Thomas, printer, E.S. iii. 


Combe (Surrey), E.S. iv. 109. 

Combe Abbey (Warwick), E.S. i. 

Combe family, history of, W.S. ii. 
127-41; and Old Stratford free- 
hold, W.B. ii. 107-110; and Strat- 
ford tithes, W.B. ii. 123; and Wei- 
combe enclosure, W.S. ii. 141-9; 
mentioned, W.B. i. 75, 88; ii. 243, 
250, 268, 293. Bee Shakespeare, 

Come See a Wonder. See Wonder of 
a Kingdom. 

Comedie, E.S. iv. 357-60. 

Comedy, definitions of, E.S. i. 238, 

'Comedy of Cosmo*, E.S. ii. 123; W.S. 
i. 310; ii. 312. 

Comedy of Errors, discussed, E.S. iii. 
482 ; W.S. i. 305-1 1 ; bibliography, 
W.B. i. 305 ; the text, W.S. i. 306; 
assembling, W.B. i. 155, 306; 
revision theories, W.B. i. 218, 306; 
dropped threads, W.S. i. 230; date, 
WS.i. 247, 310; double endings, 
W.B. i. 261; stylistic experiments, 
W.B. i. 308; 'continuous copy', 
W.B. i. 309; inconsistencies, W.B. i. 
309; source, W.B. i. 311; early 
pky, E.S. ii. 123, 130, 201; W.S. 

i. 6 1, 435; performances, E.S. i. 

222; ii. 194, 211; iv. 56, 119; 

W.B. ii. 320, 331; staging of, E.S. 

iii. 123; mentioned, E.S. iii. 506; 

iv. 171, 246, 394; W.S. i. 272, 

336, 471; ii. 328. 
Comedy of Humours. See Humourous 

Day's Mirth. 
'Comedy ofjeronimtf, E.S. ii. 122; 

iii. 396; iv. 23. See Jeronimo. 
Comfort (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Comic relief, W.S. i. 254. 
Comical! Gallant, W.S. ii. 263. 
Comitas, j.. 1.250. 
Commedia dell'arte, E.S. ii. 262-3, 

553; iii. 13. 
Commedia sostenuta, E.S. ii. 264; 

iii. n, 13. 
Commissions, to take up boys, E.S. 

ii. 17,24, 27, 31, 334i>43> 5o> 

52, 62, 64; for Revels office, E.S. 

i. 84, 89. 
Common Conditions, E.S. iii. 39, 127, 

I37> 236; iv ; 6, 382. 
Common form in early drama, WB. 

i.223, 317, 345, 516. 
Commoning in mask, E.S. i. 153, 

Compagnia de' Gelosi, E.S. ii. 262, 


Companies. See Playing companies. 
Company of Minstrels, apprentice- 
ship to, W.S. ii. 85. 
Competition of companies, E.S. i. 

386; ii. 7, 367. 
'Compositions* of players, E.S. i. 

352; ii. 174, 191,237. 
Compositors, WB. i. 170. Bee 

Printing-house methods. 
Compton, Thomas, E.S. iv. 103. 
Compton, William, 2nd Lord Comp- 
ton, E.S. i. 220; iii. 212, 246, 394, 

402, 475; iv. 88, 94, 120, 124, 

Compton Wyniates (Warwick), E.S. 

iv. 88. 
Comptroller of household, E.S. i. 


'Conan, Prince of Cornwall', E.S. ii. 
169; iii. 302, 308. 

Concealed Identity, device of, WS. i. 

Condell, Henry, player, career of, 
.S. ii. 310-11; and Shakespeare, 
.S. ii. 311; W$. i. 89, 96, 509; 
ii. 52-87, 228-30; mentioned, 
.$.i. 349, 356, 358; ii. 125, 197, 
199, 208, 210, 211, 215, 217, 
218, 219, 418, 420, 423, 424, 
425, 510; iii. 226, 228, 359, 
361, 367, 368, 371, 372, 431, 
480, 510; WS. i. 79; ii. 234, 343. 
See First Folio. 

Confess, dancer, .8. i. 202 ; iii. 244, 
386, 387. 

Conflict of Conscience, .S. iii. 25, 
517; iv. 382. 

Connective words of pkyers, W.S. 
i. 157. 

Connycatching, .S. iii. 325, 501. 

*r, 2 Conquest of Brute*, .8. ii. 163, 
169, 170; iii. 265, 288. 

Conquest of Granada, W.S. ii. 211, 

^Conquest of Spain by John ofGaunf, 
.8. ii. 161, 178; iii. 333, 471. 

'Conquest of the West Indies', .8. ii. 
161, 178; iii. 288, 336, 493. 

Conspiracy and Tragedy of Byron, 
notice of, .8. iii. 257 ; mentioned, 
.8. i. 23, 327; ii. 53, 58, 213, 
228, 509; iii. 147; iv. 39 1 - 

Constable, Sir William, .8. ii. 205; 
W.S. ii. 324. 

^Constantine', .8. ii. 122; W. ii. 

Contarini, Piero, Venetian ambas- 
sador, .8. i. 202. 

Contention between Liberality and 
Prodigality. See Liberality and 

Contention of York and Lancaster, .8. 
ii. 95, 129-30; iii. 53, 66; iv. 7, 
44, 3 8 3> 3 8 5- 8" 2, 3 Henry PI. 

Continent, players on, E.S. i. 342-7; 
ii. 138, 271-94. 

Continuous copy, doctrine of, 

i. 151,227, 228, 309. 
Contraband, .8. iii. 455. 
Contracts for playhouses, .$. ii. 436, 

466; with players, .S. ii. 151-5. 
Control, documents of, .S.iv. 259- 

Conversion of players abroad, .S. 

ii. 290. 

Conway, Sir Edward, WS. ii. 123, 
Conyers, John, auditor of the prest, 

.S. i. 92. 

Cooke, Abel, player, WS. ii. 84. 
Cooke, Alexander, player, E.S. ii. 

125, 199, 210, 212, 215, 217, 

218, 219, 311, 321; iii. 226, 367, 

368,371, 372; 05&.i. 80; 11.72-8. 
Cooke, Sir Anthony, reformer, .$. 

iv. 84. 
Cooke, Sir Anthony, tilter, .$. i. 

144; iii. 402; iv. 64. 
Cooke, Edward, player, .S. ii. 312. 
Cooke, James, W.S* ii. 1 1. 
Cooke, Jo,, playwright, .$. iii. 269 ; 

iv. 19; Play: Greenes Tu Quoque 

or The City Gallant, E.S. iii. 269. 
Cooke, John, #f. ii. 212. 
Cooke, Lionel, player, .$. ii. 106, 

107, 312; iv. 296. 
Cooke, R.,.. iii. 398. 
Cooke, Richard, .S. iv. 96. 
Cooke, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 222, 


Cooke, W., masker, .$. iv. 57. 
Cooke, William, .S. ii. 65, 66, 312. 
Cooke. See Bacon, Cecil, Russell. 
Cooper or Coprario, John, musician, 

E.S. i. 202; iii. 244, 246. 
Cooper, S., W.S. ii. 296. 
Cooper, Thomas, vice-chancellor 

and dean of Christ Church, 

Oxford, .$. i. 129; W.S. i. 336. 
Cop, Michel, .$. i. 247, 249. 
Cope, Sir Anthony, .S. iv. 120, 127. 
Cope, Sir Walter, E.S. i. 220; ii. 

212, 306, 371, 389; iv. in, 126, 

139; JEff.ii. 332. 
Cope, to* Rich. 


Copinger, Ambrose, E.S. iv. 115. 

Copland, William, printer, E.S. iv. 
20, 44. 

Copper lace, E.S. i. 208, 350; ii. 
1 84; iv. 367. 

Copt Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 84, 94. 

Copy, in printing-house; E.S. iii. 
193,432; W.B.i. 170, 175; prints 
adapted for, W.B. i. 162-6, 333-5, 
343, 439; contribution of, to mis- 
prints, /#T.i. 177-9. ^Play-texts. 

Copyright, E.S. iii. 159, 172-7, 
186-91, 395; iv. 25, 48; W.B. i. 
128, 129, 146, 207. See Play- 
texts, Stationers, Transfer. 

Corantos, E.S. i. 198; iii. 234, 239, 
241, 278, 280, 282, 375, 378, 
380,383, 385, 39435;iv. 57, 

59> "5- 
Corbet, Richard, E.S. ii. 308. 

Corbett, Sir Andrew, E.S. iv. 81. 
Cordell, Sir William, E.S. iv. 95. 
Coriolanus, discussed, E.S. iii. 488; 

W.B. i. 478-80; bibliography, 

W.B. i. 478; mislineations, W.B. i. 

J 83> 479? sta g e directions, W.B. 

i. 20 1, 203, 479; verse-fossils, 

W.B. i. 233; date, E.S. ii. 213; 

W.B. i. 271, 479; source, WB. i. 

480; political temper of, W.B. i. 

509; mentioned, E.S. iii. 509; 

iv. 394- 

Cornbury (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 92. 
Cornelia , ... iii. 397; iv. 383. 
Cornelic, E.S. iii, 16, 397. 
Cornets on stage, W.B. i. 236. 
Cornish, John, E.S. ii. 416. 
Cornish, John, pageant master, E.S. 

ii. 312. 
Cornish, Kit, ghost-name, E.S. ii. 

Cornish, William, master of Chapel, 

E.S. ii. 23, 27, 29, 30, 32, 69, 70, 

Cornish, William, master of Song 

School, Westminster, E.S. ii. 312. 
Cornwallis, Thomas, groom porter 

of the chamber, E.S. i. 100. 

Cornwallis, Thomas, E.S. iv. 106. 

Cornwallis, Sir William, E.S. i. in, 
126; iii. 392, 506; iv. 108, in, 
113, 118; W.B. i. 462. 

Coronation Day. See Accession 

Coronation Triumph (1559), E.S. iv. 
60; (1604), E.S. iii. 391; iv. 

Coronations, E.S. i. 131-4; ii. 29; 
iii. 392; iv. 60, 69. 

Corpus Christi Day, E.S. i. 241 ; play 
on, E.S. i. 241. 

Corraro, Gregorio, E.S. iii. 239. 

Corrector of the press, E.S. iv. 40. 

Correctors of books, E.S. iii. 165, 
167, 190, 192. 

Correr, Marc' Antonio, Venetian 
ambassador, E.S. i. 25; iii. 283, 
384, 385 386. 

Corruption, textual, through report- 
ing, WB. i. 156-9, 391, 429; 
through stage-adaptation, WB. i. 
234-42 ; through misprinting, W.S* 
i. 17685; through sophistication, 
W.S. i. 186-204, 380, 460; by 
anticipations and recollections, 
W.S. i. 157; by bungling metre, 
W.S. i. 156, 1 80; by duplications, 
W.B. i. 163, 1 80, 231; by omis- 
sions, W.B. i. 156, 179; by mis- 
lineation, W.B. \. 181-4, 231; by 
misplacing prefixes, W.B. i. 181; 
by paraphrases, W.B. i. 156; by 
substitution of 'equivalent' words, 
W.B. i. 156, 1 80; by alien matter, 
W.B. i. 158, 1 66; by vulgarization, 
W.B. i. 156. See W.B., chh. ix, x, 

Corte, Girolamo de la, W.B. i. 346. 

Cory, William, W.B. ii. 329. 

Coryat, Thomas, E.S. i. 371; ii. 
276, 457; iii. n, 269,315. 

Cosin, Richard, corrector of books, 
E.S. iii. 167, 187. 

Cosse*, Artus de, Seigneur de Gonnor, 
E.S. i. r6i;iv. 64. 

Costessy (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 63, 95. 


Costume, change of sex-, E.S. i. 248, 
252, 254, 262; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 52, 224, 233, 348; ii. 86. See 
Apparel, Boys in Women's clothes, 
Masking garments, Livery. 

Cotes, Richard, W.S. i. 141, 143. 

Cotes, Thomas, W.S.i. 143. 

Cottam, John, W.S. i. 10. 

Cotton, John, E.S. iv. 107. 

Cotton, Sir Robert, E.S. iii. 379; 
W.S. 11.241. 

Cotton, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 89. 

Cotton, William, corrector of books, 
E.S. iii. 167, 451; iv. 319. 

Council chamber, E.S. i. 14. 

Counting-house, E.S. iii. 69. 

Country Girl, E.S. iii. 237. 

Country's Tragedy in Facuniam. See 
Cupid's Sacrifice. 

Court, the, Elizabethan and Ja- 
cobean, E.S. i. 1-26; and city, 
struggle o E.S. i. 269-307; 
calendar, 1558-1616, E.S. iv. 
75-130: (1558) 77, (1559) 77, 
(1560) 78, (1561) 79, (1562) 80, 
(i 563) 80, (1564) 8 1, (1565) 82, 
(1566) 82, (1567) 83, (1568), 84, 
(1569) 85, (1570) 85, (1571) 86, 
(1572) 87, (1573) 88, (1574) 89, 
(i?75) 9i(i576)92, (1577) 93, 

(1581)97, (1582) 98, (1583) 99, 
(1584) 100, (1585) 101, (1586) 
102, (1587) 102, (1588) 103, 
(1589) 104, (r5 9 o) 104, (1591) 
105, (1592) 106, (1593) 107, 
(1594) 108, (1595) 109, (1596) 
n (i597) no, (1598) in, 
(1599) Iir > (1600) 112, (1601) 
113, (1602) 114, (1603) 115, 
(1604) 118, (1605) 119, (1606) 

120, (1607) 122, (l6o8) 122, 

(1609) 123, (1610) 124, (1611) 

125, (l6l2) 125, (1613) 127, 

(1614) 128, (1615) I 3y (1616) 
130; interludes, E.S. ii. 77- 
85; payments, E.S. iv. 131-83; 
players at, E.S. ii. 14, 21, 34, 106, 

118, 189, 192, 196, 197, 210, 
232, 244, 248; W1S. i. 31, 38, 
64, 77, 214, 245, 250, 338, 462, 
468; ii. 305-28, 352; Plays: E.S. 
i. 213-19, 223-34; statistics of, 
E.S. ii. 3-8; seasons for, E.S. i. 
213 ; length of, E.S. i. 225 ; rooms 
for, E.S. i. 216; seating arrange- 
ments, E.S. i. 228; rewards for, 
E.S. i. 217; Revels officers at, E.S. 
i. 223; lighting of, E.S. i. 225; 
auditorium for, E.S. i. 226; 
staging of, E.S. i. 229; iii. 1-46. 
See Battlements, Cities, Domus, 
Front curtains, Maisons, Pay- 
ments, Perspective, Rehearsals, 
Senate houses, State, Walls. 

Courtesy books, E.S. i. 34. 

Courtyard scenes, E.S. iii. 61. 

Covell, William, W.S. ii. 193. 

Coventry (Warwick), E.S. i. 116, 
126, 335; ii. i,6i,68;iv.83; W.S. 
ii. 306,307, 311, 315, 328, 335, 

345. 3^7- 
Cowdray (Sussex), E.S. i. no, 124; 

iv. 65, 106. 

Cowdray Entertainment, E.S. iv. 65. 
Cowley, Richard, player, career of, 

E.S. ii. 312; mentioned, E.S. i. 

350; ii. 124, 125, 199, 204, 208, 

211, 218, 219; iv. 166; W.S. i. 

44, 46, 48, 79, 83, 385; ii. 25, 

72-82, 313, 323. 
Cox, Captain, E.S. iv. 21, 37. 
Cox, John, E.S. iv. no. 
Cox, Samuel, on plays, E.S. iv. 237. 
'Cox of Collumpton\ E.S. ii. 171, 

172; iii. 288, 335. 
Coxcomb, E.S. ii. 60, 251, 303, iii. 

223; iv. 127, 181, 395. 
Coxeter, Thomas, WS. ii. 275, 285. 
''Crack me this Nut\ E.S. ii. 144, 


Cradle for fire, E.S. i. 225. 
'Craft upon Subtlety's Back\ E.S. 


Crafty Cromwell*, E.S. iv. 399. 
Cranach, Lucas, W.S. i. 363. 



Cranborne (Dorset), E.S. iv. 123. 
Cranborne (title). See Cecil. 
Cranbrook (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Crane, Mr., E.S. iii. 258. 
Crane, John, player, E.S. ii. 313; 

iv. 262. 

Crane, Ralph, W.S.i. 109, 125, 152. 
Crane, William, master of Chapel, 

..ii. 23, 27, 31, 32, 313. 
Cranfield, Sir Lionel, WS. il. 76, 148. 
Cranmer, Archbp., E.S. i. 273. 
Cranwigge, James, E.S. i. 361. 
Crashaw, William, on plays, E.S. i. 

262, 387; ii. 7; iv. 42, 249, 254. 
Crawley, Thomas, E.S. iv. 95. 
Creation of Henry Prince of Wales, 

E.S. iii. 470, iv. 72; 
Creede, Thomas, stationer, E.S. iii. 

184, 191; W.S. i. 169,431. 
Cressets, E.S. ii. 543. 
Cressey, Thomas, E.S. ii. 418; W.S. 

ii. 54. 
Crichton, Robert, 6th Lord Sanquhar, 

E.S. ii. 413; iii. 382. 
Crispe, Mr., E.S. iv. 81. 
Critical bibliography, W.S. i. 225. 
Criticism, documents of, E.S. iv. 


Crocus, Cornelius, E.S. Hi. 18. 
Croesus, E.S. iii. 209; iv. 388. 
Croft, Sir James, comptroller of 

household, E.S. i. 3 5 ; iv. 284, 288. 
Cromer, William, E.S. iv. 89. 
Crompton, Richard, W.S. i. 293. 
Crompton, Thomas, E.S. iv. 103. 
Cromwell, Henry, Lord Cromwell, 

E.S.i. 127; iv. 81. 
Cromwell, Oliver, lord protector, 

E.S. iii. 498. 
Cromwell, Sir Oliver, E.S. iii. 498; 

iv. 8 1, 116. 
Cromwell, Thomas, Lord, E.S. ii. 

207; iii. 57, 58, 68, 76; iv. 8, 28; 

Cromwell, Thomas, earl of Essex, 

lord privy seal, E.S. i. 242, 273; 

ii. 74;iv. 8; W.S. ii. 129. 
Crondall (Hants), E.S. iv. 114. 

Crooke, J., E.S. iv. 320. 

Cross Keys playhouse, E.S. i. 297, 

317; ii. 119, 193, 383; iv. 305, 

316, 369; W.S. i. 41, 47, ii. 305. 
Crosse, Henry, on plays, E.S. i. 350; 

iv. 247. 
Crosse, Samuel, player, E.S. ii. 200, 

219, 313; iv. 252; W.S. i. 80; ii. 


Crosses, by censor, W.S. i. 115. 
Crowle (Worcs.), W.S. ii. 46, 1 30-5. 
Crowley, Robert, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 1 68. 
Croydon (Surrey), E.S. ii. 41, 160; 

iii. 426, 451; iv. 52, 77, 83, 89, 

101, 102, 105, 106, 108, 113. 
Cruel Debtor, E.S. iii. 505; iv. 380; 

W.S. i. 374. 
'Cruelty of a Stepmother*, E.S. ii. 93 ; 

iv. 95, 154. 
Cruso, Aquila, playwright, E.S. iii. 

270; iv. 374. 

'Crysella\ E.S. ii. 286; iii. 292. 
Cuckqueans and Cuckolds Errant, 

notice of, E.S. iii. 464; mentioned, 

E.S. ii. 345; iii. 136, 137, 154; 

Cues, E.S. ii. 541; iv. 367; W.S. i. 

115, 123, 155. 
Cuffe, Henry, W.S. ii. 324. 
Culmann, Leonhard, W.S. i. 10. 
Culpepper, Alexander, E.S. iv. 89. 
Cumber, John, player, E.S. ii. 236, 

237>H> 3*3- 

Cumberland (title). See Clifford. 
Cunningham, Peter, W.S. ii. 330, 

34i> 393- 
1 Cupid" (mask), E.S. i. 174; iii. 442; 

iv. 129. 
''Cupid and Psycke\ E.S. ii. 15, 159, 

171; iii. 266, 288, 303, 346; iv. 

Cupid's Revenge, E.S. ii. 60; iii. 225 ; 

iv. 125, 127, 178,181,393. 
Cupid's Sacrifice, E.S. iii. 464; iv. 

'Cupid's Fagaries*. See 'Hymen's 




Cupid's Whirligig, E.S. ii. 66; iii. 
4 9 i;iv.390. 

Cure for Cuckolds, E.S. iii. 511. 

Cure, Thomas, E.S. ii. 41 1 . 

Curia regis, E.S. i. 30, 54, 66, 69. 

Curie, Edward, W.S. ii. 212, 262. 

Curtain playhouse, history of, E.S. 
ii. 400-4; later history of, E.S. 
i. 375; 'easer' to Theatre, E.S. i. 
1 20, 393 ; cut purses at, E.S. i. 264; 
disturbance at, E.S. i. 29 1 ; iv. 297, 
298; performance at, E.S. ii. 109; 
WS. i. 346; playing companies 
at, E.S. i. 302; ii. 116, 196, 229, 
231; WS. i. 3 1, 5 r, 77 ; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 284; ii. 357; iv. 202, 221, 
294> 3*> 321, 33o> 332, 33$> 
33^34; 05P.E. 196. 

Curtains, E.S. iii. 78, 81, 86, 88, 
96, in, 119, 121, 139, 200; 
on court stage, E.S. i. 231 ; iii. 21, 

25> 3, 3i> 33> 35> 44, 4$, 6 3? 
in masks, E.S. i. 181, i84;iii, 241. 
See Arras, Aulaeum, Bed curtains, 
Black, Discoveries, Front curtains, 
Hangings, Sinking, Traverse, Veil. 

Curteys, James, player, E.S. ii. 313. 

'Cuthbert Cony-catcher', pamph- 
leteer, E.S. i. 377; iii. 325; iv. 25. 

'Cutlacki, E.S. ii. 140-1, 146, 297; 
m. ii. 318, 319. 

Cutler, James, player, E.S. ii. 50, 

Cutpurses in playhouses, E.S. i. 264, 

283, 34> 317; " 403 44i 447, 

545 ; at court, E.S. iii. 376-7, 387; 
iv. 274, 307. 

Cuts, W.S. i. 82, 97, 153, 164, 167, 
215, 226, 229, 235, 284, 287, 
307 3 2 9> 342, 380, 391, 396, 
414, 430, 454, 460, 467, 472, 
482. See Abridgement of Plays. 

'Cutting Dick', E.S. ii. 228; iii. 347; 
iv. 50. 

Cutts, Sir John, E.S. iv. 87, 95, 118. 

'CutwelP, E.S. i. 223 ; ii. 381 ; iv. 91, 

Cymbeline, discussed, W. i. 484- 
7; bibliography, W.S. i. 484; 
spectacle, E.S. i. 186; W.S. i. 166, 
235; date, WS. i. 250, 485; and 
Philaster, W.S. i. 485; revision 
theories, , #T6\ i. 486; wager 
themes, W.B. i. 486; source, W.S. 
i. 487; performances, E.S. ii. 214, 
215; W8. ii. 338, 352; staging of, 
E.S.m. in, 1 2 1, 1 24; mentioned, 
E.S. iii. 223, 489; iv. 394; W.S. i. 

'Cynocephatf, E.S. i. 232; ii. 93; iv. 

91, 152- 
Cynthia and Ariadne (mask). See 

Ashby Entertainment. 
Cynthia's Revets, notice of, E.S. iii. 

363; mentioned, E.S. i. 187, 188, 

190, i98;ii.43, 523; iii. 133, 145, 

154, 430, 445 J iv - 372, 3^7; / 

i. 106, 108. 
Cynthia's Revenge, E.S. iii. 430, 495 ; 

iv. 392. 


Daborne, Robert, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. ii. 3 1 3 ; iii. 270-2 ; 
Pkys: A Christian Turned Turk, 
E.S. iii. 271 ; Poor Man's Comfort, 
E.S. iii. 271; Doubtful and Lost 
Plays, E.S. iii. 272: and Beaumont 
and Fletcher, E.S. iii. 272; and 
Henslowe, E.S. i. 252, 253, 366, 
373, 374.375*377, 3795i7; iii- 

r 94 297, 372, 436; IKS. i. 95; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 331; ii. 56, 

245,249,251; WS.i.zu. 
Dactylic feet, W.S. i. 261. See Metre. 
Dallington (Northants.), E.S. iv. 81. 
Dallis, Thomas, WS. i. 462. 
'Damon and Pythia? (Chettle), E.S. 

ii. 171; iii. 266. 
'Damon and Pythia? (Edwardes), 

E.S. ii. 34; iii. 32, 310; iv. 81, 

''Damon and Pythia? (puppet-play), 

E.S. iii. 373. 

Damsell, Sir William, E.S. iv. 277. 
Dances, E.S. i. 6, 198; in masks, E.S. 

i. 149, 195, 199; after plays, E.S. 

ii, 365, 550; between acts, E.S. ii. 

557; iii. 130; in nets, E.S. iv. 200. 

See^ Jigs. 

Dancing bears, E.S. ii. 449. 
Dancing-masters, E.S. i. 201 ; ii. 494. 
Dancing place, E.S. i. 182, 203; iii. 


D'Ancre, Marshal, E.S. iii. 230, 5 1 1. 
Danet, Tho., E.S. iii. 495. 
* Daniel in the Lion' sDen\ E.S.ii. 2 84. 
Daniel, George, W.&. ii. 243, 281-2. 
Daniel, John, musician, E.S. iii. 272. 
Daniel, John, player, E.S. ii. 68, 3 13 ; 

iii. 272. 
Daniel, Samuel, poet and playwright, 

career and works, with masks, 

E.S. ii. 313; iii. 272-83; Plays: 

Cleopatra, E.S. iii. 275; WS. i. 

351; Hymen's Triumph, E.S. iii. 

276; Maid's Metamorphosis, E.S. 

iii. 277; Philotas, E.S. iii. 275; 

Queen's Arcadia, E.S. iii. 276; 

Masks: Tethys' Festival, E.S. iii. 

281-3; Vision of Twelve Goddesses, 

E.S. iii. 277-8 1 ; mentioned, E.S. 

i. 12, 131, 177, 179, 303, 320, 

326, 381, 386; ii. 49, 68; iii. 337, 

354, 414, 465; iv. 21, 29, 40, 

129, 171, 336, 373, 376; fK8. i. 

247, 293, 397, 477, 5 6 *> 5^8; ii. 

193, 194, 200, 215, 219. See 


Daniell, player, W.B. i. 494. 
'Danish Tragedy', E.S. ii. 179; iii. 


Danse en barboire, E.S. i. 152. 
Dante, W.S. i. 346. 
Danter, John, stationer, referred to in 

play, E.S. iv. 40; mentioned, E.S. 

i. 145; iii. 187, 191, 263; fKS. i. 

72, 130, 156, 169 ;ii. 190. 


Danvers, Sir Charles, E.S. i. 113; 

iii. 402. 

Danvers, Henry, Lord, E.S. iii. 390. 
Danvers, Sir John, E.S. iv. 107. 
Danvers. See Herbert. 
Darcy, Lord, E.S. iv. 79. 
Darcy, Sir Edward, E.S. i. 10. 
Darcy, Thomas, E.S. iii. 393. 
Darcy's men, W.S. ii. 3 1 1. 
Darell, Thomas, fKS.i. 570. 
Dares Phrygius, W.&. i. 447. 
Darius (Alexander), E.S. iii. 209; 

iv. 388. 
Darius, King (anon.), E.S. iii. 23; 

iv. 8, 380. 
Darlowe, player, E.S. ii. 136, 313; 

Dartford (Kent), E.S. iv. 77, 99. 
Dashes, MS. i. 114, 196, 450. See 


Daston, Anne, E.S. iv. 92. 
Datchet (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 115. 
Dates, styles used for, E.S. iii. 355, 

362, 390. 
Dauncy, John, porter of St. John's 

gate, E.S. i. 79, 93. 
Davenant family, W.B. i. 85; and 

Shakespeare, W.S. i. 571-6. See 

Shakespeare, William. 
Davenant, Sir William, and Shake- 
speare, W.S. i. 5724; mentioned, 

E.S. i. ro, 322, 373; ii. 219, 329; 

iii. 220, 314, 502; iv. 372; W8. 

i. 76, 102, 473 ; ii. 211, 236, 238, 

Davenport, James, ff?S. ii. 239, 296. 
Davenport, Robert, E.S. iii. 489, 

490; WS.i. 538. 
Davers, William, EJS. iv. 84. 
David, John, fencer, E.S. ii. 380; iv. 

David and Bethsabe, E.S. iii. 48, 

n8,46i;iv. 384. 
Davidson, John, E.S. iii. 283. 
Davies, Mr., E.S. iv. 107, 1 14. 
Davies, Hugh, pkyer, E.S. ii. 115, 

176, 313. 
Davies, Sir John, poet, E.S. i. 124, 


145; iii. 269, 273, 284; iv. 21, 68; 

Davies, John, of Hereford, E.S. ii. 
300, 308, 331, 457; iii. 223, 249, 
490; /iCT.i. 84, 485; 11.213. 

Davies, Sir John, of the ordnance, 
/s^S.ii. 324. 

Davies, R., pkywright, E.S. iii. 284; 
iv. 71. 

Davies, Richard, /?T.i.i8,86;ii.25 5. 

Davison, Francis, E.S. i. 168; iii. 
240, 268, 284, 337; iv. 55, 57, 
68; #f. 1.372. 

Dawes, John, deputy treasurer of 
chamber, E.S. i. 58. 

Dawes, Robert, player, E.S. i. 352, 
365; ii. 242, 249, 255, 256, 313. 

Dawtrey, Nichoks, W.B. i. 384. 

Day, John, playwright, career and 
works, E.S. ii. 161, 313; iii. 
284-9; Pkys: Blind Beggar of 
Bethnal Green, E.S. iii. 285; 
Humour out of Breath, E.S. iii. 287 ; 
Law Tricks or Who Would have 
Thought It, E.S. iii. 285; Parlia- 
ment of Bees, E.S. iii. 287 ; The Isle 
of Gulls, E.S. i. 326; iii. 286; 
Travels of Three English Brothers, 
E.S. iii. 286; Lost and Doubtful 
Plays, E.S. in. 288-9; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 373; ii. 170, 178; iii. 299, 
300, 358, 427; iv. 10, 29, 39; 
#f<9. 1.482, 523. 

Day, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 43, 
313; iii. 363, 365. 

Daylight playing, E.S. iv. 372. 

Days for playing, E.S. i. 285, 288, 
290, 291, 293, 295, 301, 302, 
33> 3H, 3 l6 ? iv. 200, 205, 303, 

De Greys (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 95. 

De Roode en Witte Roos of Lankaster 
enjork, /#S. 1.305. 

Dead Man's Fortune (plot), E.S. ii. 
125, 136, 307, 319; iii. 125; iv. 
9, 406; W.B. i. 44, 52, 123 sqq. 

'Dead rent' of playhouse, E.S. ii. 22, 

Dean, West (Sussex), E.S. iv. 106. 

'Death of the Duke ofGuisi (anon.), 
E.S. i. 323. 

Death of the Duke of Guise (Mar- 
lowe). See Massacre at Paris. 

Death of Robert Earl of Huntingdon. 
See Robin Hood. 

Debts of pkyers, E.S. i. 351, 363, 
368; ii. 149, 157, 175, 191, 226, 
245, 248. 

Decasyllabon, drumming, W.B. i. 
262. Bee Metre. 

Declared accounts, E.S. iv. 132. 

Decorum, E.S. i. 143, 256. 

Dee, John, astrologer, E.S. iii. 372, 
398, 462; iv. 91, 97. 

Deene (Northants), E.S. iv. 83. 

Deer-stealing, WB. i. 17, 18; ii. 239, 
257, 258, 265, 279, 28 1, 287, 289, 
2 93> 2 94> 296, 297, 299, 301. 
Bee Lucy, Sir Thomas; Merry 
Wives \ Shakespeare, William. 

Defences of plays, E.S. i. 2503, 
256-60, 262; iv. 184, 186, 187, 
188, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 
201, 206, 226, 228, 237, 238, 
243> 245 250, 257, 259. 

Defoe, Daniel, W.B. ii. 290. 

De Laune, Gideon, E.S. ii. 507. 

De Laune, William, physician, 
ii. 498, 504. 

Dekker, Thomas, playwright and 
pamphleteer, career and works, 
E.S. iii. 289-305; Plays: Hottest 
Whore, E.S. iii. 294; W.B. i. 462; 
If It be not Good, E.S. iii. 297; 
Match Me in London, E.S. iii. 297; 
Noble Soldier, E.S. iii. 300; North- 
ward Ho, E.S. iii. 295; Old 
Fortunatus, E.S. iii. 290; Patient 
Grissell, E.S. iii. 292 ; Roaring Girl, 
E.S. iii. 296; Batiromastix, E.B. 
i. 104; ii. 43; iii. 293, 353, 365, 
396; iv. 21; W.B.\.T\, 149, 213, 
411, 422; Shoemaker's Holiday, 
E.S. iii. 291; Sir T. Wyatt, E.S. 
iii. 293; Sun's Darling, E.S. iii. 
299; Virgin Martyr, E.S. iii. 298; 


Westward Ho, E.S. iii. 256, 295; 
W.S . i. 442 ; Whore of Babylon, E.S. 
i. 1 87 ; iii. 296 ; Witch of Edmonton, 
E.S. iii. 298; Wonder of a King- 
dom, E.S. iii. 299; Lost and Doubt- 
ful Plays, .8. iii. 301-5; W.S. i. 
212, 361, 375; Entertainments, 
.S. i. 133, 134, 137; iv. 69, 72; 
as collaborator, E.S. iii. 437, 507; 
W.S. i. 21 1, 216; and Sir Thomas 
More, E.S. iv. 32, 34; W.S. i. 109, 
503, 513; plays for Paul's boys, 
E.S. iii. 141; and Henslowe, E.S. 
i. 374; ii. 161, 164, 172, 178, 189, 
202; W.S. i. 209; in Poetomachia, 
E.S. i. 3 8 1, 3 84; on audiences, E.S. 
ii. 549; iv. 365-9; on bears, E.S. 
" 457, 522; on pickpockets, E.S. 
i. 264; on players, E.S.i. 332, 353, 
378, 386; ii. 7, 367; on pkyhouses, 
E.S. ii. 447; on 'stinkards', E.S. i* 
329; in revision theories, E.S. iv. 
5, 14, 47, 52; W.S. i. 394, 39 8 > 
443, 445 ; mentioned, E.S. i. 200, 
224; ii. 339; iii. 71, 288, 423, 
460, 510; iv. 28, 53, 246; W.S. ii. 

Dekwarr (title). See West. 

Deletion marks, W.S. i. 114, 118, 
180, 197, 231, 321, 333, 440, 
459, 5 or - S& Pla y MSS - 

'Delight, E.S. i. 231; ii. 89, 394; 
iv. 97 , 159. 

Deloney, Thomas, pamphleteer, E.S. 
iii. 292, 305; iv. 65; W.S. i. 

'Delphrigus*, E.S. ii. 128; iv. 236, 

Demetrius andEnanthe. See Humour- 
ous Lieutenant. 

Denham (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 86, 107. 

Denmark, Anne of. See Anne of 

Denmark, Christian IV, of, E.S. 
i. 12,22, 134, 138, 146, 172, 179, 
215; ii. 22, 212, 271, 276, 454, 
458; iii. 316, 392, 471; iv. 70, 
121, 129; W.S.i. 527; ii. 333. 


Denmark, Frederick II of, E.S. ii. 

90, 271. 
Denmark Entertainment, E.S. iii. 

Denmark, pkyersin, E.S. ii. 90, 271, 

276, 284; W.S. i. 40. 
Denne, Mr., E.S. iv. 90. 
Dennis, John, W.S. ii. 263. 
Denny, Edward, Lord, E.S. iii. 240, 

402; iv. 64. 
Denny. See Hay. 
Dent, John, E.S. iv. 107. 
Den ton, James, E.S. ii. 62. 
Deptford (Kent), E.S. iii. 419; iv. 

78, 89, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98. 
Deputations ofpkyers, E.S.i. 336; 

ii. 59-60. 
Derby (title). ?<? Stanley. 
Derby's men, E.S. ii. 118-27; W.S. 

i. 28, 32, 45, 312, 362; ii. 311, 


Derelict plays, W.S. i. 129, 365. 
Deny, Thomas, court jester, E.S. i. 

Descensus Astraeae (show), E.S. i. 

1 37; iii. 463. 

Descents, E.S. iii. 77, 108, 132. 
D'Este, Alfonso, E.S. iii. 4. 
D'Este, Ercole I, duke of Ferrara, 

E.S. iii. 4. 

D'Este, Hippolyte, E.S. iii. 13. 
'Destruction of Jerusalem* (Legge), 

E.S. iii. 408; iv. 246, 399. 
'Destruction of Jerusalem* (Smythe), 

E.S. iii. 409. 
'Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha*, 

E.S. ii. 275. 
'Destruction of Thebes*, E.S. i. 129; 

iv. 85. 
Dethick, Sir William, E.S. i. 350; 

ii. 283; W.S. ii. 18. 
Devereux (b. Howard), Frances, 

countess of Essex, afterwards of 

Somerset, E.S. i. 172, 173; iii. 

245, 282, 378, 383, 388, 393; 

iv. 59, 67, 120, 128. 
Devereux (b. Knollys), Lettice, 

countess of Essex, afterwards 


countess of Leicester and Lady 
Blount, E.S. i. 220; ii. 48, 85, 
102; iv. 91; her men, E.S. ii. 

Devereux, Robert, 2nd earl of Essex, 
master of the horse, earl marshal, 
lord deputy of Ireland, his rebel- 
lion, E.S. i. 325; ii. 204, 205, 207; 
iii. 276, 296;^. i. 65-8, 353-55 
ii. 3237; his wedding, E.S. iii. 
378; IKS. i. 358; and Elizabeth, 
E.S. i. 5, 18, 107, 145, 325; iii. 
212, 364; iv. 1 08; as playwright, 
E.S. iii. 306; at Cambridge, E.S. 
iii. 408 ; iv. 375 ; satirized on stage, 
E.S. i. 324; his men, E.S. ii. 103; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 33, 34, 45, 220, 

3 2 3> 3 8 5; ii- I02 > 4 r f>; "* 2II > 
268, 318, 364, 402; iv. 37, 57, 

105, 109, 112, 319; WS* i. 246, 
372, 3 8 7 39> 43> 4*3> 428, 
549> 5 6 5; ii- IOI > T 97- See 
Richard II. 

Devereux, Robert, 3rd earl of Essex, 

lord chamberlain, E.S. i. 41, 146, 

172; iii. 378 ;iv. 120. 
Devereux, Walter, ist earl of Essex, 

lord deputy of Ireland, E.S. i. 10; 

ii. 102; iii. 211, 349; his men, 

E.S. ii. 102. 

Devereux. See Percy; Rich. 
Devices in masks, E.S. i. 162, 189, 

190; iii. 279; in tilts, E.S. 143; 

on progress, E.S. i. 122-6, 
'Devices' of printers, W.S.\. 134, 175. 

See Printing-house methods. 
'Devi/ and Dives', E.S. iii. 41 1. 
Devil and his Lame. See Grim the 

Collier ofCroydon. 
Devil is an Ass. See The Demi. 
'Devil of Dowgate\ E.S. iii. 232. 
Devil on the stage, E.S. i. 256; iii. 

Devil's Charter, notice of, E.S. iii. 

214; mentioned, E.S. ii. 213; iii. 

1 06, 107, 112; iv. 122, 390; W.S. 
i. 478. 

Devil's Law Case, E.S. iii. 5 1 1. 

Devonshire (title). See Blount. 

De Witt, John, E.S. ii. 360, 456; iii. 

72, 78, 90, roo. 

Dewe, Thomas, W.S. i. 140, 365. 
Diagrams of stage, E.S. iii. 84. 
' Dialogue of Dives', E.S. iv. 241. 
Dicing, E.S. i. 151. 
Dicitori, players, E.S. iv. 358, 364. 
Dick of Devonshire, W.S. i. 92, 112. 
Dickens, George, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 167. 

Dickinson, Jo., E.S. iii. 495. 
Dictation in printing-house, W.S. i. 

170. See Printing-house methods. 
Dictys Cretensis, W1S. i. 447. 
Dido (Gager), E.S. i. 129; iii. 318; 

iv. 374- 

'Dido' (Halliwell), E.S. i. 127. 
'Dido' (Ritwise), E.S. ii. n. 
'Dido and Aeneas', E.S. ii. 132, 166; 

iii. 374, 427. 
Dido, Queen of Carthage (Marlowe), 

notice of, E.S. iii. 426; mentioned, 

E.S. iii. 35; iv. 384; W.S. i. 56, 

Diet, E.B. i. 51. 
Digby, Edward, E.S. iv. 64. 
Digby, Sir Everard, E.S. iii. 402, 


Digby, Sir John, E.S. iii. 241. 
Digby, Sir Kenelm, E.S. iii. 355; 

W.S* i. 125. 

Digby, Lady, E.S. iv. 67. 
Digges, Leonard, E.S. iii. 480; W.S* 

i. 142, 387, 557; ii. 231. 
Dingley (Northants), E.S. iv. 83, 


Dingwall (title). &r<r Preston. 
Dining in state, E.S. i. 15, 34, 46. 
'Diocletian', E.S. ii. 143; iii. 298, 


Dion Cassius, W.S. i. 401. 
Disard, E.S. ii. 82. 
Discoveries, E.S. iii. 28, 81, 96, 

in, 133, 139, 140, Hi* 148, 

H9 393- 

' Disguises', E.S. ii. 144; iii. 256. 
Disguising, E.S. i. 151; ii. 28, 30. 


Disintegration, theories of. See Au- 
thenticity; Revision theories, under 
Shakespeare's plays. 

Dislegomena, W.S. i. 255. 

Dislocation of order, W.S. \. 156, 
180, 285. 

Disobedient Child, E.S. iii. 25, 351; 
iv. 381. 

'Disobedient Merchant's Son\ E.S. 
ii. 284. 

Disorders at playhouses, E.S. i. 264, 
266, 283, 287, 291, 293, 297, 
298, 304, 315, 317; ii. 100, 104, 
105, 240, 394, 396, 397, 441, 
447; iii. 501; iv. 244, 273, 274, 
277, 278, 279, 280, 282, 297, 
310, 318, 321, 341. 

Distinctions, W.S. i. 193. 

Distracted Emperor. See Charle- 

Ditcher, Thomas, E.S. ii. 416. 

Ditchley (Oxon.), E.S. i. 13 ; iii. 399, 
407 ;iv. 107. 

Dittography, WS.\. 180. 

Ditton Park (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 97, 

Dives and Lazarus, E.S. i. 346; ii. 

Division of companies, E.S. i. 293, 
33 2 > 34U " 1 06, in, 121, 129, 
239; iv. 302, 312, 343. 

Dix, William, corrector of books, 
E.S. iii. 168. 

Dixie, Sir Woolstone, E.S. i. 136; 
iii. 463; iv. 272. 

Dixie Pageant, E.S. iii. 463. 

Dob, player, E.S. ii. 159, 176, 313. 

Dobyns, Robert, W.S. ii. 239, 250. 

Doctor Faustus, notice of, E.S. iii. 
422; mentioned, E.S. i. 186; ii. 
146, 156, 281, 286, 297, 382, 
395; iii. 68, 77, 93, 99, 127, 186, 
301, 329, 472; iv. 44, 48, 387; 
W.S.L 53, 212,325. 

Dodd, William, E.S. 306; iv. 40. 

Dodmer, Bryan, of the revels, E.S. i. 
79, 8 1, 86, 88. 

Doesburgh, Jan van, W.S. i. 487. 


Doggerel, W.S. \. 258, 268, 307, 

324, 374, 492. 

Dolce, Ludovico, E.S. iii. 321. 
Dollin, John, E.S. iv. 320. 
Dolman, Thomas, E.S. iv. 107, 117. 
Domus, E.S. i. 23 1 ; ii. 539; iii. 6-8, 

3i35>37> 39>9 8 - 

Donatus, E.S. i. 237. 

Doncaster (title). See Hay. 

Doncaster (Yorks.), E.S. iv. 1 16. 

i Don Horatio*, E.S. ii. 122 ; iv. 23. 

Donne, John, E.S. i. 349, 359, 372; 
ii. 298, 464; iii. 238, 283, 355, 
368, 380, 384, 389, 479, 5"5 
W.S. i. 189, 195, 561; ii. 221, 
226, 390. 

'Donne Orace\ W.S. ii. 307 sqq. See 
''Don Horatio 9 . 

Don Quixote, E.S. iii. 221, 224, 313, 

5 T 3- 

Donnington (Berks.), E.S. iv. 85, 

Donstone, James, player. See Tun- 

Doors of playhouse, E.S. ii. 538; on 
stage, E.S. iii. 23, 73, 75, 83, 100, 
118, 132, 133, 137; iv. 366. 

Doppeliamben, W.S. i. 260, 266. 
See Metre. 

Dorat, Jean, E.S. i. 176. 

Dormer (b. Browne), Elizabeth, 
Lady, E.S. i. 163; iii. 238, 355, 

Dormer, Robert, ist Lord, E.S. i. 

163; iii. 322. 
Dormer, Sir William, E.S. i. 163; 

iii. 322; iv. 86. 
Dorrell, Hadrian, W.S. i. 569. 
Dorret, William, master of royal 

barge, E.S. iv. 312. 
Dorrington, Sir John, master of Paris 

garden, E.S. ii. 451-2. 
Dorrington (Darrington), Richard, 

keeper of dogs, E.S. ii. 450. 
Dorset (title). See Sackville. 
Dorset's men, E.S. i. 274. 
Dossi, Dosso, E.S. iii. 1 1 . 
Dottore, E.S. ii. 264. 


Double endings, W.S. i. 224, 256, 
260, 261, 268, 287, 302, 309, 
3*7> 3 2 4> 33> 3^6, 516; tables of, 
W.S. 11. 400, 404. See Metre. 

Double Falsehood, E.S. iii. 490; WS. 
* 5 39-42 ;ii. 270, 377. 

Double mask, E.S. i. 152, 154, 156, 
157, 160, 165, 166, 181, 190, 

Doubling parts, E.S. i. 371; W.S. 

Dover (Kent), E.S. L 120; ii. i, 83; 
iv. 89, 98; W.S. ii. 320, 333, 336. 

Dover, tailor, E.S. ii. 184. 

Dowdall, W.S.I. 17, 59; ii. 239, 259. 

Dowland, John, musician, E.S. i, 
202; ii. 277, 325; iii. 262, 404. 

Dowland, Robert, musician, E.S. i. 
202; iii. 262, 288, 404. 

Down Ampney (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 107. 

Downes, John, E.S. ii. 219, 374; 
iii. 490; iv. 372; WS. i. 82, 106, 
498 ;ii. 263. 

Downfall of Robert Earl of Hunting- 
don. See Robin Hood. 

Downhale, C., E.S. iii. 507. 

Downing, Edmund, E.S. i. 62. 

Downton (Dowton, Douton (?), 
Dowten, Dowghton, Denygten, 
Doubton), Thomas, player, E.S. 
ii. 124, 131, 149, 150, 151, 152, 

i53> 154, I55> 156, 157, I59> 

175, 176, 177, 185, 186, 187, 

192, 202, 313, 442; iii. 284; iv. 

165, 1 66, 342; W.S. i.46, 48; ii. 


Doyley, Thomas, E.S. ii. 90. 
Drake, Sir Francis, E.S. i. 5 ; ii. 299 ; 

iii. 460; iv. 97. 
Drake, Richard, E.S. iv. 113. 
Drake, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 313; 

iv. 261. 

Drama, tf^ Plays. 
Dramatists. ^Playwrights. 
Drant, Thomas, E.S. i. 238. 
Draper, Henry, E.S. iv. 97. 
Draper, Sir James, E.S. i. 136. 
Draper, John, E.S. iv. 107, 115. 

Drawater, John, of the revels, E.S. 
i. 78, 86. 

Drayton (Northants), E.S. iv. 120. 

Drayton, West (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 

Drayton, Michael, poet and play- 
wright, career and works, E.S. ii. 
313; iii. 306-8; Plays: Sir John 
Qldcastle, E.S. iii. 306; Doubtful 
and Lost Plays, E.S. iii. 307-8; 
and Shakespeare, E.S. ii. 306; 
W.S. i. 89; ii. 192, 250; in revision 
theories, W.S. i. 219, 286, 394, 
398; mentioned, E.S. i. 147; ii, 
65, 161, 516; iii. 208, 306; iv. 8, 
ii, 21, 28, 30, 59, 246; W.S. i. 
536, 538; ii. n, 187, 194, 214, 

Dream of a Dry Tear. See Arabia 

Dresden, players at, E.S. ii. 90. 

Drewe, Bartholomew, player, E.S. 

Drewe, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 236, 

237,240. 3I3- . 
Droeshout, Martin, E.S. iii. 480; 

W.S. i. 90, 138; ii. 240. 
Drom, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 176, 


Drummond, David, E.S. iii. 475. 
Drummond, Sir William, of Haw- 

thornden, E.S. i. 147, 171; iii. 

208, 222, 254, 276, 306, 354, 

367, 3?o, 374 393> 417, 428, 
437, 462; iv. 21 ; W.S. i. 70, 559; 
ii. 206, 220. See Jonson, Ben. 

Drummond. See Ker. 

Drums and fifes in masks, E.S. i. i 57. 

Drums and trumpets announcing 
plays, E.S. i. 254, 339; ii. 160, 
223, 267, 547; iv. 199, 203, 219, 
228. 291, 316, 320. 

Drury, Mr., E.S. iii. 212. 

Drury, Sir Drew, E.S. iv. 326. 

Drury, Sir Robert, E.S. iv. 93. 

Drury, William, E.S. i. 165. 

Drury, Sir William, E.S. iv. 95. 

Drusiano. See Martinelli. 


Dryden, John, E.S. iii. 499; W.B. i. 
527; ii. 211, 239, 251, 265, 267, 

Du Bartas, Guillaume, E.S. iv. 5. 

Duchess of Malfi, E.S. ii. 218, 303, 
310; iii. 26, in, 473, 510; iv. 
394; W.B. i. 83; ii. 76, 86. 

Duchess of Suffolk, WB. i. 101. 

Duck, Anthony, E.S. iv. 114. 

Dudley (Worcs.), E.S. i. 119; iv. 

Dudley, Ambrose, earl of Warwick, 
master of ordnance, E.S. i. 142, 
289; ii. 97, 117, 380; iv. 82, 83, 
88, 93, 102, 104, 282, 284, 288, 
289; WB* i. 6, 41 ; ii. 32, 48, 112, 
*3 2 T 35 Z 3 6 H7>3 " ; his men, 
E.S. ii. 97. 

Dudley, Ann, E.S. iii. 242. 

Dudley (b. Russell), Anne, countess 
of Warwick, E.S. i. 142; ii. 97; 
iii. 399, 401 ; iv. 67, 82, 3 1 5 ; W.B. 
i. 40, 47; ii. 112, her men, E.S. i. 
297 ;ii. 99. 

Dudley, Edward, 4th Lord, E.S. ii. 
304; iv. 92; WB. i. 40. 

Dudley, John, E.S. iv. 91, 93. 

Dudley, John, earl of Warwick, W.B. 

Dudley, Robert, E.S. iv. 116. 

Dudley, Sir Robert, E.S. i. 45; iii. 

Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester, 
master of horse, lord steward, and 
Elizabeth, E.S. i. 4, 5, 114, 118, 
125; ii. 4535 ^ 402, 469; iv. 61; 
at Cambridge, E.S. i. 227; at 
Oxford, E.S. iii. 318; iv. 85; and 
Puritans, E.S.i. 267, 288; satirized 
on stage, E.S. i. 324; ii. 342; his 
men, E.S. ii. 85-91; mentioned, 
E.S.i. 14, 34, 107, 109, no, 112, 

129, 141* 3"> " 8 5> 9> 2 72, 
345, 496; iii. 268, 322, 349, 457, 
478; iv. 79, 82, 83, 88, 91, 92, 

93 94, 9S 9 6 > 97 9 8 99> 2 7^, 
282,284, 288; W.S.i. 39; ii. 302. 
See Kenllworth Entertainment. 

Dudley. See Hastings. 
Dudley's men, E.S. ii. 85-91; 

i. 40. Bee Leicester's men. 
Dugdale, Gilbert, E.S. ii. 299; iii. 

308; iv. 69,70. 
Dugdale, Sir William, MB. i. 552; 

ii. 183, 185,268. 
'Duke Humphrey* 9 E.S. iii. 489; iv. 

397, 400; WB.i. 538. 
Duke, John, player, E.S. ii. 1 2 5, 1 33, 

197, 226, 228, 229, 314; iii. 359; 

iv. 168, 171, 173; W.B. i. 44, 48, 

52, 80; ii. 71-80. 
Duke of Guise, E.S. iii. 26. 
''Duke of Milan and Marquis of 

Mantua* y E.S. i. 230; ii. 93; iv. 

96, 156; FZS.i.iS$. 
Duke of York's men, E.S. ii. 241-4. 
Dulandt (Dowland), Robert, musi- 
cian, E.S. ii. 314. 
Dulwich (Surrey), E.S. i. 296, 349, 

360; ii. 298. 
Dumb Knight, E.S. ii. 66, 289; iii. 

418; iv. 11,391. 
Dumbshows, E.S. i. 185, 186; iii. 

30, 109, 118, 125, 131, 199, 215, 

23 1> 239, 321, 348, 398,440,457, 

460, 502, 514, 518; iv. 22, 27, 

30. See Spectacle. 
Dun, fencer, E.S. ii. 413. 
Dunbar (title). See Home. 
Duncombe, Thomas, E.S. iv. 84. 
Dunglass (Haddington), E.S. iv. 1 16. 
Dunmow (Essex), E.S. ii. 81. 
Dunstable (Beds.), E.S. iv. 84, 88. 
Dunwich (Suffolk), E.S. i. 335; ii. 

2; mS. ii. 334. 
Duplication of passages, W.B. i. 163, 

23i/333 344.440. 
Duration of plays, E.S. i. 338; ii. 

148 ;iv. 195, 198, 230, 316. 
Duretto, E.S. i. 198; iii. 234; iv. 59. 
D'Urfe, Honore, E.S. iii. 228, 229. 
Durham, E.S. ii. 81 ; iv. 1 16. 
Dursley (Glos.), W.B. i. 25. 
Dutch Courtesan 9 notice of, E.&. iii. 

430; mentioned, E.S. i. 136; ii. 
50, 51, 248, 253; iii. 148, 169, 


190; iv. 127, 128, 180, 182, 389; 

W.S. 1.442,451,469. 
Dutton, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 124, 

Dutton, John, 'ghost-name, E.S. 

iii. 308. 
Dutton, John, of Cheshire, E.S. i. 

Dutton, John, player, E.S. ii. 3, 5, 

98, 100, 101, 106, 107, in, 112, 

113, 314; iv. 150, 163, 296; W.S. 

i-333536, 37- 
Dutton, Thomas, E.S. iv. 90, 92. 
Dutton, Lawrence, player, E.S. i. 

46; ii. 3, 96, 98, too, 101, 107, 
in, 112, 113, 314; iv. 146, 147, 
148, 150, 163, 280; W.8. i. 33, 

35> 37- 

Dutton, William, E.S. iv. 107. 
Dwarfs at court, E.S. i. 48. 
Dyer, Sir Edward, W.S. ii. 22, 197, 

221 sqq. 
Dymmocke, John, E.S. iii. 309; iv. 


Dymock, Charles, E.S. iv. 41. 
Dymock, Sir Edward, E.S. i. 328; 

iv. 40. 

Dyott, John, E.S. iv. 91. 
Dyrmonth, Adam, W.S. ii. 196. 


*i, 2 Earl Godwin and Ms Three Sons', 
E.S. ii. 166; iii. 265, 302, 307, 
312, 516. 

'Earl of 'Hertford', E.S,u. 180. 

Earl Marshal, E.S. i. 33. 

Earlham (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 95. 

'Earnest', E.S. ii. 161 ; iii. 194. 

Earthquake, E.S.i. 256, 264, 286-7; 
ii. 397; iv. 208. 

'Easer' to playhouse, E.S. ii. 393, 
402; PP.S. i. 31, 43. See Play- 

Easthampstead (Berks.), E.S. i. 117. 

Easton Neston (Northants), E.S. iv. 
8 1, 84, 88, 117, 119. 

Eastward Ho, notice of, E.S. iii. 254; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 326; ii. 22, 51, 
252; iii. 149, 192, 220, 257, 273, 

286, 367, 433; iv. 36, 42, 129, 
182, 389; WS. i. 107, 210. 

Ecclestone, William, player, E.S. ii. 
215, 218, 219, 247, 249, 251, 
314-15; iii. 227, 228, 371, 372; 
W.S. i. 80, 450; ii. 74-7. 

Echoes, W.B. i. 222, 224, 245, 254, 

287, 302, 311, 317, 325, 564. 
See Play-texts. 

Economics, actors', E.S. i. 348-88; 

of stage, E.S. i. 308, 348-88. 
Eden, Richard, W.S. i. 494. 

Edes, Richard, E.S. iii. 309, 318; 

iv. 246, 374; W.S. i. 400. 
Edge of stage, action on, E.S. iii. 29, 

90, 107, 154. 

Edgecott (Northants), E.S. iv. 88. 
Edinburgh, E.S. ii. 78, 265-9. 
Edmans, John, W.S. ii. 72. 
Edmondes (b. Lydcott), Dorothy, 

Lady, gentlewoman of privy 

chamber, E.S. ii. 451; iv. 113. 
Edmondes, John and Mary, E.S. ii. 

418; #f.ii. 58-62. 
Edmondes, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 39; 

iii. 278, 283, 286, 375. 
Edmonds, John, player, E.S. ii. 69, 

236, 240, 315. 
Edmonton (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 100, 

101, III. 

Edmund Ironside, WS.i. 92, 1 1 1 sqq., 

Educational value of plays, E.S. i. 

237-40, 249, 251; iv. 184, 186, 

Edward I, notice of, E.S. iii. 460; 

mentioned, E.S. iii. 53, 65; iv. 

383; ^9. i. 55,84,317. 
Edward II, notice of, E.S. iii. 425; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 128; iv. 9, 42, 

44, 383; W.S. i. 54, 56, 285, 303, 

5i6, 537- 



Edward III, discussed, W.S. i. 516- 
18; revision theories, W.S. i. 517; 
source, W.S. i. 517; mentioned, 
E.S. iii. 53; iv. 9, 385; W.B. i. 65, 
234, 400, 537. 

Edward 17, notice of, E.S. iv. 10; 
mentioned, E.S. ii. 127, 281; iii. 
60, 266, 289, 307; iv. 51, 386; 
WiS.i. 302, 516, 527, 537; ii. 217. 

Edwardes, George, E.S, iii. 309. 

Edwardes, Richard, master of 
Chapel, pkywright, career and 
works, E.S. iii. 309-11; Plays: 
Damon and Pythias, E.S. iii. 310; 
Lost Play: Palamon and Arcite, 
E.S. iii. 311; mentioned, E.S. i. 
128, 142, 223; ii. 14, 23,33, 34, 
38, 315; iv. 31, 233, 246; W.S. 
i. 532; on plays, E.S. iv. 193. 

Edwardes, Thomas, 0T.ii. 187, 190. 

Edwards, John, E.S. iv. 320. 

Egerton MS. 1994, W.B. i. 92, 1 1 1. 

Egerton, Stephen, E.S. iv. 320. 

Egerton, Thomas, E.S. iii. 332. 

Egerton, Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, 
Viscount Brackley, lord keeper of 
the seal, lord chancellor, E.S. i. 98, 
117; ii. 56, 207; iii. 273, 284; iv. 

67, 1 15>342; #S?.u\i59- 
Egham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 99, 100, 

Ehebrecherin, E.S. ii. 275-6; WS. i. 


Eichelin, player, E.S. ii. 283, 315. 
Ein Gedicht des Spels van Sinnen, 

. iii. 97. 

Eld, George, stationer, W.8. i. 169. 
Elder Brother, W.S. i. 92, 528. 
Elderton, Mrs., E.S. iv. 95. 
Elderton, Edward, E.S. iv. 88. 
Elderton, William, player, E.S. ii. 

<*9 73*74* 3i5; iv - 146,233. 
Elector Palatine's men, E.S. ii. 190-2. 
Elisions, WS. i. 186, 188, 260, 262. 

See Play-texts. 
Elizabeth, Lady, princess of England, 

Electress Palatine, queen of Bo- 

hemia, her men, E.S. i. 302, 316, 

338, 348, 353. 354, 3<$4-5> 37** 
374; ii. 59, 246-60, 368, 413, 
469; WS. i. 105; ii. 344; her 
wedding, E.S. i. 7, 12, 14, 17, 22, 
24, 125, 139, 173, 1 80, 183, 187, 
202, 21 1; ii. 217; iii. 241, 243, 
260, 497; iv. 73, 127; W.B. i. 
492; ii. 342; mentioned, E.$. i. 
174, 199, 216; ii. 246, 285; iii. 
233, 282, 388; iv. 128, 181. See 
Lord's Mask,Marriage of Frederick 
and Elizabeth, Middle Temple and 
Lincoln* s Inn Mask. 
Elizabeth, Queen, and Cecil, Robert, 
E.S. iii. 247, 248; and Essex, E.S. 
i. 5, 18, 107, 145, 325; ii. 204, 
205, 207; iii. 212, 276, 296, 364; 
iv. 108; W.B. i. 65-8, 353-5; ii. 
323-7; and Leicester, E.S. i. 4, 5, 
114, 118, 125; ii. 453; iii. 402, 
469; iv. 6 1 (See Kenilworth Enter- 
tainmen)\ and Count Mompel- 
gart, PKS. i. 427 sq., ii. 266; and 
Shakespeare, W.S. ii. 300; her 
death, E.S. i. 302, 312, 322; W.S. 
ii. 189, 212; her personality, E.S. 
i. 3-6; her colours, E.S. i. 142, 
161; her suitors, E.S. i. 22, 90; 
her love of masking, E.S. i. 155, 
159, 162, 199, 208; her attitude 
to pkyers, E.S. ii. 173; W.S. i. 
65 sqq.; as playwright, her transla- 
tion of Seneca's Hercules Oetaeus 9 
E.S. iii. 311; her alleged visit to 
playhouse, E.S. ii. 48; her men, 
E.S. ii. 83, 104-17; W.S. i. 28; 
references to in plays, E.S. i. 323; 
iii. 253, 296, 310, 361, 452, 498; 
iv. 15, 26, 43, 47; W.S. i. 335, 
358-62, 497; her triumphs and 
progresses, E.S. i. 17-19, 74, 107 
14, 117-20, 122-5, 127-30, 132; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 175, 197, 210, 
213, 226, 243, 244, 267, 268, 
270, 309, 327; ii. 12, 13, 21, 25, 
34, 39, 49, 89, 177, 185, 207, 
208, 226, 262; iii. 253, 278, 310, 



320, 332, 337, 342, 362, 400, 


iv. 21, 55, 57, 60, 6r, 62, 65, 66, 

67, 108, 109, 114, 116, 351, 374; 

W.S.i. 29, 561, 563; ii. 209. 
Ellenhall (Staffs.), E.S. iv. 92. 
Ellesmcre (title). See Egerton. 
Elmley Brcdcn (Worcs.), E.S. iv. 


Elsborough (Bucks.), E.S.iv. 107. 
Elstrild. SeeLocrixe. 
Eltham (Kent), E.S. 1.11,15; iv. 77, 

78, 79, 92, 98, 1 10, 1 1 1, 1 12, 113, 

115, 126. 
Elvetham (Hants), E.S. i. 123, 139; 

iv. 66, 106; W.S.i. 358. 
Elvetham Entertainment, E.S. ii. 1 1 6 ; 

iv. 66. 
Elyot, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 198; iii. 

470; on plays, E.S. i. 239; iv. 187. 
Emendations, W.S. i. 184, 186. See 


Emet, Abell, W.S. i. 569. 
Emphasis-capitals, W.S. i. 198. See 

Emptions and provisions, E.S. i. 77, 

209; iii. 244. 

Enclosures, WS. ii. 145, 146. 
End of stage, E.S. iii. 74. 
End-stopped verse, W.S. i. 192, 262. 

See Metre. 
Endymion, notice of, E.S. iii. 415; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 327; ii. 18-19; 

iii. 33; iv. 103, 382; WS. i. 53, 

Enfield (Middlesex), E.S. i. 1 1 ; iv. 

79, 8 1, 84, 88, 102, 105, 108, in. 
Engelische Comedien und Tragedien, 

E.S.u. 285. 
'England's Joy' (show), E.S. i. 371; 

"-4I3.534, 5545 "i- 7i> 78, 287, 


Englefield (Berks.), E.S. iv. 1 14, 125. 
'English Arcadia', E.S. iv. 400. 
'English Fugitives', E.S. ii. 173; iii. 

English, John, player, E.S. ii. 78, 79, 

80, 265, 315. 

English script, W.S.i. 113, 178. 
English Traveller, E.S. iii. 184, 339; 

W.S. i. 147. 
Englishmen for my Money, notice of, 

E.S. iii. 334; mentioned, E.S. ii. 

164, 166; iii. 58, 75; iv. 16, 


Enjambements. See Overflows. 
Enough is as Good as a Feast, E.S. iii. 

504 ;iv. 380. 

Enrolled Accounts, E.S.iv. 132, 134. 
Entrance fees, E.S. ii. 359, 365, 369, 

393> 46~5> 531-4, 556; iii. 501; 

iv. 194, 219, 228, 230, 232, 240, 

243, 366. 
Entrances to stage, E.S. iii. 73, 100, 


Entremets, E.S. i. 152. 
Entries, W.S. i. 119-20, 236. See 


Entry of maskers, E.S. i. 182, 193. 
Eottes (Eworth, Eeuwowts), Hans, 

E.S.i. 163, 165, 178. 
Epicoene, notice of, E.S. iii. 369; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 327, 331; ii. 

59, 251, 346, 457, 516; iii. 222, 

230; iv. 371, 392; W.S. i. 479. 
Epidicus,E.S.m. 5. 
Epigrams, alleged Shakespearian, 

W.S.u. 138,246. 
Epilogue, E.S. i. 224; ii. 547, 550; 

iv. 256. 
Epithalatnion on the Marquis of 

Hunttys Marriage (show), E.S. 

iii. 351. 

Epsom (Surrey), E.S. iv. 114. 
Equivalent words, substitution of, 

fKS. i. 156, 1 80, 281, 297, 342, 

350, 413, 415, 459, 465- See 


Equivocation, W.S. i. 406, 474. 
Erasmus, Desiderius, E.S. ii. 449; 

on plays, E.S. i. 23 8 ; iv. 1 84. 
Erith (Kent), E.S. iv. 103. 
Erlestoke (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
'Erlosung aus der Lowengrube\ E.S. 

ii. 283-4. 
Errol, earl of, E.S. iii. 376. 



' Error* 9 E.S. ii. 15; iv. 93, 151 ; W.S. 

i. 308. 

Erskine, Mr., E.S. iii. 382. 
Erskine, James, master of Mar, E.S. 

iii. 382. 
Erskine, Thomas, Viscount Fenton, 

earl of Kelly, captain of guard, 

groom of stole, E.S. i. 47, 53. 
Escapes of Jupiter, W.S. i. 92, 112, 


Esher (Surrey), E.S. iv. 113. 
Esmoreit, WS. i. 490. 
Esquires of body, E.S. i. 46, 50; of 

household, E.S. i. 42-4. 
Essex (tide). &?* Devereux. 
Essex's men, E.S. ii. 103 ; W.S. i. 36, 

3 1 5; ii. 307. 

Esther und Haman, E.S. ii. 285-6. 
Ethics of the stage, E.S. i. 236-68; 

iv. 184-259 (extracts), 267, 269, 

273> 279, 28l > 284, 291, 294, 

295, 3> 33> 37, 3*7, 3 l8 


Etkyns family, W.B. ii. 38-40. 
Eton (Bucks.), E.S. ii. 73; iv. 97, 

107, 119; children of, E.S. i. 214; 

ii. 73 ; masters of, E.S. ii. 73. 
Eugene, E.S. iii. 13. 
Eunuchus, E.S. iii. 5, 7. 
Eunuchus (Bernard), E.S. iii. 236; 

iv. 3 8 5 . 
'Eunucku? (Kyffin?), E.S. iii. 398; 

iv. 385, 400. 
Euribates Pseudomagus, E.S. iii. 270; 

iv. 374- 

Euripides, E.S. i. 240. 
Euston (Suffolk), E.S. i. 114; iv. 95. 
Evans, Henry, Blackfriars lessee, E.S. 

ii. 17, 20, 23, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 

sq.,48,49, 54, 57, 58, 101, 214, 

315,497, 508; iv. 160, 171; W.$. 

ii. 64, 66. 
Evans, Thomas, lessee, E.S. ii. 315, 

510; W.S.\\.6i. 

Evelyn, George, E.S. ii. 1 17; iv. 100, 
in, 112, 113; his men, E.S. i. 

280; ii. 117. 
Evelyn, John, W.B. i. 195. 

Evelyn's men, E.S. ii. 117. 

Every Man In His Humour, notice of, 
E.S. iii. 359; mentioned, E.S. ii. 
197, 211, 310, 326; iii. 68, 76, 
94, 108, 189, 190; iv. 119, 172, 
247, 386; WS. i. 84, 145, 214, 
395 ;ii. 71, 79, 205, 331. 

Every Man Out of His Humour, notice 
of, E.S. iii. 360; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 38 1 ; ii. 203, 204, 21 1, 326, 41 5, 
434; iii. 104, 107, 115, 122, 127, 
292, 445; iv - J 9> IX 9> J 72, 3 86 
W.S. i. 71, 185, 213, 245, 248, 

3 8 3> 397, 4 2 3> 475? "- 2 4> 72, 

201, 330. 
Every Woman In Her Humour, E.S. 

ii. 66; iii. 418; iv. ii, 391; W.S.i. 


Evesham (Worcs.), E.S. iv. 92. 
Eveseed, Henry, player, E.S. ii. 40, 

Ewelme (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 85, 86, 88. 

Exchange Ware at Second Hand* See 

Ruff, Cuff and Band. 
Exchequer, E.S. i. 5, 31, 54, 56, 60, 

62,76,88,94,211, 311; iv. 131. 
Exchequer court, E.S. i. 8. 
Excursions, E.S. iii. 53. 
Execution scenes, E.S. iii. 57, 97. 
Executions near playhouse, E.S. ii. 

39 6 - 
Exemplifications of patents, E.S. i. 

274>35> 3555"- 192,235,236, 

245, 259; iv. 344. See Patents. 
Exeter (title). See Cecil. 
Exeter (Devon), E.S. ii. i, 69, 83, 

355; iii. 424. 

Exits, WS. i. 120. See Assembling. 
Expurgation, W.B. i. 239-40. 
Extempore pkys, E.S. ii. 553; iii. 

287, 444-5. 

Exton (Rutland), E.S. i. 12; iv. 83. 
Extraordinary household officers, E.S. 

i. 46, 49- 
Extravagance of plays, E.S. i. 252, 


Eythorpe (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 86. 
'Ezechias*, E.S. i. 127. 


F., T, E.S. iv. 202. 
'Fati?. See 'Four Sons of Fabius\ 
Fabyan, Robert, WS. i. 289, 293. 
Faery Pastoral, E.S. iii. 132, 133, 

137, 464; iv. 405. 
*i, 2 Fair Constance of Rome', E.S. ii. 

161, 171, 173; iii. 303, 308, 333, 

Fair Em, notice of, E.S. iv. 1 1 ; men- 

tioned, E.S. ii. 126; iii. 73, 325, 

329; iv. 30, 36, 384; W.S. i. 54, 


'Fair Foul One\ E.S. iii. 493. 
Fair Maid of Bristow, E.S. ii. 210, 

212; iii. 431; iv. 12, 389. 
Fair Maid of the Exchange, E.S. iv. 

*3> 39- 
*/W/r Maid of Italf, E.S. ii. 95-6, 

114; WB.'ii. 317, 318. 
'Fair Maid of London*, E.S. i. 320. 
Fairfax, Edward, /#T. i. 487; ii. 

Fairies in shows, E.S. i. 124; iii. 

4oi-2;iv. 63. 

Fairthorne (Hants), E.S. iv. 106. 
'Wry Knight', E.S. iii. 304. 
Faithful Friends, notice of, E.S. iii. 

232; mentioned, E.S. iii. 113; iv. 

397, 400, 405; W.S. i. 93, in, 

Faithful Shepherdess, E.S. ii. 58; iii. 

151, 221, 313; iv. 41, 392. 
'Fall of Constantinople*, E.S. ii. 288. 
Fall of Mortimer, E.S. iii. 374. 

False One, W.S.\. 211. 
Falstaff. See Henry 17. 
Family of Love, notice of, E.S. iii. 

440; mentioned, E.S. ii. 66; iii. 

i2o ; iv. 11,29,31,390. 
Family of Love, E.S. iii. 440, 441 ; 

iv. n, 16, 29. 
Famous Victories of Henry V, notice 

of, E.S. iv. 17; mentioned, .8. 

ii. 114, 202, 381; iii. 63, 65, 191, 

472, 497; iv. 239, 383; W.S. i. 

325355> 148,183, 383>395' 
''Famous Wars of Henry I and the 

Prince of Wales'. ^Welshman's 


Fanshawe, Thomas, king's remem- 
brancer in the exchequer, E.S. iv. 

'Far Fetched and Dear Bought is Good 

for Ladies", E.S. iv. 381, 400. 
Farel, William, E.S. i. 245, 248. 
Farleigh (Hants), E.S. iv. 106. 
Farlyon, John, serjeant of tents, 

yeoman of revels, E.S. i. 72, 1 54. 
Farmer, Richard, WS. i. 22, 321. 
Farnaby, Giles, musician, E.S. ii. 

Farnaby, Richard, musician, E.S. ii. 


Farnaby, Thomas, E.S. iii. 208. 
Farnham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 78, 82, 

84, 85,90,93, 106, 114,117, 121, 

123, 125, 128, 130. 
Farrant, Anne, E.S. ii. 496. 
Farrant, Richard, master of children 

of Windsor, deputy master of 

children of Chapel, playwright, 

E.S.i. 216, 223 ;ii. 17, 23, 35, 36, 

37, 38, 61, 62, 63, 315, 357, 495, 

496; iii. 311; iv. 52, 144, 145, 

146, 147 sqq. 

'Farry Queen', E.S. iii. 495. 
Farsa, E.S. i. 155. 
Farthingales, E.S. i. 206; iii. 243. 
Fatal Dowry, E.S. ii. 3 17 ; iii. 3 14. 
'Fata! Love*, E.S. iii. 259; iv. 5, 400. 
Fatal Marriage, W.S. i. 92. 
Father's Own Son, W.S. i. 149. See 

Monsieur Thomas. 
Fatum Fortigerni, E.S. iv. 374. 
Faversham (Kent), E.S. iv. 89, 98; 

WS.u. 306, 307, 320. 
Favola d'Orfeo, E.S. iii. 6. 
Favour, John, E.S. ii. 503. 
Fawkes, Guy, E.S. i. 114. 



Fawn, or Parasitaster, notice o E.S. 
iii. 432; mentioned, E.S. ii. 22, 
51, 284, 286; iii. 131, 134, 140, 
169, 198, 255, 296, 491; iv. 42, 
389; W.S. ii. 223. 

Fawsley (Northants), E.S. iv. 91. 

Feake, James, E.S. ii. 341. 

Feckenham, John, abbot of West- 
minster, E.S. i. 243. 

Fedele, E.S. iii. 29, 316. 

Fedele and Fortunio, notice of, E.S. 
iv. 13; mentioned, E.S. iii. 28, 
316, 444, 448; iv. 382; W.S. i. 

Fee Lists, E.S. i. n, 29, 44, 312; 
ii. 38, 83.^ 

Fees, of children, E.S. ii. 38; of 
household, E.S. i. 29, 50; of 
players, E.S. ii. 78, 83; for per- 
formances, E.S. i. 369. 

1 Felix and Philiomena\ E.S. i. 231; 
ii. 106; iv. 101, 160; W.S. i. 32, 

Felix Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 79. 

'Felmelancti, E.S. ii. 180; iii. 266, 


Felton, Edmund, cofferer of house- 
hold, E.S. i. 62; iv. 134. 

Feminine endings. See Double end- 

Fencing, E.S. i. 289, 305, 361; ii. 
343> 3 8 > S 8 *, 402, 44> 4i, 
413-14* 470, 499 5 529; iv - 
54, 79, 121, 205, 206, 270, 277, 
283, 289, 293, 294, 324, 337.^ 

Fenham (Northumberland), E.S. iv. 
116. , 

Fennor, William, E.S. ii. 191, 258, 
468, 469; iii. 500, 502. 

Fenton, Christopher, E.S. ii. 499, 
502, 505. 

Fenton, Geoffrey, on plays, E.S. iv. 

Fenton, Richard, W.S. ii. 384. 

Fenton (title). See Erskine. 

Ferebe, George, musician, E.S. i. 
137; iii. 312. 

Ferebye, Thomas, E.S. ii. 499. 

Feria, count of, Spanish ambassador, 

E.S.i. 24, 243. 
Fermor, Sir George, E.S. iv. 117, 


Fermor, Sir John, E.S. iv. 81, 84, 88. 
Ferrabosco, Alfonso, musician, (the 

elder), E.S. i. 25, 49, 163, 178; 

ii. 262, 264, 315; iv. 150. 
Ferrabosco, Alfonso, musician (the 

younger), E.S. i. 201 ; ii. 262, 264; 

iii. 378, 382, 383, 385, 387. 
'FerraS, .8. ii. 93; iv. 99, 159; 

W.S. i. 308. 

Ferrara, plays at, E.S. iii. 4, 8. 
Ferrarius, Joannes, on plays, E.S. i. 

237 23 8 ; iv. 190. 
Ferrers, Edward, E.S. iii. 312; iv. 

Ferrers, George, poet, E.S. L 195; 

ii. 82, 332, 341; iii. 312, 407; iv. 

61, 62. 

Ferrers, Henry, E.S. iii. 404. 
Ferrers, Thomas, E.S. iii. 312. 
Ferrex and Porrex. See Gorboduc. 
'Femx and Porrex 9 (Haughton), 

E.S. ii. 164, 171; iii. 335. 
Fetherston, William, unlicensed 

player, E.S. ii. 316. 
Fetherston family, W.S. ii. 164. 
Fetherstonhaugh family, W.S. ii. 154, 

157, 164. 

Ffarrington, W., E.S. iii. 384. 
Fidge, William, player, E.S. ii. 316. 
Field of Cloth of Gold, E.S. i. 15, 

72, 140. 
Field, John, E.S. ii. 316; 462; on 

plays, E.S. i. 256, 267, 287, 290; 

iv. 219, 284. 
Field, Nathan, player, playwright, 

career of, E.S. ii. 316-1 8; iii. 313; 

Plays: Amends for Ladies, E.S. iii. 

313; Fatal Dowry, E.S. iii. 314; 

Woman is a Weathercock, E.S. iii. 

313; Doubtful pkys, E.S. iii. 3 14; 

and Henslowe, E.S. ii. 253, 254, 

258, 259; on plays, E.S. iv. 259; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 263, 365, 366, 

386; ii. 43, 59, 215, 218, 219, 


249> 2 5 T > 4H> 469; Hi- 221, 223, 
227, 231, 363, 365, 370, 372, 
373> 436; iv. 5, 183, 370, 372; 
W.S. i. 80, 462, 482; ii. 57-82, 

39 1 - 
Field, Nathaniel, stationer, E.S. ii. 


Field, Richard, stationer, E.S.ii. 508; 
iv. 320; W.8. i. 24, 176, 187, 543, 

Fiennes, Richard, E.S. iv. 83. 

Filli di Sciro, E.S. iii. 238. 

Finance, of masks, E.S. i. 207-12; 
of stage, see Boxholders, Entrance 
fees, Fees of players, Gallery tak- 
ings, Gatherers, Gratuity, Hens- 
lowe, Highway, Hospitals, House- 
keepers, Pensions, Poor, Profits, 
Rewards, Sharers, Stock, Takings. 

Finch, Sir T., E.S. iii. 512. 

'Finding of Truth', E.S. ii. 79. 

Fines, W.S. ii. no. See Old Strat- 

Fines, of players, E.S. ii. 256; for 
printing, E.S. iii. 170. 

Finestre (windows), E.S. iv. 360. 

Finett, Sir John, master of ceremonies, 
E.S. i. 25, 53, 203; iii. 243, 277, 
282, 389. 

Finland, John, duke of, E.S. iv. 78. 

Firenzuola, A., E.S. iii. 13. 

Fireworks, E.S. i. 123, 139; ii. 413, 
455; iii. 242, 501; iv. 72, 73, 74, 
88, 121, 122, 124, 127. 

'First Introduction of the Civil Wars 
of France', E.S. ii. 164, 169. 

First Folio, E.S. i. 387; ii. 219; iii. 
182, 197, 200; W.S. i. 96, 137- 
43, 164, 186, 189, 190, 198-201, 
341, 441, 480, 488; ii. 207, 228- 
32, 234. See also Condell, Henry; 
Heminges, John; Play-texts; and 
under Shakespeare's plays. 

Fish, Walter, yeoman of revels, E.S. 
i. 86, 96. 

Fisher, Sir Clement, W.S. ii. 248. 

Fisher, Edward, E.S. iv. 88. 

Fisher, Jasper, E.S. iv. 87, 88. 

Fisher, Thomas, E.S. iv. 88, 89. 
Fisher, Thomas, stationer, W.S. i. 


Fitton, Anne, E.S. ii. 326. 

Fitton, Mary, maid of honour, E.S. 

i. 45, 169, 197, 199; iv. 115; 

W.S. 1.565. 
Fitzalan, Henry, I2th earl of 

Arundel, lord steward, E.S. i. 4, 

11,35, "i, 157;"- "$; iii. 411; 

iv. 77, 80, 82, 83, 91; his men, 

E.S. ii. 1 1 6. 

FitzAlwine, Sir Henry, E.S. i. 138. 
Fitzgeffrey, C., E.S. iii. 451, 464. 
Fitzgerald (b. Howard), Frances, 

countess of Kildare, E.S. ii. 507; 

iv. 67. 

Fitzherbert, Sir Antony, W.S. ii. 31. 
FitzWilliam, Sir William, E.S. iv. 

'Five Plays in One* (1585), E.S. i. 

23i;ii. io6;iii-497;iv. tor, 160. 
'Five Plays in One' (1597), E.S. ii. 

144; iii. 347. 
Flags on playhouses, E.S. ii. 420, 

434>546iv. 219. 
Flecknoe, Richard, E.S. ii. 53, 308, 

381,383, 5 14; iii. 79?iv. 369. 
Fleetwood, William, recorder of 

London, E.S. i. 265, 267, 285, 

292, 309; ii. 106, 108, 396, 462; 

iii. 512; iv. 201, 219, 277, 280, 

284, 297, 322. 

Fleetwood, Sir William, E.S. iv. 117. 
Fleir 9 E.S. ii. 51; iii. 151, 169, 190, 

433, 495 iv - 389; 0ft- i- 468; 
ii. 223. 

Fleming, Abraham, E.S. iii. 400; iv. 

Fletcher, John, playwright, career of, 
E.S. iii. 216, 217, 314; and 
Beaumont, E.S. iii. 216, 217; 
W.S. i. 96, 151, 210; and Jonson, 
E.S. iii. 314; and Shakespeare, 
E.S. iii. 217, 226; W.S. i. 87, 496, 
528-32; Pkys: Beggar's Bush, 
W.S. i. 93; Bloody Brother, W.S. i. 
455> 557; Bonduca, E.S. iii. 228; 



WS. i. 92, no, 125, 151; ii. 75; 
Captain, E.S. iii. 226; WS. ii. 74, 
343; Coxcomb, E.S. iii. 223; 
Cupid 's Revenge, E.S. iii. 225; 
/<&r Brother, W.S. i. 92, 528; 
Faithful Friends, E.S. iii. 232; 
WS. i. 93, in, 116; Faithful 
Shepherdess, E.S. iii. 221; Four 
Plays in One, E.S. iii. 23 1 ; W.S. i. 
484; Honest Man's Fortune, E.S. 
iii. 227; W.S.\. 92, 104, in, 116, 
117, 151, 239, 530; Humourous 
Lieutenant, W.S. i. 92, 107, 125; 
Inner Temple and Gray's Inn 
Mask, E.S. iii. 233-5; %** an d 
No King, E.S. iii. 225; W.S. ii. 
342, 343; Love's Cure, E.S. iii. 
231; Maid's Tragedy, E.S. iii. 
224; W.S. ii. 343; Monsieur 
Thomas, E.S. iii. 228; #f. i. 149, 
528; Nightwalker, E.S. iii. 230; 
Philaster, E.S. iii. 222; W.S. i. 
2*3* 485; ii- 3435 Scornful Lady, 
E.S. iii. 229 ; Thierry andTheodoret, 
E.S. iii. 230; 7W Noble Kinsmen, 
E.S. iii. 226; Falentinian, E.S. iii. 
229; /#T. i. 75; Wit at Several 
Weapons, E.S. iii. 232; Wit With- 
out Money, E.S. iii. 229; Woman 9 s 
Prize, E.S. iii. 222; W.S. i. 328; 
his verse, W.S. i. 221, 260; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 187; ii. 213; iii. 
298, 372, 436, 441, 510; iv. 47, 
127, 371; W.S. i. no, 213; ii. 
218, 221, 388. See Beaumont, 
Francis; 'Cardentf; Henry PHI-, 
Two Noble Kinsmen. 
Fletcher, Lawrence, player, E.S. i. 

7 35 1 * 354; " "7 i5 20 5> 
209, 211, 218, 235, 266, 269, 
270,318; W.S.i. 79;ii. 73-8. 

Fletcher, Phineas, poet, career and 
works, E.S. iii. 315; mentioned, 
E.S.i. 131 ;iv. 373. 

Fletcher, Richard, pewterer, E.S. ii. 

Flora, E.S. iii. 13. 

Florio, John, E.S. ii. 380; iii. 79, 

274; W&. i. 73, 336, 494, 506, 

555, 568; on plays, E.S. iv. 201. 
Flower, player, E.S. ii. 318. 
Flower, Francis, E.S. iii. 315, 348. 
Flower, John, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 168. 
Flowers (mask), E.S. i. 174, 194, 

198, 202, 2ii; iii. 75, 213; iv. 

59, 129. 
Fluddie, Thomas, yeoman of bears, 

E.S. ii. 460. 

Fluellen, William, W.S. i. 25, 396. 
Foix,Paulde,.S.i. 24. 
Fold (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 88, 92, 


Folgore (lightning), E.S. iv. 365. 
Folios, E.S. iii. 480; WS. i. 172. 

See Printing-house methods. 
Folios, later Shakespearean, E.S. iii. 

480; W.S. i. 143, 206; ii. 235. 

See Play-texts, and under Shake- 
speare's plays. 
Folkestone (Kent), .. iv. 89; WS. 

ii. 344. 

Folk-survivals in masks, E.S. i. 150. 
Fools, at court, E.S. i. 48, 53; on 

stage, E.S. ii. 327, 339. See 


Foorth, William, E.S. iv. 321. 
Football, E.S. iii. 312. 
'Forces of Hercules', E.S. ii. 90, 272, 

550; ^9.1.39. 
Ford, John, playwright, career and 

works, E.S. iii. 298, 299, 31516, 

473 Sio- 
Ford, Thomas, musician, E.S. i. 202; 

iii. 262. 

Forde, Emanuel, W.S. i. 407. 
Fordun, John, W.S. i. 475. 
Foreshortening, of space, E.S. iii. 

25> 33> 37* 38, 4i> 43> S> 99> 
117, 137, 150; of time, W.S. i, 

293 330- 

Forest of Elves. See Faery Pastoral. 

Forgeries, E.S. i. 59; ii. 79, 108, 1 59, 
195, 207, 211, 229, 480, 496, 
508, 510, 515; iii. 247, 252, 266- 
7, 274, 292, 421, 423, 425, 426, 


428, 434, 454, 459> 49> X 5 2 5 
iv. i, 68, 136-41, 319; MS. i. 
453? " 33> 3 8 4- " Collier, 
J. P.; Ireland, W. H. 

Forman, Simon, at Cymbeline, MS. i. 
48 5 ; at Macbeth, MS. i. 249, 473 ; 
at Winter's Tale, MS. i. 489; his 
Booke of Plaies, performances in, 
MS. ii. 337-41; mentioned, E.S. 
ii. 172. 

Formes, MS. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 

Forsett, Edward, E.S. iii. 316; iv. 

Forster, Sir Humphrey, E.S. iv. 107, 


Forster, William, E.S. iv. 85. 

Forsyth, Walter, E.S. ii. 269. 

Fortescue, Sir John, master of ward- 
robe, chancellor of exchequer, 
chancellor of duchy of Lancaster, 
E.S. i. 80, 90; ii. 44, 479; iv. 88, 
108,117, 315, 335^ 

Fortescue family, MS. ii. 166-9. 

Forth, Dr. Robert, E.S. iv. 98, 102, 
108, 277. 

Fortress of Perfect Beauty (tilt), E.S. 
i. 144; iii. 322;iv. 63. 

Fortunate, E.S. ii. 285-6. 

'Fortune', E.S. i. 230; iv. 88, 146. 

'Fortune* (lottery), E.S. iv. 400. 

Fortune by Land and Sea, E.S. iii. 
343;iv. 396. 

Fortune playhouse, history of, E.S. 
ii. 435-43; later history, E.S. ii. 
367, 375; MB. i. 104, 151; erec- 
tion of, E.S. i. 300, 301 ; construc- 
tion of, E.S. ii. 415, 434, 524, 
525; playing companies at, E.S. 
i- 35 8 > 3 6o > 364; ii- 1?3> 187, 188, 
190; accident at, E.S. i. 264; 
staging at, E.S. iii. 82, 103, 105, 
119; mentioned, E.S. i. 317, 368, 
371, 387; ii. 8; iii. 184, 296; iv. 

333> 336, 338, 34 37i 37^5 
M.S.i. 107 ;ii. 328, 390. 
'i, 2 Fortune's Tennis' (plot), notice 
of, E.S. iv. 14; mentioned, E.S. ii. 

177, 180, 441; iii. 303, 448; iv. 

406; MS. i. 109, 123, 502. 
Fortunia. See Busenbrotus. 
Foscarini, Antonio, Venetian ambas-| 

sador,.S. i. 25, 118, 264 ;ii. 549; 

iii. 235, 389. 
Foster, Alexander, player, E.S. ii. 

244, 247, 248, 259, 260, 318; 

iv. 179, 183. 

Foster, George, E.S. iv, 315. 
Foster, William, E.S. iv. 91. 
Fotheringay (Northants), E.S. iv. 83. 
Foul case, MS. i. 176. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Foul papers of playwrights, W.S. i. 

95, 125, 151. See Originals, 

Prompt copies. 
'Fount of New Fashions'. See 'Isle of 

a Woman" '. 
Fountain of Self-Love. See Cynthia's 


Four Elements, E.S. ii. 30; iii, 23. 
'Four Kings', E.S. ii. 167, 169; iv. 6. 
'Four Plays in One', E.S. ii. 122; iii. 

497; 0ZS.2.308. 
Four Plays in One. See Yorkshire 

Four Plays or Moral Representations 

in One, E.S. i. 190, 206; iii. 231; 

MS. i. 484. 

Four PP., E.S. ii. 30; iv. 381. 
Four Prentices of London, E.S. ii. 23 3 ; 

iii. 221, 340; iv. 384. 
'Four Sons of Aymorf, E.S. ii. 181; 

iv. 253. 
'Four Sons of Fabius\ E.S. i. 230; 

ii. 98, 394; iii. 44; iv. 97, 1 56, 2 1 6. 
Fowler, Edmund, clerk comptroller 

of tents and revels, E.S. i. 100. 
Fowler, Robert, E.S. iv. 133. 
Fowler, Thomas, E.S. iv. 322, 323, 


Fowler, William, E.S. iii. 351. 
Fox. See Folfone. 
Fox, Matthew, E.S. i. 1 30. 
Foxe, John, martyrologist, E.S. i. 

242; ii. 460; MS. i. 498; ii. 213. 
Francatrippa, E.S. ii. 263, 325. 


France, players in, E.S. ii. 292-4; 

staging in, E.S. iii. 13-19. 
Francke, Richard, E.S. iv. 129. 
Franklyn, Gregory, E.S. ii. 442, 
Fraunce, Abraham, playwright, career 

and works, E.S. iii. 316; iv. 375, 

379; mentioned, WS. ii. 196, 

Frederic andBasilea (plot), notice of, 

E.S. iv. 14; mentioned, E.S. i. 

356; ii. 144, 150, 278; iv. 406; 

W.S.l. 123. 
Frederick V, count and Elector 

Palatine (Palsgrave), E.S. L 22, 

24, 131, 173 ;ii. 134, 217, 285; 

iii. 233, 238, 241, 260, 305, 493; 

iv. 73, 127, 128; WS.i. 492; ii. 

342; his men, E.S. i. 302; ii. 

190-2,441. See Elizabeth, Lady. 
Frederico, G. A., E.S. iii. 280. 
Free list, E.S. i. 361, 374; ii. 387, 


Free Will, E.S. iii. 262; iv. 380. 
Freeman, Sir Ralph, E.S. i. 102; iii. 

Freeman, Thomas, of Magdalen, 

Oxford, W.S. ii. 220. 
Freeman, Thomas, schoolmaster, E.S. 

ii. 8. 

'Freeman's Honour*, E.S. iii. 493. 
Fremownte, Jane, E.S. ii. 492. 
'French Comedy' (1595), E.S. ii. 143. 
'French Corned^ (1597), E.S. ii. 144, 

'French Doctor', E.S. ii. 146, 180; 

iii. 301; W.S.'i. 375. 
French players in England, E.S. iii. 

Freshwater, William, merchant 

tailor, E.S. ii. 228, 239. 
Freyerbott, Bartholomew, E.S. ii. 

Friar aeon and Friar Bungay, notice 

of, E.S. iii. 328; mentioned, E.S. 

ii. 96, 114, 122, 126, 181; iii. 64, 

67, 76, 80, 89, 437; i v - I2 3 8 45 
W.S.i. 53, 212; ii. 307, 308, 312, 

'Friar Fox and Gillian of Brentford*, 

E.S. ii. 169. 
'Friar Francis*, E.S. ii. 95; iv. 253; 

W.S.U. 317. 
'Friar Rush and the Proud Woman of 

Antwerp, E.S. ii. 178, 281; iii. 

266,288,336; WS. 1.212. 
'Friar Spendleton\ E.S. ii. 132, 156, 

Friera Barnet (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 


Friskets, W.S. i. 173. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Frith, Mary, E.S. i. 371 ; ii. 318; iii. 

296, 313. 
Frith, Richard, dancing-master, E.S. 

ii. 494, 498-9. 

Frocester (Glos.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Froissart, Jean, W.S. i. 518. 
'Fromme Fran Z Antorf, E.S. ii. 

Front curtains, E.S. i. 181,182, 231; 

iii. 10, 21, 30, 44, 79. 
Frost, John, player, E.S. ii. 43, 318; 

iii. 363. 

Fryne, John, E.S. ii. 447. 
Fucus sive Histriomastix, E.S. i. 


Fulbeck, William, E.S. iii. 317, 348. 
Fulbrook (Warwick), W.S. i. 21; ii. 

293> 297> 301- 

Fulgens and Lucres, E.S. iii. 22-4. 
Fulham (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 103, 

114, 117. 

Fuller, Nicholas, E.S. iv. 98, 107. 
Fuller, Thomas, E.S. iii. 408; iv. 5; 

W.S. ii. 244, 280, 373. 
Fullom, S. W., W.S. ii. 301. 
Fulman, William, W.S. ii. 255. 
Fulsis, Alexander, E.S. ii. 447. 
Fulwell, Ulpian, playwright, E.S. 

ii. 14; iii. 311, 317; iv. 16. 
'Funeral of Richard Casur de Liori* f 

E.S. i. 320; ii. 166; iii. 265, 308, 

448, 516. 

Furniture, WS. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Fylole, Jasper, E.S. ii. 499. 



G., I. (pamphleteer), E.S. L 263. 

G., I. (poet), IKS. i-s 57- 

'Gag', E.S. i. 322; MS. i. 154, i57> 
235, 285, 288, 342, 380, 391, 
419, 432, 440. See Assembling, 

Gager, William, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. iii. 3 17-19; Plays: 
Dido, E.S. iii. 318; Hippolytus, 
E.S. iii. 319; Meleager, E.S. iii. 
318; Oedipus, E.S. iii. 319; 
Ulysses Redux, E.S. iii. 318; Lost 
Play: Rivales, E.S. iii. 319; on 
pkys, E.S. i. 251; iv. 245, 246; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 129, 186, 251, 
252, 253; iii. 458, 462, 465, 504; 
iv. 30, 250, 374, 376, 379. 

Galathea, E.S. ii. 18; iii. 34, 415; 
iv. 103, 382; W.S. i. 53. 

'Galiastf, E.S.ii. 143. 

Galleries, of stage, E.S. i. 203 ; ii. 
534; iii. 45, 73,^90-8, 119; of 
auditorium, E.S. ii. 514, 530-4, 

Gallery takings, E.S. L 355, 362, 

365; ii. 131, 139, 182, 239, 245, 
249,256,388, 393,412. 

Galleys, W.S. i. 171. See Printing- 
house methods. 

Galliards, E.S. i. 6, 198; iii. 234, 
239, 241, 278, 280, 282, 378, 
380, 383, 385, 39435; iv - 56, 

Callus, Evaldus, W.S. i. 10. 

Gambe, Come de la, WS. i. 346. 

Game at Chess, E.S. i. 327; iii. 438; 
W.S. i. 93, 102, 125. 

'Game of the Cards', E.S. i. 23 1, 268 ; 
ii. 37; iii. 44; iv. 99, 158. 

Gammer Gurton's Needle, E.S. ii. 
274; iii. 27; iv. 229, 380. 

Ganassa, Alberto, E.S. ii. 263, 294. 

Garden scenes, E.S. iii. 55. 

Garderoba, E.S. i. 55. 

Gardiner, John, E.S. iv. 93. 

Gardiner, Stephen, bishop of Win- 
chester, E.S. i. 275. 
Gardiner, William, E.S. iv. 323. 
Gardner family, W$. ii. 4, 48, 134, 

137. See Hathaway family. 
Gare, Mr., E.S. iv. 85. 
Gargrave, Mrs., maid of honour, 

.S.i. 5 4. 

Garland, John, player, E.S. ii. 106, 
107, 115, 241, 242, 243, 318; 

iv. 296. 

Garland, Thomas, E.S. ii. 465. 
Garlick, player, E.S. ii. 190, 318; 

iv. 254. 
Garnet, Henry, E.S. iv. 121; W.S. 

i. 474. 
Gamier, Robert, E.S. iii. 13, 337, 

397; #f. 1.400. 
Garrard, Gilbert, E.S. iv. 62. 
Garrard, Sir John, E.S. iv. 123. 
Garret, Mr., E.S. i. 146. 
Garret, fencer, WS. i. 510. 
Garret, Elizabeth, maid of honour, 

E.S. iii. 401. 
Garret, John, player, E.S. ii. 236, 

240, 318. 
Garrick, David, W.$. ii. 157, 184, 


Garter, E.S. i. 20, 139; ii. 6r, 160. 
Garter, Bernard, E.S. iii. 319; iv. 

62; /TO. 1.346. 
Garter, Thomas, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 319. 
Gascoigne, George, playwright, 

career and works, E.S. iii. 320-2; 

Plays: Glass of Government, E.S. 

iii. 321; Jocasta, E.S. iii. 320; 

Montague Mask, E.S. iii. 321; 

Supposes, E.S. iii. 321; on plays, 

E.S. ii. 382; iv. 196; mentioned, 

E.S. i. 123, 163, 164, 190, 222; 

iii. 28, 400, 402, 458, 512, 518; 

iv. 61,62,65; W.$. 1.328. 
Gascoigne, William, stage-hand, 

i. 121 ; ii. 8r. 


Gastrell, Francis, WB. ii. 99, 240. 
Gates, on stage, E.S. iii. 30, 36, 61, 

1 06. 

Gates, Sir Thomas, W.B. i. 491. 
Gatherers, E.S. i. 356, 361, 362, 

371 ;2. 150, 174, 187, 389, 392, 

393, 406, 445, 538. 
'Gatherings', E.S. i. 334, 335; ii. 

5 32; iii. 504. 

Gavell, Robert, E.S. iv. 100. 
Gawdy, Philip, E.S. ii. 1 3 5 ; iv. 1 8. 
Gawdy. tf^Hatton. 
Gaynes Park (Essex), E.S. iv. 95. 
Gebon, player, W.B. i. 392. 
Gedion, player, E.S. ii. 177, 318. 
Gelosi, E.S. ii. 262-3. 
Generic names, W.B. i. 119, 232, 

370, 385- 
Geneva, history of plays at, E.S. i. 

245, 246, 247-9. 
Genga, Girolamo, E.S. iii. 9; iv. 


Genievre, E.S. iii. 14. 

Gentili, Alberico, E.S. iii. 318; on 
plays, E.S.i. 253; iv. 245. 

Gentle Craft. See Shoemaker's Holi- 

Gentleman Usher* notice of, E.S. iii. 
251; mentioned, E.S. ii. 46; iii. 
131, 146,2535^.389,405. 

Gentlemen, of Chapel, E.S. ii. 2430 ; 
iv. 150; plays by, E.S. ii. 28-9; 
of privy chamber, E.S. i. 43, 50; 
pensioners, E.S. i. 47; ushers of 
chamber, E.S. i. 44-5, 50, 108, 
205, 226. 

Gentleness and Nobility, E.S. ii. 30. 

Geoffrey of Monmouth, W.B. i. 469, 

George a Greene > the Pinner of Wake- 
field, notice of, E.S. iv. 14; men- 
tioned, E.S. iii. 59, 99; iv. 384; 
WB. \. 54; ii. 95, 201, 317. 

'George $canderbeg\ notice of, E.S. 
iv. 400; mentioned, E.S. ii. 102; 
iii. 420; iv. 387. 

Gerard, Elizabeth, Lady, E.S. iii. 



Gerard, John, W.B. ii. 168. 
Gerard, Thomas, ist Lord, E.S. iii. 

Germaine, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 

Germany, pkyers in, E.S. i. 3427; 

ii. 272-92; W.B. i. 375. 
Gerrard, William, E.S. iii. 235. 
'Gerry 9 , player, E.S. ii. 318. 
Gerschow, Frederic, E.S. ii. 46, 47, 

48, 367; iii. 256. 
Gery, William, E.S. iv. 83. 
Gesta Grayorum (mask), E.S. i. 168, 

I7> I93> 222; iii. 212, 240; iv. 

55, 109. 
'Gests' of progresses, E.S. i. 108; iv. 

117, 1 20, 126. 

Gerley, Walter, WB. ii. 111-13. 
'Get-penny' plays, E.S. i. 373; W.B. 

i. 211. 

l Gevatter\ E.S. ii. 286. 
Gew, player, E.S. ii. 318. 
'Ghost' characters, W.B. i. 230, 307, 

326, 329. 
Ghost-names, E.S. ii. 108, 312, 

3 19; iii. 459. 

Gibbes, George, WB. ii. 38. 
Gibborne, Thomas, player, WB. i. 


Gibbs, player, E.S. ii. 177, 318. 
Gibson, Richard, player, Serjeant of 

arms, revels and tents, E.S. i. 72, 

78, 80, 87, 319; iv. 135. 
Giddy Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 84, 


Giflard, John, E.S. iv. 92. 
Gifford, Henry, E.S. iv. 90. 
Gifford, William, W.B. ii. 275. 
Gifts, in mask, E.S. i. 150, 160, 168, 

196, 197; iii. 278, 279, 282, 375, 

43 5, 468 ; on progress, E.S. i. 1 1 3, 

116, 125, 126. 
Gilburne, Samuel, player, E.S. ii. 

212, 219, 319; W.B. i. 80, 392; 


Gildon, Charles, W.B. ii. 238, 261. 
Giles, Nathaniel, master of Windsor 

Choir, E.S. i. 134, 379; ii. 23, 



38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 61, 64, 76, 

319, 508; iii. 352; iv. 166, 167. 
Giles, Thomas, dancer, E.S. i. 201-2 ; 

iii. 241, 244, 378, 380, 382, 383, 

Giles, Thomas, haberdasher, E.S. i. 

78, 86, 164. 
Giles, Thomas, master of Paul's boys, 

.0.1*1.9, 1 7> I ^4> 3 J 9;i v - I ^ I > 

162, 163. 

Gill, Daniel, E.S. ii. 435. 
Gillingham (Kent), E.S, iv. 77, 89. 
*Ginecocratia\ E.S. iii. 470. 
'Giocasta\E.S. iii. 321. 
Giovanni, Ser, of Florence, W.S. i. 

373 437- 

Girone, Don Ferdinandez de, 
Spanish ambassador, E.S. iii. 384. 

GismondofSalerne, notice of, E.S. iii. 
514; mentioned, E.S. i. 214; iii. 
30, 334, 456, 495; iv. 82, 405; 
W.S. i. 214. 

Giustinian, Giorgio, Venetian am- 
bassador, E.S. i. 25; ii. 549; iii. 
380; MS. i. 522, 527; ii. 335. 

*Gtoe a Man Luck and Throw him 
into the Sea 9 , E.S. iv. 386, 400. 

Glass of Government, E.S. iii. 321; 
iv. 196,381. 

Glasscock, Edward, E.S. i. 104. 

Glemham (b. Sackville), Anne, Lady, 
.O.iv. 113. 

Globe playhouse, described, E.S. ii. 
414-34; fire at, E.S. i.' 356; ii. 
217, 419-23; W.S. i. 82, 104, 
144, 150, 245, 320, 488, 495, 
530; ii. 344; performances at, 
W.S. ii. 323-7, 33741; Shake- 
speare's interests in, W.S. ii. 5 2-62 ; 
profits at, E.S. i. 369, 370; staging 
at, E.S. iii. 1 03-30 passim-, men- 
tioned, E.S.i. 134, 301, 302, 317, 
357, 368, 386; ii. 203, 208, 215, 
216, 311, 364, 367, 399, 525, 
529, 531; iii. 132, 133, 153, 184, 
362, 501; iv. 52, 55, 333, 335, 
336; W.S. i. 77, 81, 105; ii. 233, 
278, 322, 328, 343, 347, 348, 389. 

Gloucester, E.S. 1.^17, 333; ii. i, 

83; iv. 90; W.S. ii. 306, 307, 311. 
Gloucestershire, Shakespeares of, 

W.S.i. 16,24, 354,3.68. 
Gloves, in masks, E.S. i. 162, 164; 

at court performances, E.S. i. 225. 
Gobbo family, W.S. i. 375. 
'God Speed the Plough, E.S. ii. 95; 

iv. 387, 400; W.S.ii. 317. 
Goddard, William, E.S. iv. 114. 
Godfrey, Mr., E.S. ii. 375. 
1 2 Godfrey of Bulloigne* , E.S. ii. 143, 

148; iii. 340. 

Godfrey of Viterbo, W.S. i. 527. 
Godly Queen Hester, E.S. iii. 23, 25, 

311, 350; iv. 380. 
Godmanchester (Hunts.), E.S. iv. 


God's Promises, E.S. iv. 382. 
Goffe, Thomas, playwright, E.S. iii. 

322;iv. 45, 46. 
Golden Age, notice of, E.S. iii. 344; 

mentioned, E.S.i. 198; ii. 232; iii. 

109, ii4;iv. 392; W.S. i. 92, 112. 
Golden Age Restored (mask), E.S. i. 

174; iii. 390; iv. 130. 
'Golden Ass\ See ' Cupid and Psyche*. 
Golden Hind, Drake's ship, E.S. i. 

5;iv. 97. 
Golding, Arthur, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 322 ; Play: Abraham's Sacrifice, 

E.S. iii. 322; mentioned, E.S. iv. 

Goldingham, Henry, playwright, 

E.S. i. 166; iii. 322; iv. 62, 63. 
Goldingham, William, playwright, 

E.S. iii. 322 ;iv. 375. 
Gold well, Henry, writer, E.S. iii. 

322 ;iv. 63. 

Gonzaga, Curzio, W.S. i. 407. 
Gonzaga, Fernando, W.S. i. 457. 
Gonzaga, Louis, duke of Nevers, 

.O.ii. 261. 
Gonzaga, Vincentio, duke of Mantua, 

W. 1.457. 

'Good* and 'bad' Shakespearean 4 OS , 
E.S. ii. 196; iii. 185, 186, 189; 
W.S. i. 130-7, 164, 226, 333. 


See Play-texts; Quartos; Reported 

Goodale, Baptiste, 'ghost-name', E.S. 

ii. 319. 
Goodale, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

103, 125, 319; iv. 33, 282; 

MS. 1.44, 52, 512. 
Goodere, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 280, 

283* 36, 3 8 4 389; WB. i. 24. 
Goodman, Nicholas, E.S. ii. 376. 
Goodwin, Sir John, E.S. iv. 92. 
Goodwin, Thomas, E.S. i. 130. 
Googe, Barnabe, E.S. iii. 309. 
Goosecap, Sir Giles, E.S. ii. 46; iii. 

146, 169, 190, 251, 255; iv. n, 

Gorboduc, notice of, E.S. iii. 456; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 159, 161, 214, 

265; iii. 29, 178, 185, 334, 476; 

iv. 80, 226, 380; MS. i. 209. 
Gordon, George, ist marquis of 

Huntly, E.S. iii. 351. 
Gordon (b. Stuart), Henrietta, 

marchioness of Huntly, E.S. iii. 

35 1 - 
Gordon, Sir Robert, E.S. iii. 393. 

Gorges, Sir Arthur, E.S. iii. 267; iv. 


Gorges. &r<?Parr. 
Gorhambury (Herts.), E.S. i. no, 

117; iv. 88, 93. 
Goring, Sir George, E.S. iii. 241; 

iv. 64. 
Goringe, Henry, of Burton, E.S. i. 


Gosficld (Essex), E.S. iv. 79. 
Goslicius, Laurentius Grimalius, 

Gosson, Mrs., tirewoman, E.S. ii. 

i8 4 . 

Gosson, Henry, stationer, W.$. i. 

*33> 135- 

Gosson, Stephen, career and works, 
E.S. iii. 322; on plays, E.S. i. 254, 
255, 256, 258, 315, 348, 351; 
iv. 203, 206, 213; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 238, 257, 287; ii. 15, 16, 
380, 382, 393, 551; iii. 409, 412, 


515, 516; iv. 14; MS. i. 373, 


Gostwick, John, E.S. iv. 83. 
Goterant (in tilt-list 1607), E.S. iii. 


Goudhurst (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Gough, Alexander, E.S. iii. 442. 
Goughe or GofFe, Robert, player, 

E.S. ii. 125, 199, 208, 216, 218, 

219, 319; MS. i. 44, 80, 450; 

ii. 72-85. 
Goughe, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

96, 319; iv. 45, 146. 
'Government', E.S. ii. 290. 
Gower, John, MS. i. 522; ii. 226. 
'Gowry\ E.S. i. 328; ii. 21 1 ; MS. ii. 


Gowry Day, E.S. i. 21. 
Grace, Francis, player, E.S. ii. 188, 

Grades in household, E.S. i. 42. 
Gradi (tiers of seats), E.S. iv. 355, 


'Graf von Anglers', E.S. ii. 286. 
Grafton (Northants), E.S. iv. 81, 

84, 91, 117, 120, 123, 124, 127, 


Grafton, Richard, MS. i. 289. 
Grantchester (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 81. 
Grantham (Lines.), E.S. ii. 222. 
Graphic dances, E.S. i. 199. 
Grate, E.S. ii. 537. 
Gratuity to players, E.S. i. 339. 
Graunger, John, player, E.S. ii. 319. 
Graunte, Edward, master of West- 
minster, E.S. ii. 69. 
Grave, Thomas, surveyor of works, 

E.S.i. 16,95. 
Gravesend (Kent), E.S. i. 138; iv. 

96, 121,129. 
Gravett, William, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 167. 
Gray's Inn, E.S. i. 167, 168, 172, 

ii. 194; iii. 233, 239, 320-1, 348; 
iv. 56, 59, 82, 109, 127, 143, 162, 
282; play at, WS.ii. 319. 
Grazzini, A. F., E.S. iii. 29, 352. 


Great Chamber, E.S. i. 13, 216. 
Great Duke of Florence, E.S. ii. 


Great Seal, E.S. i. 272, 281. 
Greaves, John, player, E.S. ii. 96, 

320; iv. 146. 
'Grecian Comedy*. See ''Love of a 

Grecian Lady\ 
'Greek Maid', E.S. ii. 89; iv. 96, 

Green Cloth, board of, E.S. 1.35,50, 

55, 115, ii7;ii. 37,38- 
Green, John, player, E.S. i. 342; 

ii. 280, 281, 284, 285, 287, 294, 
320; W.B. i. 375, 401, 422, 470. 

Green alias Shakespeare, Thomas, 
W.B. ii. 4, 17, 149. 

Greene, John, WB. ii. 13, 152, 164. 

Greene, Joseph, W.B. ii. 2, 50, 99, 
169, 183,239. 

Greene, Robert, playwright and 
pamphleteer, career and works, 
E.S. iii. 323-30; Plays: Alphon- 
sus, E.S. iii. 327; Friar Bacon 
and Friar Bungay, E.S. iii. 328; 
James I7,E.S. iii. 330; WB. i. 53, 
54, 268, 291, 363; Looking Glass 
for London and England, E.S. iii. 
328 ; W.B. i. 54, 209, 268 ; Orlando 
Furioso, E.S. iii. 329; W.B. i. 53, 

56, 122, 124, 154, 157, 28l, 291, 

400; ii. 307; Lost Play: Job, E.S. 
iii. 330; Doubtful Plays, E.S. 
iii. 330; and contemporaries, E.S. 
iii. 325; W.B. i. 223; and Shake- 
speare, E.S. iii. 326; W.B. i. 22, 
58, 69, 216, 246, 287, 291; ii. 
1 88; on players, E.S. i. 349, 371, 
376, 377, 382, 386; iv. 236, 240; 
in revision theories, W.B. i. 285, 
291, 309, 317, 330, 359, 367, 
394> 45 2 457> 5 1 ?; mentioned, 
E.S.i. 373; ii. 291, 300, 409, 410, 
416, 418, 421, 450, 458; iv. 8, 
10, 12, 15, 18, 23, 25, 27, 36, 40, 
46, 48, 49, 234, 242, 246; W.B. i. 
325> 3*3> 373>4*2 489;"- I95 

201, 212, 213. 

Greene, Robert (confused with 
playwright), E.S. iii. 330. 

Greene, Susanna, E.S. ii. 236, 237. 
See Baskervilc, Susanna. 

Greene, Thomas, player, E.S. i. 3 5 3 ; 
ii. 229, 236, 320; iii. 306, 473; 
iv. 170, 175, 176, 178- 

Greene, Thomas (Shakespeare's 
cousin), W.B. i. 86, 87; ii. 17, 96, 
98, 104-5, 117, 122-7, 141-52, 


Greene families, W.B. ii. 149. 
Greene's Tu Quoyue, E.S. ii. 232; iii. 

269, 473; iv. 20, 125, 126, 178, 

254 393- 
Greenwich (Kent), E.S. i. 9, 12, 15, 

115, 138, 147, 155, 165, 217; ii. 

25, 33,8i;iii.349;iv. 56,77-130 

passim, 351. 

Grene, Jack, court fool, E.S. i. 48. 
Grene, Robert, court fool, E.S. i. 48. 
Gresham (b. Ferneley), Anne, Lady, 

E.S. iv. 106, 108. 
Gresham, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 20, 

139; iii. 267; iv. 8 1, 82, 83, 86, 

Gresham, William, E.S. iii. 402. 
Gresley, Lady Katharine, E.S. iv. 91. 
Greum, Henry, player, JS.S. ii. 291, 

Greville, Curtis, player, W.B. i. 530; 

ii. 80. 
Greville, Sir Edward, of Milcote, 

W.B. i. 6; ii. 105, 122, 148, 250. 
Greville, Sir Fulke, ist Lord Brooke, 

secretary for Wales, treasurer of the 

navy, chancellor of the exchequer, 

playwright, career and works, E.S. 

iii. 330-1; Plays: Alaham, E.S. 

iii. 331; Mustapha, E.S. iii. 331; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 90, 144; iii. 

187, 211, 402; iv. 64; W.B. i. 24, 

567; ii. 250. 
Grvin, Jacques, E.S. iii. 13; W.B. 

i. 399. 
Grey (b. Blennerhasset), Anne, Lady, 

E.S. ii. 485. 
Grey, Anne, Lady, E.S. iii. 514. 


Grey, Arthur, ijth Lord Grey of 

Wilton, E.S. iii. 320; iv. 84. 
Grey (b. Talbot), Elizabeth, Lady 

Ruthin, E.S. iii. 282. 
Grey, Henry, 6th earl of Kent, E.S. 

iv. 126. 
Grey, Henry, ist Lord Grey of 

Groby, E.S. iv. 64, 93, in. 
Grey, Lord John, E.S. iv. 79, 84. 
Grey, Peter, E.S. iv. 86, 91. 
GrifFen, player, E.S. ii. 150, 320. 
Griffeth, John, porter of St. John's 

gate,..i. 93. 
Griffin, Mr., E.S. ii. 248. 
Griffin, Alice, W.S. ii. 28. 
Griffin, Bartholomew, W.S. i. 548. 
Griffin, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 83; 

0W.ii. 1 10. 
Griffin, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 8 1, 1 17, 

127, 129. 
Griffin, William, vintner, E.S. ii. 


Griffith, Walter, E.S. iv. 91. 
Griggs, John, carpenter, E.S. ii. 391, 

Grigorie, Jack, pkyer, E.S. ii. 177, 

Grim the Collier ofCroydon, E.S. iii. 

335; iv. 16, 397. 
Grimald, Nichoks, E.S. iii. 3 1 ; W.S. 

i. 448. 

Grimes, masker, E.S. iv. 57. 
Grimsthorpe (Lines.), E.S. ii. 2; 

iv. 83. 

Grimston (Yorks.), E.S. iv. 116. 
Grindal, Edmund, bishop of London, 

archbishop of Canterbury, E.S. i. 

244,278511. 14,73 ;iv. 266. 
GriseldiSy E.S. iii. 292. 
Groom porter of chamber, E.S. i. 

45> i- 

Grooms, of chamber, E.S. i. 45, 50, 
208, 311, 358; players as, E.S. i. 
47, 52, 3ii;ii. I05,2ii;iv. 169; 
W$. i. 76; ii. 77-82, 241; of 
privy chamber, E.S. i. 43, 50; of 
revels, E.S. i. 93, 100; of stole, 


Grooms, in playhouses. See Atten- 
Groto, Luigi, E.S. iii. 208; WJB. i. 

Groundlings, E.S. i. 316; ii. 527; 

iv. 366. 
Grymes, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 44, 

Guaras, Antonio de, Spanish agent, 

E.S. i. 24. 

Guard chamber, E.S. i. 1 3. 
Guarini, G. Battista, E.S. iv. 41. 
Guarna, Andrea, E.S. iv. 374. 
*Guido\ E.S. ii. 144, 168. 
Guildford (Surrey), E.S. i. no; iv. 

84> 85, 93, 100, 106. 
Guildford (b. Somerset), Elizabeth, 

Lady, E.S. iii. 282, 380, 383. 
Guildford, Sir Henry, comptroller of 

household under Henry VIII, E.S. 

i. 71. 
Guildford, Sir Richard, master of 

horse, E.S. ii. 476. 
Guildford, Thomas, E.S. iv. 89. 
Guilds and plays, E.S. i. 221, 289, 


Guilford, Sir Henry, E.S. iv. 1 1 5. 
Guilpin, Everard, E.S. ii. 170, 196, 

3 2 5> 347> 39 8 > 42 49; W8. ii. 

Guise (Marlowe). See Massacre at 

'Guise* (Webster), E.S. iii. 426, 434, 

5i2;iv. 400. 

'Gull's Hornbook*, E.S. iv. 365-9. 
Gunnell, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 

190, 320. 
Gunnersbury (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 

8 7 . 

Gunpowder plot, W.B. i. 246, 468, 

474; ii. 167; Gunpowder Day, 

E.S. i. 21 ; iii. 367. 
Gunpowder Plot, W.S. ii. 384. 
Gurdall, John, E.S. iv. 321. 
'Gustavus King of Swethland\ E.S. 

iii. 304; iv. 397, 400. 
Guy Earl of Warwick, E.S. iii. 



'Guy of P7arwick\ E.S. ii. 127; iii. 

289, 304. 
Gwinne, Matthew, playwright, 

career and works, E.S. iii. 331; 

Plays: Nero, E.S. iii. 332; 7ertum~ 

nus, E.S. iii. 332; mentioned, E.S. 

i. 1 30; iii. 3i8;iv. 376, 379; W.B. 

i. 4-74- 

Gyldenstiern, Laxman, W.B. i. 425. 
Gyllome, Poke, player, E.S. ii. 320. 
Gyrke, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 320; 

iv. 262. 


. 254. 

Habington (b. Wykes), Catharine, 

E.S. iii. 401. 
Habington, John, cofferer of house- 

hold, E.S. iv. 92. 
Hacket, John, E.S. iii. 476. 
Hacket family, W.B. L 328; ii. 249. 
Hackney (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 84, 

zoo, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 

Haddington Mask, E.S. i. 173, 180, 

181, 183, 194,196,201,202,207, 

212; iii. 381. 

Haddington (title). See Ramsay. 
Haddon Hall (Derby), E.S. ii. 220. 
'Hades' (unploughed land), W.B. ii. 

Hadleigh (Suffolk), E.S. i. 338; iv. 

Hadley (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 77, 


Hadsor, Richard, E.S. iii. 266. 
Hagius, Gregorius, E.S. i. 346. 
Hakluyt, Richard, W.B. i. 406. 
Hale, Thomas, groom of tents, E.S. 

ii. 499, 
Hales, John, of Eton, W.B. i. 71; ii. 

Hales, Robert, lutenist, E.S. i. 49; 

iii. 403, 404. 

Hales family, W.B. ii. 14, 26. 
Hall, Mr., E.S. iv. 93. 
Hall, Arthur, ra. 1.448. 
Hall, later Nash and Bernard, Eliza- 

beth (granddaughter), W.B. i. 87, 

89, 91; ii. 7, 9, 13, 34, 169-80, 

249, 273. 
Hall, John (son-in-law), E.S. ii. 424; 

7T.i. 87;ii. 4, ri, 112-13, 169- 

Hall, John (Scottish minister), E.S. 

ii. 267. 

Hall, Thomas, musician, E.S. ii. 499. 
Hall, W. (c. 1682), WB. i. 506. 
Hall, William, of Lichfield, WS. ii. 


Hall, William, stationer, W.B. i. 566. 
Hall families, W.S. ii. 4-7, 33. 
'Hall* or 'room', for masks, E.S. ii. 

189; for interludes, E.S. iii. 23, 


Hall officers, E.S. i. 34, 226. 
Hall scenes, E.S. iii. 63, 86, 87, 88, 

ni, 115. 
Hallawaie, 'the younger', player, E.S. 

ii. 320. 
Halle, Edward, W.B. i. 289, 293, 

Hallingbury, Great (Essex), E.S. iv. 

79> 93- 
Halliwell, Edward, playwright, E.S. 

i. 127. 

Hallom, Thomas, W.B. i. 575. 
Hallow Park (Worcs.), E.S. iv. 92. 
Hallowmas, E.S. i. 21 ; iv. 237. 
Halls of palaces, E.S. i. 13, 15, 202, 


Ham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 86. 
Ham, West (Essex), E.S. iii. 369; 

iv. 95. 
Harden (Hamlett), Robert, player, 

E.S.ii. 245, 247, 320. 
Hamlet, the name, W.S. ii. 3. 
Hamlet, Katharine, W.S. i. 25, 425; 

ii. 3. 
Hamlet, discussed, E.S. iii. 486; W.B. 


i. 408-25; bibliography, W.B. i. j 

408-11; the texts, E.S. iii. 185, 

188,189, 191,192; /i^5.i.i58-9, 

167, 182, 188, 198, 412-17, 419; 

revision theories, W.B. i* 42022; 

date, W.B. i. 425; source, W.B. i. 

424; name coincidences, W.B. i. 

425, 430, 564; ghost in, W.B. i. 

25, 85; ii. 261, 265; parentheses, 

W.B. i. 196, 197; stage directions, 

WB. i. 157; references to players 

in, E.S. i. 325, 340, 380; ii. 43, 

50, 206; performances of, W.B. ii. 

319, 346, 353; in the provinces, 

E.S. ii. 209 ; at sea, W.B. ii. 3 345 ; 

staging of, E.S. iii. 112, 1 16, 117, 

123; Betterton as, E.S. ii. 219; 

W.B. ii. 263, 268; Taylor as, E.B. 

ii. 346; iv. 371; W.B. ii. 264; 

payment for, W.B. i. 84; ii. 71, 

282; The Old Play, E.S. ii. 95, 

128; iii. 397; iv. 234; W.B. i. 

411-12, 421, 423; in forgeries, 

W.B. ii. 379, 383, 392 ; mentioned, 

E.S.i. 186, 238;ii. 140, 193, 195, 

202, 286, 395, 551, 552; iii. 237, 

252; iv. 33, 53, 388; W.B. i. 63, 

65, 68, 85, 132, 146, 150, 156, 

163, 169, 199, 226, 229, 235, 

236, 238, 240,249,418; ii. 197, 


Hammersmith (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 

1 06. 
Hammerton, Stephen, E.S. iii. 218; 

iv. 371. 

Hammon, Thomas ,E.S. iii. 345,424. 
Hammond, John, of Chertsey, E.S. 

iv. 115. 
Hammond, John, player (interluder), 

E.S.ii. 78, 320. 
Hammond, Lieut., W.B. ii. 242. 
Hamond, player, E.S. ii. 220, 320. 
Hamond, John, E.S. ii. 442. 
Hampden (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 81, 107, 


Hampden, Mrs., E.S. iv. 107. 
Hampden, Alexander, E.S. iv. 117. 
Hampden, Griffith, E.S. iv. 81. 


Hampstead Marshall (Berks.), E.S. 

iv. 107. 
Hampton Corley (Warwick), W.B. 

ii. 13. 
Hampton Court (Middlesex), E.B. i. 

9, 12, 13, 15, 87, 108, 117, 144, 

171, 177, 202, 216, 250; iii. 277; 

iv. 77 12% passim. 
Hampton Court Conference, E.S. i. 

Hampton in Arden (Warwick), W.B. 

ii. 367. 
Hampton Lucy (Warwick), Shake- 

speares of, W.B. ii. 16. 
Han bury, Richard, E.S. iv. 115. 
'Hands', W.B. i. 178. Bee Originals; 

Printing-house methods; Manu- 
Hangings, E.S. i. 231; ii. 539; Iii. 

5, 14, 76, 78, 80, in, 129, 133, 

501 ;iv. 367, 370. 
Hannam, Jack, E.S. iii. 365. 
4 Hannibal and Hermes', E.8. ii. 166; 

iii. 302, 308, 516. 
1 'Hannibal and Sdpio\ E.S. ii. 177; 

& 33347i- 

Hanwell (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 120, 127. 
Hanworth (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 94, 

107, 113, 114, 117. 
Haplography, W.B. i. 180, 413. 

See Printing-house methods. 
Har, W. (1594), W.B. u. 190. 
Harbingers, E.S. i. 46, 108. 
Harco, Dydimus, W.B. i. 569. 
Harcourt, Walter, E.S. iv. 92. 
*Hardicanute\ E.S. ii. 132, 156, 


Hardratt, Jacob, E.S. ii. 507. 
'HarMifte for Husbands', E.S. iii. 

*7 2 - 
Hardy, Alexandre, E.S. iii. 1 5. 

Harefield Entertainment, E.S. iv. 67. 
Harefield (Middlesex), E.S. L 117, 

125; ii. 207; iv. 67, 115. 
Harington, Sir James, E.S. iv. 83. 
Harington, John, ist Lord Harington 

of Exton, E.S. i. 12; iii. 388; iv. 

116, 129. 



Harington, Sir John, his Metamor- 
phosis of Ajax, E.S. i. 311, 371; 
iv. 48, 319, 374; W.B. i. 336; ii. 
135; his translation of Orlando 
Furioso; E.S. iii. 329; iv. 377; 
W.&. i. 176, 187, 190, 388; his 
library of plays, E.S. iii. 183, 222; 
iv. 398; on pkys, E.S. i. 258, 268; 
iv. 237, 245, 374; on masks, E.S. 
i. 172; iii. 392; mentioned, E.S. i. 
121, 126, 250; ii. 37; iii. 363, 370, 
404, 408, 453, 498, 506; MS. i. 
404; ii. 198, 221, 227. 

Harington. Bee Chichester; Russell. 

Harley, Edward, 2nd earl of Oxford, 
W.B. ii. 274. 

Harlington (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 

IT 5- . 
Harlots in playhouses, E.S. i. 255, 

264; ii. 549; iv. 203, 209, 211, 
218, 223, 307; on stage, E.S. i. 
Harmon, Edmund, barber, E.S. ii. 

3 1 ' 

Harmondsworth (Middlesex), E.S. 

iv. 97. 

Harold's Park (Essex), E.S. iv. 93. 
Harper, Sir George, E.S. ii. 48 5, 489, 


Harper, Sir William, E.S. i. 136. 
Harriott, Thomas, E.S. iii. 249; iv. 

18; /fctf. i. 336. 
Harris, William, E.S. ii. 439. 
Harrison, John, player, E.S. ii. 320. 
Harrison, Philip, E.S. iii. 507. 
Harrison, Stephen, joiner, E.S. i. 

133; iii. 332; iv. 70. 
Harrison, William, player, E.S. ii. 

222, 320, 358. 
Harrison, William, on pkys, E.S. 

i. 349 ;iv. 269. 
Harrow (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 81, 

87, 102. 

Harrowden (Northants), E.S. iv. 1 20. 
Harsnett, Samuel, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 1 68; W.S. i. 354, 468. 
Hart, player, E.S. iv. 370, 
Hart, John, WS. i. 190. 

Hart, Sir Percival, E.S. i. 161, 214, 
280 ;iv. 82, 89, 143. 

Hart, Thomas, W.B. ii. 297, 381. 

Hart, William (brother-in-kw), WS. 
i- 4, 8, 87. 

Hart family, WS. ii. 34, 172. 

Harte, Sir John, E.S. iv. 305. 

Hartlebury (Worcs.), E.S. iv. 92. 

Hartley Wintney (Hants), E.S. iv. 
78, 85. 

Hartwell, Abraham, corrector of 
books, E.S. iii. 167. 

Harvey, pkyer, E.S. ii. 200, 320; 
WS. ii. 8 1. 

Harvey (b. Ansley), Cordelia, Lady, 
maid of honour, E.S. iv. 67. 

Harvey, Gabriel, and his contempor- 
aries: Greene, E.S. iii. 325-6; 
Lyly, E.S. i. 97; ii. 18, 395; iii. 
412, 416; Marlowe, E.S. iii. 
419, 421; Nashe, E.S. ii. 19, 
552; iii. 263, 268, 461, 497; 
WS. i. 310; Spenser, E.S. i. 257; 
ii. 4; iii. 494; iv. 203; on Hamlet, 
WS. i. 206, 249, 423 ; 'Marginalia' 
(extract), W.S. ii. 196; satirized 
in play, E.S. iv. 377; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 88, 92, 98, 103, 393; iii. 
35 8 > 3 6 3> 4^8, 45; WB. i. 187, 
337, 374- 

Harvey, John, W.B. i. 468. 

Harvey, Richard, E.S. ii, 109, 394; 
iii. 325, 450. 

Harvey, William, E.S. iv. 105. 

Harvey, Sir William, WS. i. 566; ii. 

Harvey. See Wriothesley. 

Harwich (Essex), E.S. iv. 79. 

Haseley (Warwick), W.S. ii. 364. 

Haslingfield (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 81. 

Hassard, Robert, of the revels, E.S. L 


Hassett, Caleb, vaulter, E.S. iv. 

Hassett, John, vaulter, E.S. ii. 529; 

iv. 167, 174. 
Hastifadia, E.S.i. 142. 
Hastings, Mrs., E.S. iv. 67. 



Hastings (b. Dudley), Catherine, 

countess of Huntingdon, E.S. iv. 

Hastings, Lady Dorothy, maid of 

honour, E.S. iii. 278, 378; iv. 67. 
Hastings (b. Stanley), Elizabeth, 

countess of Huntingdon, E.S. iii. 

3 8 3> 434- 
Hastings, George, 4th earl of 

Huntingdon, E.S. iv. 116. 
Hastings, Henry, 5th earl of 

Huntingdon, E.S. i. 174; iii. 

434; iv. 126, 129. 
Hastings, Lady Mary, W.S. i. 336. 
Hastings. See Somerset 
Hatcher, John, vice-chancellor of 

Cambridge, E>S. ii. 100. 
Hatfield (Herts.), E.S. i. n, 12, 

I26;ii. 12, i3;iv.77,79, 83, 84, 

87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 120. 
Hatfield Broadoak (Essex), E.S. iv. 

93> 95> * 2 9- 

Hathaway, Anne. See Shakespeare, 

Hathaway, Bartholomew (brother- 
in-law), W.S. ii. 49. 

Hathaway family, WS. i. 18; ii. 
41-51, 265. 

Hathway, Richard, pkywright, E.S. 
iii. 332-4; Pkys: 1,2 Black Dog 
of Newgate, E.S. iii. 333; Boss of 
Billingsgate, E.S. iii, 334; Con- 
quest of Spain, E.S. Hi. 333; I, 2 
Fair Constance of Rome, E.S. iii. 
333; Hanni&al and Scipio, E.S. iii. 
333; King Arthur^ E.S. iii. 333; 
Merry as May Be, E.S. iii. 333; 
Owen Tudor, E.S. iii. 333; Scogan 
and Skelton, E.S. iii. 333; I, 2 
Sir J. Oldcastle, E.S. iii. 333 ; I, 2 
Six Clothiers, E.S. iii. 333; Too 
Good to be True 9 E.S. iii. 333; 
Unfortunate General, E.S. iii. 333 ; 
Valentine and Orson, E.S. iii. 333 ; 
mentioned, E.S. ii. 161; iv. 246; 
W.S. i. 95. 

Hatto, William, of the revels, E.S. 
i. 101. 

Hatton (Warwick), W.S. ii. 365. 

Hatton, Sir Christopher, K.B., E.S. 
iv. 117, 123, 124, 126. 

Hatton, Sir Christopher, K.G., 
gentleman of privy chamber, vice- 
chamberlain, captain of guard, 
lord chancellor, E.S. i. 4, 42, 
47, 76, 109, 1 10, 112, 199; iii. 
*47 334* 457, 468, 514; iv. 60, 
103, 104, 105, 106, 282, 284, 

Hatton (b. Cecil), Elizabeth, Lady, 
afterwards Lady Coke, E.S. L 200; 
iii. 278, 376, 380. 

Hatton (b. Gawdy), Elizabeth, Lady, 
E.S. iii. 334. 

Hatton or Newport, Sir William, 
E.S* iii. 334. 

Hatton, Timothy, WS. i. 573. 

Haughton, William, pkywright, 
career and works, E.S. iii. 3346; 
Plays: Englishmen for my Money, 
E.S. iii. 334; Patient Grissell, E.S. 
iii. 335; Lost and Doubtful 
Pkys: Arcadian Virgin, E.S. iii. 
335; 2, 3 Blind Beggar of Beth- 
nal Green, E.$.ui. 336; Conquest of 
West Indies, E.S. iii. 336; Cox of 
Collumpton, E.S. iii. 335; Devil 
and his Dame, E.S. iii. 335; 
English Fugitives, E.S. iii. 335; 
Ferrex and Porrex, E.S. iii. 335; 
Friar Rush and Proud Woman of 
Antwerf, E.S. iii. 3 36 ; Judas, E.S. 
iii. 336; Poor Man's Paradise, E.S. 
iii. 335; 'Robin Hood's Pennorths* 
E.S. iii. 336; Seven Wise Master s 9 
E.S. iii. 335; i, 2 Six Clothiers, 
E.S. iii. 336; Six Yemen of the 
West, E.S. iii. 336; Spanish Moor's 
Tragedy, E.S. iii. 335; Strange 
News out of Poland, E.S. iii. 335; 
Thomas Merry or Beech's Tragedy, 
E.S.W. 335; William Cartwright, 
E.S. iii. 336; Woman Will Have 
Her WHIE.&. iii. 335 ; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 161; iii. 465; iv. 16. 

Havering (Essex), E.S. i. n, 12, 



21 ; iv. 79, 84, 88, 93, 95, 96, 

105, in, 120, 126. 
Hawes, Sir James, lord mayor, E.S. 

I 282 ;iv. 273, 300. 
Hawker, Mr., of Heytesbury, E.S. 

iv. 90. 
Hawkesworth, Walter, playwright, 

E.S. iii. 336; Plays: Labyrinthus, 

E.S. iii. 336; Leander, E.S. iii. 

336; mentioned, E.S. iv. 37 5, 376. 
Hawkins, Alexander, lessee, E.S. ii. 

42, 45, 49, 54, 320, 509. 
Hawkins, Henry, E.S. i. 107. 
Hawkins, R., W.B. i. 143. 
Hawkins, William, barber, E.S. ii. 


Hawley, of Gray's Inn, E.S. iv. 60. 

Hawtrey, William, E.S. iv. 107. 

Hay (b. Denny), Honora, Lady, E.S. 
i. 172; iii. 240; iv. 122. 

Hay, James, Lord, Viscount Don- 
caster, ist earl of Carlisle, gentle- 
man of the bedchamber, master of 
the wardrobe, E.S. i. 172, 200, 
203; iii. 240, 242, 246, 280, 377, 
378, 382, 393, 394; iv. 122. 

Hay Mask, E.S. i. 180, 182, 198, 
202; iii. 240. 

Hayes, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 137; iii. 

Hayman, Robert, E.S. iii. 491. 

Hayne, William, head master of 

Merchant Taylors' school, E.S. ii. 

75, 76, 320. 

Haynes (Beds.), E.S. iv. 129. 
Haysell, George, pkyer, E.S. 11.221, 

Haysyll, George (of Cambridge), 

E.S. iv. 32. 
Hayward, John (c. 1741), E.S. iii. 

Hayward, John (1599), W.8. i. 353; 

ii- 323-7. 
Hayward, Katharine, Lady, E.S. iv. 

108, no. 
Hayward, Sir Rowland, lord mayor, 

E.S. iv. 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 

272, 277, 305. 

Hayward. See Knyvet. 
Haywood, Ralph, E.S. iii. 331. 
Hazelbury (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Heardson, John, E.S. iv. 13. 
Hearne, Thomas, antiquary, W.S. 

ii. 269. 
Hearne, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

Heath, John, E.S. ii. 368. 
Heath, Nicholas, archbishop of York, 

lord chancellor, E.S. i. 243 ; iv. 97. 
Heath, Richard, mercer, E.S. ii. 184. 
HeautontimorumenuSy E.S. i. 75, 223 ; 

ii. 72; iv. 82. 
Heautontimorumenus (trans.), E.S. 

iii. 236; iv. 385. 
Heavens, E.S. ii. 466, 544-6, 

555; i- 3>75-79> Io8 *3 2 > 

Heaven's Blessing and Earth's Joy. 

See Marriage of Frederick and 

Heber, Richard (book collector), 

JKS. ii. 275. 
Hector of Germany, E.S. ii. 404, 448; 

iii. ii4,493;iv. 393. 
Hecyra, E.S. iii. 236; iv. 385. 
Hedgerley (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 93. 
Hedges, Baldwyn, WS. ii. 323. 
Hedingham (Essex), E.S. iv. 79. 
Heidelberg, players at, E.S. i. 343. 
Heigham, Henry, E.S. iv. 95. 
Hele, Lewis, E.S. iii. 235. 
'Heliogabalus\ E.S. iii. 324; iv. 384, 

Hell, E.S. i. 232; ii. 528; iii. 30, 

Hell-mouth, E.S. i. 232; ii. 528; iii. 

72, 90. 
Helle, John, player, E.S. ii. 152, 


Helme, John, W.S. i. 140, 365. 
Helmes, Henry, lord of misrule, E.S. 

iv. 56, 57. 
Hemetes the Hermit. See Wood- 

stock Entertainment. 
'Hemidos and Thelay\ E.S. iii. 471; 

iv. 401. 



Heminges, John, player, career of, 
E.S. ii. 320-3; his boy, E.S. ill. 
262; his arms, E.S. i. 350; W.$. i. 
39; his will, E.S. ii. 322; lawsuit 
v. Thomasine Heminges, E.S. ii. 
322, 431; as payee, E.S. i. 353, 
ii. 195, 196, 204; iv. 165 sqq., 
W.S. ii. 321-45; as sharer, E.S. i. 
356, 358; ii. 58, 203, 417, 
418, 421, 423, 424, 425, 510; 
W.S. ii. 154-9; in actor lists, E.S. 
Ill 359, 361, 367, 368, 371, 372; 
and First Folio, E.S. iv. 480; W.S. 
i. 96; ii. 228; and Shakespeare, 
E.S. II. 321 ; W.S. i. 89; ii. 52-87; 
mentioned, E.S. IL 76, 123, 125, 
126, 197, 210, 212, 213, 215, 
219; iv. 342, 371; W.S. i. 45, 48, 
52, 79; ii. 234, 262. See First 

Hemingham, Mary, E.S. iv. 112. 

Hemstead (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 

Henchmen, E.S. 1. 45 ; ii. 24. 

Hendecasylkbic lines. See Double 

Hendon (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 83, 
87, 92, 108. 

Heneage, Sir Thomas, gentleman of 
the privy chamber, treasurer of 
the chamber, vice-chamberlain, 
chancellor of the duchy of Lan- 
caster, E.S. 1. 4, 39, 42, 64; ii. 
1 13; iii. 350; iv. 84, 94, 100, 134; 
J#S. 1.358. 

Heneage. See Wriothesley. 

'Hengist*. See 'Portigern 9 . 

Hengrave (Suffolk), E.S. 1. 124; iv. 

63, 95- 

Henham Park (Essex), E.S. iv. 87. 
Henley Street (Stratford), W.S. ii. 


Henri IV, king of Navarre and 
France, E.S. i. 23, 26, 176, 177, 
197, 204, 323, 327; ii. 160, 263; 
iii. 283, 297, 384; iv. 329; W.S. 

i- 3io 337> 372, 484* 489> 5 6 3- 
Henrietta Maria, queen, E.S. i. 7, 
174; #?S. 2.98, 352. 

Henry Frederick, prince of Wales, 
baptism of, E.S. 1. 23; ii. 266; 
creation as, E.S. i. 22, 54, 134, 
138, 139; ii. 188; iii.445;iv-72; 
his death, E.S. i. 148, 304; ii. 217; 
iv. 341; his Barriers, E.S. I. 147, 
173; iii. 393; iv. 124; in masks, 
E.S. I. 199, 200; iii. 282, 385; 
iv. 58, 125; and Chapman, E.S. 
ill. 250, 507; his men, E.S. I. 356; 
ii. 186-90, 441; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 7, 12, 171, 197, 211, 215; 
ii. 134, 190, 216; iii. 238, 275, 
305 382, 3 8g ; iv. U7> 126, 127, 
353; 039.1.247,360. 

'Henry r, E.S. ii. 144, 148; m. 307, 
iv.4or;#T.i. 538. 
IP, E.S. III. 489; iv. 401; 
W.S.\. 538. 

Henry II (Ireland's), W.S. ii. 383. 

i, 2 Henry IV> discussed, E.S. iii. 
484, 485; W.S. \. 375-83; the 
texts, W.S. i. 375-8; the Dering 
MS., W.S. I. 112, 378; biblio- 
graphy, W.S. i. 379; censorship, 
W.S. i. 238-40, 379, 382; abridge- 
ment, W.S. i. 381; date, W.S. i. 
383; source, W.S.i. 383; brackets, 
W.S. i. 197; stage directions, W.S. 
i. 236; double endings, W.S. i. 
268; Falstaff, W.S. i. 75; ii. 243, 
251, 281; Lowin as, E.S. iv. 371; 
and Oldcastie, E.S. ii. 196; WB. 
i. 65, 242, 244, 266, 381; per- 
formances, E.S. 1. 220, 311; ii* 
204; iv. 127, 1 80; W.S. ii. 343, 
346, 353? staging of, E.S. iii. 65, 
69, 80, 94, 124; mentioned, E.S. 
ii. 6, 196, 217, 293, 443; iii. 307; 
iv. 36, 246, 385, 387; W.B. L 
2 5* 93> r 3^ l82 2 45 2 48, 271, 
395, 429, 433, 434; ii. 233, 239, 

*43 323, 325- 
'Henry V* (anon.), E.S. ii. 144, 211; 

iv. 17. 

Henry 7 3 discussed, E.S. iii. 485; 
W.S.i. 390-5 ; bibliography, W.S.I. 
390; the texts, W.S. i. 391; bad 

6 4 


texts, E.S. iii. 189; W.S. i. 156, 
182, 1 86, 226, 240; reporting, 
W.S. i. 391; vulgarization, W.S.i. 
392; inconsistencies, WS. i. 392; 
censorship, WS. i. 65, 238, 393; 
omission of choric matter, WS. i. 
393 ; revision theories, W.S. i. 218, 
393-4; sources, WS. i. 395; date, 
W.S. i. 245, 395; Falstaff and 
Oldcastle, WS. ii. 242; reference 
to Essex, W.S. i. 68; to Jonson, 
WS. i. 70, 72; performance of, 
W.S. ii. 331; staging of, E.S. iii. 
106, 124; mentioned, E.S. ii. 203, 
204, 415, 434; iii. 104; iv. 9, 
119, 172, 386; W.S. i. 130, 137, 
145, 248, 422, 430, 434, 436; ii. 

Henry V. See Famous Victories. 

i Henry 71, discussed, E.S. ii. 129- 
30; iii. 481; W.8. i. 279, 289-93; 
text, W.S. i. 289; style, W.8.I. 290; 
revision theories, W.8. i. 291; 
earlier theme, W.S. i. 292; date, 
W.S. i. 247, 293 ; sources, W.S. i. 
293 ; referred to by Nashe, E.S. i. 
260; iv. 238; W.8. ii. 188; per- 
formances, E.S. ii. 122; W.8. ii. 
308, 310, 312; staging of, E.S. 

ft- 53 55> 59 62 . 79? #^- i- 2 93 ; 
mentioned, .. ii. 197, 199, 201 ; 
iii. 97; iv. 8, 17, 394; WS. i. 268. 
2, 3 fc#ry /T, discussed, iii. 
48 1 ; W.S. i. 277-89 ; authorship, 
E.S. ii. 129-30; MS. i. 59, 216, 
224, 2867; revision theories, 
W.S. i. 282, 285 sqq.; texts, W.S. 
i. 156, 186, 282, 283; stage- 
directions, W.S. i. 201, 283, 300; 
actor-names in, E.S. ii. 200; 1KB. 
i. 50, 288 ; borrowings or transfers, 
WS. i. 285 ; date, E.S. iv. 8 ; W.S. 
i. 246, 288; prompt-copies, W.S. i. 
289; sources, W.S. i. 289; staging 
of, E.S. iii. 113; mentioned, E.S. 
ii. 202; iv. 34, 43; W.S. i. 55, 
227, 235, 272, 303, 304, 401, 
412, 517. 

Henry VII, E.8. i. 8, 9, 43, 151, 
271, 279. 

Henry 71 II (Rowley). See When 
Ton See Me, Ton Know Me. 

Henry ^///(Shakespeare), discussed, 
E.S. iii. 489; WS. i. 495-8; 
bibliography, W.S. i. 495 ; the text, 
WS. i. 495 ; date, W.8. i. 245, 250, 
256, 495; problem of authorship, 
W.S. i. 141, 207, 222; collabora- 
tion, E.S. ii. 217; W.S. i. 234, 
497; Fletcher, W.S. i. 496; 
Massinger, W.S. i. 496, 531; 
sources, W.S. i. 498; early ver- 
sion, E.S. ii. 95, 130, 202 ; stage- 
directions, WS. i. 20 r ; censorship, 
W.S. i. 241; Betterton as, E.S. ii. 
219; W.S. ii. 264; Lowin as, E.S. 
ii. 219; W.S. i. 498; performance 
and staging of, E.S. ii. 419, 530; 
W.S. ii. 343, 347; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 186; iv. 394; W.S. \. 272. 

Henry VIII, E.S. i. 8, 9, 10, 15, 35, 
270, 273, 275; ii. 25, 30, 99; iv. 


'Henry of Cornwall', E.S. ii. 122, 
124; iv. 2; W.8. ii. 307 sqq., 314. 

'2 Henry Richmond*, E.S. ii. 161, 
171, 172; iii. 517; WS.\. 304. 

Henryson, Robert, W.S. i. 448. 

Henslowe, Francis, player, E.S. ii. 
114, 115, 241, 323, 410. 

Henslowe, Philip, groom of chamber, 
sewer for chamber, owner of Rose, 
Fortune, Hope, and perhaps lessee 
of Whitefriars, career of, E.S. i. 

Relations with playing com- 
panies, E.S. ii. 225 sqq., 241; 
W.S. i. 37, 44, 46, 47, 50, 53; 
Admiral's, E.S. ii. 121, 139 sqq., 
149, 157, 176 sqq., 1 8 1, 182, 183, 
185, 270; iii. 423, 426, 461, 462; 
iv. 17; Lady Elizabeth's, E.S. ii. 
248 sqq., 253-7; Articles of Op- 
pression agst., E.S. i. 365; ii. 250, 


Relations with, playwrights, E.S. 
i- 3$3 366, 373, 374; il. 145, 
162-4, 172,^175, 176, 181, 253; 
iv. 16; W.S* i. 95, 209 sqq.; Chap- 
man, E.S. iii. 249; Chettle, E.S. 
iii. 263, 447; Daborne, E.S. i. 
$66, 373, 374, 375; 11.251, 252, 
2 5& 37; ft. 270; Day, .8. iii. 
288; Dekker, E.S. iii. 292, 294; 
Drayton, E.S. iii. 306; Hathway, 
E.S. iii. 332; Haughton, E.S. iii. 
334, 465 ; Heywood, E.S. iii. 338, 
342; Jonson, E.S. iii. 352, 396; 
Lodge, E.S. iii. 4 1 o ; Marston, E.S. 
iii. 428; Massinger, E.S. iii. 436; 
Munday, E.S. iii. 445, 446, 447; 
Pett, .8. iii. 465; Rankins, E.S. 
iii. 471; Singer, E.S. iii. 492; 
Webster, E.S. iii. 507; Wilson, 
.E.S.iii. 516. 

Relations with Alleyn, E.S. ii. 
124, 128, 139, 296,440,452,454, 
463,465; Meade,.S.i. 316,359, 

365, 367; ii- 249* 2 53 254, 255, ' 
413,452,454, 463,465;^. 325; 
watermen, E.S. iv. 312; his boy, 
E.S. i. 362; ii. 154. 

His profits, E.S. i. 361, 368, 
369; ii. 122, 123, 141, 148; pay- 
ment of licensing fees, E.S. i. 101, 
219, 362; ii. 156; of poor-rate, 
E.S. iv. 32 5 ; his playhouses: Hope, 
E.S. ii. 466-8, 470; Fortune, E.S. 
ii. 440; Rose, E.S. ii. 406, 407. 

His Diary, quoted, E.S. ii. 
151-5; iii. 300-4, 307-8, 333, 
511, 516; W.S. ii. 307-14, 316- 
19; mentioned, E.S. i. 224, 264, 
296, 297-9, 314, 315, 319, 360, 
363; ii. 77-260 passim; iii. 426, 
46i;iv.48;#iT.i. 211,245, 303, 
320, 327. 

See also E.S. ii. 6, 7, 60, 61, 
61, 94, 113,^165, 178, 188, 189, 
225, 226, 245, 247, 248, 275, 

287, 323* 44, 413; 329* 42 3> 
424, 460, 518; iv. 6, 15, 20, 23, 

Henslowe*s companies, finance of, 
E.S. ii. 94, 121, 123, 139-43* 
148, 156-7, 159-64, 172, 174, 
181-5, 189, 225-8, 245, 248-50, 


Hentzner, Paul, E.S. i. 9, 14, 143; 
ii. 362, 413, 456, 524, 551; iv. 


Herbert (b. Talbot), Catherine, 
countess of Pembroke, E.S. i. 160; 
iv. 91. 

Herbert, Edward, E.S. iv. 83, 87, 

Herbert, Henry, 2nd earl of Pem- 
broke, president of Wales, E.S. 
i. 160, 179; ii. 128; iii. 318, 337, 
394, 436; iv. 90, 107; JKS.i. 68, 
567; his men, E.S. ii. 12834. 

Herbert, Sir Henry, master of revels, 
his duties as censor, E.S. i. 321; 
WiS. i. 99-105 ; increase of rigidity 
in censorship, E.S. i. 319, 322; 
iii. 194, 222; W.S* i. 116, 239; 
fees to, E.S. i. 316, 370; MS. i. 
149; his profits, E.S. i. 353; as 
sharer, E.S. i. 370; his office- 
book (extracts from), W.S* ii. 347; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 105, ii, 346; 
iii. 183, 227, 297, 299, 472; iv. 
342; W.S. i. 130, 213; ii. 81. 

Herbert, Sir John, secretary of state, 
E.S.iv. 335. 

Herbert (b. Newport), Magdalen, 
Lady, afterwards Lady Danvers, 
E.S. iii. 370. 

Herbert (b. Sidney), Mary, countess 
of Pembroke, her pkys, Antony 
(trans.), E.S. iii. 337; dstraea 
(entertainment), E.S. iii. 337; 
mentioned, E.S. iii. 272, 337, 401, 
404, 492; WS. i. 76, 565 ; ii. 329* 

Herbert (b. Talbot), Mary, countess 

of Pembroke, E.S. iii. 3 1 6. 
Herbert, Philip, ist earl of Mont- 
gomery and 4th earl of Pembroke, 
lord chamberlain, EJ!. i. 41, 146, 
172, 200; iii. 218, 242, 246, 268, 
280, 316, 332, 377, 378, 382, 



393, 394, 436; Iv. 119; W.B. i. 

136, 149; 11.228. 
Herbert (b. Vere), Susan, countess of 

Montgomery, E.S.l. 54, 172, 200; 

iii. 278, 282, 316, 375, 377, 378, 

380, 383; iv. 67, 119. 
Herbert, Thomas, E.S. i. 107; ii. 

401; W.B. i. 100. 
Herbert, William, bibliographer, 

MS. ii. 392. 

Herbert, William, ist earl of Pem- 
broke, lord steward, E.S. i. 35, 

159; ii. 362; iii. 349, 372, 477; 

iv. 77, 80, 81,82. 

Herbert, William, 3rd earl of Pem- 
broke, lord chamberlain, E.S. i. 

4*45 53> H^, *79> 200; ii. 308; 

iii. 246, 280, 316, 377, 382, 394; 

iv. 117, 342; W.&. i. 68, 76, 99, 

102, 136, 565-8; ii. 228, 329. 
Herbert. See Talbot. 
Herbert (title). See Somerset. 
'Herbert Mask\ E.S. iii. 377. 
'i, 2 Hercules', E.S. ii. 143-4, 148, 

167; iii. 345; iv. 4; W.S. i. 360. 
Hercules Furens, E.S. iii. 477; iv. 

' Hercules, Labours of 9 ..2.152,246; 

ii. 90, 5 50. See' 'Forces of Hercules'. 
Hercules Oetaeus (fragment), E.S. iii. 

3ii;iv. 405. 
Hercules Oetaeus^ E.S. iii. 478; iv. 


'Here' in stage-directions, W.S. i. 

Hereditary household officers, E.S. 

Heriot, Henry, player, E.S. ii. 323. 

Herlle, William, E.S. iv. 32. 

Heroard, Jean, E.S. ii. 293. 

Herod and Antipater, E.S. iii. 417. 

Herodes, E.S. iii. 322; iv. 375. 

Heroic verse, W3. i. 258, 268. See 

Heron, Jerome, dancer, E.S. i. 
201-2; iii. 244, 382, 383, 386. 

Heron, Sir John, treasurer of cham- 
ber, E.S. i. 58; iv. 133. 

'Herpetulus the Blue Knight and 

Perobia\ E.S. ii. 97; iv. 89, 148. 
Herriard (Hants), E.S. iv. 90. 
Herrick, Robert, W.S.I 557. 
Herring, Joan, E.S. iii. 314. 
Hertford (Herts.), E.S. iv. 79, 81, 

93 346, 347> 348. 
Hertford (title). See Seymour. 
Hertford's men, E.S. i. 351 ; ii. 1 16, 

365 ;0W. 1.44. 
'Herzog von Florenz. und Edelmanns 

Tocher*, E.S. ii. 281, 286. 
'Herzog von Mantua und Herzog von 

7erona\ E.S. ii. 286. 
Heselrige, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 123. 
Hesketh, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 280. 
Hesse-Cassel, players at court of, E.S. 

i. 343; ii. 277-83. 
Hesse-Cassel, Maurice, landgrave of, 

E.S. i. 343, 346 ; ii. 277, 279, 280; 

iii. 498. 
Hesse-Cassel, Otto, prince of, E.S. ii. 

369, 457; iii. 498. 
' Hester and Akasuerus*, E.S. ii. 140, 

193,202; 0T. 2.319. 
Hewat, Peter, E.S. ii. 267. 
Hewland (Shottery, Warwick), W$. 

i.i8;ii. 47-51. 
Heyes, Laurence, stationer, W.S. i. 

137, 140. 
Heyes, Thomas, stationer, W.B. i. 

I32> 137- 

Heytesbury (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Hey wood, Edmund, E.S. iii. 338. 
Heywood, Jasper, translator of 

Seneca, E.S. iii, 337, 477, 518. 
Heywood, John, E.S. ii. 12, 14, 18, 

3> 3 2 > 49> 3 2 3? Si- *9> 28 > i?7 
3 3 8, 465, 479 y^S. 2.197. 

Heywood, Richard, E.S. iii. 338. 

Heywood, Thomas, playwright, 
career and works, E.S. ii. 323; 
iii. 338-48; Plays: Albere Galles, 
E.S. iii. 347; Brazen Age, E.S. iii. 
345; Christmas Comes But Once a 
Tear, E.S. iii. 348; Cutting Dick, 
E.S. iii. 347; Fortune by Land and 
Sea, E.S. iii. 343; Four Prentices 


of London, E.S. iii. 340; Golden 
Age, E.S. iii. 344; If You Know 
Not Me, E.S. iii. 342; MS. i. 147, 
161, 466; Iron Age, E.S. iii. 345; 
W.S. i. 449; Joan as Good as my 
Lady, E.S. iii. 347; I Lady Jane, 
E.S. iii. 347; i London Florentine, 
E.S. iii. 347; Marshal Osric, E.S. 
iii. 347; Pleasant Dialogues and 
Dramas, E.S. iii. 346; WS. i. 304; 
RafeofLucrece, E.S. iii. 343; W.S. 
ii. 192, 342; Roy tf/ King and Loyal 
Subject, E.S. iii. 341; Silver Age, 
E.S. ui. 344; W.S.i. 92, 112,360; 
ii. 342 ; Sir Thomas Wyatt, E.S. iii. 
341 ; The Blind Eats Many a Fly, 
E.S. iii. 348; War Without E lows, 
E.S. iii, 347; Wise Woman of 
Hogsdon, E.S. iii. 342; Woman 
Killed with Kindness, E.S. iii. 
341 ; Lost and Doubtful Pkys, E.$. 
iii. 347; and Henslowe, E.S. ii. 
145, 153, 156, 226; as actor, E.S. 
ii. 229, 236, 237, 240, 448; as 
payee, E.S. iv. 167; in revision 
theories, E.S. iii. 182, 473, 509; 
W.S. i. 109, 301, 394, 398, 482, 
492, 504, 513; his Apology for 
Acton, E.S. i. 262, 263, 351; ii. 
214; iii. 396, 507; W.S. i. 103; 
ii. 218; on printing of plays, E.S. 
ii. 185, 192, 198; on plays, E.S. 
i. 262; iv. 250; mentioned, E.S. 
ii. 90, 95, 109, 271, 277, 292; 
iii. 79, 269, 421, 424, 425, 510; 
iv. 8, 10, 13, 15, 20, 49, 51, 54, 
171, 246; WS. i. 40, 95, 113, 
147, 548; ii. 79, 80, 195, 218, 

Hiccox family, W.S. ii. 34, 108, no, 

Hickford, Sir John, E.S. iv. 107. 

Hicks, Sir Michael, E.S. i. 112; iv. 
in, 118. 

Hicks, Richard, E.S. ii. 401. 

Hickscorner, E.S. iii. 22. 

Higford, Henry, W.S. i. 14. 

Higgins, John, WS. i, 469. 


Higgs, Griffin, E.S. iii. 348; iv. 71. 
High Commission, E.S. i. 275-6; 

iii. 162, 166-8, 171-2; iv. 265, 

Highgate (Middlesex), E.S. i. 6, 120, 

126; iii. 391 ; iv. 92, 93, 99, 104, 

108, in, 113, 118. 
Highgate Entertainment, E.S. i. 126; 

iii. 392. 
Highway rates on pkyhouses, E.S. 

Himatia Poleos (show), E.S. i. 137; 

iii. 449. 
Hinchinbrook (Hunts.), E.S. i. 13, 

127, 244; iii. 498; iv. 8 1, 116. 
Hindlip (Worcs,), E.S. iv. 92. 
Hinson, Francis, E.S. iv. 320. 
Hinstock, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 

79, 80, 82, 323. 

Eifpolytus, E.S. i. 251 ; iii. 3, 319. 
Hifpolytus (trans.), E.S. iii. 478; iv. 

Hireling players, E.S. i. 332, 348, 

362, 370, 382; ii. 184, 250; iv. 

204; W.S. i. 59, 78, 105; ii. 

Hiring of playhouses, E.S. i. 369; ii. 

448, 516. 

Hispanus, E.S. iii. 444; iv. 375. 
Hissing, E.S. ii. 549. 
^Histoire Angloise contre la Roine 

a" Angleterrf , E.S. i. 323. 
'History of Love and 'Fortune', E.S. iv, 

'History of the Old Testament 9 , E.S. 

ii. ii. 
Histriomastix, notice of, E.S. iv. 17; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 137, 224, 

381-2; ii. 20; iii. 131, 132, 135, 

362, 445; iv, 392; WS. i. 69, 


'Hit Nail o* th' Head*, E.S. iii. 437. 
Hitch, Daniel, E.S. iv. 340. 
Hitcham (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 1 15. 
Hobarr, Sir Henry, attorney-general, 

E.S. iii. 260; WS. ii. 145. 
Hobbes, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

242,245, 323; iii. 473. 



Hobby-horses, E.S. i. 141, 232; iii. 

475; iv. 91, 217. 
Hoby, Sir Edward, E.S. i. 220; iii. 

286; iv. 66; #f.i. 247, 351,355; 

ii. 320. 
Hoby (b. Carey), Margaret, Lady, 

E.S. iv. 99. 
Hoby, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 263; 

W.S. i. 388. 
Hoby. fo* Russell. 
Hock Tuesday play, E.S. i. 123, 

Hoffman* E.S. iii. 264; iv. 394; W.S. 

i- 537- 

Hog hath lost Ms Pearl. See The Hog. 
Holbein, Hans, E.S. i. 8, 15, 72. 
Holcombe, Thomas, player, E.S. ii.. 

338; W.S. 11.79-84. 
Holcutt (Beds.), E.S. iv. 91. 
Holdenby (Northants), E.S. i. 13; 

iv. 117, 123, 124, 127, 129. 
Holderness (title). See Ramsay. 
Hole, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 79, 80, 


Holgate family, W.S. ii. 222. 
Holinshed, Raphael, his History as a 

source of Shakespeare's plays, W.S. 

i. 218, 289, 293, 304, 327, 356, 

3*7> 383* 393>469> 475>487> 5i8. 
Holland, Aaron, E.S. ii. 445. 
Holland, Hugo, E.S. iii. 208, 355, 

367,480; WS.i. 142 ;ii. 2 1 5, 23 1. 
Holland,]., player, E.S. ii. 125, 324; 

WS. i. 44, 50, 288;ii. 80. 
Holland, T., .5. iii. 318. 
Holland, William, E.S. iv. 39. 
Holkr, Wenceslaus, E.S. ii. 378; 

W.S.ii. 185. 
Holliday, Sir Leonard, E.S. i. 137; 

iii. 448. 

Hollis, Sir John, E.S. i. 268. 
Holmes, licenser, E.S. i. 318; iv. 

Hoist, duke of, E.S. i. 10, 24, 205, 

215; iii. 377; iv. 119, 140; WS. 

ii. 332. 
Holstein, Princess Christina of, E.S. 

ii. 274. 

Holt, James, player, E.S. ii. 72, 229, 

236, 240, 324. 
Holt, John, yeoman of revels, E.S. 

i.7379>8i;ii.49. 2 - 
Holt (Sussex?), E.S. iv. 106. 

Holton (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 88, 90, 92, 

Holzhew, Behrendt, player, E.S. ii. 

291, 324- 
Home, Alexander, ist earl of, E.S. 

iv. 1 1 6. 

Home, Sir George, ist earl of Dun- 
bar, keeper of privy purse, E.S. i. 

63; W.S. ii. 73. 
Homer, W.S. i. 447, 490. 
Homes, Thomas, E.S. iv. 320. 
Honest Lawyer, E.S. ii. 233 ; iii. 491 ; 

iv. 19, 393- 
Hoxest Man's Fortune, E.S. i. 321; 

ii. 251, 253, 303; iii. 227; iv. 

395, 405; W.S. i. 92, 104, in, 

116, 117, 151, 239, 530. 
i, 2 Honest Whore, E.S. ii. 189; iii. 

294, 437; iv. 388, 391; W.S. i. 

Honiman, John, pkyer, W.S. ii. 

Honing, William, clerk comptroller, 

afterwards clerk, of tents and revels, 
..1.95, 99. 

Honour in dance, E.S. i. 189, 198; 
iii. 241. 

Hooft, Pieter, E.S. iv. 36. 

Hooker, Richard, W.S. i. 175. 

Hooper, H., E.S. iii. 187. 

Hope playhouse, history of, E.S. ii. 
448-71; converted from Bear 
Garden, E.S. i. 364, 369; con- 
tract for erection of, E.S. ii. 468; 
playing companies at, E.S. ii. 245, 
258; construction of, E.S. ii. 372, 
414, 525; staging at, E.S. iii. 106, 
108; locality of, E.S. iii. 373; 
destruction of, E.S. ii. 375; men- 
tioned, E.S. ii. 8. 

Hopton, Sir Owen, lieutenant of 
Tower, E.S. i. 89; iii. 321; iv. 


Horace, on comedy, E.S. i. 238, 257, 

Horestes, E.S. iii. 38, 44, 91, 178, 

466 ;iv. 84, 144,381. 
Horham Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 87, 


Horley, John, E.S. ii. 494. 
Horndon (Essex), E.S. iv. 103. 
Home, William, grocer, E.S. iv. 

Horneby, Thomas, W.S. i. 84; ii. 

Horse, performing, E.S+ ii. 383; iii. 

279; 059.1.335. 

Horse and ape baited, E.S. ii. 454-7. 
Horseheath (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 95. 
Horsey, Edith, Lady, WS. i. 570. 
Horsey, Sir Ralph, W.S. i. 570. 
Horsley, East (Surrey), E.S. iv. 106. 
Horsley, West (Surrey), E.S. i. 15, 

I57;iv. 78, 79, 86. 
Hose, players', E.S. iii. 310. 
Hoskins, John, E.S. iii. 318. 
Hospital, Sir Francis, of Haulszie, 

E.S. ii. 269. 
Hospitals, subsidies by players to, 

E.S. iv. 272, 275. 
Hosteria (inn), E.S. iv. 360. 
'Hot Anger Soon Cold', E.S. ii. 169; 

iii. 265, 374, 467. 
H6tel de Bourgogne, staging at, E.S. 

iii. 15-19,43, 152. 
Hothfield (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Hotspur. & Henry 17. 
Hough family, W.S. i. 574. 
Houghton, Alexander, E.S. i. 280. 
Houghton, William, sadler, E.S. iii. 

Houghton Conquest (Beds.), E.S. iv. 

83, 86. 
Hounslow (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 103, 

Hour of performances, E.S. i. 289, 

3*31 & 543> 55 6 ? iv - z62 > 2 **> 

300, 316. 
Household, E.S. i. 3070; accounts 

of, E.S.iv. 131. 
Housekeepers, E.S. i. 356, 357, 


364, 368, 369; ii. 216, 417, 418, 
425, 442, 510; W.S. i. 8i; ii. 
66-71, 77. 

Houses for plays, E.S. i. 78, 229, 
230, 233, 234; iii. 21, 27, 29, 
30, 32, 42, 44, 51, TOO, 102, 117, 
123, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146; 
MS. I 307. 

Hovell, William, licensee, E.S. ii. 68, 

How a Man may Choose a Good Wife 
from a Bad* E.S. ii, 225, 303; iii, 
269, 342; iv. 19, 388. 

*How to Learn of a Woman to Woo\ 
E.S. ii. 232; iii. 342; iv. 119, 

Howard (b. Talbot), Alethea, 
countess of Arundel, E.S. i. 200; 
iii. 282, 380, 383. 

Howard (b. St. John), Anne, Lady 
Howard of Effingham, E.S. iii. 

Howard (b. Knyvet), Catherine, 
countess of Suffolk, E.S. i. 54, 
210; iii. 278, 375. 

Howard, Charles, 2nd Lord Howard 
of Effingham, ist earl of Not- 
tingham, lord chamberlain, lord 
admiral, lord steward, E.S. i, 18, 
35, 40, 41, 98, 125; ii. 134, 274, 
44o,45i;iv. 101, 102, 112, 113, 

"5> 312, 3*5> 326, 329* 335> 
336; WS. i. 32, 38; his men, E.S. 
ii. 134-86, 

Howard, Sir Charles, E.S. iii. 245, 

Howard, Henry, earl of Northamp- 
ton, lord warden of Cinque Ports, 
lord privy seal, E.S. i. 1 03 ; ii. 2 1 o ; 
iii. 367 ;iv. 342. 

Howard, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 245, 

Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey, W.S. 
ii. 195. 

Howard, Katharine, E.S. in. 401. 

Howard (b. Carey), Katharine, 
countess of Nottingham, mistress 
of robes, E.S. i. 45; iii. 375, 401. 


Hue and Cry after Cupid. See 

Haddington Mask. 
Huff y Suff, and Ruff. SeeCamlyses. 
Hughes, Thomas, E.S. iii. 348 ; Play: 

Misfortunes of Arthur, E.S. iii. 

348; mentioned, E.S. iii. 212, 


Howard (b. Stuart), Margaret, 
countess of Nottingham, E.S. i. 
54; iii. 278. 

Howard, Mary, E.S. i. 45. 

Howard, Philip, earl of Surrey, 
afterwards I3th earl of Arundel, 
E.S.i. 141, 144; ii. 116; iii. 506; 
iv. 63, 64, 95, 96, 100, 222; his 
men, E.S. ii. 116. 

Howard, Theophilus, 2nd Lord 
Howard de Walden, E.S. iii. 241, 
245, 246, 378, 382, 394. 

Howard, Thomas, 4th duke of 
Norfolk, E.S. i. 10, 33, 156; iv. 
84, 87. 

Howard, Thomas, I4th earl of 
Arundel, E.S. i. 53, 147; iii. 316, 
378, 382, 393. 

Howard, Thomas, player, E.S. ii . 3 24. 

Howard, Thomas, Lord Howard de 
Walden, earl of Suffolk, lord 
chamberlain, lord treasurer, E.S. 
i. 10, 40, 103, 200, 209; iii. 214, 
255> 367, 378, 388; iv. 59/95, 
96, 116, 128, 129, 336, 339, 342; 

Howard, Thomas, viscount Bindon, 
E.S. iv. 130; W.S.i. 571. 

Howard, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 241, 

Howard, William, ist Lord Howard 
of Effingham, lord admiral, lord 
chamberlain, lord privy seal, E.S. 
1.40, no. 

Howard, William, E.S. iii. 212. 

Howard. See Brooke; Cecil; 
Devereux; Fitzgerald; Knollys; 
Seymour; Southwell. 

Howard's men, E.S. ii. 134-84. 

Howes, Edmund, E.S. i. 312, 313; 
ii. 104, 373,404,419; WS.ii.22i. 

Howlyn, Francis, master of West- 
minster, E.S. ii. 69. 

Huband family, W.S. ii. 10, 119-27. 

Hubbard, John, E.S. '1.117. 

Hudson, James, E.S. i. 264. 

Hudson, Richard, unlicensed player, 
E.S. ii. 324. 

Hull (Yorks.), .. i. 339. 

Hiill, John, player, E.S. ii. 279, 324. 

Humanism, and Puritanism, E.S. i. 

236-68; and the stage, E.S. i. 

237, 250. 
Humfrey, Laurence, vice-chancellor 

of Oxford, E.S. iii. 401. 
Humour Out of Breath, E.S. ii. 66; 

iii. 287; iv. 391; W.S. i. 483. 
Humourous Day's Mirth, E.S. ii. 144, 

145, 148, i $6; iii. 56, 60, 70, 98, 

251; iv. 386. 
'Humourous Earl of Gloucester , with 

his Conquest of Portugal' ', E.S. ii. 

179 ; iii. 503; iv. 28. 
Humourous Lieutenant, E.S. ii. 310; 

W.S.i. 92, 107, 125. 
Hungary, Matthias, king of, W.S. \. 


Hungerford, Anthony, E.S. iv. 107. 
Hunnis, John, 'ghost-name', E.S. ii. 


Hunnis, Robin, E.S. iii. 349. 
Hunnis, William, master of chapel, 

career of, E.S. iii. 349-50, 479; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 16, 123; ii. 

23* 34 35 37, 38, 40, 41, 63, 

324, 496; iv. 22, 61, 62, 144, 

145, 146, 149, 158. 
Hunsdon (title). See Carey. 
Hunsdon House, pkys at, W.S. ii. 

322, 327. 
Hunsdon's men, E.S. i. 40; ii. 192- 

208; W.$. i. 28, 31, 32, 38, 41; 

ii. 304, 321. See Chamberlain's 


Hunstanton (Norfolk), E.S. ii. 81. 
Hunt, Simon, W.S.i. 10. 
Hunt (Honte), Thomas, player, E.S. 

ii. 150, 156, 158, 175,247, 324. 
Hunt in plays, E.S. 1.232. 

Hunting, E.S. i. 7, n, 13, 17, 21, 


Hunting of Cupid, E.S. iii. 169, 462; 

iv* 54 3& 2 r 4* 

Huntingdon (title). 5^ Hastings. 
Huntley, Dick, player, E.S. ii. 324; 

Huntley, George, .. iv. 90. 
Huntley (title). &f* Gordon. 
'Hiton of Bordeaux*, E.S. ii. 95; iii. 

304; W.S.I. 363 ; 11.317. 
Hurst (Berks.), #. iv. 93, 107, 1 14. 
Hurstbourne (Hants), .. iv. 85. 
Huse, Richard, Paul's chorister, E.S. 

ii. 324. 

Hussey. See Russell. 
'Hut', E.S. ii. $44-6; iii. 78. 
Hutchinson, William, corrector of 

books, E.S. iii. 167. 

Hutten, Leonard, E.S. i. 129; iii. 

350; iv. 374. 
Hyde, John, E.S. ii. 389. 
Hyde, Lucy, gentlewoman of the 

bedchamber, E.S. iv. 67. 
Hyde, Thomas, EM. iv. 81. 
Hyde Hall (Herts.), E.S. iv. 95. 
Hymenaei (mask), E.S. i. 172, 180, 

182, 184, 198, 201, 202, 212; 

iii. 378; iv. 120. 
Hymen&us, E.S. iii. 31, 316; iv. 

'Hymen's Holiday*, E.S. ii. 244; iii. 

473 ;iv, 126,178. 
Hymen's Triumph, E.S. i. 174, 216, 

371; iii. 276; iv. 129, 393, 


Hynde, John, E.S. iii. 383. 
Hythe, players at, W.S. ii. 336. 


I Suppositi, E.S. iii. 9, 321; W.S. i. 

Iambic feet, W.S. i. 259. See Metre. 

Ibotson, Richard, E.S. ii. 383. 

If It be not Good y the Devil is in It, 

notice of, E.S. iii. 297; mentioned, 

E.S. L 373; ii. 232, 300; iii. 271, 

5io;iv. 392. 
I, 2 If You Know Not Me, You Know 

No&ody, notice of, E.S. iii. 342; 

mentioned, E.S. iii. 115, 129, 

185; iv. 389; W.S. i. 147, 161, 

Ignoramus, E.S. i. 131; iii. 475; iv. 

375, 393- 

II Bianchino, E.S. iii. 5. 
Ilford (Essex), E.S. iv. 96, 98. 
'Ill May Day', E.S. iv. 293. 
Illusion Comiquc, E.S. iii. 16. 
''Impatient GrisselF, E.S. iv. 401. 
Impatient Poverty, E.S. iii. 23; iv. 

20, 31,380. 
Impiety in plays, JKS. i. 101. See 

Imprese, E.S. i. 143, 145, 148, 189, 

197; ii. 309; in. 213, 279, 403; 
iv. 57, 231. 

Impressions of books, W.S.i. 136. 

Impressment of boys for playing, E.S. 
ii. 17, 24, 26, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44, 
62. See Taking-up of boys. 

Imprints, W.B. i. 175. See Printing- 
house methods. 

Improvisation, E.S. ii. 553. 

Indecency in plays, WiS* i. 101, 105, 
117, 371, 380, 440. See Censor- 

Infamia of players, E.S. i. 252, 254; 
iv. 195, 199,215, 217. 

Inganni, W.S. \. 407. 

Ingatestone (Essex), E.S. iv. 79, 

9 6. 

Ingelend, Thomas, E.S. iii. 350-1. 
Inghirami, Tommaso, E.S. iii. 3. 
Ingle (claque), E.S. ii. 5 50. 
Ingleby, William, E.S. iv. 116. 
Ingon (Warwick), W.S. i. 12; ii. 16, 


Inhibition of plays. See Restraint. 
Inner Temple, E.S. i. 159, 173, 


214, 221; iii. 215, 233, 237, 238, 

457> 5i4;i v - 8o 82 > I2 7- 
Inner Temple and Gray's Inn Mask> 

E.S. iii. 233-5; WS.i. 530. 
Innocent VIII, Pope, E.S. iii. 3. 
Innocents' Day, E.S. i. 19. 
Innovation, E.S. i. 325, 380; ii. 

206; W.S. 1.42 3. See Hamlet. 
Inns, plays in, E.S. i. 221, 222, 283, 

284, 301, 304; ii. 356, 379-83* 
527; iv. 267, 273, 288, 340, 

Inns of Court, plays at, W.S. i. 245; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 211, 287; iii. 
28; iv. 143. 

Insatiate Countess^ E.S. i. 198; ii. 
22, 54, 60, 516; iii. 79, 433; iv. 

Inter-act dances, E.S. ii. 557; iii. 

130; music, E.S. ii. 541, 557; iii. 

125* 130- 
Interior action, E.S. iii. 28, 29, 30, 

33> 35> 4* 43 &>> 63, 70, 81, 

86, 94, 119, 121, 123, 133, 136, 

139, 140, 141, 148, 150, 152. 
Interlude, early use of term, E.'S. i. 

Interlude playef s of household, E.S. 

i. 48, 63; 11.77-85. 
Interludes, setting of, E.S. iii. 21-7. 
Intennedii, E.S. i. 152, 185, 186, 

190, 195; iii. 6, 384; iv. 356. ^ 
International companies, E.S. ii. 

Interpolations, W.B. i. 235, 283, 

285, 302, 326, 330, 345, 37i> 
415, 419, 455, 46i, 466, 472, 
486, 493. 

Inventories of Admiral's, E.S. ii. 165. 
Inverted commas, W.S. i. 197. 
'Iphigcnid* (anon.), E.S. ii. 14; iii. 

352;iv. 87, 146. 
Iphigenia (Lumley), E.S. ii. 14; iii. 


'Iphigenia' (Peele), E.S. iii. 462. 
Iphigenia in Aulis y E.S. iii. 41 1. 
'Iphis and Iantha\ E.S. iii. 489; 

iv. 397>4oi >WS.i: 538. 

'Ipolyta, the Tartarian' (court dwarf 
or fool), E.S, i. 48. 

Ipswich (Suffolk), E.S. i. 214, 335; 
ii. 2, 40, 83; iv. 79; WS. ii. 304, 
306, 311, 315, 318, 320, 328, 

Ira sett Tumulus Fortunae. See 

Christmas Prince. 
Ireland, players in, E.S. i. 341; ii. 


Ireland, Richard, master of West- 
minster, E.S. ii. 69. 
Ireland, Samuel, W.S. ii. 297, 382. 
Ireland, William, haberdasher, W.$. 

ii. 156, 169. 
Ireland, William Henry, #fo\ ii. 

290, 298, 382. 
'Irish Knighl\ E.S. ii. 98, 381; iv. 

9 r, 152. 
Irish Mask, E.S. i. 173, 180, 203, 

206; iii. 247, 388; iv. 128. 
Irnham (Lines.), E.S. iv. 83. 
Iron Acton (Glos.), E.S. iv. 90. 
i, 2 Iron Age, E.S. iii. 345 ; iv. 395 ; 


Irus. See Blind Beggar of Alexandria. 
Isam, Mrs., E.S. iii. 326. 
'Isle of a Woman \ E.S. ii. 167, 169; 

iii. 253. 
'Isle ofDogs\ discussed, E.S. iii. 45 3 ; 

imprisonment for, E.S. ii. 155; 

iv. 323; restraint of plays for, E.S. 

i. 298, 324; ii. 151, 196, 365, 

397, 412; iii. 353; W.S. i. 64, 

418; mentioned, E.S. ii. 132; iii. 

364, 374; WS. ii. 196. See 

Politics; Sedition. 
Isle of Gulls, E.S. i. 216, 326; ii. 51, 

52, 66; iii. 150, 253, 273, 286, 

295, 296, 433; iv. 389. 
Islehampstead (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 88. 
Islewortk (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 94. 
Isley, William, E.S. iv. 98. 
Isley. See Mason. 
Italian players in England, E.S. ii. 

261-5 ; iv. 90, 92, 271 ; in France, 

E.S. ii. 262; mentioned, E.S. i. 

116, 123, 214, 233, 281, 282, 



286, 315, 323, 551; iv. 148, 


Italian script, W.B. i. 113, 178, 198. 
'Italian Tragedy* (Day), .$. ii. 173 ; 

iii. 518. 
'Italian Tragedy 1 (Smith), E.S. ii. 

227; iii. 494. 

Italic type, W.S. i. 171, 178, 198, 
344> 370. ^ 

Italy, players in, E.S. ii. 273, 292. 

Ivan I, Tsar of Muscovy, E.S. i. 23. 

Ivy, Nicholas, player, E.S. ii. 324. 

Ivy-Church, The Countess of Pem- 
broke's. See Phillis and Amyntas* 

'Jack andjilf, E.S. iv. 84, 144. 
Jack Drum's Entertainment, E.S. i. 

381; ii. 20; iii. 135, 138, 437, 

445; iv. 18, 19, 21, 387; W.B. i. 

Jack Juggler, E.S. iii. 27; iv. 

Jack Straw, E.S. iv. 22, 383; W.S. 

i. 352. 

Jackson, Henry, W.S. i. 23. 
Jacob and Esau, E.S. iii. 24, 44, 

199, 35; iv - 22, 380. 
Jaggard, Isaac, stationer, W.S. i. 135, 

138, 169. 
Jaggard, William, stationer, E.S. ii. 

548; iii. 198, 479-80; W.B. i. 

134, 138, 169; ii. 218. 
James I, his wedding, E.S. i. 138, 

208 ; ii. 265 ; iv. 104; his accession, 

E.S. i. 50, 132; ii. 211. 

And players, E.S. i. 215, 302, 

309, 3", 3i5> 34i, 3795 " 7, 

21, 22, III, 265, 267, 268; W.S. 

i. 34, 76; his men, E.S. ii. 208-20; 
and masks, E.S. i. 155, 167, 170, 
196, 199, 203, 209, 2ii; iii. 261, 
277, 380, 384; iv. 58; and censor- 
ship, W.S. i. 65, 67, 116, 238, 
393; as playwright, E.S. iii. 351; 
references to in plays, E.S. i. 323, 
325, 326; iii. 255, 257; iv. 28, 35; 
supposed references to in plays, 
W.S. i. 249, 310, 362, 453, 473, 
476, 479, 497, 527; and Jonson, 
E.S. iii. 372, 394; W.S. ii. 209; 
and Shakespeare, IKS. i. 76; ii. 
270, 281, 329. 

And ambassadors, E.S. i. 204; 
iii. 277, 380, 384; and Christian 
of Denmark, E.S. i. 23, 146; iii. 
392; and the Kirk, E.S. ii. 267, 
268; and watermen, E.S. ii. 370, 


On progress, E.S. i. 122, 125, 

126, 146; iii. 498; iv. 68, 69, 

116, 120, 128, 1 30; at Cambridge, 

E.S. i. 131; iii. 475; at Oxford, 

E.S. i. 130, 228; iii. 332; his 

Instructions concerning mulberries, 

WS. i. 479 ;ii. 296. 

See also E.S. i. 6, 7, 13, 16, 

21, 69, 108, 264, 304; ii. 48, 

213, 245, 275; iii. 441, 503; iv. 

30; W.S.i. 104, 355; 11.387. 
James IP, notice of, E.S. iii. 330; 

mentioned, E.S.H. no, 114, 296; 

iii- 57 76, 92, 127, 196, 328; iv. 

384; W.S. i. 53, 54, 268, 291, 363. 
James, Elias, W.S. i. 551. 
James, Richard, W.B. ii. 8, 241. 
James, Walter, E.S. i. 210; iii. 389. 
Jamyn, Amadis de, E.S. i. 176; W.S. 


Janssen family, W.B. i. 90; ii. 183. 
Jarret, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 241. 
'Jealous Comedy*, E.S. ii. 123, 130, 

201; 0T.i.6i, 3io,435;ii. 312. 
Jeffere, John, playwriglxt, E.S. ii. 

3 3 2 ; iii. 3 5 1 ; Play: The Bugbears, 

E.S.w. 351. 

Jeffes, Abel, stationer, E.S. iii. 395. 
Jeffes, Anthony, player, E.S. ii. 133, 
156, 157, 160, 174, 175, 176, 
177, 1 86, 200, 324. 



Jeffes, Humphrey, player, E.S. ii. 

177, 1 86, 192, 200, 324; iv. 342; 

/5S. i. 50, 288; ii. 80. 
JemandundNiemand, E.S. ii. 281-2, 


Jenison, Mrs., E.S. iv. 1 16. 
Jenkins, Thomas, #ftf. i. 10. 
Jephthah (Christopherson), E.S. iii. 

'JephthatK (Dekker), .. ii. 179; 

iii. 304, 448. 
Jef hikes (Buchanan), E.S. iii. 514; 

Iv. 246. 
Jerningham, Sir Henry, E.S. ii. 478, 

Jerningham (b. Baynham), Mary, 

Lady, E.S. iv. 63, 95. 
Jerningham. See Kingston. 
i Jeronimo, notice of, E.S. iv. 22; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 51, 122, 210, 

286; iii. 130, 374, 396; iv. 389; 

W.S. \. 149, 421, 537; ii. 308, 

309 sqq. 
'Jeronimo, Comedy of, E.S. ii. 122- 

'Jeronimo\ See Spanish Tragedy. 

'Jerusalem 3 , E.S. ii. 122; iii. 341, 

409; W.S. i. 319; ii. 308 sqq. 
Jessop, Edmund, E.S. iv. 29. 
Jestbooks, E.S. iii. 502; iv. 17, 42, 

Jesuit plays, E.S. i. 323; iv. 374, 

Jesuits at Bkckfriars gate-house, W.S. 

ii. 166-9. 
'Jesuits 9 Comedy*, E.S. i. 323; iv. 

*Jew\ E.S. ii. 281, 380; iv. 204; 

fP.S. i. 371-4. 
Jew of Ma/fa, notice of, E.S. iii. 

424; mentioned, E.S. i. 265; ii. 

95, 96, 114, 122, 123, 126, 140, 

146, 148, 168, 286, 297; iii. 69, 

70, 94, 96; iv. 384; W.S. i. 53, 54, 

374>43;u. 308 sqq. 
'Jew of Venice\ E.S. iii. 301; iv. 

396,401; W.S.\. 375. 

Jewel House, E.S. i. 42, 45, 57, 63, 


'Jhon\ WS.Liii. 
Jig f the Slippers', E.S. iii. 362. 
Jigs, .8. i, 185, 304; ii. 109, 166, 

190, 285, 318, 325, 342, 404, 

441, 455, 542, 551, 552; iii. 362, 

496; iv. 217, 243, 340; W.S. i. 

'Joan as Good as my Lady*, E.S. ii. 

169; iii. 347. , 
'Job*, E.S. iii. 330; iv. 401, 
Jocasta, E.S. i. 222; iii. 30, 40, 320; 

iv. 381,405; W.S.i. 209. 
'Joconda and Astolsti, E.S. iii. 304; 

iv. 397,401. 

Jodelle, Etienne, E.S. iii. 13. 
Johan, Kinge, E.S. i. 241, 245; iii. 

22; iv. 79. 

Jokan, Johan> E.S. ii. 30; iii. 23. 
Johan the Evangelist, E.S. iii. 22. 
John, discussed, E.S. iii. 483; W.S. 

i. 364-7; bibliography, W.B.l. 365 ; 

censorship, W.S. i. 241 ; date, W.S. 

i. 248, 366; source play, W.S. i. 

207, 364, 367; text, W.S. i. 365; 

verse tests, W.S. i. 257, 261, 268; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 194; iii. 80, 

124; iv. 24, 246; W.S. i. 383. 
John. See Troublesome Reign. 
John a Kent and John a Cumber, E.S. 

iii. 74, 446; iv. 32, 33, 405; W.S. 

i. 92, 108 sqq., 118,470, 502, 510. 
John and Matilda, E.S. iii. 447. 
John Baptist, E.S. i. 241. 
'John of Gaunt\ E.S. ii. 161; iv. 

384, 401. 
Johnson, Arthur, stationer, W.S. i. 

Johnson, Laurence, E.S. iii. 352; iv. 

3*> 32- 

Johnson, Peter, E.S. ii. 504. 
Johnson, Richard, W.S. i. 321, 469, 

Johnson, Robert, of the revels, E.S. 

i. 101. 
Johnson, Robert, of Stratford-on- 

Avon, JK&ii. 32. 



Johnson, Robert, musician, E.S. i. 

202; iii. 244, 262, 385, 387; W.S. 

il. 86. 
Johnson, Samuel, W.S. ii. 239, 274, 

285, 287. 
Johnson, William, masker, E.S. iv, 


Johnson, William, player, E.S. ii. 
86, 105, 1 06, 107, 324; iv. 296. 

Johnson, William, vintner, WS. ii. 

Johnstoun, Archibald, E.S. ii. 268. 

Joinville, Prince dc, E.S. i. 24, 147, 
215; ii. 454; iii. 392; iv. 122. 

Jolles, Sir John, E.S. i. 137; iii. 449; 
iv. 71. 

Jones, David (of Stratford), W.B. i. 9. 

Jones, Ellis, W.S. ii. 324. 

Jones, Harris, E.S. ii. 287. 

Jones, Inigo, career of, E.S. i. 178- 
84; as producer of masks, E.S. i. 
171, 178, 193; iii. 242, 260, 282, 
375 378, 382, 383; payment for 
masks, E.S. i. 209, 210; iii. 244, 
262, 384, 386, 387; at Oxford, 
E.S. i. 130, 233, 234; and Jon- 
son, E.S.i. 171, 179; iii. 354; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 7, 17, 217; iii. 
250, 283, 373; W.S.\. ior ; 

Jones, Richard, player, E.S. i. 346, 

35 1 ' 35 2 > 372; ii. 5 6 I2I > I 3 I > 

137, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 

I5 6 > J 7S U6, 185, 222, 224, 

274, 275, 280, 283, 287, 324; iv. 

165 ; /Jff.i. 38, 39,48. 
Jones, Richard, printer, E.S. iii. 166, 

168, 170. 
Jones, Richard, schoolmaster, E.S. ii. 

Jones, Robert, musician, W.B. i. 249, 

Jones, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 61, 

280, 283, 324, 472. 
Jones, Thomas, of Tardebigge, W.B. 

i. 20; ii. 238, 276, 289. 
Jonns, Daniel, player, E.S. ii. 90, 

272, 325-. 
Jonson, Benjamin, playwright, career 

and works, E.S. iii. 352-94; collec- 
tions, Fi, F2, F3, E.S. iii. 355-7; 
Plays: Alchemist, E.S. iii. 371; 
WS. ii. 74, 233, ^^Bartholomew 
Fair, E.S. iii. 372; W.S. i. 103, 
108, 489, 513, 530; ii. 206; Case 
is Altered, E.S. ii. 42; iii. 357; 
Catiline, E.S. iii. 372; W. ii. 
74, 87, 233 ; Cynthia's Revels, E.S. 
ii. 42; iii. 363; W.B. i. 106, 108; 
Devil is An Ass, E.S. iii. 373; 
Eastward Ho, E.S. ii. 51; iii. 254, 
368 ; Eplcoene, E.S. iii. 369; Every 
Man in His Humour, E.S. iii. 359; 
mS. i. 84, 145, 214, 395; ii. 71, 
79, 205, 331; Every Man Out of 
His Humour, E.S. iii. 360; W.B. i. 
475 ; H>7 2 , 201, 330; Poetaster, 
E.S. ii. 43; iii. 364; W.S. i. 70, 
71, 211, 249, 406, 443; ii. 24, 
203; Sejanus, E.S. iii. 366; WS. 
i. 70, 84, 210, 234; ii. 72, 79, 
206, 233; Folpone, E.S. iii. 368; 
ra.ii. 74, 233, 251, 333; Doubt- 
ful Plays, E.S. iii. 375; Lost 
Plays, E.S. iii. 374; Masks: 
Golden Age Restored, E.S. iii. 390; 
Hymenaei, E.S. iii. 378; Irish 
Mask, E.S. iii. 388; Lord Had- 
dington's, E.S. iii. 381 ; Love Freed 
from Ignorance and Folly 9 E.S. iii. 
386; Lave Restored, E.S. iii. 387; 
Mask of Beauty, E.S. iii. 379; 
Mask of Blackness, E.S. iii. 375; 
f%S. i. 453; Mask of Queens, E.S. 
i. 193; iii. 382; ^3ff. 1.473; -^ r " 
fury Vindicated from the Alchemists* 
E.S. SL 389; Qberon, the Faery 
Prince, E.S. iii. 385 ; W.B. i. 489; 
Entertainments:-^/&$0^ Entertain- 
ment, E.S. iii. 391; Challenge at 
Tilt, E.S. iii. 393; Coronation 
Entertainment, E.S. iii. 39 1 ; Enter- 
tainment of King of Denmark, 
E.S. iii. 392; Highgate Entertain- 
ment, E.S. iii. 392; Lost Enter- 
tainment, E.S. iii. 394; Prince 

7 6 


Henrfs barriers, E.S. iii. 393; 
Theobalds Entertainment, E.S. iii. 

On Puritans, E.S. i. 262; on 
pkys, E.S. iv. 247, 248; on Globe 
fire, E.S. ii. 422. 

Rektions with contemporaries: 
Beaumont, E.S. iii. 314; IKS. ii. 
222-5; Drayton, E.S. iii. 306; 
Drummond, E.S. i. 171; iii. 208, 
222, 250, 273, 285, 417, 428, 
437; W.S. ii. 220; Ferrabosco, 
E.S. i. 200; Henslowe, E.S. iii. 
352, 396; IKS. i. 95 ; James I, E.S. 
iii. 213, 394; Jones, Inigo, E.S. i. 
171, 179; iii. 354; Marston, E.S. 
iii. 431; IKS. i. 71; Shakespeare, 
E.S. i. 7, 380; IKS. i. 22, 69-72, 
89, 142, 199, 219, 289, 316, 321, 
395, 404, 436; ii. 202-11, 239, 
243, 245, 246, 250, 253, 267, 
271, 278, 286, 373, 380; Spencer, 
Gabriel, E.S. ii. 158, 167, 197, 
341, 400. 

In prison, E.S. i. 299, 326; 
ii. 151; iii. 454; iv. 323 (see Isle 
of I>ogs)\ satirized in plays, E.S. 
iv. 19, 21, 39, 40 (see Parnassus, 

As maker of masks and pageants, 
E.S.L 133, 134, 151, 152, 154, 
171, 176, 179, 184, 187, 193, 

J 94 i97> 200 > 202 20 5> 2o6 > 
iii. 279; as editor, E.S. iii. 181, 
192, 193, 198, 199; IKS. i. 173; 
and staging, E.S. iii. 122. 

See also E.S. i. 12, 39, 104, 
126, 137, 146, 147, 148, 368, 

3 2 *> 3 2 5> 457; 

2 9> 293, 331, 431, 441, 445, 

480, 502, 509, 510; iv. 69, 71, 

1 2O, 121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 

246, 37i; IKS. i. 102, 155, 188, 
206, 209, 304; ii. 215, 218, 221, 

Jordan, John, IKS. i. 20; ii. 291, 380. 

Josef h (Crocus), E.S. iii. 18. 

Joseph (Latin dialogue), E.S. i. 248. 
'Joseph's Affliction?, E.S. iv. 401. 
Josephus Jude von Fenedig, E.S. ii. 

145, 147, 286. 

'Joshua 9 , E.S. ii. 1 80; iii. 472. 
"ourdan, Sylvester, IKS. i. 491. 
oye, John, E.S. iii. 248. 
oyner, William, fencer, E.S. ii. 499. 
uby, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 149, 
150, 152, 154, 156, 175, 176, 
177, 186, 325; iv. 15, 168 sqq. 
Juby, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 177, 

3 2 5- 
Juby, William (?), player, E.S. ii. 

'Judas 9 (1600), E.S. ii. 178; iii. 

'Judas 9 (1601), E.S. ii. 178; iii. 236, 


Judith, E.S. iv. 24, 405. 

Jugglers, E.S. iv. 192, 217, 270. 

Jugler, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 325; 
iv. 261. 

'Jugurttt, E.S. i. 265; ii. 171; IKS. 
i. 104. 

'Julian the Apostate* (anon.), E.S. ii. 

'Julian the Apostate 9 (Ashton), E.S. 
iii. 210. 

Julio und Hyppolita, E.S. ii. 145, 
285; iii. 301; IKS. i. 331. 

Julius Caesar (Alexander), E.S. iii. 
209; iv. 388. 

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), dis- 
cussed, E.S. iii. 486; IKS. i. 396- 
401 ; bibliography,/^. 1.396; text, 
IKS. i. 396; date, IKS. i. 245, 
2 48 397; revision theories, IKS. 
i. 218, 219, 398; censorship, IKS. 
i. 241 ; inconsistencies, IKS. i. 399; 
Caesar pkys, IKS. i. 400; source, 
IKS. i. 401; Jonson and, IKS. i. 
70, 235, 245; ii. 202, 210; per- 
formances of, IKS. ii. 322, 343, 
353; forgery, IKS. ii. 386; men- 
tioned, E.S. ii. 203, 217, 286, 
365, 41 5; iii. 509 ;iv. 33, 54, 107, 


127, 1 80, 394; W.S. i. 509; ii. 

Justices, control of pkys by, .8. i. 
271, 274, 275, 276, 279, 283, 


Justifying, W.S. i. 171. ^Printing- 
house methods. 

Juvenis, Pater, Uxor y E.S. iii, 3 5 1 . 
Juxtaposition of backgrounds, E.S. 
iii. 1 8, 21, 


Katherens, Gilbert, carpenter, E.S. 

ii. 465, 466-8. 
Katherine Hall (Surrey?), E.S. iv. 


Keddington (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Keeling, William, WJ$. i. 3 5 5 ; ii. 3 34. 
Keep the Widow Waking, MS. 1.211. 
Keepers of bears, E.S. ii. 450-2; of 

dogs, E.S. ii. 450-1; of council 

chamber door, E.S. i. 69, 
Kelke, Roger, master of Magdalene, 

Cambridge, E.S. i. 127. 
Kellefet, Richard, groom of wardrobe 

of beds, E.S.XV. 99, 100, 108. 
Kelly (title). See Erskine. 
Kelway, Thomas, E.S. iv. 64. 
Kemp, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 325. 
Kempe, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 89. 
Kempe, William, pkyer, career of, 

E.S. ii. 325-7; his jigs, E.S. ii. 

325, 552; his morris dance from 

London to Norwich, E.S. ii. 326; 

iii. 263, 362, 513; iv. 21, 39; 

referred to in pky, E.S. ii. 207; 

iii. 287; iv. 40; W.S. i. 71; as 

payee, E.S. ii. 194; iv. 164, 167; 

W.S. ii. 319; as sharer, W.S. i. 79; 

ii. 52-77; mentioned, E.S. i. 385 ; 

ii. 90, 123, 124, 126, 134, 197, 

201, 203, 219, 226, 272, 403, 

4i7,4i8;iii.359;iv. 12, 24,252; 

WS. i. 39, 41, 45, 48, 52, 64, 83, 

Kendal (Westmorland), E.S. iv. 253. 
Kendall, Thomas, Bkckfriars 

manager, E.S. ii. 45, 49, 156, 

327, 509; W.S. ii. 84. 
Kendall, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

*53> 176, 191, 327- 

Kenflworth (Warwick), E.S. i. 13, 

118, 120, 122, 139, i66;iii.468; 

iv. 61, 83, 88,91. 
Kenifaorth Entertainment > E.S. i. 5, 

122 sq.; ii. 35; iv. 61. 
Kennedy (b. Brydges), Elizabeth, 

Lady, ..1.45 ; iv. 67. 
Kennedy, Sir John, E.S. iii. 382. 
Kenninghall (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 63, 

Kennington (Surrey), E.S. i. 150, 

Kensington (Middlesex), E.S. i. 220; 

iv. 103, in, 126. 
Kent (title). See Grey. 
Ker (b. Drummond), Jean, Lady 

Roxborough, E.S. i. 174; iii. 277; 

iv. 129. 
Ker, Robert, Lord Roxborough, E.S. 

i. 174; iii. 277; iv, 129. 
Kettering (Northants), E.S. iv. 31. 
Kew (Surrey), E.S. i. 12, 125; iv. 


Keyes, Thomas, E.S. ii. 464. 
Keynsham (Somerset), E.S. iv. 90. 
Keysar, Robert, revels manager, E.S. 

ii. 22, 23, 51, 54, 55, 57, 3 2 7; 

iii. 220, 428; iv. 175; W.B. ii. 64. 
Kidderminster, Mrs., E.S. iv. 67. 
Kidson, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 63* 
Kiechei Samuel, E. ii. 358, 393. 
Kildare (tide). See Fitzgerald. 
Killigrew, Sir William, groom of 

privy chamber, acting treasurer of 

chamber, E.S. i. 65;iv. 113, 114, 

117, 134- 
'Killing a calf*, W.8. i. 17; ii. 253. 

See Shakespeare, William. 
Kilndown (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 


Kimberley (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Kimbolton (Hunts.), E.S. iv. 81, 83. 
King, Arthur, player, E.S. ii. 103, 

327; iv. 282. 

King, John, printer, E.S. iii. 177. 
King, John, witness, E.S. ii. 239. 
King, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 90, 

272, 27 3, 327;%?$. 1.40. 
KingandNo Xing, E.S. ii. 216, 217; 

iii. 225; iv. 125, 127, 177, 180, 

393; #f. ii. 342, 343. 
King and the Subject, W.S. i. 101. 
'King Lude\ E.S. ii. 95 ; W.S. ii. 3 17. 
King of Denmark's Entertainment, 

E.S. iv. 70. 
'King of Fairies*, E.S. ii. 1 28 ; iv. 236, 

'King of Scots', E.S. iii. 428, 434; 

iv. 84, 144; W.S. i. 476. 
King of the Bean, E.S. i. 19; iv. 82. 
Kingman (Kingsman), Philip, pkyer, 

.$. ii. 60, 277, 327, 472. 
King's Lynn (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 253 ; 

King's men, E.S. ii. 208-20; W.S. i. 

76-84, 107, 135, 200, 237, 404, 

470, 482, 523, 530; ii. 52-87, 

328-53, 389; mentioned, E.S. i. 

218, 222, 263, 302, 303, 312, 

3 2 7> 33> 349* 353> 357, 3&9> 

386; ii. 23, 5i>.54> 57, 81, 209, 

416, 510, 511; iii. 104. 
King's revels (1629-37), E.S. iv, 

43; W.S. i. in; children of, E.S. 

ii. 64-8, 243; W.S. i. 150; ii. 84. 
Kingscliffe (Northants), E.S. iv. 83. 
Kingsley (Hants), E.S. iv. 85. 
Kingsman, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 

278, 280, 283, 327. 
Kingston (Surrey), E.S. i. 87, 108; 

iv. 84, roo, no, in, 112, 113. 
Kingston, Felix, stationer, E.S. iii. 

163, 165. 
Kingston (b. Scrope), Mary, Lady, 

formerly Lady Jeraingham, E.S. 

ii. 485, 501. 
Kingston, Sir William, comptroller 

of household, E.S. ii. 476. 

Kinsayder, W. See Marston, John. 
Kinwelmershe, Francis, E.S. iii. 320, 

394, 518; Play: Jocasta, E.S. iii. 


Kip, William, E.S. iv. 70. 
Kirby (Northants), E.S. iv. 124, 126. 
Kirck (Kirckmann), John, pkyer, 272, 327. 
Kirk of Scotland, and pkys, E.S. ii. 


Kirkcaldy of Grange, E.S. iii. 284. 
Kirkham, Edward, chapel manager, 

yeoman of revels, E.S. i. 96, 99, 

130; ii. 21, 23, 45, 47, 49, 51, 54, 

57> 327 5.95 iii- 43 2 ? iv- 168, 

173; 05$. .69. 
Kirkman, Francis, stationer, W.S. i. 

362, 538. 

Kirtling (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 95. 
Kite, John, gentleman of chapel, E.S. 

ii- 3> 3 2 7- 

Kitson, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 95. 
Knack to Know a Knave, notice of, 

E.S. iv. 24; mentioned, E.S. ii. 

122, 124, 126, 296, 325; iii. 455; 

iv. 383; W.S. i. 41, 54, 316, 319; 

ii. 3 10, 3 1 1 sqq. 
Knack to Know an Honest Man, 

notice of, E.S. iv. 24; mentioned, 

E.S. ii. 143, 148; iii. 60, 75, 99; 

iv. 385. 
Knagges, Richard, unlicensed pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 327. 

Knasborough, James, E.S. ii. 424. 
* Knave in Print\ E.S. iv. 396, 401. 
Knavery in all Trades, W.S. i. 498. 
% 2 Knave?, E.S. ii. 244; iii. 473; 

iv. 127, 1 80. 
Knebworth (Herts.), E.S. iv. 83, 84, 

Knell, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 107, 

320, 327; iv. 17, 240, 252. 
Knight, Anthony, pkyer, JKS.L 105; 

ii. 8 1. 
Knight, Edward, pkyer, W.S. i. 105 ; 

ii. 81. 
Knight, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 



1 Knight In the Burning Rock\ E.S. i. 

232; ii. 98; iv. 96, 155. 
Knight Marshal, E.S. i. 33. 
Knight of Crown, E.S. i. 141 ; iii. 

268, 403. 

Knight of Malta, E.S. ii. 303. 
Knight of Pendragon Castle, E.S. 

iii. 268. 
'Knight of Rhodes', E.S. iii. 462; iv. 


Knight of the Burning Pestle, notice 
o E.S. iii. 220; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 190; ii. 58, 446, 554; iii. 151, 
237; iv. ii, 36, 393; MS. i. 


Knightley, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 91. 
Knights of Body, E.S. i. 42-4, 
Knights Hospitallers, E.S. i. 95. 
Knights, satirized in plays, E.S. iii. 

215, 252, 253, 255, 257, 439, 

44o; iv. 37, 3 8 - 
Knollys or Knowles (b. Howard), 

Elizabeth, Lady, E.S. iii. 278, 375, 

Knollys, Francis, E.S. iii. 212; iv. 

6 ^ 

Knollys, Sir Francis, vice-chamber- 
lain, treasurer of the chamber, 
treasurer of the household, E.S* 
i- 35> 42, 64, 161; iv. 90, 93, 134, 
282,296;^^.!. 353. 

Knollys, Henry, E.S. i. 161; ii. 486; 
iv. 64, 82. 

Knollys (b. Cave), Margaret, E.S. 
i. 161; iii. 401; iv. 82. 

Knollys, Robert, E.S. iii. 212, 402; 
iv. 64. 

Knollys, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 402. 

Knollys, Sir William, ist Lord 
Knollys, afterwards earl of Ban- 
bury, comptroller and treasurer 
of the household, E.S. i. 35, 174; 
iii. 212, 244, 402; iv. 64, 114, 
i*5> "8, 335, 336; 07$. i. 407. 

Knollys. See Brydges; Devereux; 

'Knot offooti) E.S. ii. 217; iv. 127, 
180; IKS. ii. 343. 


Knowle (Warwick), gild of, W.S. ii. 

Knowles, John, E.S. ii. 416, 429, 


Knox, John, E.S. iii. 283. 
Knyvet or Knevet, Lady, E.S. iv. 

Knyvet, Thomas, Lord, gentleman of 

privy chamber, keeper of White- 
hall, E.S. L 102; iii* 283; iv. 


Knyvet. See Bevill; Howard. 
'Konig aus Arragona*, E.S. ii. 286; 

iii. 327. 
'Konig aus Engelandt und Golt- 

schmitt Weib\ E.S. ii. 281. 
'Konig in Dennemark und Klnig in 

Schweden\ E.S. ii. 286; iv. 6. 
''Konig in Spanien und Pice Roy in 

Portugal?, E.S. ii. 286; iv. 23. 
* Konig Ludwig und Konig Friedrich 

vm Ungarn 3 , E.S. ii. 281. 
c Konig von Khipern und Herzog von 

7enedig\ E.S. ii. 281, 286; W.S. 

i- 37?, 407- 

Koniges Sohne aus Engellandt und 
Koniges Tochter aus Schottlandt, 
E.S.U. 281,285,286. 

Kostressen, Johan, musician, E.S. ii. 
288, 328. 

KrafFt, John, player, E.S. ii. 272, 

Kyd, Thomas, playwright; career 
and works, E.S. iii. 394-7; Plays: 
Cornelia, E.S. iii. 397; Spanish 
Tragedy E.S. iii. 395; W.S. L 53, 
55, 83, 106, 148, 206, 212, 268, 
311, 316, 412, 421, 424, 537; ii. 
206; Lost and Doubtful Plays: 
'Ur-Hamlet\ E.S. iii. 397; W.S* 
i. 421; in revision theories, ffcS. 
i. 218, 285, 292, 301, 309, 317, 
394, 398, 503, 517; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 94; iii. 394, 419? 4S5 **- 
4, 10, 22, 28, 44, 47, 234, 246, 
253; W.S. L 223; ii. 208, 212. 

Kyffin, Maurice, translator, E.S. Si. 



La Bodcrie, Antoine dc, French 
ambassador, E.S. i. 24, 204, 206, 
326, 327; ii. 7, 53, 368; iii. 241, 
257, 380, 381, 382, 384, 392; 
W.S. ii. 335. 

La Motte-Fcnelon, Bertrand de, 
French ambassador, E.S. i. 24, 
118; 059.1.336. 

La Taille, Jacques de, E.S. iii. 13. 

La Tremoile, marquis de, W.S. ii. 

34- 6 - 
Labels, for localities, E.S. iii. 30, 40, 

122, 126, 137, 154; for play- 
titles, E.S. iii. 20, 41, 126, 137, 
154; iv. 54; for properties, E.S. 

111. 137. 

* Labours of Hercules', E.S. ii. 90, 5 50. 
Labyrintkus, E.S. iii. 336; iv. 375, 


Lacock (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 

Lacy, Henry, E.S. iii. 408. 

Lacy, John, of Putney, E.S. i. 20; iv. 
94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 
104, 105, 108, 109, i TO, in, 

112, 113, 114, 115, 116. 

Lacy, John, pkyer, W.&. ii. 239, 252. 
Ladies, of bed chamber, E.S. i. 44, 

54; of drawing chamber, E.S. i. 

54; of presence chamber, E.S. i. 

45 ; of privy chamber, E.S. i. 44, 

54; at pkyhouses, E.S. ii. 549, 


Lady Alimony > W.B. i. 106. 
'Lady Amity\ E.S. i. 221; iii. 215. 
'Lady Barbara^ E.S. ii. 96; iv. 87, 

Lady Elizabeth's men, E.S. ii. 


Lady Essex's men, E.S. ii. 103. 
i Lady Jane. See Wyatt, Sir 

Lady of May (show), E.S. i. 124; ii. 

89; iii. 491. 

Lady Mother, fKS. i. 92, 1 12. 
Lady Warwick's men, E.S. ii. 99. 
Laelia, E.S. iii, 212; iv. 53, 375. 

Laetus, Pomponius, E.S. iii. 3, 4. 
Lake, Sir Thomas, clerk of signet, 
E.S. i. 22; ii. 53, 54, 69; iii. 


Laleham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 108. 
Lamb, Charles, E.S. iv. 13. 
Lambarde, William, E.S. ii. 206, 

358, 382, 532; iii. 162; W.S. i. 

354; ii. 326. 
Lambe, Sir John, dean of arches, E.S. 

iii. 163. 
Lambert family, W.S. i. 14, 21, 25, 

Lambert, John, E.S. iv. 57. 
Lambeth (Surrey), E.S. i. 20, 114; 

iv. 77-115 passim; W.S. ii. 352. 
Lamer (Herts.), E.S. iv. 123. 
Lampo, E.S. iv. 365. 
Lancashire, E.S. i. 339; iv. 311. 
Lancaster, John, E.S. iii. 348, 398. 
Landor, Walter Savage, W.8. i. 234. 
Lane, Sir Robert, E.S. ii. 96; iv. 84; 

his men, E.S. i. 280; ii. 3, 96. 
Lane family, 0?S. ii. 12, 13, 122. 
Laneham, John, player, E.S. ii. 86, 

106, 107, no, in, 328; iv. 163, 

229, 252, 296; W.8. i. 33, 35, 37, 

Laneham, Robert, keeper of council 

chamber door, E.S. i. 69, 123, 

241; ii. 88, 328; iv. 21, 37, 61, 


Lane's men, E.S. ii. 96. 
Langbaine, Gerard, W.S. i. 315; ii. 

238, 255, 261, 275, 280, 347. 
Langley (Oxon.), E.S. 88, 90, 92, 

Langley, Francis, E.S. i. 297, 368; 

ii. 131-3, 411-12; iv. 316, 325, 


Langworth, Arthur, E.S. ii. 451. 
Lanier, Nicholas, musician, E.S. i. 

134, 201; iii. 246. 
Lanman, Henry, owner of Curtain, 

E.S.ii. 328, 393,401. 
Lapworth (Warwick), W.S* ii. 366. 



Larivey, Pierre, E.S. iii. 1 3. ( 

''Late Murder of the Son upon the 

Motfar > ,E.S.m. 512. 
Latewar, Richard, E.S. iii. 275, 318. 
Latimer, Hugh, bishop of Worcester, 

WS.ii. 130. 

Latimer (Bucks.), E.S.iv. 88,93, 107, 
Latton (Essex), E.S. iv. 87, 93, 95, 
Laud, William, president of St. 

John's, Oxford, archbishop of 

Canterbury, E.S. ii. 511; iv. 373; 

W.S. ii. 349. 
Launching of the Mary, W.S. i. 92, 

105,112, 116, 125. 
Launde (Leics.), E.S. iv. 81. 
Laverdin, Marshal de, E.S. iii. 385, 

Lavine, William de, Bkckfriars 

resident, E.S. iv. 320. 
Lavoltas, E.S. i. 198; iii. 241, 435. 
Law, Matthew, stationer, W.S. i. 

131, 133, 140. 
Law Tricks, E.S. ii. 50; iii. 133, 

I5> * 8 5> 39 1 ? 0W.i- 5 2 3- 

Lawn-tennis, E.S.i. 124. 

Lawrence, Anne, Lady, E.S. iv. 85. 

Lawrence, Roger, E.S. iv. 16. 

Lawshall (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 95. 

Lawsuits of pkyers, E.S. ii. 23, 43, 
57, 64, 80, 128, 131, 156, 202, 
221, 236-40, 241-3, 383, 387- 


Layer Maraey (Essex), E.S. iv. 79. 
Lazzari, Bramante, E.S. iii. 9. 
Le Grys, Sir Robert, E.S. iii. 330. 
Le Mere, John, E.S. iv. 320. 
Le Monde Maladctt Mai Panse, E.S. 

i. 249. 

Le Pape Malade, E.S. i. 249. 
Leander, E.S. iii. 336; iv. 376. 
Leap-year, in plays, E.S. iii. 253, 

292, 440; iv. 21, 29. 
Lear, discussed, E.S. iii. 488; WS. i. 

463-70; bibliography, WS. L 464; 

the text, WS+i. 161, 182,235,236, 

463, 464, 465; reporting, WS. i. 

465; revision theory, WS. i. 466; 

censorship, W.S+ i. 238, 241, 467; 

cuts, WS. i. 467; date, WS. i. 

246, 249, 273, 468; revival, WS. 

i. 468; the old pky, W.&. i. 469 

sqq.; performance, W.S. ii. 318; 

forgeries, W.B. ii. 383, 388; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 212, 286; iii. 

191, 499; iv. 25, 48, 121, 390; 

IKS.i 86, 137,446. 
Lear Konig yon Engelandt, /. i. 


Learned counsel, E.S. i. 69. 
Leatherhead (Surrey), E.S. iv. 106. 
Leatt, Nicolas, E.S. iii. 503. 
Leberwurst, Hans, player, E.S. ii. 

292, 328. 
Ledbetter, Robert, pkyer, E. ii. 

150, 278, 280, 328. 
Lee (b. Paget), Anne, Lady, E.S. iii. 


Lee, Sir Anthony, E.S. iii. 399. 

Lee, Sir Henry, baronet, E.S. iii. 400. 

Lee, Sir Henry, K.G., master of the 
armoury, his career and dramatic 
activities, E.S. iii. 268, 309, 398 
407 ; Tilt Yard Entertainment, EJ&. 
iii. 402 ; Woodstock Entertainment* 
E.S. iii. 400; ^nd Woodstock 
Entertainment* E.S. iii. 404; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 1 8, 42, 119, 140, 
141, 145-6; iv. 64, 92, 107, 117. 

Lee, John, EJi. iv. in. 

Lee, Sir John, E.S. iii. 377. 

Lee, Richard, E.S. iii. 399. 

Lee, Richard, Bkckfriars resident, 
E.S. iv. 320. 

Lee, Sir Richard, EJi. iv. 8 1 . 

Lee, Sir Robert, gentleman usher, 
j..iii. 398. 

Lee, Sir Robert, lord mayor, E.S. i. 

Lee, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 6r, 136, 
168, 229, 233, 235, 236, 240, 
328; iii. 407; iv. 182, 183, 342; 
#3.1.44,52, 513. 

Lee, Thomas, W.S. ii. 324. 

Leek, Sir Francis, E. i. 270. 

Leeke, David, player, E.S. ii. 328. 



Lees (Essex), E.S. iv. 79, 87. 

Lees, Richard, clerk comptroller of 
tents and revels, E.S. i. 73, 79. 

Legge, Thomas, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. iii. 407-8; Pky; 
Richardus Tertius, E.S. iii. 408; 
Lost Play: Destruction of Jeru- 
salem, E.S. iii. 408; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 127, iii. 316; iv. 246, 378; 
MS. i. 304. 

Legh, Gerard, W.S. i. 336. 

Leicester, E.S. i. 116, 334, 337; ii. 
2, 40, 55, 66, 68, 81, 83, 221, 
222; iv. 116, 126, 129; W.S. ii. 

37> 3 JI >3i6>333 3<58. 
Leicester (title). See Dudley, Sidney. 
Leicester's boys, E.S. ii. 88. 
Leicester's men, E.S. i. 223, 276, 

278, 279, 281, 302, 308, 310, 

311, 314, 336; ii. 85-91, 201; 

fK8. i. 28, 29, 31, 32, 39, 59; 

ii. 304, 306, 387. 
Leicester's musicians, W.B. i. 40. 
Leigh, Francis, E.S. iii. 332. 
Leigh, Sir Thomas, E.S. ii. 401. 
Leighton Bromswold (Hunts.), E.S. 

iv. 83. 
Leir, discussed, E.S. iv. 25; W.S. i. 

469; mentioned, E.S. ii. 96, 114, 

202; iii. 51, 127, 191, 471, 518; 

iv. 48, 384; W.S. i. 53, 54, 55, 

148, 218, 249, 304, 537; ii. 


Leman, John, E.S. i. 137; iii. 449. 
Lcna 9 E*S.w. n. 
Length of pkys, E.S. ii. 543, 556. 
Lennox (title). See Stuart. 
Lennox's men, E.S. ii. 241. 
Lent, restraint in, E.S. i. 286, 297, 

301, 304, 315, 316, 337, 380; 

ii. 8, 43, 120, 141-2, 159-60, 

192, 218, 233, 244, 259, 480; 

iv. 256, 278, 297, 332, 336, 342. 
Leo X, Pope, E.S. iii. 4. 
Leopard's Head, Shoreditch, E.S. ii. 


Lerma, duke of, E.S. iii. 233. 
L'Estrange, Sir Nicholas, #T.ii. 243. 

Leveson, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 100, 

328; iv. 280. 
Levison, William, E.S. ii. 417; W.S. 

iL 53- 
Lewes, Elizabeth, E.S. iii. 334. 

Lewes, John, .S. ii. 499. 
Lewes (Sussex), E.S. i. no. 
Lewisham (Kent), E.S. i. 6, 120; 

iv. 101, 103, 115. 
Lewknor, Sir Lewis, master of 

ceremonies, E.S. i. 53; iii. 377. 
Lewknor, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 106. 
Lewseye, Robert, E.S. iv. 277. 
Ley, Edward, E.S. iv. 320. 
Ley, William, stationer, W.S* i. 537. 
Leyfield, Thomas, E.S. iv. 105. 
Leys (grassland), WS. ii. no. 
Leyton (Essex), E.S. iv. 98, 1 1 1, 1 1 8. 
Li Tre Satiri, W.S. i. 493 . 
Liaison, E.S. iii. 200. 
Libels in pkys, E.S. i. 327, 328; ii. 

403; WS. i. 101, 238, 381, 418, 

'Liber Niger', E.S. i. 32, 34, 50, 57. 

Liberality and Prodigality^ E.S. ii. 
43;iii. I45;iv.26, 388. 

Liberties, E.S. ii. 477-80. 

Licences: for plays, by high com- 
mission, E.S. i. 275; by local offi- 
cers, E.S. i. 276, 337; iv. 263; 
by master of revels, E.S. i. 288, 
318; ii. 222; iii. 276; W.8.\. 100, 
109-12, 115, 129, 159; by privy 
council, E.S. i. 275 ; by secondaries 
of the compter, E S. i. 275, 318; 
by sovereign, E.S. i. 275; by 
special commission, E.S. i. 295, 
319; by Samuel Daniel, E.S. i. 
33 320, 326, 386; ii. 49; for 
playhouses, by local officers, E.S. 
1.276,279, 299, 306, 337; by 
master of revels, E.S. i. 288, 295, 
318, 369; by privy council, E.S. 
i- 300; for playing companies, by 
lords, E.SA. 266, 270, 274, 276, 
279, 286, 294, 299, 304, 310, 
335> 337 354; & 222; iv. 264; 
by master of revels, E.S. i. 288, 


300, 318; ii. 221 ; by privy council, 
E.S. I 274, 282, 300, 302; ii. 94, 
123; under signet, E.S. i. 306, 
338; ii. 260 \for printing books, by 
correctors, E.S. iii. 162-77, 187- 
92; W.B. i. 128; by high commis- 
sion, E.S. iii. 162, 1 66-8, 172; 
iv. 264; W.S. \. 129; by lord 
chamberlain, E.S. iii. 188, 190, 
192; WS. i. 130; by master of 
revels, E.S. i. 320; iii. 158, 169, 
191, 258; W.S. i. 100; by privy 
council, E.S. iii. 159-63, 168, 
172; iv. 264; by sovereign, E.S. 
iiL 1 60; iv. 264; by Stationers' 
Company, E.S. iii. 162-77, 187- 
92; subject to conditions, E.S. iii. 
169, 188-90. See Censorship; 
Deputations Exemplifications; Pa- 
tents; Restraints; Public theatres. 

Lichfield, Thomas, E.S* iv. 92, 93. 

Lichfield (Staffs.), E.S. i. 214; iv. 91. 

Lietteskampf, E.S. ii. 28 5 . 

Life and Repentance of Mary Mag- 
dalene, E.S. iii. 25, 503; iv. 194, 

3 8i. 

Light endings, W.S. i. 265; tables 

of, #^.11.401,405. See Metre. 

Lighting of plays, E.S. i. 225, 227; 

ii- 54-i> 543. 55 6 ; iv- 373; of 

masks, E.S. i. 6, 195. 
Ligne, Jean de, Prince de Brabancon, 

E.S.i. 25. 

'Like Quits Like\ E.S. iii. 267. 
'Like unto Like* (1600), E.S. ii. 133 ; 

iv. 16. 
Like Will to Like (c. 1568), E.S. ii. 

14; iii. 24, 311, 317; iy. 16, 381. 
Lily, William, grammarian, E.S. ii. 

8, 16, 18 $111.4x1; W.S.i. 10. 
Limbert, Stephen, master of Norwich 

grammar school, E.S. iv. 63. 
Lincoln (title). See Clinton. 
Lincoln's Inn, E.S. i. 173, 222; ii. 

34, 36, 91 ; iii. 260, 468; iv. 127. 
Lincoln's men, E.S. ii. 96. 
Lindsey, Alexander, E.S. ii. 268. 
Lines of players, W.S. i. 82; ii. 87. 

Ling, Nicholas, stationer, W.S. 1.132. 

Lingua, E.S. iii. 497; iv. 373, 389. 

Linton (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 95. 

Lintot, Bernard, publisher, W.S. ii. 

Lion-baiting, E.S. ii. 454; iv. 1 18, 
120, 123, 124. 

Lions, E.S. iii. 369. 

Lipsius, Justus, E.S. iii. 332. 

Lisandre et Caliste, E.S. iii. 16. 

Lisle (title). See Sidney. 

Lister, Edward, unlicensed player, 
E.S.ii. 328. 

Lists for tilt, E.S. i. 140. 

Little Thief. See Nigktwalker. 

Livery of household, E.S. i. 51, 52, 
94> 96* 539 5 of players, E.S. i. 271, 
274> 279, 311, 312, 313, 337, 
355; ii. 5, 27, 82, 83, 86, 105, 
107, no, 186, 211, 229, 236, 
239* 2 73 ;iv. 268. 

Livy, /#. 1.480. 

Lloid, Th., E.S. iii, 398. 

Lloyd, David, W.S. ii. 250. 

Lloyd, Richard, W.B. \. 336, 

Loarte, Jasper, WS. ii. 382. 

Local pkyers, E.S. i. 280, 310, 328. 

Locality, indicated in dialogue, E.S. 
iii. 41, 52, 127; change of, E.S. iii. 
18, 25, 34, 36, 38-9, 43, 88, 102, 
121, 142. See Edge ; Foreshorten- 
ing; Juxtaposition; Labels; Mul- 
tiple; Split scenes; Unity. 

Locatelli, Basilio, W.S. i. 494. 

Lochard, Owen, E.S. iv. 320. 

Locrine, discussed, E.S. fv. 26; W.S. 
\. 533, 536; mentioned, E.S. iii* 

5i S9 6 8 > 74 i9 6 > 2 32 239, 
497; iv. 44, 46, 384; W.S. i. 143, 
206, 209, 487; ii. 392. 
Lodge, Thomas, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. iii. 409-1 1 ; Plays: 
Looking Glass for London and 
England, E.S. iii. 410; W.S. i, 54, 
209, 268; ii. 308, 309, 310; 
Wounds of Civil War, E.B. in. 
410; W.S. i. 53; Doubtful Plays, 
E.S. iii. 410; and Greene, W.B. 


i. 58, 209; in revision theories, 
W. i. 285, 292, 324, 367; and 
players, E.S* i. 376; on plays, E.B. 
i. 256; iv. 206, 226; mentioned, 
.S. i. 99, 238, 259; ii. 195, 349 
395; iii. 323, 326, 328; iv. 15, 23, 
25, 36, 44, 46, 52, 246; WS. i. 
223,404,411, 545; ii-195- 

Lodge, Sir Thomas, .S. iii. 409. 

Loggia, E.S. iii. 25, 32, 36, 43. 

Loiala, E.S. iii. 476. 

Lok, Henry, #f.i. 568. 

London, Westminster and Suburbs: 

City of London and Whitefriars, 

.$.: Artillery Garden, iii. 

340; Baynard's Castle, i. 4, 9, 

104, 159, 160; ii. 494; iv. 77, 
80, 8 r, 82, 91, 113; Bishops- 
gate (Bull), i. 289; ii. 360, 
380; iv. 86, 87, 88; Boar's 
Head (Aldgate), ii. 356, 443; 
Boar's Head (Eastcheap), ii. 
443; Bridewell, ii. 52, 476, 
481; iii. 496; Britain's Burse, 
i. 10; iii. 129; Carpenter's Hall, 
ii. 356; Carter Lane, ii. 481, 
483 ; Castie Lane, ii. 48 1 ; Christ 
Church, ii. 44; Christ's Hospital, 
iii. 458; Clothworkers' Hall, 
iv. 122; Conduits, i. 132; ii. 
453; iv. 121 ; Convocation 
House, ii. 13, 16; Counter 
(Poultry), ii. 164; iv. 367; 
Counter (Wood St.), iv. 282; 
Creed Lane, ii. 481; Crosby 
Hall, i. 10 ; Dorset (Sackville) 
House, i. 161; ii. 516; iv. 81, 
113; East Smithfield, i. 301, 
304; iv. 327, 340; Ely Place, 
i. 102; iii. 235; iv. 103, 104, 

105, 106; Fleet Ditch, ii. 476, 
481 ; Fleet Street, ii. 159; Fleet 
Prison, i. 12; Gracechurch 
Street (Bell, Cross Keys),ii. 344, 
360, 380-2; Guildhall, i. 135, 
221, 286; iv. 121 ; Heneage 
House, iv. i oo ; Holbom, i. 2 20 ; 
ii. 475; iv. 112; Huntingdon 

House, iv. no; Leadenhall, iv. 
290; London Bridge, ii. 366, 
376; Ludgate Hill or Bowier 
Row (Bel Savage), ii. 360, 382, 
481; Merchant Taylors, i. 134, 

i37> 174?"- 75> 2I 3; i"- 394 
442; iv. 102, 122, 129; New 
Fish Street, ii. 159; Newgate, 
ii. 54; iv. 298 ; Northumberland 
Place, ii. 356; iii. 502; Puddle 
Wharf, ii. 472, 481; St. 
Andrew's Hill, i. 9; ii. 474; St. 
Andrew's (Holborn), iii. 507; 
St. Antholin's, i. 262 ; St. Barth- 
olomew's, ii. 44; St. Botolph's 
(Aldersgate), ii. 356; St. Giles's 
(Cripplegate), i. 300; ii. 295, 
435; iv. 12; St. Gregory's, ii. 
10, 13, 1 6, 358; St. Leonard's 
(Shoreditch), ii. 295, 384; St. 
Mary-le-Bow,i. 104; St. Mary's 
(Aldermanbury), ii. 311, 320; 
St. Mary Woolnoth, ii. 73; 
St. Mildred's (Bread Street), ii. 
404; St. Paul's Cathedral, i. 
*35 3*55 * 9-"; *" 128; iv. 
103; its weathercock, iii. 466, 
473; iv. 31, 37; St. Paul's 
Churchyard, iii. 420; St. Paul's 
Cross, i. 254, 262, 285, 291; 
iv. 208; St. Paul's Grammar 
School, i. 132, 133; iv. 56; 
St. Peter's Hill, i. 103 ; Salisbury 
Court, ii. 5 1 6 1 7 ; Southampton 
House, iv. 1 1 9 ; Stationers' Hall, 
iii. 166, 174, 186, 422; Tower, 

100, 116, 118, 120, 123, 124; 
Trinity Hall, ii. 3 56 ; Wardrobe, 
i. 9; ii. 473, 476; Warwick Inn, 
i. 74; ii. 491 ; Water Lane (Fleet 
Street), ii. 516; Whitefriars, i. 
10, 103, 303; ii. 360, 477-9> 


Blackfriars, E.S.: i. 10, 74, 76, 95, 
169; ii. 48, 194, 475-5*5* i v - 
i7> H3> U4, 115; Anker- 
house, ii. 483; Apothecaries* 

London, Blackfriars (cont?). 

Hall, ii. 492, 507; iv. 372; 
Bridewell Lane, i. 326; ii. 482; 
Cobham House, i. 15, ii. 485, 
488, 492, 504; Duchy Cham- 
ber, ii. 490, 502; Fleet Bridge, 
ii. 481; Gate-house, WiS* ii. 
154-69; Gate Street, E.S.: ii. 
48 1 ; Glass-house, ii. 506; High 
Street, ii. 482 ; Hunsdon House, 
ii. 501, 504, 506; Ireland Yard, 
ii. 482-3; King's Printing 
House, ii. 506; Pipe Office, ii. 
488, 498, 504; Porter's Hall 
play-house, ii. 472; Printing 
House Lane, ii. 501 ; St. Anne's, 
ii. 474, 478, 482, 486, 491, 
5 1 1 ; iv. 3 20 ; Shoemakers' Row, 
ii. 483; Stairs, ii. 481; Water 
Lane, ii. 482, 484, 487, 501, 

Middlesex Suburbs, E.S.: Black- 
wall, iv. 113, 121; Charter- 
house, i. 10 ; iv. 77, 79, 84, 97, 
1 1 6; Finsbury, i. 290; ii. 435; 
iv. 327; Finsbury Fields, ii. 
37> 385-6, 396; Golden Lane 
(Fortune), ii. 435; Holywell 
(Theatre, Curtain), ii. 363, 384, 
400; Hoxton Fields, ii. 158, 
400; iii. 353; Islington (Sara- 
cen's Head), ii. 127, 356; 
Kingsgate, i. 13; Marylebone 
Park, i. ii; Mile End, i. 139; 
iv. 77, 1 02 ; Moorfields, ii. 401 ; 
New River, i. 137; iii. 443; 
Nightingale Lane> iv. 327; St. 
James's (Clerkenwell), ii. 445; 
St. John's (Clerkenwell), i. n, 
76, 79> 95> IOI > 223; ii. 481; 
iv. 250, 252; St. John Street 
(Red Bull), ii. 445; Stepney 
(Red Lion), ii. 380; Stratford at 
Bow, iv. 93, 96, 121 ; White- 
chapel (Boar's Head), ii. 67, 
242, 368, 444; Whitecross 
Street, ii. 435. 

Southwark and Surrey Suburbs, 

.$.: Bankside (Rose, Globe, 
Hope),i. 296; ii. 359, 363,370, 
376-8, 449; Barge, Bell and 
Cock, ii, 464; Barge-house, i. 8; 
ii. 413, 460; Bear-gardens, ii. 
449-65; Bear-gardens Lane, ii. 
463, 470; Bearsfoot Alley, ii. 
470; Bermondsey, ii. 411, 
459; iv. 83, 86; Clink, i. 359; 
ii. 228, 359, 376, 406, 459, 
461; Copt Hall, ii, 411, 
461 ; Cuckold's Haven, iii. 149; 
Deadman's Place, ii. 377, 427, 
430; Globe Alley, ii. 378, 427- 
33 ; Holland Street, ii. 377,461 ; 
Horseshoe Alley, ii. 433 ; Lam- 
beth Marsh, ii. 459; Maid 
(Maiden) Lane, ii. 359, 377, 
405, 427-33; Marshalsea, i. 
299; ii. 132, 163; iii. 353; iv. 
280, 310, 323; Mason Stairs, 
ii. 462; Newington (Newing- 
ton Butts), i. 283; ii. 359,404; 
iv. in, 113; Palmyra, ii.428; 
Paris Garden or Wideflete 
(Swan), i. 8, 12, 63; 314; ii. 

34* 359 376, 449* 45 8 - 6 n 
Park, ii. 431; Pike Garden, ii. 
463; Rose Alley, ii. 406; St. 
George's Fields, ii. 359; iv. 86; 
St. Margaret's, ii. 405, 427 ; St. 
Mary Overies, i. 262, 263; ii. 
376, 427; St. Saviour's, i. 300; 
ii. 99, 405, 427; iv. 325; 
Southwark, i. 275, 300, 315, 

3'7> 3595 ii-99 2 9> 355>359> 
376, 407, 449; iv. 80, 94; 
Stews, i. 359; ii. 376, 405, 
460, 462; Winchester House, 
ii. 376; iii. 234. 

Liberty of Duchy of Lancaster, 
..: Aruadel House, iv. 83, 
100, 101, 1 1 5 ; Bedford House, 
iv. 82, 104; Cecil House, iii. 
248; iv. 119; Leicester (Essex) 
House, iv. 92, 93, 94, 96; 
Savoy, I 9, 216; iv. 82, 109, 
115, 144; Somerset House 



London, Liberty of Duchy of Lan- 
caster (coni). 

(Denmark House, Queen's 
Court), i. 10, 12, 95, 174, 216; 
ii. 21 1 ; iii. 277; iv. 77-112 
passim, 118, 121, 129, 130, 
169, 183; Strand, ii. 435; iii. 
392 ;iv. 79, 108, 109, 113. 
Westminster, E.S.'. Banqueting 
House, i. 15-17; ii- 45 3> 4 8 ? 
iii. 234, 242, 245, 282, 375, 

378, 379> 383, 385* 386; 
iv. 59, 87, 171; Baptista's, i. 
102; Burghley House, i. 1 68; 
ii. 194; iv. 81, 105, 108, 109, 
no, in; Cockpit, i. 8, 13, 
146, 216, 218, 234; iv. 87, 
i?5 I77> J 79> 181; Conduit 
Court, ii. 453; Covent Garden, 
iv. 105; Durham Place, i. 10, 
160; iv. 93, 123, 170; Ex- 
chequer Chamber, 1.135; Gate- 
house, i. 328; iv. 280; Haunce's, 
i. 102; Hyde Park, i. ii, 15; 
King's Road, i. 13; St. James's, 
i. ii, 13; iv. 77-116 passim ; 
St. James's Park, i. 8, 216; iii. 
261 ; iv. 115; St. Peter, College 
of, ii. 70; St. Stephen's, ii. 25; 
Tiltyard, i. 8, 18, 141-8; 
ii. 453; iii. 211, 261, 268, 
402-5 ; Westminster Abbey, ii. 
70, 361; Westminster Hail, i. 
135, 150; Westminster Palace, 
i. 8, 102 ; Whitehall, i. 8, 1 5, 19, 
1 08, 143, 298 (see Banqueting- 
house) ; iv. 77-1 29 \passim ; Win- 
chester House, iii. 234; York 
House, i. 8;iv. 112. 
See Shakespeares of. 

London book-trade, regulation of, 

London, Shakespeares of, W.S. ii. 18, 

'London Against the Three Ladies*, 
E.S.rn. 515; iv. 216. 

*l, 2 London Florentine*, E.S. ii. 
i8o-i;iii. 266,347. 

London Maid. See Thorny Abbey. 
'London Merchant, E.S. iii. 315; iv. 

London Prodigal \ E.S. ii. 212, 300; 

iv. 27, 389; WS. i. 143, 206, 534. 
London 9 ! Love to Prince Henry, E.S. 

iv. 72. 

Long, Henry, .S. iv. 79. 
Long, Maurice, E.S. ii. 401. 
Long, Nicholas, revels (provincial) 

manager, E.S. ii. 60, 61, 259, 328. 
Long, Sir Richard, master of Paris 

Garden, E.S. ii. 450. 
Long, William, E.S. ii. 401. 
Long Itchington (Warwick), E.S. iv. 


Long lines, W.S. i. 258. See Metre. 
4 1 Long Meg of Westminster*, E.S. ii. 

147, 190. 

Long Melfprd (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Long Parliament, plays suppressed 

by, E.S. i. 306, 387. 
Long Stanton (Cambs.), E.S. iv. 81. 
Longer Thou Livest. See The Longer. 
Longleat (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
*Longshanks\ E.S. ii. 144, 168, 181; 

iii. 461. 
'Longsword, Sir William*, E.S. i. 

320; ii. 170; iii. 308. 
Longueville,Henri,ducde, W.S.\. f $ 3 8 . 
Look About You, E.S. ii. 172; iii. 67, 

70,74,94, 503 ;iv. 28, 387. 
Looking Glass for London and England, 

E.S. ii. no, 114, 122, 280, 296; 

iii. 52, 55, 89, 91, 328, 383; W.S. 

i. 54, 209, 268; ii. 308 sqq. 
Lope de Vega, W.S. i. 346. 
Lopez, Roderigo, E.S. iii. 423; W.S. 

i. 246, 366, 371. 
Lord Lieutenant, plays licensed by, 

E.S. i. 276. 

Lord Mayor's Day, E.S. i. 22. 
Lord Mayor's Show, E.S. i. 135-8; 

ii. 72; iii. 305, 443, 445, 448, 

Lord's Mask, E.S. i. 173, 179, 180, 
*93> 196? 201, 202, 205, 210; 
iii. 241. 


Lords of Misrule, E.S. i. 19, 72, 1 35 ; 

iv. 55, 71, 80, 200. 
Lords of players, E.S. i. 266, 270, 

271, 274, 276, 279, 286, 294, 

299, 304, 310, 335, 337, 354; 

ii. 3, 221; iii. 180, 188; iv. 205, 

210, 230, 237, 263, 264, 268, 

293, 298, 316, 319, 320, 324, 

326, 328, 334, 337. 
Lords' rooms, E.S. ii. 531, 535-7; 

iii. 95, u8;iv. 366. 
Lorkin, Thomas, E.S. ii. 419. 
L'Orme, Philibert de, E.S. iii. 14. 
Lorraine, Frangois de, E.S. I. 159. 
Loseley (Surrey), E.S. i. 77, 109; 

iv. 84, 93, 100, 106, 114, 117. 
Lost Plays (list), E.S. iv. 398-404. 
Lotteries, E.S. iv. 67, 400. 
Loughborough (Essex), E.S. iv. 93, 

95,98, 108, in. 

Loughborough (Leics.), E.S. iv. 126. 
Loughton (Essex), E.S. iv. 79, in, 

1 20. 

Louis XII, king of France, E.S. 1.152. 
Louis XIII, king of France, E.S. iii. 

Louis XIV, king of France, E.S. ii. 

293, 298. 
Love and Fortune, E.S. ii. 1 1 8 ; iii. 45, 

91; iv. 28, 99, 159; WS. i. 487. 
'Love and Self-Love* (show), E.S. iii. 

212, 306. 
Love Feigned and Unfeigned, E.S. iv. 

28, 405. 
Love freed from Ignorance and Folly 

(mask), E.S. i. 173, 180, 198, 

200, 209, 210; iii. 386; iv. 125. 
Lovekyn, Arthur, player, E.S. ii. 

32 8. 

'Love Labours Won*, discussed, W.S. i. 

272; mentioned, E.S. ii. 197; iii. 

489; iv. 246; WiS. i. 206, 244, 

Love lies a-bleeding, W.S. ii. 343. See 


'Love of an English Lady\ E.S. ii. 143 . 
'Love of a Grecian Lady\ E.S. ii. 146 ; 

iii. 462. 

'Love Parts Friendship*, E.S. ii. 179; 
iii. 266, 494; iv. 50. 

'Love Prevented', E.S.i\. 166; 111.467. 

Love Restored (mask), E.S. i. 173, 
1 80, 200, 206; iii. 387; iv. 35, 
58, 125. 

Lovell, Gregory, cofferer of the 
household, E.S. iv. 90, 104. 

Lovell, Sir Thomas, treasurer of 
chamber, E.S. i. 58. 

Love's Changelings Change, W.S. i. 92. 

Love's Cure, E.S. iii. 231 ; iv. 395. 

Love's Labour's Lost, discussed, E.S. 
iii. 482; W.S. i. 332-8; biblio- 
graphy, W.S. i. 332; the texts, WS. 
i. 131, 140, 150, 162, 332, 333; 
afterthoughts, W.B.'i. 235; censor- 
ship, W.S. i. 240; date, W.S. i. 247, 
267, 272, 335; revision theories, 
WS. i. 334; stage-directions, W*S. 
i. 233; topical and literary 
allusions, WS. i. 69, 335, 336; 
parallel to French history, WS. i. 
337; performances, W.S. i. 338; 
ii. 331-2; mentioned, E.S.i. 215; 
ii. 194, 196, 211; iii. 123, 188, 
260; iv. 119, 239, 172, 246, 385; 
W.S. i. 308, 344, 547, 564; ii. 

Love's Loadstone, E.S. iii. 499. See 

Love's Metamorphosis, E.S. ii. 1 8; 
iii. 34, 145, 416; iv. 387. 

Love's Mistress, E.S. iii. 346. 

Love-sick King, E.S. iii. 237; iv. 

Lowin, John, player, career of, E.S. 
i. 388; ii. 328; his parts, E.S. ii. 
219, 329; iv. 371; W.S. i. 83, 
498; ii. 264; in actor-lists, E.S. 
iii. 228, 229, 367, 368, 371, 372, 
431, 510; mentioned, E.S. ii. 210, 
212, 215, 218, 226, 425, 510; iii. 
218; iv. 370; W.B. i. 80; ii. 72-7. 

'Loyalty and Beauty*, E.S. ii. 35; iv. 


Lucan, W.S. i. 401. 
Lucas, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 79. 



Lucian, MB. 1.48 3. 

Lucidi,E.S.m. 13. 

Lucy, George, E.S. iii. 371. 

Lucy, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 83, 88; 
W.S. i. 18, 434.; ii. 105, 265, 290, 
293, See also Merry Wives; Shake- 
speare, William; Deer-stealing. 

l Lud, King, E.S. ii. 95; W.S. ii. 317. 

Luddington (Warwick), W.S. ii. 46, 

47> 5> 5 1 - 
Ludlow (Salop), players at, WS. ii. 

'Ludovico, ein Konig aits Hispania*, 

Lulworth (Dorset), E.S. i. 122; iv. 


Lumi artificial^ E.S. iv. 35;, 363. 
Lumley (Durham), E.S. iv. 116. 
Lumley House, Greenwich (Kent), 

E.S. iv. 112. 

Lumley, Jane, Lady, E.S. iii. 411. 
Lumley, John, Lord, E.S. i. 1 1 ; iii. 

4ii;iv. 100, 1 06, 116. 
Luoghi deputati, E.S. iii. 6. 
Lupo, Thomas, musician, E.S. i. 1 34, 

202; iii. 241, 244, 385, 387. 
Lupton, Mr. (1575), E.S. iii. 411. 
Lupton, Thomas, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 41 1 ; Play: All for Money, E.S. 

iii. 411. 

Lusores Regis, E.S. ii. 78. 
'Lustie London', E.S. iii. 470. 
Lust's Dominion, E.S. iii. 427; iv. 


Lusty Juventus, E.S. iii. 22; iv. 380. 
Lutenists, E.S. i. 49; ii. 31, 277. 
Luther, Martin, on plays, E.S. i, 241. 
Luton (Beds.), E.S. iv. 91, 120. 

Lyance (Shakespeare property), W.S. 

ii. 361, 365, 374. 
Lydgate, John, E.S. i. 190; W.S. i. 


Lydiard (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 107, 128. 

Lygon, Roger, E.S. ii. 486. 

Lylgrave, William, E.S. ii. 499. 

Lyly, John, playwright, Blackfriars 
lessee, Oxford's payee, career and 
works, E.S. iii. 411-17; Plays: 
Campaspe, E.S. ii. 36, 39; iii. 413 ; 
W.S. i. 5 3 ; Endymion, E.S. iii. 415; 
W.S. i. 331; Galathea, E.S. iii. 
415; Love's Metamorphosis, E.S. 
ii. 43; iii. 416; Midas, E.S. iii. 
416; Mother Eombie, E.S. iii. 416; 
Sapho and Phao, E.S. ii. 36, 39; 
iii. 414; W.S. i. 53; Woman in the 
Moon, E.S. iii. 416; W.S. i. 490; 
Doubtful Work, E.S. iii. 417; on 
pkys, E.S. iv. 232; and master- 
ship of revels, E.S. i. 957; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 46, 129, 152, 197, 
224, 294; ii. 17, 18, 37, 39, 40, 
101, 329, 395, 497, 508; iii. 102, 
181, 199, 450; iv. 29, 52, 65, 66, 
68, 71, 160, 229, 246; W.S. i. 32, 
H^ 33i> 336; ii. 186, 195, 208, 


Lyly, Peter, corrector of books, E.S. 

iii. 168,413. 

Lyme Regis (Dorset), E.S. ii. 83. 
Lynsey, John, E.S. ii. 441. 
Lyons, Andrew, E.S. iv. 320. 
Lyons (France), E.S. iv. 40 1 . 
Lytton, Rowknd, E.S. iv. 83, 84, 87. 
Lyzarde, William, painter, E.S. i. 



M., I. (1623), /S.ii.234. 
M., J. (c. 1615), W.S. ii. 221. 
Mabbe, James, E.S. iv. 399; W.S. ii. 

Macbeth, discussed, E.S. iii. 488; 

#T.i. 471-6; bibliography, W.S. 

i. 471; the text, W.S. i. 471, 472; 
date, W.S. i. 245, 249, 273, 468, 
473-5; rehandling, W.S. i. 471; 
revision theories, WS. i. 472; 
interpolations, W.S. \. 235, 472; 
cuts, W.S. i. 229; Middleton's 



Witch, W.S. i. 472-3; source, 

W.S. i. 475; ballad, mS. i. 476; 

Jonson's criticism, W.S. i. 70; ii. 

21 1 ; performance, W.$. ii. 337; 

forgery, W.&. ii. 391; mentioned, 

E.S.L 126, i86;ii. 212, 215,269; 

iii. 332, 438, 439, 49 8 > iv - 394; 

W.S. i. 76, 486. 
'Machiavel' (1592), E.S. ii. 122; iii. 

272; WS. ii. 308, 310. 
'Machiavel and the Devil' (1613), 

E.S. i. 374; ii. 252; iii. 272. 
Machiavellus, E.S. iii. 5 13 ; iv. 376. 
Machin, Lewis, E.S. ii. 66; iii. 417; 

iv. ii ; Pky: The Dumb Knight, 

E.S. iii. 417. 
Machin, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 

279,280, 329; iii. 417. 
Machines, E.S. i. 179, 184, 200, 

232, 233; iii. 77, 87, 97, 231, 

241, 282, 376, 378-9, 383, 386; 

iv. 370, 371- 
Machyn, Henry, E.S. i. 72, 107, 

157, 159, 221; WS. i. 400; ii. 

386; iii. 457. 

'Mack*, E.S. ii. 143; iii. 299, 301. 
Macklin, Charles, player, W.S. ii. 

*73 377- 
Macrobius, E.S. i. 377; W.S. i. 217, 

Mad World, my Masters, E.S. i. 3 1 1, 

316; ii. 22; iii. 143, 439; iv. 391. 
''Madman's Morris*, E.S. ii. 166; iii. 

302, 308, 516. 
'Madon King of Britain*, E.S. iii. 

233 ;iv. 397,401. 

Madox, Richard, E.S. i. 371 ; iii. 321. 
Magett, Stephen, tireman, E.S. ii. 

149, 156,329, 541. 
Magnetic Lady, W.S. i. 102, 105. 
Mago, William, player, W. ii. 81. 
Mahelot, Laurent, E.S. iii. 16. 
'Mahomet', E.S. ii. 146, 168, 180; 

iii. 327; iv. 47. 
'Mahomet's Poo 9 , E.S. iii. 327, 460, 

Maid of the Mill, E.S. iii. 473; W.S. 

i. 1 06. 

Maidenhead (Berks.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Maidenhead Well Lost, E.S. iii. 347. 
'Maiden's Holiday 9 , E.S. iii. 289, 

427 ;iv. 396,402. 
Maid's Metamorphosis, E.S. ii. 20; 

iii. 132, 136, 277, 417; iv. 29, 

Maids of Honour, E.S. i. 45; iii. 

5H;iv. 114, 352. 
Maid's Tragedy, discussed, E.S. iii. 

224; mentioned, E.S. i. 39, 171, 

188, 203; ii. 215, 217; iii. 112; 

iv. 127, 180, 371, 393; W.S. ii. 


Maidstone, pkyers at, E.S. ii. 59; 
#f.ii. 304, 306, 3i4333- 

Mainwaring, Arthur, .. iv. 5; W.8. 
ii. 141-7. 

'Maisons', E.S. iii. 16, 18. 

Major, Ezechiel, E.S. iv. 320. 

'Malcolm King of Scots', E.S. ii. 179; 
iii. 43 5; ^.1.476. 

Malcontent, discussed, E.S. iii. 431; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 198 ; ii. 50, 210, 
308, 310, 340, 542; iii. 125, 130, 
131, 132, 147, 200, 508; iv. 23, 
388; W.S. i. 148, 200, 213; ii. 81. 

Maldon (Essez), E.S. i. 339; ii. 2, 
81, 83; PF.S. ii. 328. 

Malim, William, master of Eton, 


Malinge, Mr., E.S. iv. 103. 
Malloy, Christopher, E.S. i. 328. 
Malone, Edmund, W.S. ii. 184, 208, 

235 2 3 8 > 2 55 26 3> 2 73> 28o > 

283, 291, 293, 294, 296, 330, 


Malthouse, John, E.S. ii. 464. 
Malvolio. SteTwelfth Night. 
'Mamillia\ E.S. ii. 88; iv. 89, 147. 
Managers of companies, E.S. i. 352; 

ii. 219, 238-9. 
'Mandeville, Sir John', E.S. ii. 122- 

3;iv. 12; #T.ii. 307, 309, 310. 
'Manhood and Misrule', E.S. iv. 402. 
Mankind, E.S. iv. 37. 
Manne, Robert, E.S. ii. 401. 
Mannering, Thomas, E.S. iii. 345. 


Manners, Edward, 3rd earl of Rut- 

knd, E.S. ii. 385, 401. 
Manners (b. Sidney), Elizabeth, 

countess of Rutland, E.S. i. 211; 

iii. 212, 354, 378. 
Manners, Francis, 6th earl of Rut- 

knd, E.S. i. 148; iii. 246, 394; iv. 

126, 129; W.SA* 87; ii. 153. 
Manners, Roger, 5th earl of Rutland, 

E.S. i. 220; iv. 116; W.S. i. 387; 

ii. 183. 
Manners. See Russell; Sandys; Tyr- 

Manningham, John, E.S.L 170, 222; 

ii. 308; iii. 248, 501; iv. 68; W.S. 

i.4o5;ii.2i2, 327, 386. 
Manningtree (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 253. 
'Man's Wit', E.S.iv.241. 
Mantegna, Andrea, E.S. iii. 5. 
Mantua, theatre at, E.S. iii. 5. 
Mantuan, W.S. i. ii. 
Manuden (Essex), E.S. iv. 95. 
Manuscript masks, E.S. iv. 406. 
Manuscript plays (list), E.S. iv. 

Manuscripts used by players, E.S. 

iii. 193-7; iv. 4, 32, 43, 45. See 

Pky MSS. 
Manwood, Sir Roger, chief baron of 

exchequer, E.S. iv. 89, 98. 
Maps and pkns of London, E.S. i. 

216; ii. 353-5, 376-9* 47> 4 IO 


Mar (title). See Erskine. 
Marbeck, Thomas, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

177, 329. 
Marburg, Louis, kndgrave of, E.S. 

ii. 278. 

Marc Antoine, E.S. iii. 337. 
Marchand, Guilkume, E.S. iii. 15. 
'Marcus Geminus 9 , E.S. i. 128. 
Mardi-gras, E.S. i. 246. 
Marginal insertions, W.S.i. 114, 182, 

231,326,342,360,481. &*Texts. 
Marguerite de Valois, queen of 

Navarre, W.S. i. 337. 
Maria, Anton, E.S. ii. 263. 
Mariam, E.S. iii. 247; iv. 392. 

Marius and Sulla. See Wounds of 

Civil War. 
Mark Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 87, 93, 

Markham, Gervase, playwright, 

career and works, E.S. iii. 417; 

Pky: The Dumb Knight, E.S. iii. 

418; mentioned, E.S. i. 121; ii. 

66, 145; W.S. i. 568; ii. 221, 223. 
Marlborough (Wilts.), E.S. ii. i; 

WS. ii. 306, 319, 320, 333, 335. 
Marlowe, Christopher, playwright, 

career and works, E.S. iii. 41 8-27 ; 

Pkys: Dido Queen of Carthage, 

E.S. ii. 41; iii. 426; WS. i. 56, 

209, 425; Doctor Faustus, E.S. 

iii. 422; WS. i. 53, 212, 325; 

Edward Second, E.S. i. 153; iii. 

425; W.S. i. 54, 56, 285, 303, 

516, 537; Jew of Malta, E.S. iii. 

424; W.S. i. 53, 54, 403; ii. 308, 

309, 310, 312, 317; Lust's Domi- 
nion, E.S. iii. 289, 427; Massacre 
at Paris, E.S. i. 323 ; iii. 425 ; WS. 
i. 53, 285, 400; 1amburlaine y 
E.S. iii. 421; W.S. i. 38, 53, 55, 
206, 325, 454; Lost Phy:Maidex's 
Holiday, E.S. iii. 427; Doubtful 
Pky, E.S. iii. 427; relations with 
Greene, E.S. iii. 324; W.S. i. 58; 
Kyd, E.S. iii. 394; Lodge, E.S. iii. 
410; Nashe, E.S. iii. 326; iv. 234; 
Shakespeare's debt to, WS. i. 69, 
223, 403, 545; his popularity, 
E.S. ii. 149; his 'school', W.S. i. 
223; his verse, W.S. i. 142, 260, 
268, 548, 557; in revision theories, 
E.S. iv. i, 4, 10, 23, 27, 46, 48; 
W.S. i. 218, 219, 285, 291, 301, 

310, 317, 325, 351, 367, 394, 
398, 517; mentioned, E.S. i. 377; 
ii. 94, no; iv. 246; W.S. i. 330; 
ii. 194, 208, 211, 219, 221. 

Marmion, Shakerley, E.S. iii. 222, 


Marot, Clement, E.S. i. 176. 
Marprekte, Martin, on pkys, E.S. 

iv. 229-33; WS.i. 33. 

Marprelate controversy, E.S. i. 97, 

261, 294, 295, 319, 323; H. 18, 

no, 395, 412, 532; Hi. 412, 444, 

450; iv. 229-33. 
1 Marquis d'Ancrf, E.S. i. 327; in. 

Marriage between Wit and Wisdom* 

E.S. Hi. 199, 437; iv. 401, 

Marriage of Frederick and Elizabeth 

(shows), E.S* iv. 73. 
'Marriage of Mind and Measure*, 

E.S. ii. 15; iii. 28, 437; iv. 96, 


Marriage of Wit and Science, E.S. iv. 
29, 381. 

'Marshal Osric', E.S. ii. 227; iii. 
341, 347, 494. 

Marshall, Charles, player, E.S. ii. 
192, 329; iv. 344. 

Marsigli, Bernardino, E.S. iii. 5. 

Marsigli, Fino, E.S. iii. 5. 

Marston, John, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. ii. 329; iii. 427- 
35; Plays: Antonio and Mellida, 
E.S. ii. 19; iii. 429; Dutch Courte- 
san, E.S. iii. 430; W.S. i. 442, 45 1, 
469; Eastward Ho, E.S. iii. 254; 
W.S. i. 107, 210; Fawn, E.S. iii. 
432; Insatiate Countess, E.S. ii. 
54, 60; iii. 433; Malcontent, E.S. 
iii. 396, 431; What You Will, 
E.S. iii. 430; Wonder of a Woman, 
or Sopkonisba, E.S. iii. 43 3 ; Doubt- 
ful and Lost Plays, E.S. iii. 434; 
Masks: Ashby Entertainment, E.S. 
iii. 434; MonntebanKs Mask, E.S. 
iii. 435; relations with Shakes- 
peare, WS. i. 346; ii. 195 ; Jonson, 
E.S. iii. 363, 365, 367; Munday, 
E.S. 445; in Poetomachia, E.S. 
i. 381, 382, 384; ii. 20; W.S. 
i. 71; and boy companies, E.S. 
ii. 50, 51, 54, 57; WS. ii. 64; 
as editor, E.S. iii. 192, 198; on 
players, E.S. ii. 196; in revision 
theories, E.S. iv. 5, 17, 18, 21, 
28, 42; W.S. i. 46; mentioned, 

E.S. i. 377, 379; iii. 138, 293, 

437; iv. 38, 40; W.S. i. 490, 549; 

ii. 211, 215, 221. 
'Martherin Dorothea', E.S. ii. 286. 
Martial, E.S. i. 377. 
Martial Maid. See Love's Cure. 
Martin, Jean, E.S. iii. 12. 
Martin, Richard, lawyer, E.S. i. 169; 

iii. 262, 365. 
Martin, Sir Richard, lord mayor, 

E.S. iv. 101, 103, 105, 305, 309, 

Martinelli (?), Angelica, Italian 

player, E.S. ii. 329. 
Martinelli, Dnisiano, Italian player, 

E.S. i. 286, 315; ii. 262, 263, 329; 

iv.277 ; 
Martinelli, Tristano, Italian pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 263. 

* Martin Swarf, E.S. ii. 144. 
Marton, Thomas, pkyer, E.S. ii. 43, 

329; iii. 365. 

Martyn, William, payee, E.S. ii. 3 29. 
Martyr, Peter, E.S. i. 240. 
Mary Magdalene. See Life and 

Mary, princess of England, WS. i. 

Mary, queen of Scots, E.S. i. 7, 23, 

159, 170, 175; iv. 27, 80. 
Mascarade, E.S. i. 176. 
'Mask', etymology of, E.S. i. 153. 
Mask of Blackness, E.S. i. 171; iii. 

375 ;iv. 119; W.S.i. 453. 
Mask of Heroes, E.S. ii. 245. 
Mask of Inner Temple and Gray's 

Inn, E.S. iii. 233; W.S. i. 530. 
Mask ofOberon, E.S. i. 173; iii. 385; 

iv. 35, 58, 125; #f. 1.489. 
Mask of Queens, E.S. i. 173 ; iii. 382, 

509; iv. 123; /3^. 1.473. 
Masks discussed, E.S. i. 149-2 1 2 ; iii. 

2345, iv. 55-60; banquets after, 

E.S. i. 206; characters in, E.S. i. 

156, 157, 158 sqq., 163, 192; 

finances of, E.S. i. 207-12; iii. 

235, 242, 244, 247, 262, 279, 

283, 375> 378, 


385, 3 g 6* 389; iv. 59; inserted in 
plays, E.S. i. 186-90; length of, 
E.S. i. 206; professional actors in, 
E.S. i. 200; seating at, E.S. i. 203 ; 
vandalism at, E.S. i. 206; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 75, 76, 78, 79, 86, 
TOO, 126, 500; W.S. i. 215, 250. 
See also Alphabetical; Antimask; 
Assaults; Banquets; Books; Com- 
moning; Devices; Double Mask; 
Entry; Finance; Folk-survivals; 
Gifts; Hall; Honour; Patterns; 
Perspective; Proscenium; Revels; 
Scenes; Spectators; Taking out; 
Torch-bearers; Truchmen. 

Masking garments, E.S. i. 76, 79, 
158, 161, 164, 168, 171, 195, 
206, 208, 209, 210. 

'Mason', pkyer, W.$. i. 510. 

Mason, Alexander, marshal of min- 
strels, E.S. iv. 33. 

Mason (b. Isley), Elizabeth, Lady, 
E.S. iv. 85. 

Mason, John, pkywright, White- 
friars lessee, E.S. ii. 65, 66, 339; 
iii. 435; PIa 7 : The Turk, E.S. iii. 

Mason, John, yeoman of crown, E.S. 

ii. 12. 

Mason, Sir John, treasurer of cham- 
ber, E.S. i. 62; iii. 477; iv. 78, 

Mason, Mathias, Lute of privy 

chamber, E.S. i. 49. 
'Masque', so spelt by Jonson, E.S. i. 

Massacre at Paris, discussed, E.S. iii. 

425; mentioned, E.S. i. 323; ii. 

123, 126, 146; iv. 388, 405; W.S. 

L 53, 285,400. 
Massey (Massye), Charles, pkyer 

and pkywright, E.S. iii. 43 5 ; Lost 

Plays: Malcolm King of Scots, E.S. 

iii. 43 5 ; Siege of Dunkirk, E.S. iii. 

435; as player, E.S. ii. 150, 154, 

156, 158, 175, 176, 177, 186, 

191, 330, 442. 
Massinger, Philip, pkywright, career, 

E.S. iii. 436; Pkys: Barnavelt, 
W.B. i. no; Believe as You. List, 
W.B. i, 92, 101, iiosqq., 115, 
118, 121, 124, 125, 152, 214; 
ii. 349; Duke of Milan, W.S. i. 
185; Faithful Friends, WS. i. 
ill; Doubtful Plays, E.S. iii. 436; 
and Beaumont and Fletcher, W.B. 
i. 210; and censor, W.S. i. 101, 
no; in revision theories, W.S. i. 
486, 496, 542; characteristics of 
his MS., WS. i. 113; MS. altera- 
tions in pky-prints, W.S. i. 185; 
verse, WS. i. 22 1 ; mentioned, E.S. 
iii. 230, 232, 298; iv. 2,45. 

Massuccio of Salerno, W.S. i. 346. 

Master of Ceremonies, E.S. i. 53; 
of Horse, E.S. i. 34, 67, too, 107, 
207, 209; of Paris Garden, E.S. 
ii. 450-3; of Posts, E.S. i. 48, 62, 
69; of Requests, E.S. i. 48, 69; ii. 
14; of Robes, E.S. i. 52; of Rolls, 
E.S. ii. 14. 

Master of Revels, fees of, E.S. i. 3 19; 
ii. 184; pky-texts altered by, E.S. 
i. 320; supposed pkyers of, E.S. i. 
318; ii. 223; his duties, E.S. i. 
71-105, 219, 277, 282, 285, 288, 
289, 295, 299, 300, 303, 304, 305, 
308, 309, 310, 316, 317, 318-22, 
3H 326, 328, 337, 353, 361, 
362, 369, 372; iv. 135-41, 272, 
*85> 293> 35 308-9, 325, 338, 
340, 342, 343; 0W- i- 28, 29, 30, 
38, 98-105, 129, 159. See also 
Buck, Sir George; Censorship; 
Herbert, Sir Henry; Licences; 
Tilney, Edmund. 

Masters of Chapel, E.S. ii. 23, 27; 
of Eton, E.S. ii. 73; of Merchant 
Taylors, E.S. ii. 75 ; of Paul's, E.S. 
ii. 8, 21 ; of Westminster, E.S. ii. 
69; of Windsor Chapel, E.S. ii. 

Masters of companies, E.S. i. 379, 
386; iv. 371. 

Masterships in household, E.S. i. 


Matachines, E.S. iii. 280, 382; iv. 

Match at Midnight, E.S. iii. 474; iv. 

Match Me in London, E.S. iii. 297 ; iv. 


'Match or No MatcK, E.S. iii. 472. 
Mathew, Toby, bishop of Durham, 

.$. i. 10 ; iii. 359. 
Mathias, Emperor, E.S. ii. 290, 291. 
Mat-kyer, E.S. i. 182, 208; iii. 262. 
Matthew, Sir Toby, .5. iii. 212. 
Maxe, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 330. 
Maxwell, Mr., E.S. iv. 60. 
May Day, E.S. i. 362; ii. 58; iii. 147, 

256; iv. 392; W.S. ii. 85. 
May games, E.S* i. 4, 6, 20, 120, 

126, 135, 303; iii. 268, 391; iv. 

44, 77, 94, 113, 115, 200, 231-3, 

H73i i338. 
Maygame ofMartinism, E.S. i. 295; 

ii. no. 

May Lady, E.S. ii. 89; W.S. i. 337. 
'May Lord', E.S. iii. 374. 
May, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 78, 

May, Nathan, licensee, E.S. ii. 68, 


Mayenne, due de, E.S. i. 10; W.S. 
i. 338. 

Mayfield (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 

Mayler, George, pkyer, E.S. ii. 79, 
80, 81,330; W.$. ii. 84. 

Maynard, Sir Henry, E.S. 1.112. 

Mayne, Jasper, E.S. iii. 96, 1 27 ; W.S. 
ii. 234. 

Mayor of Quinlorough, E.S. iii. 442, 
474;iv. 395, 405;^?. 1.93. 

Mayors, control of plays by. See 
Justices; Restraint. 

Mayowe family, W.S. ii. 39-41. 

Meade, Jacob, keeper of bears, part- 
owner of Bear Garden and Hope, 
rektions with Henslowe, E.S. i. 
3*6 359 364> 365* 367; ii. 249, 
253 254, 255, 330, 413, 452, 
454, 465 sq.; iv. 325 ; and Alleyn, 
E.S. ii. 470. 



Measure 'for Measure ,discussed, E.S. iii. 
487; W.S. i. 45 2-7; bibliography, 
W. i. 453; text, W.S. 1. 166, 452, 
453; assembling, W.$. i. 154, 
453; date, W.S. i. 249, 453~4; 
mutes, W.&. i. 231, 454; revision 
theories, W.S. i. 218, 454-7; 
verse-fossils, W.S* i. 456; source, 
W.S. i. 457; performance, WS. 
ii. 331; mentioned, E.S. ii. 211; 
iii. 123; iv. 119, 171, 394; JKS.i. 

444, 521- 

Measures, E.S. i. 198; iii. 234, 239, 
241, 278, 280, 282, 375, 378, 
383, 385, 386, 434; iv- 5*> 57, 


Meautys, Henry, E.S. iv. 95. 
Meautys, Hercules, E.S. iv. 64. 
Medea, E.S. iii. 478 ; iv. 38 1 . 
Medici, Catherine de, E.S. i. 176; 

iii. 12-13. 

Medici, Giuliano de', E.S. iii. 4. 
Medici, Lorenzo de? 9 E.S. i. 154; 

iii. 4. 
'Medicine for a Curst Wife*, E.S. ii. 

179, 227; iii. 304. 
Medley, Robert, E.$. ii. 401. 
Medwall, Henry, E.S. ii. 79; iii. 28. 
Meighen, Richard, W.S. i. 143. 
Meknchthon, Philip, E.S. i. 239. 
Melanthe, E.S. i. 131; iii. 238; iv. 

376, 393- 

Melchet (Hants), E.S. iv. 85. 
Meleager, E.S. i. 129; iii. 32, 318; 

iv. 30, 376, 383* 405- 
Meleager (argument), E.S. ii. 18; iv. 

'Melone Konigaus Dalmatia*, E.S. ii. 


Melville, James, E.S. iii. 283. 
Melyonek, John, master of Chapel, 

E.S. 11.27, 31, 330. 
*Memoire pour la decoration des 

pieces,* E.S. iii. 15. 
Memorization, as basis of texts, W.S* 

i. 157-9, 282, 327, 341, 391, 415, 

Men companies, list o E.S. ii. 77. 



Menaeckmi, E.S. iii. 4, 5, 20. 
Menaechml (trans.), E.S. iii. 505; iv. 

384; #^.1.311^ 
Mendoza, Bernardino de, Spanish 

ambassador, E.S. i. 24. 
Menechmes* E.S.m. 17- 
Mennis family, W.S. ii. 247. 
Merbury, Francis, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 436; Play: Marriage between 

Wit and Wisdom, E.S. iii. 437. 
'Merchant of Emden\ E.S. ii. 143, 
Merchant of Venice^ discussed, E.S. 

iii. 484; W.S. i. 368-75; biblio- 

graphy, W.S. i, 369; the texts, W.S. 

i. 368-9, 370-1 ; printing of, W.S. 

W.S. i. 246, 248, 372; assembling, 

W.S. i. 155; censorship, W.S. i. 

238, 240; interpolations, W.S. i. 

235; revision theory, W.S. i. 371; 

bond- and casket-motive, WS. i. 

373-4; sources,. W.S. i. 374; in 

Germany, W.S. i. 375; perform- 

ance, W.S. ii. 332; mentioned, 

E.S. ii. 195, 197, 204, 211, 283, 

286; iii. 95, 123, 169, 1 88, 301; 

iv. 30, 53, 119, 172, 246, 385; 

W.S. i. 163, 178, 189, 197, 198, 

199, 366, 564. 
Merchant Taylors, E.S. i. 296; ii. 

72, 75, 213; iii. 394, 493, 507; 

iv. 309; children of, E.S. ii. 75. 
Merchant Taylors' school, masters of, 

E.S. ii. 75. 
Mercury Vindicated from the Al- 

chemists (mask), E.S. i. 174, 183, 

*93> 198, 23 *; iii- 3 8 95 iv. 

Meredith, William, E.S. iv. 114, 

Meres, Francis, on plays, E.S. iv. 

246; mentioned, E.S. ii. 100, 130, 

*97> 349* 4i 35 iii- H9 26 3> 3 6 > 
309, 3i7> 3^2, 332, 357, 407, 
419, 445, 453, 459> 4$6, 503, 
506; W.S. i. 205, 208, 244, 288, 
316, 320, 326, 366, 559; ii. 193, 

Meriden (Warwick), E.S. iv. 91. 
Meriton, George, E.S. iii. 212; iv. 

Mermaid tavern, E.S. ii. 225. 

Merriments, E.S. ii. 325; iv. 24. 
Merry, Edward, E.S. ii. 504. 
'Merry as May Be\ E.S. ii. 180; iii. 

288, 333, 494- 
Merry Devil of Edmonton, E.S. ii. 

2ir, 434; iii* 117, 118, 489; iv. 

12, 30, 36, 127, 180, 390; WS. 

i- 537; ii- 343- 

'Merry Milkmaids', E.S. i. 265. 

Merry Wives of Windsor, discussed, 
E.S. iii. 486; W.S. L 425-37; 
bibliography, W.S. i. 427 ; the MS. 
WS. i. 93, 1 1 2, 42 5 ; the text, WS. 
i- *54> I57> 166, I 2, 183, 266; 
Qs. and F,, W.S. i. 426-7, 429; 
printing of, W.S. i. 130, 174; 
reporting, W.S. i. 429; reporter 
identified, W.S. i. 430; censor- 
ship, W.S. ^65, 238, 240, 433; 
date, W.S. i. 249, 434; horse- 
stealing plot, W.S. i. 427, 428, 
431; revision theories, W.S. i. 
431-7; Oldcasde, W.S. i. 433; 
early play, W.S. i. 435; source, 
W.S. i. 437; Elizabeth and, W.S. 
ii. 262, 263, 266; Jonson and, 
W.S. i. 72; Sir Thomas Lucy and, 
'W.S. i. 18; ii. 257, 280, 287, 
302; boys in, W.S. i. 82; ii. 86; 
performance of, W.S. ii. 331, 353; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 6, 20, 186; ii. 
64, 204, 211, 457; iii. 80, 115, 
123, 185, 190, 452; iv. 30, 53, 
388; WS. i. 423, 444, 456; ii. 


Merton (Surrey), E.S. iv. 90, 104. 
Mervyn, Lady, E.S. iv. 90. 
Mervyn, Edmund, E.S. iv. 106. 
Meryell, Henry, player, E.S. ii. 330. 
Messallina engraving, E.S.u. 519. 
Messallina, E.S. ii. 519; iii. 90. 
Messengers of chamber, E.S. i. 45, 

69511. 1 14; iii. 444. 
Metre, analysis of, W.S. i. 221, 255 



69; statistics of, W.S. i. 256; tables 
of, W.S. ii. 397; as evidence of 
authorship, W.S. i. 22 1 ; as evidence 
of date, W.S. i. 266; dangers of 
percentages of, W.S. i. 266; of 
personal equation; W.S. i. 268; 
bungled in reported plays, W.S. i. 
156. See Alexandrines; Amphibi- 
ous sections, Anapaestic feet; Blank 
verse; Decasyllabon; Double end- 
ings; End-stopped; Heroic; Iam- 
bic; Light endings; Long lines; 
Mid-line; Overflows; Pause varia- 
tion; Per-mills; Pyrrhic feet; Shake- 
speare, William; Slurred syllables; 
Split lines; Spondaic feet; Stress 
variation; Sylkbic variation; Tri- 
syllabic feet; Trochaic feet; Verse; 
Weak endings. 
Metropolis Coronata (show), E.S. i. 

1 37.; i- 449-.. 
*Mewing', E.S. ii. 549; iv. 369. See 

Meyrick, Sir Gilly, E.S. i. 220; ii. 

205; W.S. ii. 324, 325, 326. 
Michaelmas Term, E.S. ii. 22 ; iii. 143, 

433, 440; iv. 390. 
Micheldever (Hants), E.S. iv. 78. 
Michell, Henry, W.S. ii. 112. 
Midas, E.S. ii. 18; iii. 34, 416; iv. 

104, 382; W.S. i. 53. 
Middle Temple, play at, W.S. ii. 

327; mentioned, E.S. i. 168, 170, 

173, 174, 222; iii. 260; iv. in, 

Middle Temple and Lincoln** Inn 

Mask. See Chapman's Mask. 
Middlemore, Mrs., maid of honour, 

E.8. i. 54. 
Middlemore, Henry, groom of privy 

chamber, E.S. iv. 102. 
Middleton (Warwick), E.S. iv. 91. 
Middleton, Christopher, E.S.iv. 399. 
Middleton, Hugh, E.S. i. 137; iii. 


Middleton, Thomas, playwright, 
career and works, E.S. iii. 437-44; 
Plays: Blurt Master Constable, E.S. 

iii. 439; Chaste Maid in Cheapside, 
E.S. iii. 441 ; Family of Love, E.S. 
iii. 440; Game at Chess, E.S. iii. 
438; W.S. i. 93, 102, 125; Mad 
World, My Masters, E.S. iii. 439; 
Mayor of Quinborougk, E.S. iii. 
442 ; W.S. i. 93 ; Michaelmas Term, 
E.S. iii. 440; No Wit, no Help, 
like a Woman's, E.S. iii. 441; 
Phoenix, E.S. iii. 439; Roaring 
Girl, E.S. iii. 441 ; The Old Law, 
E.S. iii. 438; The Widow, E.S. 
iii. 442; Trick to Catch the Old 
One, E.S. iii. 439; W.S. i. 537, 
Witch, W.S. i. 92, 125, 472; Tour 
Five Gallants, E.S. iii. 440; 
Doubtful Plays, E.S. iii. 442; Lost 
Mask: Mask of Cupid, E.S. iii. 
442; Entertainments: Cwitatis 
Amor, E.S. iii. 443; Running 
Stream, E.S. iii. 443 ; Triumphs of 
Truth, E.S. iii. 443; in revision 
theories, W.S. i. 398, 482; men- 
tioned, E.B. i. 137, 187, 327; ii. 
21, 22, 50, 189; iii. 198, 294, 329, 
473, 510; iv. 21, 42, 45, 69; 9KB. 
i. 125, 210, 462. 

Middleton, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 137; 
iii. 443. 

Mid-line extra syllables, W.S. i. 261 ; 
tables of, WS. ii. 400, 404. See 

Mid-line pauses, W.S. i. 265, 286, 
399; tables of, W.S. ii. 404, 405. 

Midsummer bonfires, E.S. i. 20; 
watch, E.S. i. 4, 135; iv. 81. 

Midsummer Night's Dream, discussed, 
E.S. iii. 483; W.S. i. 356-63; 
bibliography, W.S.i. 3 57 ; text, W.S. 
i. 163, 197, 240; printing of, W.S. 
i. 131, 134, 137, 140; >,andF., 
W.S. i. 356-7; date, WS. i. 246, 
247, 267, 359-60; occasion of 
pky, W.S. i. 69, 358-9, 567; 
boys in, W.S. i. 82; ii. 86; alterna- 
tive title, W.S. i. 272; ii. 329; act- 
interval, W.S. i. 200; interpola- 
tions, W.S. i. 23 1 ; topical allusions, 

9 6 


W.S. i. 360; revision theories, W.S. 
L 361; sources, W.S. i. 362-3; 
performances, W.S. i. 362; ii. 
349-52; forgeries, W.S. ii. 386, 
392; mentioned, E.S. i. 124, 190, 
214, 216, 386; ii. 117, 194, 204; 
iii. 98, 123, 124, 196, 495; iv. 
36, 109, 118, 246, 387; W.S. i. 

334> 345*53 15 6 4; ii*253- 
Miklowe, John, treasurer of chamber, 

E.S. i. 59. 
Mildmay, Sir Anthony, E.S. iv. 1 16, 

1 20, 124, 126, 129. 
Mildmay (b. RadclifTe), Frances, 

Lady, E.S. i. 162; iii. 468; iv. 83. 
Mildmay, Sir Humphrey, of Dan- 
bury, PZS.u. 352, 387. 
Mildmay, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 162; 

iii. 468; iv. 83,96. 
Mildmay, Sir Walter, chancellor of 

exchequer, E.S. i. 76; iv. 83. 
Miles GloriosuS) E.S. i. 75, 214, 223, 

227; ii. 72, 73; iii. 5, 20; iv. 3, 82. 
Miles, Ralph, E.S. ii. 390. 
Miles, Robert, .8. ii. 387-92. 
'Miller* , E.S. ii. 168 ; iii. 407. 
Miller, Hugh, E.S. iv. 1 1 1, 1 1 3, 1 1 5, 


Millet, William, E.S. ii. 426. 
Millington, Thomas, stationer, .8. 

iii. 189, 191; W.S. i. 130, 277. 
Mils (Mylles), Tobias, player, E.S. 

ii. 106, 107, 330; iv. 43, 252, 296. 
Milsent, Robert, E.S. iv, 95. 
Milton, John, E.S. iii. 514; iv. 67; 

W.S.i. 116,557; ii. 235, 285. 
Mimesis, E.S. i. 122, 125, 126, 138, 

184, 236. 
Mimms, South (Middlesex), EM. iv. 


Mimorum aedes, E.S. ii. 538. 
Minds, E.S. iv. 3 1, 38 1. 
'Mingo', E.S. ii. 89. 
Minstrels, E.S. i. 48; iv. 337. 
Minturno, E.S. i. 25 8. 
Minuscule initials in play-MSS., W.S. 

i. 113, 123. 
Misae, WS. ii. 118. 

Miseries of Enforced Marriage, E.S. 
ii. 213, 300; iii. 513; iv. 55, 390; 

Misfortunes of Arthur -, E.S. i. 214, 
222; iii. 30, 212, 315, 317, 348, 
463, 500, 518; iv. 103, 382; W$. 
i. 209. 

Mislineation, W.B. i. 123, 181-4, 
231, 235, 281, 282, 360, 415, 
449, 465, 477, 479. See Prose 
and Verse. 

Misogonus, E.S. ii. 32; iii. 24, 311, 
3 52, 471 ;iv. 31,405. 

Misprints, W.8. i. 176-85; due to 

failure of vision, WS. i. 177; of 

attention, WS. i. 179; of memory, 

W.S. i. 1 80; of automatism, W.S. 

i. 1 80; of judgement, W.B. i. 181 ; 

to mechanical causes, PKS. i. 176; 

to marginal insertions, W.S. i. 1 82 ; 

extent of, W.B.'i. 184; 'literal', W.S. 

i. 176, 178, 1 80; 'minim', W.S. i. 

Missenden, Great (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 


Mistress of Robes, E.S. i. 44. 
Mitcham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 106, 107, 

109, no, in. 

Moldavia, prince of, E.S. iii. 371. 
Molesey (Surrey), E.S. iv. 97, 99, 

102, 104, 107, 113. 
Molin, Nicolo, Venetian ambassador, 

E.S.I 25; iii. 377; iv. 350. 
Molineux, masker, E.S. iv. 57. 
Moll Cut-Purse. See Roaring Girl. 
Molyneux, Emerie, W.S. i. 406. 
Mome, W.B. i. 308. 
Momer, E.S. ii. 324, 332. 
Momeries, E.S. i. 152, 176, 192. 
M6mpelgart, Frederich, count of, 

later duke of Wurttemberg, E.S. 

iii. 452; W.B. 5.427. 
'Monarcho', the, E.S. i. 48; W.B. i. 

'Monarke' at revels office, E.S. i. 


Monet, Roux, E.S. i. 246. 
Monmouth (tide). See Carey. 



Monox, William, E.S. iii. 326. 
Monsieur d* Olive > E.S. ii. 50; iii. 146, 

252; iv. 389,405. 
Monsieur Thomas, E.S. ii. 60 ; iii. 2 28 ; 

iv. 395; W.B. i. 149, 528. 
Monson, Sir Thomas, E.S. ii. 56; 

iii. 240. 

Montagu, Sir Charles, E.S. iii. 242. 
Montagu, Sir Edward, E.S. iii. 


Montagu, Henry, ist earl of Man- 
chester, E.S. ii. 371 ; iii. 443; W.S. 

ii. 351 

Montague, Edward, E.S. iv. 81. 
Montague (tide). See Browne. 
Montague Mask, E.S. i. 163; iii. 321. 
Montaigne, Michel de, W.S* i. 494, 

496, 506. 
Montchrestien, Antoine de, E.S. iii. 


Monteagle (title). See Parker. 
Montemayor, Jorge de, W.S, i. 331, 

3 6 3 
Montgomery, Alexander, .8. iii. 

444;iv. 41. 

Montgomery (tide). See Herbert. 

Montmorency, Frangois, due de, 
French ambassador, E.S. i. 10, 1 5, 
23, 80, 141, 144, 157, 162, 175. 

Moon, Peter, payee, E.S. ii. 330. 

Moore, Edward, E.S. iv. 64. 

Moore, Joseph, player, E.S. ii. 246, 
260, 330. 

'Morals' written for printing, E.S. iii. 

Morascos, E.S. i. 198; iv. 59. 

Mordaunt, Henry, 4th Lord, E.S. 
iv. 120; his men, E.S. ii. 124. 

'MordenV men, W.B. i. 45; ii. 316. 

More, Mr., of Bicester, E.S. iv. 85. 

More, Christopher, clerk of ex- 
chequer, E.S. ii. 476. 

More, Edward, E.S. iv. 106. 

More, Sir George, E.S. ii. 474, 486, 
503, 506; iv. 114,117. 

More, John, E.S. iii. 385, 386. 

More, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 256; ii. 
462; iii. 338; W.S. i. 304, 363; 

ii. 197, 219, 226. See Sir Thomas 

More, Sir William, E.S. i. 74, 95, 

109; ii. 37,40,63, 101,476-506; 

iv. 84, 93, 100, 1 06, 
More. &ttWolley. 
Morecroft (Somerset), E.S. iv. 90. 
Moresche, E.S. i. 195; iii. 6; iv. 356. 
Morgan, Meredith, E.S. i. 210; iii. 

Morgan, W., E.S. iii. 398. 
Morice, Ralph, E.S. ii. 460. 
Morison. See Raddiffe. 
Morley, Thomas, musician, corrector 

of books, E.S. iii. 168, 212; W.$. 

i. 402, 405. 

Morley (title). See Parker. 
Morley's men, E.S. ii. 113, 120, 

124, 192; JKS. i. 36, 45, 46, 47; 

ii. 315-18. 
Morrell, Roger, E.S. iii. 444; iv. 

Morris, Edward, E.S. iv. 57. 

Morris, Isbrand, E.S. ii. 416. 
Morris, Jasper, E.S. ii. 433. 
Morris dance, E.S. i. 4, 124, 126, 

135, 151, 156, 195, 262; ii. 326; 

iii. 362, 391, 453, 513; iv. 77, 

78, 96, 200, 217, 231, 311, 367. 
Mortality at Paris Garden, E.S. iv. 


'Mortimer 9 , E.S. iii. 425. 
Mortlake (Surrey), E.S. i. 218; ii. 

209 ;iv. 9 1, 94, 97, 100, 105, 168. 
Morton, Mr., E.S. ii. 222. 
Moryson, Fynes, E.S. i. 343, 346; 

ii. 274, 368; iii. ii. 
Moseley, Humphrey, stationer, E.S. 

iii. 183, 218, 315, 356; iv. 398; 

/KS.i. 96, 538. 
Mosely, Joseph, fKS. ii. 381. 
Mother Bombie* E.S. ii. 18, 19; iii. 

34, 416; iv. 384. 
'Mother Redcaf, E.S. ii. 166; iii. 

307, 447. 

'Mother Rumming\ E.S. iv. 402. 
Mother of the Maids, E.S. i. 45, 54; 

iv. 67. 

9 8 


Motions (puppet shows), .8. i. 

281; iii. 373; iv. 271; fa masks, 

Motteram, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 43, 


Mottisfont (Hants), .8. iv. 85, 90. 
Monlsham (Essex), .8. iv. 96. 
Mount Surrey (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Mountaine, George, .E.S. iii. 212; 

iv. 375. 
Mountebank* Mask, .8. iii. 240, 

Mountford, Thomas, corrector of 

books, E.S. iii. 168. 

Mountfort, Thomas, clerk to Sta- 
tioners, E.S. iii. 165. 

Mountjoy, Christopher, W.S* i. 85, 
87; ii. 90-5. 

Mountjoy (tide). Bee Blount. 

Mousehold (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 95. 

Mouth, officers for, .8. i. 46. 

Moxon, Joseph, W.B. i* 170. 

Mucedorus, E.S. i. 328; ii. 197, 214, 
286; iii. 177, 271, 369; iv. 12, 

3> 34. 385; &8- i- 55 2I 3> 444> 
489, 526, 537. 

Much Ado About Nothing, discussed, 
E.S. iii. 485 ; W.S. i. 384-8; bibli- 
ography, Wt&. i. 385; text, IKS. i. 
384; printing of, JKS.i. 131, 145, 
185, 199; censorship, W. i. 238, 
240; date, W.B. i. 248, 387; stage- 
directions, W.S- i. 237, 385; 
revision theory, W.S. i. 386; 
mutes, W.S. i. 231, 487; sources, 
#3. i. 387-8 ; performances, WX. 
i. 387; ii. 343; mentioned, E.B. ii. 
r 97 199* 204, 217, 300, 312, 
326, 349; iii. 104, 107, 115, 123, 
189, 190; iv. 16; IKS. i. 85, 232, 
272, 564; ii. 233, 253. 

MufFord, John, player, E.S. ii. 330. 

Mulcaster, Richard, head master of 
Merchant Taylors School, E.S. ii. 
J 9 75 330; iii. 444; iv. 61, 146 
sqq; JKS.i. 186, 190, 193, 196. 

Mulleasses. See Tint. 

Mulliner, Thomas, E.S. ii. 13. 

'MttlmutiusDunwallott?, E.S.ii. 170; 
iii. 471. 

*Mulomuloco 9 9 E.S. ii. 122-3; iii. 
460; IKS. ii. 307, 308, 309 sqq. 

Multiple staging, .8. iii. 18, 21, 

Mumming, .S. i. 150-1. 

Muncke, Levinus, .8. i. 122. 

Munday, Anthony, playwright, 
career and works, JS.S. ii. 330; iii. 
444-50; Plays: Death of Robert 
Earl of Huntingdon, .8. iii. 447; 
Downfall of Robert Earl of Hunt- 
ingdon, .S. iii. 446; John a Kent 
and John a Cumber , E.S. iii. 446 ; 
fKS. i. 1 08; i /V John Qldcastle, 
E.S. iii. 447; Lost Plays: Caesar's 
Fall, E.S. iii. 448; i Cardinal 
Wolsey, E.S. iii. 448; Chance 
Medley, E.8. iii. 448; i jF<> 
Constance of Rowe, E.S. iii. 448 ; 
Funeral of Richard Ccsur de Lion, 
E.S. iii. 448; Jephthah, .8. 
iii. 448; Mother Redcap, .8. iii. 
447; Owen Tudor 9 E.S. iii. 448; 
I, 2 Robin Hood, E.S. iii. 447; Set 
at Tennis^ .8. iii. 448; Valentine 
and Orson 9 E.S. iii. 448; Enter- 
tainments: Chrysanaleia, .8. iii. 
449; Chryso-T&riambos, E.S. iii, 
449; Himatia Poteos, E.S. iii. 
449; London** Love to Prince 
Henry, E.S. iii. 449; Metropolis 
Coronata, E.S. iii. 449; Triumphs 
of Reunited Britannia, E.S. iii. 
448; Doubtful Entertainment, 
E.S. iii. 450; in revision theories, 
W.S. i. 394, 398 ; his hand in More, 
W.S. i. 503-15; on pkys, .8. i. 
254; iv. 208; mentioned, .8. i. 
4*> I34> J37 138, 186, 258, 266, 
373, 382; ii. 153, 161; iii. 357, 
359; iv. 14, 1 8, 32, 34, 53, 72, 

Munday, Christopher, .8. iii. 444. 

Mundie, John, .8. ii. 64. 

1 * Murderous Michael', E.S. ii. 93 ; iv. 
4> 9 6 > 155- 


Muresley. See Salden, 

Muret (Muretus), Marc Antoine, 
j..iii. i2;#f.i. 399. 

Murgatroyd, Michael, corrector of 
books, .. iii. 1 68. 

Murray, Sir David, W.S. i. 474. 

Murray, Sir James, E.S. iii. 254. 

Musgrave, Sir William, W.S. ii. 330. 

Music, EM. ii. 541, 556, 557; iii. 
125 ; at court, E.S. i. 49; in stage- 
directions, W.S. i. 1 20, 236, 284; 
in the theatre, W.S. ii. 82. 


Music house, E.S. i. 100, 225; ii. 

542, 5 57; iii. 139, 144. 
Music room, E.S. iii. 91, 96, 120. 
Music tree, E.S. ii. 557; iii. 137, 

Musicians at court, E.S. i. 48, 63; 

in masks, E.S. i. 201. 
Mustapha, E.S. iii. 33 1 ; iv. 391, 405. 
Mutes, W.S. I 231, 385, 450, 454, 

'Mutius Scaevola*, E.S. ii. 35, 63; 



Naile, Robert, E.S. iii. 450; iv, 

Najera, duke of, E.S. ii. 454. 

Nannoccio, Andrea, E.S. iii. 13. 
Naples, Alonso, king of, W.S. i. 

Naples, Ferdinand, king of, W.S. i. 


Napton, John, E.S. ii. 451. 
'Narcissus* (1572), E.S. iv. 87, 146, 


Narcissus (1603), E.S. iv. 36, 405. 

Nash, Thomas (grandson-in-law), 
WS. i. 9i;ii. 1,9, 179. 

Nash family, PP.S. ii. 9, 123, 126, 

Nashe, Thomas, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. iii. 450-5 ; Plays: 
Dido, Queen of Carthage (with 
Marlowe), E.S. iii. 426, 453; W.S. 
i. 209, 425; Summer's Last Will 
and Testament ', E.S. ii. 19, 41 ; iii. 
451; W.S. i. 36, 435; Lost Pkys: 
Isle of Dogs, E.S. ii. 1 5 1 ; iii. 45 3 ; 
Terminus et non Terminus, E.S. iii. 
453 ; Doubtful Play, E.S. iii. 455 ; 
on plays, E.S. i. 260, 261, 262; 
iv. 234, 238; WS. i. 292, 412; 
ii. 1 88; and players, E.S. i. 297, 
376, 386; ii. 128, 137; iii. 324; 
iv. 319; and Marprelate con- 
troversy, E.S. i. 294, 295 ; iv. 229; 
in revision theories, W.S. i. 292; 

326; and Chetde, E.S. iii. 263; 
Greene, E.S. iii. 326; W.S. i. 58, 
336; Gabriel Harvey, E.S. ii. 
552; iii. 263, 268, 497; W.S. i. 
310, 311, 335; Jonson, E.S. iii. 
357; Kyd, E.S. iii. 394; Marlowe, 
E.S. iii. 418; Peele, E.S. iii. 458; 
Roydon, E.S. iii. 475 ; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 109; iii. 272, 364, 396, 
408, 409, 420; iv. 16, 17, 25, 39, 
48, 5 2 > 53* 246, 323* 377; WS. i. 
174, 217, 223, 247, 325, 336, 
403, 568 ;ii. 195, 196, 212. 
Nasion, Paul's chorister, E.S. ii. 


Nassau, Count Henry of, E.S. iii. 243. 
Nature, E.S. iii. 23. 
Nayle, T., Bkckfriars resident, E.S. 

iv. 320. 
Ne, significance of, E.S. ii. 122, 130, 

141* H5> T 46; iii. 298, 396, 421, 

426, 461 ; iv. 48 ; W.&. i. 211, 245, 

292, 316, 320; ii. 308-10, 319; 

Bet Henslowe, diary of. 
Neale, William, E.S. iv. 106. 
'Nebuchadnezzar*, E.S. ii. 144. 
Necromantes, E.S. iii. 464; iv. 405. 
Ned, musician, E.S. ii. 330. 
Ned, player, E.S. ii. 330. 
Needham, John, E.S. iii. 212, 402. 
Nelson, Thomas, pageant-writer, 

E.S. iii. 455; iv. 22: Allot Pageant, 

E.S. iii. 455. 



Nerac (France), MS. i. 337. 

Nero (1624), fZS. i. 92. 

Nero (anon*), E.S. iv. 5. 

Nero (Gwynne), E.S. iii. 332; iv. 

376, 388. 

Nesbit, Henry, E.S. ii. 267. 
Nethe, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 330; 

iv. 261. 

'Netherlands E.S. iv. 402. 
Netherlands, pkyers in, E.S. i. 343 ; 

ii. 273-4, 285, 288, 291, 292. 
Nethersall, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 330; 

iv. 261. 

Netley (Hants), E.S. iv. 78. 
Neustadt, Heinrich von, WS. i. 527. 
Nevers, due de, E.S. i. 6, 23, 170; 

ii. 261; iv. 15. 
Neville, Mrs., maid of honour, E.S. 

i. 169 ;iv. 67. 
Neville, Alexander, translator, E.S. 

iii. 456, 477. 
Neville, Henry, 3rd Lord Aber- 

gavenny, E.S. ii. 92; iv. 89; his 

men, E.S. ii. 92. 
Neville, Sir Henry, E.S. i. 65; ii. 

493*494, 57; 225. 
Neville, Lady Mary, E.S. iii. 380. 
Neville, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 86, 88, 


New Custom, E.S. iv. 36. 
New Forest, E.S. i. 122. 
New Hall (Essex), E.S. i. in; iv. 

79, 96. 

New Inn, W.S. ii. 210. 
New Place (Stratford), W3. i. 75, 

86; ii. 95-9, 143, 179-80. 
New Romney (Kent), E.S. ii. 81; 

New Wonder, A Woman Never 

Vexed, E.S. iii. 474; iv. 395. 
'New World's Tragedy*, E.S. ii. 144. 
New Year's Day, E.S. L 19, 213. 
Newark (Notts.), E.S. iv. 116, 126, 

Newark, William, master of Chapel, 

Newbury (Berks.), E.S. iv. 85, 107. 

Newcastle (Northumberland), E.S. i. 
334; ii. 2; iv. 116; W.B. ii. 316. 

Newcastle (title). See Cavendish. 

Newdigate, Nicholas, E.S. i. 87, 

Newdigate, Robert, E.S. iv. 129. 

Newington (Kent), E.S. iv. 98. 

Newington Butts playhouse, history 
of, E.S. ii. 404; playing companies 
at, E.S. i. 296; ii. 121, 140; 
W.S. i. 37, 43, 47; ii. 319; Hens- 
lowe and, E.S. i. 360, 368; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 284, 287; ii. 357; 
iv. 280, 312. 

Newman, John, Bkckfriars lessee, 

Newmarket (Cambs.), E.S. i. 13. 

Newport. See Hatton, Herbert. 

News from Hell, MS. i. 211. 

Newstead (Notts.), E.S. iv. 126, 129. 

Newton, John, player, E.S. ii. 242, 
244, 245, 259, 330; iv. 342. 

Newton, Katharine, Lady, E.S. iv. 67. 

Newton, Thomas, translator, E.S. 
& 35>45 6 > 478, 479>5i8. 

Niccols, Richard, E.S. iii. 456. 

Nice Wanton, E.S. ii. 13; iii. 23; iv. 

Nichoks, Lady, E.S. iv. 100. 

Nicholas V, Pope, E.S. iii. 3. 

Nicholson, S., W.S. \. 397. 

'Nick', player, E.S. ii. 176, 186, 330, 
550. See also Tooley. 

Nicoll, Basil, E.S. ii. 335, 418, 425; 
WS. ii. 58-62. 

Nicoll, William, notary, E.S. ii. 


Nicolson, George, E.S. ii. 266. 
Nidd, Gervas, corrector of books, 

E.S.iii. 1 68. 
Night performances, E.S. i. 304; iv. 

225, 247, 268, 302, 306, 340. 
Nightwalker, E.S. ii. 60; iii. 230; iv. 

Nigri de Bassano, Francesco, E.S. 

iii. 263. 

Nikkes, Henrick, E.S. iv. 3 1. 
Nill, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 331. 


Nimes, synod of, E.S. L 249, 253. 
'Nineveh's Repentance*, E.S. iv. 402. 
'Ninus and Semiramis\ E.S. iv. 385, 

Nixon, Anthony, E.S. iii. 255, 431; 

MS. i. 474; ii. 223. 
No Wit, no Help, like a Woman's, 

E.S. i. 1 88; iii. 441; iv. 396. 
Noailles, Giles de, abbd de Lisle, E.S. 

Noble Soldier, E.S. iii. 288, 300, 472 ; 

iv. 394- 
' 'Nobleman 9 , E.S. ii. 216; iii. 500; 

iv. 126, 127, 178, 180, 392, 402, 

405; W.S. ii. 342, 343. 
Nobody and Somebody, E.S. ii. 281, 

282, 285, 286, 294, 320; iv. 37, 

389; W.B. i.478. 
Nocturnals, W.B. i. 361. 
Noel, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 126. 
Noel, Henry, playwright, E.S. iii. 

212,402,456, 514; iv. 64. 
Noies, John, E.S. iii. 283. 
Noises in stage-directions, WS, i. 

Nonsuch (Surrey), E.S. i. n, 12, 

20, 117, 120, 157, 214; ii. 116; 

iv. 771 1 3 passim, 1 16. 
Norfolk (tide). &f* Howard. 
Norris, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 114, 

Norris, Francis, 2nd Lord, afterwards 

earl of Berkshire, E.S. iii. 394; iv. 

127, 129. 
Norris, Henry, istLord, E.S. i. 112; 

iv. 66, 83, 85, 86, 92, 107. 
Norris, John, E.S. iv. 107. 
Norris (b. Williams), Mar jorie, Lady, 

E.S.L 112. 

Norris's men, JK8. i. 46; ii. 314. 
North, Dudley, 3rd Lord, E.S. iii. 

245, 246, 394. 
North, Edward, ist Lord, E.S. i. 10; 

iv. 11, 79- 

North, Sir John, E.S. ii. 500. 
North, Roger, 2nd Lord, treasurer of 

household, E.S. i. 35; ii. 113; iii. 


North, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 414; 

W.B. i. 327, 363, 401, 48 
Northampton (tide). See Howard; 


Northampton, E.S. iv. 81. 
Northbrooke, John, E.S. i. 253; on 

plays, E.S. iv. 198. 
Northern Man. See Too Good to be 


Northiam (Sussex), E.S. iv. 89. 
Northiaw (Herts.), E.S. iv. 88, 93, 


Northleach (Glos.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Northumberland (title). See Percy. 
Northward Ho!, E.S. iii. 141, 286, 

295 ; mentioned, E.S. L 1 36, 3 5 3 ; 

ii. 21, 22; iii. 79, 250, 508. 
Norton, Dudley, E.S. i. 103. 
Norton, John, E.S. iv. 78. 
Norton, Thomas, city remembrancer, 

on plays, E.S. i. 265, 282; ii. 262; 

iv. 273; as playwright, E.S. iii. 

456-7; Pky: I err ex and Porrex, 

or Gorboduc, E.S. iii. 456; as 

counsel to Stationers' Co., E.S. iii. 

45 6. 

Norwich, bishop of, E.S. iv. 95. 
Norwich (Norfolk), E.S. i. 124, 
126, 166, 306, 310, 311, 336, 

339> 3 8 7; ii- 1> 39 4> 59> 6o > 6 7 

68, 69, 81, 83, 105, 221, 326, 

345; iii. 517; iv. 62, 95; W.B. ii. 

307, 3i6. 

Norwood, player, E.S. ii. 331. 
Nottingham (tide). ^Howard. 
Nottingham, E.S. i. 1 59, 335 ; ii. 61 ; 

iv. 116, 126, 129; WS. ii. 345, 

Nottingham's men, E.S. ii. 141 

Nowell, Alexander, dean of St. Paul's, 

..ii. 16,69,70. 
Noye, Cornelius de la, E.S. i. 10. 
Nuce, Thomas, translator, E.S. iii. 

'Nugize 9 , E.S. iv. 37, 390. 
Nycowlles, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 




Oaths. See Profanity. 

Oatknds (Surrey), E.S. i. ii, 12, 20, 

117, 1 20 ; iv. 77-1 1 5 passim, 1 1 6, 

118, 121, 122, 128, 130. 
Oberon (mask), E.S* i. 173, 180, 182, 

193, 196, 200, 201, 202, 210; iii. 

385; iv. 35, 58, 125; W.S. i. 


Octavia (trans.), E.S. iii. 4.7 8 ; iv. 3 8 1 . 
Octavos, WS. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Odiham (Hants), E.S. iv. 78, 84, 85, 

90, 93, 106. 
Oedipus, E.S. iii. 319. 
Oedipus (trans.), E.S. iii. 477; iv. 


'Offene' lines. See Overflows. 
Offley, Hugh, E.S. i. 139; iv. 102. 
Offley, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 331. 
Ogilby, John, dancing-master, W.B. 

ii. 252. 

Ogle, wigmaker, E.S. ii. 184; iv. 33. 
Ogle family, W3. i. 510. 
Oglethorpe, Mr., E.S. iv. 1 1 5. 
Okes, Nicholas, printer, E.S. iii. 198 ; 

/Ztf. 1.169. 

Olantigh (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Old Fortunatus, discussed, E.S. iii. 

290; mentioned, E.S. i. 224; ii. 

146, 168, 281, 286; iii. 52, 63, 

6 7> 69, 77, 290, 301 ;iv. 1 12, 386; 

fZS. i. 212. 

Old Law, E.S. iii. 438; iv. 396. 
'Old Proculut, E.S. ii. 286. 
Old Stratford (Warwick), W.S. i. 75 ; 

ii. 107-11, 141, 148, 179-80. 
Old Wive's Tale, E.S. ii. 114; iii. 

48, 138, 329, 461; iv. 385; WS. 

I, '2' Oldcastle, Sir John, E.S. i. 

220; ii. 6, 171, 218, 228; iii. 306; 

iv. 387, 402; WS. i. 134, 143, 

206,381, 533; ii. 322. 
Oldcastle, Sir John, E.S. i. 324; W.S. 

1.65. See Henry IF. 

u. i, 

Oldys, William, W.S. i. 20; 

238, 274. 

Oliphant, William, E.S. ii. 268. 
Oliver, Robert, deputy treasurer, E.S. 

i. 5 8. 

'Olympo', E.S. ii. 143, 168 ; iii. 344. 
Omissions, by misprint, W.S. i. 179; 

in reported plays, W.B. i. 1 56. 
Onehouse (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Open country scenes, E.S. iii. 5 1, 55, 

56,90,98, 153. 

Orange, William of, E.S. iii. 320. 
Orange-Nassau, Prince Maurice of, 

E.S. ii. 274, 288. 
Oration of Gwgan and Poetry (Welsh), 

E.S. iii. 457; iv. 405. 
Orchestra, E.S. ii. 530. 
Order, dislocation of, W.B. i. 156, 

1 80, 285. 
Ordinanze di figurette (plots ?), E.S. 

iv. 364. 

Orestes. See Horestes. 
'Orestes Furious 9 . See 'Agamemnon*. 
Original accounts, E.S. iv. 132. 
Originals of plays, E.S. iii. 193, 195, 

227; W.$. i. 96, 125, 143, 151, 

163, 1 66, 412, 440. See Papers 

of playwrights. 
Orizonte (vanishing point), E.S. iv. 


Orlando Furioso, discussed, E.S. iii. 
329; mentioned, E.S. i. 378; ii. 

112, 122, 126, 139, 147, 286, 

297; iii. 52, 194, 325, 461, 472; 
iv. 383, 405; W.S. i. 53, 56, 122, 
124, 154, 157, 281, 291, 400; ii. 

'Orphans' Tragedy', E.S.n. 173, 179; 

iii. 266, 518. 

Orpington (Kent), E.S. i. 1 24; iv. 89. 
'Ortenus', E.S. iv. 402. 
Orthography, PKS. i. 186, 290. 
Oseburn (Sussex), E.S. iv. 106, 
*0.rr/y, E.S. ii. 147; iv. 24. 
Ostend, siege of, E.S. iv. 39. 



Osterley (Middlesex), E.S. i. 20, 
139, 214; iii. 267; iv. 81, 82, 83, 
86, 90, 91, 92, 94, 1 06, 108. 

Ostler, Thomasina, E.S. ii. 322, 323, 
424,431, 510; WS.ii. 58-64. 

Ostler, William, player, E.S. ii. 43, 
59, 215, 217, 218, 219, 322, 331, 
418, 510; iii. 223, 226, 228, 229, 

3$5> 37i> 372, 373> 5 10 ? 
57, 80; ii. 58-78 passim* 
Otford (Kent), .. iv. 77, 89. 

457-62 ; bibliography, W.B.\. 459; 
texts, W.B. i. 459-61 ; Qs. and F., 
W.B. i. 457-9; printing of, W.B. i. 
140, 162, 197, 199; censorship, 
W.B. i. 240 ; date, W.B. i. 249, 462 ; 
interpolations, W.B. i. 235; Bur- 
badge and Swanston as Othello, 
W.B. i. 462; revision theory, W.B. 
i. 461; source, W.B. i. 462; 
performances, IKS. ii. 330, 336, 
343 348, 352, 3535 forgeries, 380, 388, 3 89; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 207, 2 1 1, 215, 217, 346; 
iii. 112, 123; iv. 68, 119, 127, 
138, 171, 180, 371, 393; WB. i. 
106, 236, 514; ii. 233, 239, 251, 

Ottewell (Attewell), George, player, 
E.S. ii. 115, 120, 201, 300, 553; 
iv. 163; W.B. i. 43, 48, 49, 52; 
ii. 306. 

Ottewell (Attwell), Hugh, player, 

E.S. ii. 59, 245, 251, 301; iii. 

223, 370, 473; 
Out-of-doors action, convention o 

E.S. iii. 29, 42, 60, 63. 
Outer chamber, E.S. i. 42, 45. 
Over the stage, E.S. ii. 534. 
Overbury, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 41, 

65; iii. 5ii;iv. 257. 
Overflows, W.B. i. 262; tables of, 

W.B. ii. 401, 405. Bee Metre. 
Overthrow of Rebels. See Sir Thomas 


Ovid, W.B. i. 506. 
Owen, Robert, E.S. iii. 211. 
'Owen Tudor*, E.S. ii. 173; iii. 308, 

\ E.S. ii. 253; iii. 233, 272; iv. 

Oxenbridge, Sir Robert, E.S. iv. 85. 

Oxenheath (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 

Oxford (tide). &?*Vere. 

Oxford, E.S. i. 18, 87, 116, 119, 
120, 122, 126, 128-30, 142, 214, 
227, 228, 233, 250; ii. 2, 40, 
83, 206; iv. 83, 85, 107, 120, 

127* 129, 373-9; 03P- 306, 

307, 311, 327, 333, 334, 336, 

344, 345- 

Oxford's boys, E.S. ii. roo-i. 
Oxford's men, E.S. i. 219, 268, 275, 

287, 302, 311; ii. 99-102; W.S. 

i. 28, 32; in provinces, E.S. ii. 

Oxford's tumblers, E.S. ii. 101. 

Packer, John, E.S. ii. 68; iii. 375. 
Packington, Sir John, E.S. iv. 117. 
Packwood (Warwick), JEff.ii. 366. 
Paddy, William, E.S. iv. 320. 
'Page of Plymouth', E.S. ii. 171; iii. 

33> 374- 
Page, Oliver, player, E.S. ii. 331; 

iv. 262. 
Page, William, clerk comptroller of 

tents and revels, E.S. i. 100. 

Pageanter, E.S. iii. 445. 
Pageantry, E.S. i. 106-48. 
Pageants, .E..i. 126, 132, 135, 138, 

151, 160, 162, 175, 182, 303; ii. 

90; iii. 20, 305, 358, 445; iv. 6o 

63, 77, 92, 118, 121, 231, 339. 
Pages of chamber, E.S. i. 45. 
Paget (b. Knollys), Lettice, Lady, 

E.S. iv. 67, 
Paget, Thomas, 3rd Lord, E.S. iv. 9 1 . 



Paget, William, ist Lord, secretary of 
state, E.S. i. 275 ; iii. 399. 

Paget. SeeLte. 

Pagez, Bastien, E.S. i. 171. 

'Painful Pilgrimage*, E.S. iv. 84, 

Painter, William, E.S. i. 104; PZS. 
1.321,346,452,483, 518. 

'Painter's Daughter 9 , .8. ii. 98; iv. 

93> I5i- 

Pakenliam, Edmund, clerk comp- 
troller of tents and revels, .8. i. 

96, 100. 

Palaces, E.S. i. 8-15. 
Palais-Royal theatre, E.S. i. 228. 
'Palamon and Arcite* (anon.), E.S. 

ii. 143; W.S.l. 532. 
'Palamon and Arcitf (Edwardes), 

.8. i. 128, 232; ii. 34; iii. 311; 

W.S. i. 532. 

Palkdio, Andrea, E.S. iii. ii. 
Pallant, Robert, player, E.S. i. 355; 

ii- 125* *33 203, 226, 229, 236, 

240, 245, 249, 255, 256, 331 ; iii. 

510; iv. 250; JK8. i. 44; ii. 76. 
Palmer, , dancer, E.S. iv. 115. 
Palsgrave, John, grammarian, E.S. i. 

232; W.S. i. 106. 
Palsgrave's men, E.S. ii. 190-2; W.S. 

i. 530. 

Paman family, WS. ii. 222. 
Pammachius, E.S. i. 241. 
Pamphleteers, E.S. iii. 325, 326. 
Pandoste, .$. iii. 16-17. 
'Panecia*, E.S. i. 223; ii. 88; iv. 91, 

149; JKff. 1.388. 
Panniculus Hippo/yto Assutus, E.S. 

iii. 319; iv. 376, 383. 
Pant, Thomas, unlicensed player, 

E.S. ii. 331. 

Papal bulls, ^.1.355,366. 
Papers of playwrights, W.S. i. 96. 

See Originals. 
Papist plays, E.S. i. 328. 
'Paradox', E.S. ii. 144. 
Parallel texts, relations between, W$. 

i. 163-5, 2 3 6 - &* Folios; Quartos. 
Parallels. See Echoes. 

Paraphrases in reported plays, 

i. 156. 
Parasitaster. See Fawn. 
Pardoner and Frere, E.S. ii. 30; iii. 


Parentheses, W. i. 196, 488. See 

Pariete (scenic wall), j.6\ iv. 355, 

'Paris and Vienna 9 , E.S. i. 232; ii. 

73;iv.87, 146. 
Paris Garden, location of, E.S. ii. 

459 5 i y * 2 9 2 > 3> 3 2 5 nientioned, 

E.S. i. 63, 256, 290, 292, 314, 

316, 317, 359; ii. 298, 359, 362, 

411, 450-65, 471. ^London; 

Accidents at performances. 
Parish top, W.S. ii. 379. 
Parker, Edward, loth Lord Morley, 

his men, E.S. ii. 113, 120, 124, 

Parker, Henry, 9th Lord Morley, 

E.S.iv. 79, 87,93. 
Parker (b. Harlestone), Margaret, 

E.S. i. 114. 
Parker, Matthew, archbishop of 

Canterbury, E.S.i. no, 114, 115, 

117, 250; iv. 77, 78, 83, 89, 90, 

Parker, William, 4th Lord Monteagle, 

E.S. ii. 205; W.S. ii. 324, 325. 
Parliament of Bees (dialogues), E.S. 

iii. 287, 299, 300; iv. 395, 405. 
Parliament of Love > WS. i. 92, no, 


Parliaments, E.S. i. 22. 
Parma, duchess of, E.S. i. 128. 
I, 2, 3 Parnassus, E.S. i. 381, 385; 

ii. 206, 207; iii. 74; iv. 38, 

373> 389* 405; *Kff- i- 7i> 148; ii- 

Parr (b. Brooke), Elizabeth, 

marchioness of Northampton, E.S. 

iv. 81. 
Parr (b. Suavenberg), Helena, 

marchioness of Northampton, 

afterwards wife of Sir Thomas 

Gorges, E.S. iv. 86. 



Parr, William, marquis of North- 
ampton, E.S. ii. 476; iii. 263; iv. 

Parr, William, player, E.S. ii. 177, 

188, 192, 33i;iv. 344. 
Parrat, William, ballad writer, E.S. 

ii. 420. 
Parrowe (Parlowe), Richard, player, 

..ii.79, 80, 331. 
Parry (b. Reade), Blanche, Lady, 

lady of privy chamber, E.S. i. 45; 

iii. 401. 
Parry, Sir Thomas, comptroller and 

treasurer of household, E.S. i. 35; 

ii. 371; iv. 85, 107. 
Parseley, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 

Parsons, Philip, E.S. iii. 457; iv. 

Parsons, Robert, E.S. ii. 63; W.B. ii. 

Parsons, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

176, 177, 332. 
Parthenia, E.S. iv. 376. 
Part-saving, W.B. i. 120, 236, 284, 

298, 3 8o > 39 2 > 4H> 5 12 - s " 

Parts, E.S. ii. 44; iii. 185, 194, 329; 

W.S. i. 104, 122, 124, 144, 151, 

153, 182, 283, 344, 391, 416, 

429, 453. See Censorship; 

Originals; Play-texts; Scrolls. 
Parys, Robert de, E.S. ii. 459. 
Pasfield, Zacharias, corrector of 

books, E.S. iii. 168. 
Pasqualigo, Luigi, E.S. iii. 29; iv. 14. 
Pasqulll and Katherine. See Jack 

Drum's Entertainment. 
Passey, John, master of Westminster, 

E.S. ii. 69. 

' Passion ofChrist\ E.S. iii. 21 1. 
Passports, E.S. ii. 138, 274, 
Paston, Sir William, E.S. ii. 105. 
Pastor Fido (trans.), E.S. iv. 40; iv. 


Pastor Fidus (trans.), E.S. iv. 376. 
Pastoral Dialogue* E.S. iii. 492. 
'Pastoral Tragedy* , E.S. ii. 170. 

Paten, Mercurius (?), E.S. iii. 458; 
iv. 61. 

Patents, stages of, E.S. i. 272; for 
master of revels, E.S. i. 89, 99; 
iv. 285; for playing companies, 
E.S. i. 281, 302, 304, 305, 385; 
iL 49, 55, 56, 67, 68, 87, 187, 
190, 208, 218, 229, 230, 235, 
H3> 246; iv. 270, 272, 335-43, 
344; for playhouse, E.S. ii. 472. 

Pateson, William, player, E.S. ii. 223, 


Pathomachia, E.S. iii. 499. 

Patient Grissel! (Dekker), E.S. ii. 
171, 286; iii. 266, 292, 335; iv. 
386; 0TS. 1.147. 

Patient Grissel/ (Phillip), E.S. ii. 1 3 ; 
iii. 38, 465; iv. 381. 

Patin, Jacques, E.S. i. 177. 

Patrick, William, player, W.B. ii. 81. 

Patten, William, teller of exchequer, 
E.S. iii. 45 8. 

Patterns, for masks, E.S. i. 163, 165, 
166, 167, 225; for plays, E.S. i. 

Paulet, Chidiock, E.S. iv. 78. 

Paulet, John, Lord St. John, 2nd 
marquis of Winchester, E.S. iv. 

Paulet, John, 5th marquis of Win- 
chester, E.S. i. 117; iv. 114, 117, 
122, 123, 126, 128, 130. 

Paulet, Mary, Lady, E.S. iv. 98. 

Paulet, William, ist marquis of 
Winchester, lord treasurer, E.S. 
i. 79; iv. 78, 85. 

Paulet, William, 3rd marquis of 
Winchester, E.S. ii. 91; iv. 106. 

Paul's, children of, E.S. i. 200, 216, 
301, 327, 386; ii. 8-23, 32, 39, 
43, 58; iii. 453; iv. 18, 30; gram- 
mar school, E.S. ii. 91 1, 16, 21 ; 
iv. 56; playhouse, E.S. ii. 16, 367, 
554,557;iii. 130,134,138, 144, 
184; iv. 53; bibliographical note, 
E.S. ii. 9. 

Paulus Jovius, E.S. iii. 272. 

Pause-variation, W.S. i. 262, 265; 



tables of, W.B, ii. 401, 405. See 

Metre; Split lines. 

Pavier, Thomas, stationer, E.S. iii. 

191, 479; WS. i. 130, 134, 140, 


Pavy, player, E.S. ii. 177, 191, 332 
Payy, Sakthiel (Salmon), player, .$. 

ii. 43, 44, 332; iii. 363, 365; W.B. 

ii. 82. 

Paylor, , masker, E.S. iv. 57. 
Payments for court plays, E.S. iv. 

141-83 ; for plays, WS. i. 96. 
Payne, Mr., E.S. iv. 108. 
Payne, Anthony, E.S. ii. 446. 
Payne, Joan, E.S. ii. 464. 
Payne, Robert, revels patentee, E.S. 

ii. 49, 332. 

Payne, Walter, WS. i. 575. 
Payne, William, E.S. iv. 106. 
Payne, William, licensee, E.S. ii. 

45 r, 462-4. 

Paynfull Pilgrimage, WS. i. 527. 
Payton, Mr. (of Showery), 1KB. ii. 

292, 381. 
Peacham, Henry, E.S. ii. 457, 539; 

JK8.L 313. 
Peacocke, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 3 32 ; 

iv. 261. 
Peake, Robert, Serjeant painter, E.S. 

iv. 353-. 

Pearce (Piers), Edward, gentleman 
of Chapel, master of Paul's, .S. 

i- 3795 19* 22 > 76, 332; iv. 

1 66 sqq. 

Peck, Mr., of Norwich, E.S. iv. 63. 
Peck, Francis, W.S. ii. 273. 
Peckham, Edmund, E.S. ii. 394. 
Peckham, Sir George, E.S. ii. 385; 

iv. 86. 

Peckham, West (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Pedantius, .8. iii. 31, 213, 316, 

Pedel, Abraham, player, E.S. ii. 291, 

Pedel (Behel, Bid), Jacob, pkyer, 

E.S.H. 276, 291,332. 
Pedel, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 291, 


Pedlar's Prophecy, E.S. iv. 41, 383. 

Peek, George, pkywright, career 
and works, E.S. iii. 45 8-64 ; Pkys: 
Arraignment of Paris, E.S. iii. 459 ; 
IKS. i. 53, 268, 537; Battle of 
Alcazar, E.S. iii. 459; W.B. i. 53, 
123, 317; David and Eethsabe, 
E.S. iii. 461; Edward 1, E.S. iii. 
460; mS. i. 55, 84, 317; Old 
Wive's Tale, E.S. iii. 461; Lost 
Pkys: Hunting of Cupid, E.S. iii. 
462; Iphigenia, E.S. iii. 462; 
Knight of 'Rhodes, E.S. iii. 462; 
Turkish Mahomet and Hiren the 
Fair Greek, E.S. iii. 462 ; Doubtful 
Pkys, E.S. iii. 463; Entertain- 
ments: Anglorum Feriae, E.S. iii. 
463; Descensus Astreae, E.S. iii. 
463 ; Dixie Pageant, E.S. iii. 463 ; 
Polyhymnia, E.S. iii. 463; W.B. 
i. 462; Lost Entertainment, E.S. 
iii. 463 ; Doubtful Entertainment, 
E.S. iii. 464; in revision theories, 
E.S. iv. 2, 4, 5, 6, 1 8, 22, 23, 24, 
25 2 7> S^, 44> 47, 535 W.8. i. 
218, 285, 292, 301, 317-20, 351, 
367, 394, 486, 517; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 129, 136, 145; iii. 181, 
327, 450, 502; WS. i. 32, 58, 
223, 317, 448, 462; ii. 212, 

Peele, James, clerk of Christ's 

Hospital, E.S. i. 136; iii. 458. 
Pellegrino da Udine, E.S. iii. 9. 
Pemberton, Sir James, E.S. i. 137; 

iii. 449. 

Pembroke (tide). See Herbert. 
Pembroke's men, E.S. i. 301; ii. 95, 

128-34, 166, 199, 200,412; W.S. 

i. 45, 46, 49, 50, 54, 60, 278, 312, 

327; ii. 311-16. 
Penates. See Highgate Entertain- 
Pendentia (rake of stage), E.S. iv. 


Pendley (Herts.), E.S. iv. 86. 
Perm, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 59, 

245, 332; iii. 370. 



Penrhyn (Cornwall), E.S. iv. 250, 

Penruddock, Sir George, E.S. iv. 91 . 

Penruddock, John, E.S. iii. 349, 464. 
Penry, John, E.S. iv. 229. 
Pensioners, E.S. i. 47, 50, 140; iv. 

Pensions of pkyers, E.S. i. 352; ii. 

191, 237. 

Pent-house, E.S. ii. 544. 
Penton, Mr., E.S. iv. 81. 
Penton, Fabian, player, E.S. ii. 292, 


Penulus, E.S. iii. 5. 
Peperel, Giles, player, E.S. ii. 332; 

iii. 352- 

Percy, Sir Charles, E.S. ii. 205; W.S. 
ii. 324. 

Percy (b. Devereux), Dorothy, 
countess of Northumberland, E.S. 
i. 220; iii. 375. 

Percy, Henry, 8th earl of Northum- 
berland, E.S. i. in; iii. 464; iv. 

Percy, Henry, 9th earl of Northum- 
berland, E.S. iii. 367. 

Percy, Sir Jocelyn, E.S. ii. 205 ; W.S. 
ii. 325. 

Percy, William, playwright, E.S. iii. 
464; Plays: Arabia Sitiens, E.S. 
iii. 464; Cuck-Queanes and Cuck- 
olds Errant, E.S. iii. 464; Cupid's 
Sacrifice, E.S. iii. 464; Faery 
Pastorall, E.S. iii. 464; Necro- 
mantes, E.S. iii. 464; The Aphro- 
dysial, E.S. iii. 464; mentioned, 
E.S.n. 20, 345; iii. 135, 136, 197, 

Perez, Antonio, W.S. i. 336, 372, 

Perfidus Etruscus, E.S. iv. 377. 

Pergoli (balconies), E.S. iv. 360. 

JfTe/uajeroi (turn-tables), E.S. i. 233 ; 
iii. 3. 

Periander. See Christmas Prince. 

Pericles, discussed, E.S. iii. 488 ; W.S. 
i. 518-27; bibliography, W.S. i. 
520; texts, W.S. i. 518-20; 

printing, W.B. i. 135, 137, 140, 
174, 182, 199; reporting, W.S. 
i. 161, 521; authorship, W.B. i. 
2 34 S^i; prose novel and pky, 
W.S.I. 520, 522-6; verse-rhythms, 
WJ&. i. 524-5; early pky, WS. i, 
526; date, WJ&. i. 250, 526; 
source, W.S. i. 311, 527; Dryden 
on, W.S. ii. 251, 265; Jonson on, 
W.S. i. 70; ii. 210; performances, 
W.S. i. 527; ii. 335, 346, 348; 
forgery, W.S. ii. 389; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 213, 549; iii. 108, 116, 
189, 192, 513; iv. 41, 391; W.S. 
i.86, 220, 222,455;ii. 217. 
Peripetasma (revolving pillars), E.S. 

i- 233- 

Perkes family, W.S. i. 25. 
Perkin, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 86, 108, 

Perkins, Richard, pkyer, E.S. ii. 226, 

229, 232, 236, 239, 240, 332; 

iii, 510; iv. 250. 

Per-mills, W.S. i. 267. See Metre. 
Perrin, Mme Fran^oise, E.S. i. 246. 
Perrott, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 144; iv. 


Perry, Hugh, E.S. iv. 15. 
Perry, William, licensee, E.S. ii. 61, 

68, 332; iv. 344. 
'Perseus and Andromeda*, E.S. i. 232; 

ii. 76; iv. 88, 90, 146, 148. 
Pershore (Worcs.), E.S. ii. 300. 
Persj (Persten), Robert (Rupert), 

pkyer, ..ii. 90, 272, 273, 332; 


Personn, Johann, pkyer, E.S. ii. 272, 

Perspective, in mask-settings, E.S. i. 
183, 184; on court stage, E.S. i. 
231; iii. 21, 44; on Italian stage, 
E.S. iii. 8-10, 13; iv. 355; on 
French stage, E.S. iii. 17; in 
private theatres, E.S. iii. 133, 154. 

Pery, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 332. 

Pery, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 332. 

Peruzzi, Baldassarre, E.S. iii. 9. 

Pescetti, Orkndo, W.S. i. 401. 



'Peter' (?), player, E.S. ii. 332. 
'Peter's Pence', E.S. Hi. 515. 
Peters, Hugh, W.B. i. 106. 
Petre (b. Browne), Anne, Lady, E.S. 

iv. 96. 

Petre, John, ist Lord, E.S. iv. 93. 
Petre (b. Somerset), Katharine, Lady, 

Petre (b. Waldegrave), Mary, Lady, 

E.S. iil. 514. 
Petre, Sir William, E.S. Hi. 160; iv. 

Pert, Peter (?), E.S. Hi. 465. 

Pett, Phineas, E.S. Hi. 234. 
Petworth (Sussex), E.S. i. 1 10, in ; 

iv. 100. 

Pexall, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 85. 
Pflugbeil, August, pkyer, E.S. ii. 29 1, 

'Phaethon\ E.S. i. 224; H. 164, 166, 

178; Hi. 300, 302; WB. i. 212, 

'Phedrastuf, E.S. H. 93; iv. 91, 

Phelips, Sir Edward, master of the 

rolls, E.S. Hi. 260; iv. 126. 
'Phigon and Luria\ E.S. H, 93; iv. 

91, 149. 
Philaster, or, Love Lies Bleeding 9 E.S. 

H. 213, 217; Hi. 222, 224; iv. 127, 

180, 393; WB. i. 213, 485; ii. 

Philberds (Berks.), E.S. iv. 86, 88, 

1 Philemon and Philecia', E.S. H. 88; 

iv. 90, 148. 
'Philip of Spain', E.S. H. 181; Hi. 

Philip II, king of Spain, E.S. i. 243, 

323; WB. i. 336, 462. 
Philip, Robert, player, E.S. H. 332. 
'Philipo and Hippolito\ E.S. H. 143 ; 

Hi. 300. 
PhiHpps, Thomas, clerk of tents and 

revels, E.S. i. 73; H. 492. 
'Phitlenzo and Hypollita', E.S. ii. 

145; iH. 301, 436; iv. 397, 402. 
PhilHp, John, playwright, E.S. H. 1 3 ; 

Hi. 465; Play: Patient Grisselt, 
E.S. Hi. 465. 
PhilHppe, Robert, 'momer', E.S. H. 

PhiUips, Ambrose, W.8. H. 288. 

Phillips, Augustine, pkyer, career of, 
E.S. H. 333-4; his arms, E.S. i. 
350; W.B. H. 25; his will, E.S. i. 
349; H. 212; #S?. ii. 73, 85; as 
sharer, E.S. H. 203, 417, 418; 
W.S. H. 52-71 ; and fellow-players, 
W.B. i. 48, 64, 79; H. 72-85 ; and 
Essex innovation, E.S. i. 385; H. 
204; W.B. i. 354; H. 325; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 363; ii. 123, 125, 
126, 197, 208, 210, 218, 219; 
iu - 359> 367; iv. 252; W.B. i. 44; 

Phillips, Edward, E.S. iv. 12, 50, 52; 
WB.i\. 235,238. 

PhiUips, Sir Richard, W.B. H. 299. 

PhilHps, Sir WiUiam, Lord Bardolph, 
E.S. i. 350. 

P hillls and Amyntas, E.S. Hi. 316; 
iv. 382. 

'Pkilole und Mariana', E.S. ii. 289; 
iH. 418. 

Philomathes. See Christmas Prince. 

Philomela. See Christmas Prince. 

Philotas (Daniel), E.S. i. 320, 326; 
H. 51; Hi. 150, 273, 275; iv. 388. 

'Philotas 3 (Lateware), E.S. iH. 275. 

Philotus, E.S. Hi. 444, 476; iv. 41, 

Philpots, George, player (?), WB. i. 

'Picas', E.S. ii. 144, 167. 

Phoenissae, E.S. Hi. 321. 

Phoenix, E.S. H. 22; Hi. 143, 439; 
iv. 1 1 8, 390. 

Phoenix pkyhouse, E.S. ii. 372, 


Phormio, E.S. ii. n; Hi. 20; iv. 385. 
Phormio (trans.), E.S. Hi. 41, 236. 
'Phyllida and Choryn', E.S. i. 231; 

H. 106; iv. 101, 160; WB. i. 32. 
Physiponomachia, E.S. iH. 518; iv. 




Pianta (ground-plan of stage), E.S. 

iv. 355. 
Pickering, James, unlicensed pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 334. 

Pickering, John, E.S. iii. 466; Inter- 
lude: Horestes, E.S. iii. 466. 
Pickering, Sir William, E.S. i. 4, 

Pickleherring, Robert, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

285, 292. See Reynolds, Robert. 
'Pierce of Exton\ E.S. ii. 167; iii. 

'Pierce of Winchester*, E.S. ii. 169; 

iii. 302, 308, 516. 
Pigott, Thomas, E.S. iv- 88. 
Pilgrimage of Grace, E.S. iv. 2, 31. 
'Pinck', E.S. ii. 299. 
Pinley (Warwick), W.S. ii. 365. 
Pinner of Wakefield. See George a 


Piot, Lazarus, W.S. i. 374. 
Pippins in pkyhouses, E.S. iv. 203, 

Piracy of pkys, E.S. iii. 184-92, 

343; iv. 254; W.B. i. 136, 226. 

See Pky-texts. 
Pisano, E.S. ii. 176. 
Pissenopscoia, Feother, ambassador 

from Muscovy, E.S. i. 23. 
Pit, E.S. ii. 555; iv. 372. 
Pkce, E.S. iii. 22, 27, 37; iv. 20. 
Pkce behind the stage, E.S. iii. 82. 
Plagiarism, E.S. iii. 408 ; W.B. i. 223, 


Pkgue, history of in London, E.S. 
i. 329; iv. 345-51; bills of, E.S. 
i. 292, 302, 330; iv. 301, 336, 
338, 345; restraint of plays for, 
E.S. i. 267, 278, 281, 282, 286- 
97, 302-4, 329; ii. 14, 57, 113, 
123; iv. 259-345, 346-5 T 5 WS. 
i- 30, 37*44-5' 47, 53> 7, 150, 
530; ii. 348; subsidies to King's 
men in, E.S. i. 218; ii. 210, 214; 
iv. 168, 174, 176; in progress 
time, E.S. i. 109, in, 119, 121; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 19, 21, 109, 
in, 131, 132, 133, 171, 202, 

214, 218, 255, 264, 266, 273, 
283, 289, 290, 360, 377, 386; 
ii.6, 67, 100, 113, 122, 129, 185, 
209, 214, 221, 230, 277, 509; 
iii. 184, 371,420, 44o>45i; iv. 
197; MS. i. 246, 338, 343, 346, 
453, 468; ii. 313. 

Plantation ofFirginia, W.B. i. 101. 

Pktea, E.S. iii. 16, 23. 

Pktens, W.S. i. 173. See Printing- 
house methods. 

Pktter, Thomas, E.S. ii. 203, 364, 

4034i5>45 6 532, SSH'&- 3^2; 
W.8. i. 248, 397; ii. 322. 

Pkudite, E.S. ii. 549; iii. 370; iv. 

Pkutus, E.S. i. 127, 222, 238-40; 
iii. 2, 19, 506; iv. 186, 187, 188, 
190, 191, 201, 256. 

Pky-books, theatrical, W.S. i. 54, 
97, 104, 107, 125, 147-9- s * f 
Originals; Prompt-copies; Scrolls. 

Pky-dressing, W.S. i. 211, 216. 

Pkyhouses, list of, E.S. ii. 379; 
succession of, E.S. ii. 355-79; 
iconography of, E.S. ii. 519; 
audience in, E.S. ii. 425, 548, 
555; iv. 3659; auditorium of, 
E.S. ii. 526-38, 555; cost of, E.S. 
i. 368; ii. 387, 391, 406-9, 423, 
436, 438, 440, 441, 443; contem- 
porary accounts of, E.S. ii. 3614; 
destruction of, E.S. ii. 374, 398, 
427, 442; iv, 322; ground rent of, 
E.S. ii. 426; luxury of, E.S. i. 
285, 348; ii. 358, 395, 530; iv. 
197, 200, 217, 269; profits of, 
E.S. i. 355, 368; ii. 391, 402, 
424-5, 510, 512; seating of, E.S. 
ii. 526, 530-8, 55 5; shape of, E.S. 
ii. 434, 524, 554; size of, E.S. ii. 
527, 554; structure of, E.S. ii. 
393, 409, 414, 434, 437, 439* 
443, 448, 467, 522-57; suppres- 
sion of, in City, E.S. ii. 359; iv. 
331, 333; visits of foreigners to, 
E.S. ii. 358-69. See Accidents; 
Attendants; Bills; Bookholders; 



Books; Boxes; Boxholders; Bul- 
lettini; Burning; Cards; Contracts; 
Cressets; Cutpurses; Dead rent 
of; Disorders; Doors; Easer; En- 
trance fees; Executions; Fkgs; 
Free lists; Galleries; Gatherers; 
Groundlings; Harlots; Highway; 
Hiring; Hissing; Hour; House- 
keepers; Hut; Ladies; Licences; 
Lighting; Lords' rooms; Mewing; 
Night; Pent-house; Pippins; Pit; 
Plaudite; Private; Public Refresh- 
ments ; Rooms ; Round ; Scantlings ; 
Seats; Shadow; Signs; Smoking; 
Sounding; Square; Stage; Stage- 
keepers; Staging; Stinkards; Stools; 
Taphouses; Tiring house; Tombs; 
Top; Trumpets; Understanders; 
Upper rooms; Yard. 

Play MSS., lists of, E.S. iv. 404; 
W.B* i. 92, 108; book-keeper in, 
W.B. i. 117-22; characteristics of, 
W.B. i. 108-25; censor in, W.B. i. 
115-17. Bee Originals; Prompt- 
copies; Punctuation; Transcripts. 

Play-texts, authority of, W.S. i. 143- 
50, 1 66; classification of, ff?$. i. 
155-67; printing of, E.S. i. 341; 
ii. 114, 128; iii. 158-200, 479; 
W.B. i. 168-204; publication of, 
W.B. i. 130-43; sold to printers, 
.8. iii. 184, 194; attitude of 
companies and authors to, PKS. i. 
143-50; licences for, W.B. i. 100, 
129, 159; nature of copy under- 
lying, W8. i. 143-67; based on: 
altered quartos, W,B. i. 162-6, 
333-5 343 439? assembling, 
E.S. iii. 185, 194; W.S. i. 153-5; 
originals, W.B. i. 152, 162, 166, 
412, 440; prompt -copies, WB. 
i- !53 163-7; reports, W.B. 
i. 155-62; transcripts, WB. i. 
144, 150-3, 163-7, 299, 413, 
440. Bee also Abridgement; 
Alternative endings; Assembling; 
Cancels; Censorship; Copy; Copy- 
right; Corrector; Echoes; Elisions; 

| Emendations; Emphasis; Equi- 
valent words; First Folio; Gag; 
Good and bad; Manuscripts; 
Marginal insertions; Memoriza- 
tion; Morals; Originals; Parallels; 
Parentheses; Parts; Piracy; Play- 
books; Press-correctors; Pub- 
lishers; Punctuation; Quartos; 
Reporting; Reprints; Scriveners; 
Shorthand; Stage-directions; Star 
Chamber; Stationers; Staying; 
Surreptitious; Transcripts. 

Player-names in stage-directions, .8. 
iii. 196, 227, 271, 285, 295, 330; 
iv. 32, 43, 45; MB. i. 50, 122, 
164, 181, 237, 288, 323, 341, 
358, 380, 382, 386, 392, 512, 
580; in speech-prefixes, W.8. i. 
323, 385, 450; in plots, W.8. i. 
124; not in dialogue, W1B. i. 237, 
288, 324. 

Players, as covenant servants, E.S. 
ii. 154; as gentlemen, E.S. i. 349; 
ii. 98, 298; as grooms of chamber, 
.8.1.47, 5*9 S 11 ;^ 105. 21 1 ; 
iv. 169; WS.i. 76;-ii. 77-82, 241 ; 
as spies, E.S. i. 266; as rogues and 
vagabonds, .8. i. 252, 254, 269, 
270, 279, 287, 292, 294, 299, 
35> 383; iv. 224, 230, 255, 258, 
270, 280, 300, 324, 337; in masks, 
.8. i. 200; ii. 217; in poets* 
feathers, E.S. i. 376; iii. 326, 450; 
in prison, E.S. i. 298, 326, 339; 

ii- 52, 55 I55>323; & 257>353 
496; iv. 280, 305, 323; on the 
road, E.S. i. 304, 332, 340, 376, 
380, 383-4; ii. 59, 60, 61, 68, 
81; iii. 353; iv. 236, 241, 257 
(see Provincial performances) ; 
pressing of, E.S. i. 383; iv. 18; 
status of, E.S. i. 271, 276, 278, 
2 99 39 3 IX > 3H> 3^6; war- 
rants for; W.B. i. 45, 46, 49. Bee 
also Abuses; Apparel; Appren- 
tices; Arms; Articles; Associations; 
Bonds; Boys; Casts; Chameleon; 
Clowns; Compositions; Connective 


words of; Continent; Contracts; 
Conversion; Copper kce; Cues; 
Debts ; Deputations ; Doubling ; 
Economics; Fines; Hireling; Infa- 
mia; Lawsuits, Lines of; Playing 
companies; Profanity; Provinces; 
Quality; Ranting; Recognisances; 
Statutes; Supers; Temperament; 
Vizards; Women. 

Playing companies, lists of, E.S. i. 
341 ; ii. 8, 77; exploitation of poets 
by, E.S. i. 376; organization of, 
E.S. i. 310-13, 352-68, 378; 
succession of, E.S. ii. 3-8. See 
Adult; Amalgamation; Articles; 
Associations; Badges; Bonds; Boy; 
Children; Competition; Composi- 
tions; Court calendar; Court 
payments; Deputations; Divisions; 
Exemplifications; Finance; House- 
keepers; Licences; Local; Lords; 
Managers ; Masters ; Patents ; 
Pensions, Printing; Provincial; 
Sharers; Size; Stocks; Syndicates. 

Pkys, lists of, E.S. iii. 178; iv. 373- 
406; called ballads, E.S. iii. 504, 
505; iv. 50; early prints of lost, 
E.S. iii. 175; falsity of, E.S. i. 
254; iv, 211, 217; incongruities 
in, E.S. iii. 40, 88; iv. 201, 203, 
215, 226, 248; heresy and sedi- 
tion in, E.S. i. 275; preferred to 
sermons, E.S. i. 255, 258; iv. 199, 
219, 223, 304; price of, E.S. i. 
372; ii. 160-4; iii, 181; written 
for printing, E.S. iii. 28; within 
plays, E.S. iii. 93, 107; iv. 47; at 
sea, W.S. i. 355; ii. 334; abroad, 
W.S. i. 159. See also Abridge- 
ment; Academic; Acts; Alternative 
endings; Calvinism; Casting of; 
Closet; Court, players at; Cuts; 
Defences; Derelict; Duration; 
Educational value of; Epilogue; 
Ethics; Extempore; Extravagance; 
Get-penny; Length; Libels; 
Licences; Lighting; Morals; Plots; 
Politics; Prayers; Printing; Pro- 


logue; Provincial performances; 
Puritan; Religious; Restraints; 
Revision ; Revivals ; Rewards ; 
Runs; Satire; Seasons; Sedition; 
Statistics; Topical; Vice. 

'Plays and Pastimes*, E.S. i. 257; ii. 
394; iii. 323; iv. 217. 

Pkystowe, William, of the revels, 
E.S. i. 101. 

Pkywrights, E.S. iii. 200-5 r 8 5 biblio- 
graphical note, E.S. iii, 200-7; 
collaboration of, E.S. ii. 161, 2 5 3 ; 
iii. 216, 217, 368; in prison, E.S. 
ii. 132, 151, 155; iii. 254, 257, 
263, 270, 353, 367, 394, 419, 
428, 454, 500; rektion of, to 
pkyers, E.S. L 372-86; ii. 162, 
251-3; iii. 325,^365, 450; iv. 
236, 241, 450; to boy companies, 
E.S.i. 378;ii. 50. See Amanuensis; 
Benefits; Collaboration; Earnest; 

Pleasant Dialogues and Dramas, E.S* 
ii. 448 ; iii. 346. 

Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue (mask), 
E.S. i. 202. 

Pl&ade, plays of, E.S. i. 176; iii. 13, 

Pliny, W.S.i. 401. 

Plot of pkyhouse, E.S. ii. 439. 

Plots of pkys, E.S. ii. 125, 136, 
I45 I5 158, 175-7; & I25 
194, 459, 49 6 > 5; iv- 9 H> 47. 
51, 406; W.B. i. 33, 44, 50, 51-2, 
109, 123, 153, 283, 306, 329, 391. 

Plowden, Francis, E.S. iv. 107. 

Plume, Thomas, W.S. ii. 247. 

Plummer, John, master of Chapel, 
E.S.ii. 24, 27, 334. 

Plutarch, W.S. i. 218, 363, 401, 478, 
480, 483; on poetry, E.S. i. 238. 

Plymouth (Devon), pkys at, E.S. 
ii. i. 

Pod, puppet-showman, E.S. ii. 318. 

Poetaster, notice of, E.S. iii. 364; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 353, 380, 381, 
384; ii. 43, 207, 523; iii. 146, 
154, 293, 430; iv. 21, 372, 387; 



W.S. i. 70, 71, 211, 249, 406, 

443; 11.24,203. 
Poetomachia, E.S. i. 381 ; ii. 20; 111. 

252, 292, 293, 353, 365, 369, 

428, 430; iv. n, 17, 21, 40, 47; 

WS. i. 7i;ii. 201, 204. 
Poggiuoli (balconies), E.S. iv. 360. 
Pointz, Sir Nicholas, E.S. iv. 90. 
Pokeley, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 3 34; 

iv. 262. 

Poland, E.S. iii. 455; WS. i. 418. 
Pole, Cardinal, E.S. i. 243. 
Pole, gatekeeper at St. Paul's, E.S. ii. 


Pole, Henry, E.S. ii. 499. 

Pole, Margaret, formerly Cheyne, 
E.S. ii. 499. 

Polesworth (Warwick), WS. ii. 248. 

PolhiU, Nicholas, E.S. iii. 235. 

Politics in plays, E.S. i. 244, 262-3, 
276, 304, 321, 322-8; ii, 51-5, 
196, 204, 207, 210, 211, 215; 
iii. 254, 257, 271, 275, 286, 296, 
354, 364, 367, 415; WS. i. 101, 

"5 2 37> 355> 3^i, 380, 3 86 > 

393, 414, 418, 467. See Censor- 

Poliziano, E.S. iii. 6. 
Pollard, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 

338, 424, 510; iii. 218, 510; iv. 

370, 371; WS. i. 498; ii. 76-84. 
Polsted, Richard, E.S. iv. 93, 94. 
Polyhymnia (tilt), E.S. i. 145; iii. 

Pommern-Wolgast, duke of, E.S. i. 

'Pompey', E.S. i. 231; ii. 15, 394; 

iv. 97, 158; W.S. i. 400. 
Pomponiani, E.S. iii. 3. 
Pomponius Laetus, E.S. iii. 3. 
Ponsbourne (Herts.), E.S. iv. 100. 
Pontefract (Yorks.), E.S. iv. 116. 
'Pontius Pilate 9 , E.S. ii. 168, 180; 

iii. 304; W.S.'i. 212. 
Poole, Arthur, gentleman of the 

chamber, E.S. i. 43. 
Poole, John, playwright, E.S. iii. 

466; iv. 2, 3. 

Poor Man's Comfort, E.S. iii. 271; 

iv. 396, 405 ; WS. i. 92, 112. 
'Poor Man's Paradise*, E.S. ii. 173; 

i"- 335- 
Poor rate on playhouses, E.S. i. 281, 

283, 294, 300, 301, 317; ii. 410; 

iv. 304,316, 324, 325, 327, 328. 
Pope, Alexander, E.S. iv. 23; W.S. 

ii. 239, 271, 274, 277, 281-3, 

Pope, Morgan, E.S. ii. 410, 450-1, 

Pope, Thomas, player, career of, 

E.S. ii. 334; mentioned, E.S. i. 

349 35; ** 9> I2 3> 4 I2 ^> 
158, 196, 197, 200, 202, 203, 
208, 219, 272, 273, 403, 410, 
417,41-8; iii. 359, 361; iv. 165, 
166, 252; W.S. i. 40, 41, 44, 45, 
48, 64, 79, 83; ii. 25, 52-85, 
313, 321-2. 

Pope, Sir Thomas, chancellor of 
augmentations, E.S. i. 350. 

Pope, Sir William, E.S. iv. 120. 

'Pope Joan 9 , E.S. ii. 122; W.S. ii. 

Popham, Sir John, chief justice of 
queen's bench, E.S. i. 169; ii. 
205 ;iv. 108. 

Porcie y E.S. iii. 397. 

Pordage, Samuel, W.S. ii. 380. 

Porta, Giambattista, E.S. iii. 476, 

Porter, Henry, lutenist and sackbut, 
E.S. i. 49. 

Porter, Henry, playwright, career 
and works, E.S. iii. 466-7; Play: 
Two Angry Women of Abingdon, 
E.S. iii. 467 ; Lost Plays: Hot Anger 
Soon Cold, E.S. iii. 467; Love 
Prevented, E.S. iii. 467; The 
Spencers, E.S. iii. 467; 2 Two 
Angry Women of Abingdon, E.S. 
iii. 467; Two Merry Women of 
Abingdon, E.S. iii. 467; and Hens- 
lowe, E.S. ii. 163-4, *75> #W- 
* 55> 95 2I 5 2. 195; mentioned, 
E.S.I 374; ii. 145 ;iv. 246. 


Presence chamber, E.S. i. 14, 42, 

Porter, Thomas, W.S. ii. 222. 
Porter of St. John's Gate, E.S. i. 

79, 93, 100. 
Porter's Hall playhouse, history of, 

E.S. ii. 472-4; patent for, E.S. i. 

33> 355; 2. 61, 372, 472; men- 
tioned, .. ii. 283, 517; iii. 228, 

230, 272, 313; iv. 342. 
Porticus, E.S. ii. 530. 
Portinari, Sir John, gentleman 

pensioner, E.S. ii. 477, ^.90, 492, 

Portington, William, master carpenter 

of works, E.S. i. 180; iii. 380. 
'Portia and Demorantes', E.S. i. 23 1 ; 

ii. 93;iv. 97, 156. 
Porto, Luigi da, W.S. i. 346. 
Portsmouth (Hants), E.S. iv. 78, 


Pory, John, E.S. i. 212; iii. 379. 
Post revels, E.S. i. 222; ii. 91. 
Posts, master of, E.S. i. 48, 62, 69. 
Posts on stage, E.S. ii. 544-5; iii. 

27* 3 8 > 72, 75> i 8 > HI 144- 
Pound, Thomas, writer of mask 

orations, E.S. iii. 468. 
Poupin, Abel, E.S. i. 247, 248, 249. 
Powell, Richard, E.S, iii. 514. 
Powlter, Simon, yeoman of bears, 

E.S. ii. 450-1. 
Powlton, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 


Poynings, Sir Adrian, E.S. iv. 85. 
'Practice of Parasites', E.S. iv. 206. 
'Praise at Parting, E.S. iii. 323; iv. 


Pratt, Mr., E.S. iv. 375. 
Prayers at end of plays, E.S. i. 190, 

245, 311; ii. 550; iii. 180, 317, 

351, 411, 466, 470, 504, 505; iv. 

3, 20, 37, 50, 51. ^ 
Prayer-time, restraint in, E.S. i. 282, 

283, 289, 292, 313; ii. 123. 
'Predor and Lucia 9 , E.S. ii. 88 ; iv. 89, 

Prerogative, royal, E.S. 1.272. 
Prescot, Richard, porter of St. John's 

Gate, E.S.i. 100. 

Presenters, E.S. iii. 92, 128. 

President of council, E.S. i. 68. 

Press-corrections, E.S. iii. 197; W.S. 
i- 1?3 *75 184. 

Pressmen, W.S.\. 170. ^Printing- 
house methods. 

Preston, Richard, rst Lord Dingwall, 
E.S. i. 146; iii. 241, 280, 377, 

393 394- 
Preston, Thomas, playwright, career 

of, E.S. iii. 469; Play: Cambyses, 

E.S. iii. 470; Doubtful Play: 

Clyomon and Clamydes, E.S. iii. 

470; mentioned, E.S. i. 127; iv, 

*Pretestus\ E.S. i. 223; ii. 97; iv. 91, 

Price, Daniel, chaplain to Prince 

Henry, E.S. iii. 470. 
Price, John, musician, E.S. ii. 282, 

Price (Pryor?), Richard, player, E.S. 

ii. 188,335. 
Prices of seats, E.S. ii. 531-4, 536; 

iii. 226. 

Pricket, Robert, E.S. i. 306. 
Pride, Thomas, high sherriff of 

Surrey, E.S. ii. 375. 
Prince Charles's men, E.S. ii. 241-6. 
Prince Henry's Barriers, E.S. iii. 

Prince Henry's men, E.S. ii. 1 86-90 ; 

mentioned, E.$. i. 133. 
Princely Pleasures at Kenilworth. 

See Kenilwortk Entertainment. 
Princes Risborough (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 

81, 107. ^ 

Print, cited in play, W.&. i. 330. 
Printed plays (list), E.S. iv. 379-97. 
Printers, of plays, E.S. iii. 201-518 

passim ; W.S. i. 1 3 0-40 passim, 1 69, 

Printing, of plays, E.S. i. 341 ; ii. 

114, 128; iii. 158-200, 479-90; 

W.S. i. 168-204; with false dates, 

E.S. iii. 483, 484, 486, 488. 


Printing-house methods, WS.i. 170 
6. See Cancels; Cases; Catch- 
words; Chases; Colophons; Com- 
positors ; Copy ; Devices ; Dictation ; 
Folios; Formes; Foul case; Fris- 
kets; Galleys; Imprints; Octavos; 
Proof; Punctuation; Quartos; 
Quoins; Reprints; Revises; Signa- 
tures; Title-pages; Turned letters; 

Prison scenes; E.S. iii. 62, 66. 

Private performances, E.S. i. 219, 
283, 292, 304, 328, 340; ii. 159; 
iii. 45 J -3'> iv - 3 6 276, 3> 3 02 , 

Private playhouses, discussed, E.S. 
ii. 475-517; arrangements of, 
E.S. ii. 554-6; staging in, E.S. iii. 
13054; mentioned, E.S. i. 298, 
301, 326, 380; ii. 258, 355, 360, 
3?2 5 8 > 5 11 * 522, 523, 

Privileges for books, E.S. iii. 159. 

Privy chamber, E.S. i. 14, 42. 

Privy Council, E.S. i. 66-70; clerks 
of, E.S. i. 48, 68; register of, E.S. 
i. 68, 273, 277, 290; iv. 259; 
control of pkys by, E.S. i. 69, 
217, 266-8, 269-307; ii. 210; 
iii. 367; iv. 259-345; of printing, 
E.S. iii. 159-63, 168, 172; men- 
tioned, E*$. i. 21, 61, 82, 237, 

275, 308, 315, 316, 319, 330. 
Privy gallery, E.S. i. 14. 

Privy garden, E.S. i. 14. 

Privy purse, .8. i. 62, 66, 214, 

Privy seal, E.S. i. 54, 56, 67, 242, 

Problems of Shakespearean study, 

m. i. 94. 

Proby, Peter, deputy treasurer, E.S. 

Proclamations, E.S. i. 68, 270, 273, 

276, 279, 302. 

Proctor, player, E.S. ii. 158, 335. 
Prodigal Child, E.S. i. 382; iii. 

Prodigal Son, E.S. i. 345; ii. 281, 
284, 285. 

* 'Prodigality' ', E.S. iv. 26, 84, 144. 

Profanity in plays, E.S. i. 255, 303, 
322; iii. 222; iv. 263, 338; WJ$. 
i. 98, 101, 104, 105, 116, 164-5, 
238-42, 289, 299, 321, 338, 346, 
351, 361, 362, 371, 386, 392, 
406, 416, 433, 459, 46o. See 

Profile (section of playhouse), E.S. 

iv. 353-5- 

Profits of players, E.S. i. 331, 340, 
346, 348, 368-70; iv. 200, 219, 
269, 371. 

'Progni (1558), E.S. i. 129; iii. 239. 

Progne (1566), E.S. iii. 239. 

Programmes for masks, E.S. i. 205, 

Progress of James I from Scotland, 
E.S. iv. 68. 

Progresses, E.S. i. 5, 17, 21, 107-31, 
165, 166; ii. 25; pkys during, 
E.S. i. 214. 

Prologue, E.S. i. 224; ii. 542, 547; 
iii. 72; iv. 367. 

Promos and Cassandra, E.S. iii. 29, 
32, 512; iv. 201 ; W.S. i. 454, 457; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 136. 

Prompt-copies, W.S.\. 97, 117, 121, 
125, 152, 165, 241, 289, 351, 
379, 472, 529. See Originals. 

Prompters. See Book-keepers. 

Proofs, W. i. 173. See Printing- 
house methods. 

Properties, E.S. i. 162, 165 (for 
masks), 166, 167, 224, 231, 372; 
ii. 165, 168, 184, 228, 243, 262; 
iii. 23, 44, 88, 89, 109, 120, 
136, 137, I93> I95> 251, 292, 
327, 341, 422, 423, 425, 446, 
447, 461; iv. 17, 367; in stage- 
directions, W.S. i. 119-20, 236, 

Prophetae, E.S. i. 241. 

Prophetess ; E.S. iii. 298. 

Proscenio (floor of stage), E.S. iii. 4; 


Proscenium, E.S. ii. 528, 540; iii. 

16, 31. 
Proscenium arch of masks, E.S. i. 

181, 234; of plays, E.S. i. 234; iii. 

Prose and verse, confusion of, W.S. 

i. 123, 154, 161, 181, 233,430. 
Prospettiva, E.S. iii. 9. 
Protections for players, W.S. i. 105. 
Pro feus (mask). See Gesta Grayorum. 
'Proud Maid's Tragedy', E.S. ii. 248; 

iii. 441 ;iv. 126, 178. 
Provincial companies, E.S. i. 341; 

performances, i. 304, 328, 332-41, 

387; ii. i, 59, 60, 61, 68, 81, 83, 


94. 9 6 97> 9 8 I00 I02 > I0 3> 
104, 105, no, in, 113, 115, 

!35> *55> l8 5> 20 9> 22I 2 33> 
234, 242, 253, 259; iv. 36, 273, 
311, 319; W.B. i. 215, 307, 320, 
343; ii. 303-45, 348; records of, 
W.B. ii. 303, 304. 

Provision, offices of, E.S. i. 35. 

Prun, Peter de, player, E.S. ii. 292, 

Prynne, William, E.S. i. 253, 263, 

306, 387; ii. 374, 382,423. 
Psyche et Filii ejus, E.S. iv. 377. 
'Ptolome*, E.S. ii. 380; iv. 204, 
Public halls, plays in, E.S. ii. 356. 
Public playhouses, discussed, E.S. 

" 353-474; li st of, E.S. ii. 379; 

mentioned, E.S. ii. 258, 355, 511, 

522, 523, 536; iv. 366. 
Publishers of plays, E.S. iv. 379; 

W.B. i. 130-41, 143; play-lists of, 

E.S. iv. 398. See Play-texts. 
Puckering, Sir John, lord keeper of 

the seal, E.S. i. 125; iii. 394; iv. 

110,315; W.S. ii. 133-4- 
Puckering, Sir Thomas, E.S. ii. 

Pudsey, Edward, player, E.S. ii. 3 3 5 ; 

iii. 251. 

Pueri elemosinariae, E.S. ii. 10, 70. 
Puisieux, Pierre Brulart de, marquis 

de Sillery, E.S. iii. 257. 

Pulham, George, player, E.S. ii. 237, 


Pullison, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 136. 
Pulteney, Michael, E.S. iv. 83. 
Punctuation, W*S. i. 114, 123, 171, 

190-6,. 266, 350, 441, 465, 

510. See Play MSS.; Play-texts; 

Printing-house methods. 
Puppet pkys. See Motions. 
Purchas, Samuel, W.S. i. 492. 
Purfett, Edward, E.S. ii. 447. 
Puritan, E.S. i. 262; ii. 22; iii. 132, 

143; iv. 41, 249, 390; W.B. i. 143, 

2 6,475535- 

Puritanism, and Humanism, E.S. i. 
236-268; satire of, E.S. i. 261; 
in provinces, E.S. i. 338; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 387. 

Puritans and plays, E.$. i. 236-68, 
294; ii. 34, 358, 374, 375, 395, 
396, 423; iv. 184-259 (extracts). 

Purpointe, tavern-keeper, E.S. $1.499. 

'Purpoole', prince of, E.S. iv. 55. 

Purveyance, E.S. i. 116. 

Putney (Surrey), E.S. i. 20; ii. 73; 
iv. 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 
103, 104, 105, 108, 109, 1 10, 
in, 112, 114, 115, 116. 

Puttenham, George, E.S. iii. 470; 
iv. 90. 

Puttenham, Richard (?), E.S. iii. 
309, 312, 470; on plays, E.S. i. 
258; iv. 233. 

Pye, John, 'momer', E.S. ii. 335. 

Pyk (Pik, Pyge, Pigge), John, player, 
E.S. ii. 150, 156, 335; W.S. i. 46. 

Pykman, Philip, player, E.S. ii, 43, 


Pyneste (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 108. 
Pyrame et Thisbee, E.S. iii. 16-17. 
'Pyramo und TMsbe\ E.S. ii. 283; 

W.S. i. 363. 
Pyrford (Surrey), E.S. iv. 92, 93, 

94,97, 99, 100, 117. 
Pyrgo (Essex), E.S. iv. 79, 84, 93, 


Pyrrhic feet, WS. i. 259. See Metre. 
'Pythagoras 9 , E.S. ii. 144, 167. 



Quadra, Alvarez de, bishop of Aquila, 

Spanish, ambassador, E.S. i. 10, 

24, 244. 

Quadri (squares), E.S. iv. 356, 358. 
Quality of players, E.S. i. 309. 
Quarrendon (Bucks.), E.S. iii. 398, 

Quarterings for treason, E.S. 433, 


Quartos, W.B. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Quartos, Shakespearean, table of, W1S. 

ii. 3 94 ; as prompt-copies, WIS. 1.165; 
'bad?) publication of, W.B. i. 

130, 333; theory of early versions 

in, W.B. i. 226; 

'good', publication of, W.S. i. 

130-7; Jaggard's collection of, 

W.B. i. 133-7; use of for First 

Folio, W.S.I. 164. 

Bee Play-texts; Reported pkys; 

Reprints and separate notices of 

Shakespeare's plays. 
Quasimodo Sunday, E.S. i. 246. 
'Queen', E.S. iv, 402. 
'Queen of Ethiopia', E.S. ii. 135. 
Queen of folk, E.S. i. 124; iv. 78. 
Queenborough (Kent), E.S. iv. 79. 
Queens (mask), E.S. i. 173, 179, 180, 

182 sqq., 199, 201, 202, 203, 

209, 21 1 ; iii. 382; iv. 123, 406; 

1KB. i-473- 

Queen's Arcadia, E.S. i. 131; iii. 

227, 276, 373; iv. 373, 389; 

IKS. 1.530. 
Queen's Day, E.S. i. 141, 145, 

Queen's men (Anne's), E.S. L 314, 

3i533o, 35^352, 353 354; ii. 
225-40; W.S.i. 51, 95; ii. 342; in 
provinces, E.S. ii. 233, 234. 
Queen's men (Elizabeth's), E.S. i. 
291, 308, 312, 317, 335, 336, 
341; ii. 37, 83, 104-15, 229- 
40, 293; WM i. 31-8, 41, 44, 
47, 48,^ 49, 53-6 ; M ii. 306-18; 
in provinces, E.S. ii. no, in, 


Queen's revels, children of, E.S. i. 

302, 320, 326, 374; ii. 48-5 1, 
56-61, 215, 250, 251; iii. 222, 

Queen's tumblers, E.S. ii. no; W.8. 

Quiney family, W.S. i. 14, 75; ii. 
100-6, 138, 143. 

Quiney, Thomas (son-in-law), W.S* 
i.88;ii.4, 7, 104,269. 

Quintain, E.S. i. 123. 

Quinton (Glos.), WIS. ii. 248. 

l Quintus Fabius', E.S. i. 23 1 ; ii. 63 ; 
iii. 44; iv. 89, 148. 

Quoins, W.B. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 


Radclif, Ralph, E.S. iv. 374. 

Raddiffe (b. Morison), Bridget, 
countess of Sussex, E.S. iii. 397. 

Raddiffe, Henry, 4th earl of Sussex, 
E.S. ii. 92 ; iii. 394, 468 ; his men, 

Raddiffe (b. Pound), Honora, coun- 
tess of Sussex, E.S. ii. 92 ; her men, 
E.S. ii. 94; iii. 468. 

Raddiffe, Robert, 5th earl of Sussex, 

E.S. i. 46, 146; ii. 92; iii. 212, 
213, 381; iv. 106; his men, E.S. 
ii. 94-6. 

Raddiffe, Sir S., E.S. iii. 262. 

Raddiffe, Thomas, 3rd earl of Sussex, 
lord chamberlain, .6". i. 40, 88, 
1 10, 141; ii. 92, 342; iv. 79, 96, 
98, 271, 276, 282, 284, 288; his 
men, .EJ?.ii. 92-3. 

Raddiffe. See Mildmay, Ramsay. 


Radford, tailor, E.S. ii. 184. 
Radstone, John, player, E.S. ii. 335; 

iv. 262. 
Rainolds, John, president of Corpus, 

Oxford, E.S. i. 129, 250, 252, 

253, 254; iii. 318; on plays, E.S. 

i. 250, 251; iv. 185, 213,^245. 
Rainsford, Anne, Lady, E.S. iii. 306. 
Rainsford, Henry, E.S. iv. 88. 
Rainsford family, W.S. i. 4, 89; ii. 


Rake of stage, E.S. i. 233; iv. 356. 
Raleigh (b. Throgmorton), Elizabeth, 

Lady, E.S. i. 45, 220. 
Raleigh, Walter (the younger), E.S. 

ii-. 323> 3 54- 

Raleigh, Sir Walter, captain of the 
guard, E.S. i. 4, 10, 42, 45, 47, 
220, 268, 324; ii. 196, 204, 342, 
456, 500; iii. 31, 267, 354, 363, 
419; MS.i. 336, 353, 479, 548, 
557> S^i, 570; ii. 195,221. 

Ralph Roister Doister, E.S. ii. 14, 
70, 74; iii. 27, 177; iv. 188, 381^ 

Ram Alley > E.S. i. 331; ii. 66; iii. 
2i5;iv. 16,392. 

Ramsay (b. Radcliffe), Elizabeth, 
Viscountess Haddington, E.S. i. 
173, 191; ii. 300; iii. 282, 381; 
iv. 123. 

Ramsay, John, Viscount Haddington, 
afterwards earl of Holderness, E.S. 
i. 173, 191, ii. 300; iii. 381; iv. 

Ramsbury (Wilts.), E.S. iii. 337; iv. 

Randall, John, master of West- 
minster, E.S. ii. 69. 

Randoll, Justice, E.S. iv. 277. 

Randolphe, Barnard, E.S. iv. 277. 

'Randulf Earl of Chester*, E.S. ii. 
1 80; iii. 43 7, 446. 

'Ranger's Comedy* , E.S. ii. 96, 114, 
140, 146; /Ztf.i. 54; ii. 317. 

Rankins, William, playwright, E.S. 
iii. 47 1 ; iv. 2 5 ; Lost Plays: Conquest 
of Spain by John of Gaunt, E.S. 
iii. 47 1 ; Hannibal and Scipio, E.S. 


iii. 471; Mulmittius Dunw allow ^ 
E.S. iii. 471 ; Scogan and Skelton, 
E.S. iii. 471 ; on plays, E.S. i. 260, 

Ranting of players, E.S. i. 384; ii. 

Rape of Lucrece, E.S. ii. 216, 232; 

iii. 107, 185, 343; iv. 126, 178, 

391; WS.ii. 192, 342. 
'Rape of the Second Helen\ E.S. ii. 

93;iv.96, 154. 
Raphael, E.S. iii. 9. 
Rappresentazioni, E.S. iii. 6. 
Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune. 

See Love and Fortune. 
Rastall, William, Chapel manager, 

.S.ii.45,335, 509. 
Rastell, John, E.S. ii. 30, 80. 
Rat- and mole-takers, office of, E.S. 


Ratcliffe, tilter, E.S. iii. 212. 
RatclifFe, Mary, kdy of the privy 

chamber, E.S. i. 45, 108; iv. 67. 
Ratcliffe, Thomas, E.S. iv. 64. 
Rathgeb, Jacob, WS. i. 427. 
'Ratseis Ghost', E.S. i. 340, 350. 
Ratsey, Gamaliel, E.S. i. 310, 340, 

35 353- 
Ravenscroft, Edward, W.S. I. 207, 

216, 224, 316; ii. 239, 254. 
Ravenscroft, Thomas, madrigalist, 

E.S. ii. 313. 
Rawlidge, Richard, E.S. i. 298; ii. 

359, 382, 383* 515- 
Rawlyns, John, player, E.S. ii. 335; 

iv. 262. 
Raworth, Robert, stationer, W.S, i. 

'Raymond Duke of Lyons 9 , E.S. ii. 

248; iv. 127, 181. 
'Re 7era\ E.S. iii. 476. 
Read, Sir William, E.S. iv. 116. 
Reade, Emanuel, player, E.S. ii. 237, 

239, 240, 251, 335; iii. 223, 

Reading (Berks.), E.S. i. u, 13, 20, 

116, 214; ii. 2; iv. 85, 86, 88, 

90,93, 107, 114, 128,151. 



Reading, William, player, E.S. ii. 83, 
335;iv. 262. 

Reason, Gilbert, player, E.S. i. 242, 
245, 355; 11.335; iv. 344. 

Receptions and Entertainments, E.S. 
iv. 60-74. 

Recesses on stage, E.S. iii. 42, 44, 5 1, 
70, 81, no. 

Recognisances by players, E.S. i. 
283, 300, 319; iv. 261, 269, 275, 

Recreation, E.S. i. 267, 309. 

Red Bull playhouse, history of, E.S. 
ii. 445-8; later history, E.S. ii. 
375 ; Prince's men at, W.8. i. 105 ; 
Queen's men at, E.S. i. 317, 358, 
364; Ii. 109, 230, 231, 238, 239, 
240, 367; iv. 296, 340, 344; cut- 
purses at, E.S. i. 264; fencing at, 
E.S. iv. 289; player at, E.S. iii. 
269; staging at, E.S. iii. 103, 106, 
109, 114, 117; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 387; iii. 297, 298, 299, 340; 
iv, 204, 369, 371; W.B. i. 305; 

ii- 233 347 
1 ''Red Knight\ E.S. ii. 93. 
Red Lion playhouse, E.S. ii. 357, 

Rederijker, E.S. iii. 102. 

Redford, John, master of Paul's and 

dramatist, E.S. ii. 13, 336; iii. 

28;iv. 29. 
Redman, William, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 167. 
Redundant final syllables. See 

Double endings. 
Reed, John, E.S. iii. 256. 
Reeve, Ralph, player, E.S. ii. 59, 

60, 61, 280, 282, 283, 336, 472. 
Refreshments in playhouse, E.S. i. 

361 ;ii. 365, 406, 548. 
Regensburg theatre, E.S. iii. 78. 
Rehearsals, E.S. i. 87, 223; ii. 16; 

iv. 149, 152, 157, 252, 286, 372. 
'Reich Mann undarme Lazarus', E.S. 

ii. 281, 286. 
Religious subjects in pkys, E.S. i. 

239-45* 255, 266, 323, 325; ii. 

265; iv. 185, 188, 196, 198, 222, 

369; WS.i.yS, 116. 
Remembrancia of City, E.S. i. 277, 

286; iv. 259. 

Remington, Sir Robert, E.S. iv. 114. 
Removable stages, E.S. ii. 414, 466, 

528, 545;iii._io8. 
Removal of bodies from stage, E.S. 

iii. 80, 88. 

Removes, E.S. i. 17, 20. 
Rencontre, E.S. iii. 13. 
Rendcombe (Glos.), E.S. iv. 107. 
Rengtiere (balconies), E.S. iv. 360. 
Renialmire, Ascanio de, E.S. iv. 320. 
Renzo, O.,E.S.iii. 280. 
Repertory theatres, E.S. ii. 148; 

output of, E.S. ii. 162, 1 66-8, 

169, 171, 177, 178, 180, 201, 

227. See Adult companies. 
Replingham, William, WS. ii. 141 


Reported pkys, W.S* i. 156-62, 
182, 281, 327, 341, 350, 391,401, 
41 5, 429, 465, 521 ; due to players, 
W.S. i. 158, 283, 342, 345, 391, 
416, 420, 430; to book-keeper, 
W.S. i. 283; to shorthand, WS. i. 
159, 161, 35>465> 5 2 i; purpose 
of, W.B. i. 158, 289, 327. See 
Assembling; Corruption; Quartos; 
Pky-texts; Transcribers; Trans- 

Reprints, WS.i. 133, 136, 175, 185. 
See Quartos; Pky-texts; Printing- 
house methods. 

Requests, masters of, E.S. 48, 69. 

Rester, player, E.S. ii. 177. 

Restoration testimony, E.S. iv. 369 

Restraint of pkys, E.S. i. 265, 267, 
269-307; ii. 132, 151, 155, 195, 
196, 213, 368, 412; iii. 184; iv. 
259-345; W.S. i. 29-31, 33, 41, 
43* 44* 47. 64, 562; ii. 305, 330; 
area of, E.S. i. 278, 282, 331; ii. 
94, 123. See Innovation; Lent; 
Plague ; Prayer-time ; Royal deaths ; 
Sedition; Sunday, 



Retainers, E.S. i. 271, 279, 310; ii. 
86; iv. 268, 293. 

Retz, Marshal de, E.S. i. 165. 

Reve, John, M.S. iv. 107* 

Revels accounts, E.S. i. 153, 154, 
156, 157, 158, 162, 166, 167, 
168, 207, 214., 223, 228, 229, 
231* 233, 234> 37i; 2. 3> 32, 
47, 63, 104, 262; iii. 30, 44, 91, 
178; W.S. L 206; ii. 330, 341, 

Revels, children of, E.S. i. 87; ii. 5 1 ; 
in provinces, E.S. ii. 53, 59-61, 

Revels in mask, E.S. i. 198 ; iii. 386. 

Revels Office, E.S. i. ii, 71-105, 
116, 181, 219, 223, 225; airings 
in, E.S. i. 78, 90, 94, 101, 213; 
allowances to officers of, E.S. i. 
76, 79, 90, 94, 101 ; arms and seal 
of, E.S. i. 104; commission for, 
E.S. i. 84, 89, 99; finance and 
accounts of, E.S. i. 71-105; iv. 
135-41, 142-83 (extracts); func- 
tions of, at court plays, E.S. i. 223, 
225; housing of, E.S. i. 74, 75, 81, 
516; inventories of, E.S. i. 73, 74; 
76, 89, 158; iv. 136; ledgers of, 
E.S. i. 74, 82. See Clerk; Clerk 
Comptroller; Groom; Master; 

Revenge for a Father. See Hoffman. 

Revenge for Honour, E.S. iii. 260. 

Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois, E.S. ii. 
523; iii. 252 ;iv. 392. 

Revenger's Tragedy, E.S. ii. 213; iii. 
II I ;iv. 42, 45, 390. 

Revett, Thomas, E.S. iv. 95. 

Revises, W.S. i. 173. See Printing- 
house methods. 

Revision of plays, E.S. i. 373, 384; 
ii. 130, 170, 172, 179; iii. 396, 
423, 431, 433, 44o; W- i- 2o8 > 
21 x -35, 3^0, 326. See notices of 
Shakespeare's plays. 
Revivals of plays, E.S. i. 373; ii. 43, 
21 1 ; iii. 104, 364; W.S. i. 211, 

235-42, 3^4, 362, 3 8 7> 397, 
435, 462, 467, 489, 498, 530; ii. 

Rewards for plays, E.S. i. 214, 217, 

"8,333, 335, 369; 2.78-9. 
Reynolds family, W.S. ii. 6, 137, 147, 


Reynolds, Edward, E.S. iii. 212. 
Reynolds, Henry, E.S. i. 210; iii. 

306, 384. 
Reynolds, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 

Rhenanus, Johannes, E.S. i. 344; 

iii, 498. 
Rhetoric in typography, W.S. i. 


Rhodes, G. A., W.S. ii. 384. 
Rhodes, John, player, W.S. i. 107, 

no; ii. 81. 
Rhyme, W.B. i. 256, 258, 267, 444, 

455, 46i; teble of, W.S. ii. 399. 

See Metre. 

Riario, Rafikelle, E.S. iii. 3, 8. 
Rice, Anthony, E.S. iv. 3 1. 
Rice, John, player, E.S. i. 134; ii. 

213, 216, 219, 247, 310, 317, 

321, 336; iii. 510; iv. 72; W.B. i. 

8i;ii. 76-8. 
Rich, Barnabe, W. i. 331, 407; ii. 


Rich, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 243, 245. 
Rich (b. Cope), Isabel, Lady, E.S. iii. 

Rich (b. Devereux), Penelope, Lady, 

E.S. i. 54, 220; iii. 278, 375, 492. 
Rich, Richard, W.S. i. 491 . 
Rich, Richard, ist Lord, E.S. ii. 91 ; 

iv. 79, 87; his men, E.S. i. 223; 

ii. 91-2. 
Rich, Robert, 2nd Lord, E.S. ii. 91 ; 

his men, E.S. ii. 92. 
Rich, Sir Robert, E.S. i. 220 ; iii. 3 8 2. 
Rich, Thomas, E.S. iv. 103. 
Richard, duke of Gloucester, E.S. ii. 


i Richard II. See Thomas of Wood- 

Richard //, discussed, E.S. iii. 484; 



W.S. i. 348-56; bibliography, W.S. 
i. 350; texts, WS. i. 34 8 ~9> 355 
reporting, W.S. 1.161,350; censor- 
ship, W.S. i. 65, 238, 240; date, 
W.S. i. 247, 351; revision theory, 
*W.S. i. 351-2; source plays, WS. 
i- 35 2 356; political parallels, 
WS. i. 353; Essex rebellion, E.S. 
i. 324-5; WS. i. 354; ii. 323-7; 
performances, WS. i. 355; ii. 321, 
348; at sea, W.S.i. 355; ii. 334; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 220, 325; ii. 
194, 204, 270; iii. 66, 124; iv. 
43, 246, 385; WS. i. 131, 185, 
199, 218; ii. 196. 

'Richard^ ir (1611), E.S. ii. 216; 
#?S.i.352;ii. 339. 

''Richard IIP (Rowley), E.S. iii. 472. 

Richard III (Shakespeare), discussed, 
E.S. iii. 481; W.S. i. 294-304; 
bibliography, WS. i. 296; texts, 
W.S.i. 162, 183,294-6,297,298; 
transcription, W.S.'i. 299; censor- 
ship, WS. i. 240; date, W.S. i. 247, 
303; stage-directions, abridge- 
ments, additions; WS. i. 300; 
revision theories, W.S. i. 218, 286, 
291, 298, 301-3; sources, W.S. 
i. 304; rival pkys, W.S. i. 304; 
performance, W.S. ii. 352; men- 
tioned, E.S. ii. 95, 130, 202, 448; 
iii. 106; iv. 44, 246, 385; W.S. i. 
61, 84, 131, 224, 259; ii. 196, 

Richard 111. See True "Tragedy. 

'Richard CrookbacK, E.S. ii. 179; 
iii. 374; W.S. 1 304. 

Richard Duke of York. See Contention 
of Tork and Lancaster. 

'Richard the Confessor* 9 E.S. ii. 95. 

'Richard Whittington\ E.S. ii. 189; 
iv. 388, 402. 

Richardot, Juan, E.S. i. 25. 

Richards, Nathaniel, W.S. i. 363. 

Richards, Thomas, playwright, E.S. 
iii. 471. 

Richardson, Lord Chief Justice, E.S. 
iii. 262. 

Richardson, Nicholas, W.S. ii. 227. 
Richardus Tertius, E.S. iii. 32, 43, 

316, 408; iv. 238,246, 378; W.S. 

i. 304. 

Richelieu, Cardinal, E.S. i. 228. 
Richmond (Surrey), E.S. i. 4, 9, 13, 

15, 115, 117, 170; iv. 77-116 

passim > 121, 129. 
Richmond, Frances, duchess of, W.S. 

ii. 347. 

Rich's men, E.S. ii. 91. 
Rick, G., player, E.S. iii. 227. 
Riddings (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 115. 
Rider, William, playwright, E.S. iii. 


Ridgmont (Beds.), E.S. iv. 86, 91. 
Riding charges, E.S. i. 63. 
Ringing of church bells, E.S. i. 1 8, 

20, 21, 148. 

Rings,^.^.ii. 355,449, 525. 
Rippon, Roger, E.S. i. 285. 
Rishton, Edmund, E.S. iv. 38. 
Ritwise, John, schoolmaster, E.S. ii. 


RivaZes, E.S. i. 129, 251; iii. 319. 
Rivers, E.S. iii. 51, 58, 90, 107. 
Roaring Girl, E.S. i. 371; ii. 190, 

4 r 3> 4395 & 296, 314; iv. 254, 

39 2 - 
Robert, Earl of Huntingdon. See 

Robin Hood. 
*Robert Laneham's Letter'. See 

Kenilworth Entertainment. 
'Robert //, or, The Scot's Tragedy', 

E.S. ii. 171; iii. 266, 303, 374. 
Roberts, Henry, stationer, E.S. iii. 

47i;iv. 70. 

Roberts, Henry, writer, E.S. iii. 471 . 
Roberts, James, stationer, E.S. ii. 

548; iii. 188, 189, 191; W.S. i. 

I3ii34 145- 

Roberts, John, carpenter, E.S. ii. 41 6. 
Roberts, John, player, W.S. ii. 272. 
Roberts, John, playwright, E.S. iii. 


Roberts, John, printer, E.S. ii. 204. 
Roberts, John, writer (1729), E.S. 

ii. 310, 321; iv. 61. 


Robes, master of, E.S. i. 52; mistress 

of, E.S. i. 44. 

'Robin', player, E.S. ii. 336. 
Robin Goodfellow. See Midsummer 

Night's Dream. 

''Robin Goodfellow', E.S. iii. 279. 
'Robin Goodfellow' (forgery), E.B. Hi. 

i, 2 Robin Hood, E.S. ii. 6, 166, 170; 

iii. 66, 74, 77, 80, 85, 196, 265, 

446, 447; iv. 387; W.B. i. 212, 

Robin Hood (May game), E.S. iv. 

'&/* #W and Little John', E.S. 

iii. 447; iv. 384, 402. 
'Robin Hood's Pennyworths', E.S. ii. 

178; iii. 336. 
Robins (Robinson), William, player, 

E.S. ii. 236, 237, 240, 336. 
Robinson, , playwright, E.S. iii. 

471 ; Doubtful Play: 'Felmelanco\ 

Robinson family, of Blackfriars, W.B. 

ii. 169. 
Robinson, Clement, E.S. iii. 350; 

#T.i. 363. 
Robinson, Humphrey, stationer, W.B. 

Robinson, James, Chapel manager, 

Robinson, John, E.S. iv. 320. 
Robinson, Nicholas, E.S. iii. 311. 
Robinson, Richard, pkyer, E.S. i. 

371; ii. 218, 219, 336; iii. 218, 

228, 372, 373, 5io;iv. 45, 371; 

1KB. i. 80; ii. 74-7. 
Robinson, Richard, translator, W.B. 

i- 373- 
Robinson, Thomas, pkyer, E.S. ii. 


Robinson, Winifred, W.B. ii. 65. 
Roche, David, 5th Lord Roche of 

Fennoy, E.S. ii. 92. 
Roche, Walter, W.S.i. 10. 
Rochester (tide). See Carr. 
Rochester (Kent), E.S. iv. 89, 98, 

99, 121, 128, 129. 


Rockingham (Northants.), E.S. iv. 

Rocks on stage, E.S. 1.232. 

Rocque, John, E.S. ii. 376. 

'Roderick', E.S. ii. 133. 

Roderick, Richard, W.B. i. 254, 

Roding Abbess (Essex), E.S. iv 84, 

Roe, Sir John, E.S. i, 39, 205; iii. 

Roe, Sir Thomas, E.S. i. 136. 

Rogers, Sir Edward, vice-chamber- 
lain, comptroller of household, 

Rogers, G., E.S. iii. 495. 

Rogers, Phillip, W.B. i. 84; ii. 113, 

Rogers, Richard, W.B. i. 537. 

Roi-boit, E.S. i. 246. 

Roigny, Jean de, E.S. iii. 15. 

Roll (Roe), John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 79, 


Rollinson, Francis, E.S. iv. 378. 

Roman Actor, W.B. i. 537. 

Rome, pkys at, E.S. iii. 3, 9. 

Romeo and Juliet, discussed, E.S. iii. 
483; W.S. i. 338-447; texts, W.S. 
i. 130, 140, 150, 156, 162, 170, 
198, 199, 226, 333, 338-40, 
341-5; censorship, W.S. i. 240; 
date, W.B. i. 247, 345; revision 
theory, WS. i. 218, 342-5; re- 
porting, W.S. i. 345; balkd, W.S. 
i. 346; sources, MS. i. ^\Romem 
and Juliet, W.S. i. 347; German 
version, W.B. i. 347; parody of, 
E.S. ii. 194; W.8. L 300; stage- 
directions, E.S. iii. 196; W.S. i. 
416; in forgeries, W.S. ii. 388, 
390, 391; staging of, E.S. iii. 51, 
58, 59, 66, 83, 94, 98, 99; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 189, 197; ii. 196, 
203, 283, 286, 326, 403; iii. 187, 
200; iv. 246, 385; W.B. i. 106, 
235, 442, 445, 564; ii. 195, 199, 

Romeo en Juliette, W.B. i. 347. 

Romeo et Juliette* W.B. i. 346. 



Romeus et Julietta, E.S. iv. 378; 

W.B. i. 347. 

Romford (Essex), E.S. iv. 84, 96. 
Romio und Julietta, W.B. i. 347. 
Romsey (Hants), E.S. iv. 122. 
Ronner, John, player, E.S. ii. 337; 

iv, 262. 

Ronsard, Pierre, E.S. i. 152, 176. 
Rookwood, Ambrose, of Stanning- 

field, E.S.i. 114. 
Rookwood, Edward, E.S. i. 114; 

iv. 95. 
Rookwood Hall (Essex), E.S. iv. 87, 


Room. See Hall. 

Rooms, E.S. ii. 437, 531, 534. 

Roper, Mrs., maid of honour, E.S. 
i. 54, 

Roscius, E.S. i. 376-7; ii. 297-8, 
329, 331; Hi. 223, 353;iv- 195, 
204, 228, 230, 236, 239. 

Rose, pkyer, E.S. ii. 187, 337. 

Rose pkyhouse, history of, E.S. ii. 
405-10; staging at, E.S. iii. 77; 
WIS. i. 293 ; seditious play at, E.S. 
ii. 132; iii. 454; warrant for 
reopening of, E.S. iv. 312; and 
Sunday pkys, E.S. i. 314, 315; 
Henslowe and, E.S. i. 360, 368, 
369; playing companies at, E.S. i. 

29 6 > 3i> 3S5> 359> 3*4; & 94* 
120, 138, 141, 225, 257, 359; 

W.B. i. 37, 435 ii. 37>3**> 3^, 

317; mentioned, E.S. i. 351; ii. 

125, 148, 151, 359; iii. 291; W.S. 

ii. 322, 328. 

Rossello, Pietro, E.S. iii. 4. 
Rosseter, Philip, musician, lessee, and 

manager, notice of, E.S. ii. 337; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 49, 200, 303, 

355; ii. 22, 23, 55, 60, 61, 245, 

248, 249, 287, 372, 472; iii. 240, 

262; iv. 181, 342. 
Rossi, Bartolomeo, W.B. i. 494. 
Rossill, pkyer, E.S. ii. 200, 337; 

#T<S.ii. 8 1. 

Rotheram, Sir John, E.S. iv. 120. 
Rotherfield (Hants), E.S. iv. 78. 

Rotherfield Greys (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 

90, 93. 

Rotherham, George, E.S. iv. 91. 
Round playhouses, E.S. ii. 355, 434, 

524; iv. 372. 
Rous, Sir Anthony, treasurer of 

chamber, E.S. L 59. 
Rovere, Francesco Maria delk, Duca 

d'Urbino, E.S. iii. 9. 
Rovere, G. Bonarelli delk, E.S. iii. 

Rovere, Guidobaldo delk, Duca 

d'Urbino, E.S. iii. 9. 
Rovida, Alessandro, E.S. i. 25. 
Rowe, John, E.S. iv. 36. 
Rowe, Nicholas, W.B. i. i2sqq., 

5 9 sqq., 84, 541; ii. 238, 264, 

286, 293. 
Rowington (Warwick), W.B. ii. no, 

111-13; Shakespeares of, W.&. ii. 

Rowknds, Samuel, E.S. ii. 334; iv. 
19; W.B.i. 328,411. 

Rowlett, Sir Ralph, E.S. iv. 84. 

Rowley, Samuel, pkyer and play- 
wright, E.S. ii. 337; iii. 472; 
Plays: Additions to Dr. Faustus, 
E.S. iii. 472; Noble Soldier, E.S. 
iii. 472; When You See Me You 
Know Me, E.S. iii. 472; W.S. i. 
498; Lost Pkys: A Match or No 
Match* E.S. iii. 472; Hardshifte 
for Husbands, E.S. iii. 472 ; Joshua, 
E.S. iii. 472; Judas* E.S. iii. 472; 
Richard III, E.S. iii. 472; Doubt- 
ful Plays, E.S. iii. 472 ; mentioned, 
E.S.H. 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 
161, 175, 176, 177, 186; iii. 288, 
423; iv. 17, 53; WS. i. 52, 210, 

Rowley, Thomas, player, E.S.ii. 177, 


Rowley, William, pkyer and play- 
wright, career and works, E.S. ii. 

3375 iii- 343> 473~55 Plays: A 
Match at Midnight, E.S. iii. 474; 
A New Wonder, A Woman Never 
Vexed, E.S. iii. 474; A Shoemaker 



a Gentleman, E.S. iii. 473; Birth 
of Merlin, E.S. iii. 474; Doubtful 
Plays, E.S. iii. 475; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 355 ;ii. 242, 244, 245, 259; 
iii. 286, 298,438, 510; iv. 23,49, 
176, 177, 179, 1 80, 183, 342; 
W.S. 1.367, 5 23, 537. 
Roxana, E.S. ii. 519; iii. 90, 208; 

iv. 378, 395; 

Roxana engraving, E.S. ii. 519. 
Roxborough (title). See Ker. 
Royal deaths, restraint for, E.S. i. 

2 75 3 2 34> 329> 3395 ii- 226 5 

iv. 335* 341. 

Royal household, E.S. L 27-70. 
Royal King and Loyal Subject, E.S. 

iii. 341; iv. 395; W.S. 1.213. 
'Royal Widow of England 9 , E.S. ii. 

Roydon, Matthew, E.S. iii. 475; iv. 

14, 236; 055. 1.337, 570. 
Royston (Cambs.), E.S. i. 13, 131; 

iv. 116, 129, 130, 378. 
Rubidge, Rowland, musician, E.S. i. 

202; iii. 385. 
Ruckholt (Essex), E.S. i. 1 1 1 ; iv. 1 1 1, 

Ruffiana (courtesan), E.S. iii. 32, 40, 

1 53; iv. 359- 
fyff> Cuff and Band, E.S. iv, 44, 373, 

393 45- 

Rufford (Notts.), E.S. iv. 126, 129. 

'Rufus /', E.S. iv, 385, 403. 

Ruggle, George, playwright, E.S. 
iii. 475; iv. 6, 375; Play: Igno- 
ramus, E.S. iii. 475 > Doubtful and 
Lost Plays: C/^ *>, .. iii. 476 ; 
Ferity, E.S. iii. 476; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 131. 

Rundall, Thomas, W.S. ii. 334, 393. 

Running at the ring, E.S. i. 146; iii. 
H3> 2 795 iv- 74 80, 121, 125, 

Running Stream Entertainment, E.S. 
iii. 443. 

Run-on lines. ^Overflows. 

Runs of plays, E.S. ii. 148. 

Rushes on stage, E.S. ii. 529; iv. 

366-8, 370. 

Ruskin, John, W.S. i. 234. 
Russell (b. Hussey), Bridget, countess 

of Bedford, formerly countess of 

Rutland, E.S. iv. 107. 
Russell, Edward, 3rd earl of Bedford, 

E.S.m. 212. 
Russell, Elizabeth, lady of privy 

chamber, ..1.45. 
Russell (b. Cooke), Elizabeth, Lady, 

formerly Lady Hoby, E.S. i. 169; 

ii. 479, 508; iv. 66, 85, 107, 113, 

Russell, Francis, 2nd earl of Bedford, 

E.S. i. no; iii. 478; iv. 86, 88, 

282, 296. 
Russell, John, gatherer, E.S. i. 356; 

ii- 1 87, 337, 442. 
Russell (b. Harington), Lucy, coun- 

tess of Bedford, E.S. i. 54, 171, 

200, 220; iii. 273, 278, 306, 354, 

375 3?8> 3 8 > 3 8 3> 3 8 9> 399- 
Russell, Thomas, W.S. ii. 172, 

Russell, William, ist Lord Russell of 

Thornhaugh, lord deputy of Ire- 

land, E.S.iv. 115. 
Russell. S/ Clifford; Dudley; Somer- 


Russia, emperor of, E.S. iii. 455. 
Ruthin (title). Set Grey. 
Rutland (title). ^Manners. 
Rutter, William, player, E.S. ii. 78, 


Ryan, Richard, W.S. ii. 300. 
Rychardes, Thomas, E.S. iv. 31. 
Rycote (Oxon.), E.S. L in, 125; 

iv. 66, 83, 85, 86, 92, 107, 127, 


Rycote Entertainment, E.S. iv. 66. 
Rye (Sussex), E.S. iv. 89; W.S. ii. 

Ryen Clifford, manor of, W.S. ii. 98, 



Saba inn, ..11,382. 
Sabbatarianism, E.S. i. 25 5, 2 56. 
Sachfeilde family, W.S. i. 571. 
Sachs, Hans, E.S. iii. 291. 
Sackford, Sir Henry, master of tents, 

keeper of privy purse, E.S. i. 63, 

74, 76, 80, 83,98; ii. 497. 
Sackford, Thomas, master of requests, 

E.S. i. 89; iv. 298. 
* Sackful of News', E.S. ii. 444; iv. 

Sackville (b. Clifford), Anne, countess 

of Dorset, afterwards of Pembroke 

and Montgomery, -".6". i. 200; iii. 

268, 273, 282, 380, 383, 399; 

iv. 67. 

Sackville, Anne, Lady, E.S. iii. 378. 
Sackville, Edward, 4th earl of Dorset, 

E.S. ii. 248; iii. 246, 248; iv. 


Sackville, Henry, E.S. iii. 398. 
Sackville, Richard, 3rd earl of Dorset, 

E.S. iii. 245, 246, 268, 394. 
Sackville, Sir Richard, under 

treasurer, E.S. i. 76, 161; iv. 81* 
Sackville, Robert, Lord Buckhurst, 

E.S. ii. 65, 516. 
Sackville, Thomas, Lord Buckhurst, 

ist earl of Dorset, lord treasurer, 

E.S. i. no, 161; ii. 261; iii. 318, 

398, 476; iv. 315, 335, 375; WiS. 

ii. 298,322. ** Norton, Thomas. 
Sackville, Thomas, E.S. iii. 398. 
Sackville, Thomas, pkyer, E.S. i. 

347; ii. 138, 274, 275, 276, 279, 

292, 337; WS. i. 39. 
Sackville, Sir William, E.S. iii. 398. 
Sackville. See Glemham. 
Sad Shepherd, E.S. iii. 374. 
Sadleir, Thomas, E.S. iv. 116. 
Sadler, Edmund, E.S. i. 210; iii. 

39 1 - 
Sadler, Hamlet, W.S. i. 1 8 ; ii. 3, 1 1 2, 

172, 178. 
Sadler, Sir Ralph, E.S. iv. 79, 95. 

Saffron Walden (Essex), E.S. i. 75; 

ii. 2; iv. 87; W.S. ii. 333. 
St. Albans (Herts.), E.S. i. 13; iv. 

81,84,93, 126, 348. 
S. Albanus Protomartyr. See 

Britanniae Prlmltiae. 
St. Barbe, Henry, E.S. iv. 130. 
St. Elizabeth's Day, E.S. i. 18. 
Saint-Gelais, Mellin de, E.S. i. 176; 

iii. 13. 

'S. George for England*, E.S. iii. 493. 
St. George's Day, E.S. i. 20; iii. 367, 

502; iv. 71. 

St. John, Sir John, E.S. iv. 107. 
St. John, Sir Oliver, E.S. iv. 128. 
St. John, Oliver, ist Lord St. John of 

Bletsoe, E.S. iv. 83, 85. 
St. John, Oliver, 3rd Lord St. John 

of Bletsoe, E.S. iv. 118, 120, 123, 

124, 126. 

St. John. See Howard. 
St. John (title). See Paulet. 
Saint-Maure, Benoit de, W.S. i. 


St. Osyth (Essex), E.S. iv. 79. 
St. Peter's watch, E.S. iv. 81. 
Salden (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 88, 117. 
Salel, Hugues, MS. i. 448. 
Salisbury (Wilts.), E.S. i, 122; iv. 

90, 117, 122, 123, 125, 128, 130. 
Salisbury, Sir Henry, W.S. ii. 234. 
Salisbury, Sir John, W.S. i. 73, 549. 
Salisbury (title). See Cecil. 
Salisbury Court playhouse, E.S. ii. 

373. 375> 517; iii- 438, 44> 45 6 5 
iv. 371. 

Salter, Roper, E.S. ii. 416. 
Salterne, George, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 476; iv. 379. 
Saltonstall, , alderman, E.S. iv. 


Salvian, .. i. 254. 
'Sam', pkyer, E.S. ii. 136, 150, 337; 

0r$.i.44, 52. 
Sampson, William, E.S. iii. 417. 



n* (i 567), E.S. ii. 380. 
'Samson' (1602), E.S. ii. 180, 367. 
'Samson* (c. 1607), E.S. iii. 120. 
Sanderson, Gregory, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

236, 240, 337; iii. 271. 
Sandgate (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Sands, James, pkyer, E.S. ii. 212, 

2i3 337? & 271 ; W.S. ii. 75- 8 5- 
Sandsbury, John, E.S. iii. 332. 
Sandt, Bernhardt, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

279 337- 

Sandwich (Kent), E.S. iv. 89, 98. 
Sandys, Edwin, E.S. iv. 107. 
Sandys (b. Manners), Elizabeth, 

Lady, E.S. iv. 85. 
Sandys, Miles, E.S. iv. 88, 93. 
Sandys, William, 3rd Lord, E.S. iv. 

85,90, 106. 

Sanford, Henry, E.S. iii. 279. 
Sannazaro, Jacopo, E.S. i. 1 54. 
Sanquhar (title). See Crichton. 
Sapho and Phao 9 E.S. i. 224; ii. 

17, 39; iii. 33, 178, 414; iv. 100, 

382; 0TS. 1.53. 
Sapientia Solomonis, E.S. ii. 72; iv. 

82, 378. 

Saracen's Head, Islington, E.S. ii. 


Sarmiento de Acuna, Diego, Conde 

de Gondomar, E.S. i. 25; iii. 230. 

'Sarpedon 9 , E.S. i. 23 1 ; ii. 93 ; iv. 97, 


Satire of the Three Estaitis, E.S. iv. 

Satire in pkys, E.S. i. 258, 261-3, 
268-9, 3 2 2-8; iv. 194, 238, 253, 
256, 368; of bishops, E.S. i. 294; 
citizens, E.S. i. 264; iv. 6, 239; 
courtiers, E.S. iii. 310; Eliza- 
beth, E.S. i. 323; earl of Essex, 
E.S. i. 324; French, E.S. i. 323; 
ii. 53; iii. 257, 426; Henri IV, 
E.S. ii. 53; James, E.S. i. 325-8; 
ii. 53, 268; iii. 255, 257; hu- 
mours, E.S. i. 263; kwyers, E.S. 
iii. 365, 475; magistrates, E.S. iv. 
254; persons of honour, E.S. i. 
321, 324, 327; ii. 343; iii. 455, 

496; iv. 332; Poles, E.S. iii. 455; 
professional pkyers, E.S. iv. 17; 
Puritans, E.S. i. 261, 262, 294, 
323; iii. 372, 476; iv. 229-33, 
245, 249; Scotch, E.S. i. 323, 
326; ii. 51; iii. 254, 286, 354, 
432; soldiers, E.S. iii. 365; 
sovereigns, E.S. i. 327-8, 493; iv. 
247, 254; Spanish, E.S. i. 323; 
Swedish, E.S. i. 324; usurers, E.S. 
iii. 286, 288; iv. 23 9; women, E.S. 
iii. 417. See 'Isle of Dogs* , Mar- 
prekte; Sedition. 

Satiromastix> notice ofi E.S. iii. 293 ; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 189, 381; ii. 
21, 207, 523; iii. 130, 134, 141, 
169, 253, 353, 364-6; iv. 21, 40, 

47> 3 8 7; 050- i- 7i H9 2I 3> 

411,422. See Poetomachia. 
Saturnalia. See Christmas Prince. 
Satyr. See Althorp Entertainment. 
Satyre, E.S. iv. 362. 
*Saunder', pkyer, W.S. i. 44, 8 1, 325. 
Saunder, Hugh. See Shakespeare. 
Saunders, Lady, E.S. ii. 474. 
Saunders, Sir Nichoks, E.S. ii. 474, 

Saunders, Sir Thomas, E.S. ii. 474, 

478, 486. 
Saunders, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 


Saunderson, Mr., E.S. iv. in. 
Sauss, Everhart, pkyer, E.S. ii. 337. 
Savage, Mr., E.S. iv. 89. 
Savage, Jerome, pkyer, E.S. ii. 98, 

337; iv. 150, 155. 
Savage, Thomas, E.S. ii. 417; W.$. 

Saverey, Abraham, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

241, 337- 

Savile, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 382. 
Savile, John, E.S. iii. 476. 
Saville, Sir George, E.S. iv. 126, 129. 
Sawbridgeworth (Herts.), E.S. iv. 


Sawnders, Ninian, vintner, E.S. ii. 

Saxo Grammaticus, WS. i. 424. 



Saxony, electors of, E.S. i. 342; ii. 
289; pkyers at court of, E.S. i. 
342; ii. 288-9. 

Scadbury (Kent), E.S. iii. 419; iv. 

Scala, Bartolomeo delk, W.S. i. 346. 

Scale (steps), E.S. iv. 358. 

Scaliger, E.S. i. 258. 

Scamozzi, Vincenzo, E.S. iii. ii. 

Scansion. See Metre. 

Scantlings, E.S. ii. 438. See Play- 

Scaramelli, Giovanni, Venetian 
secretary of embassy, E.S. i. 8, 
25, 68. 

Scarlet family, W.B. ii. 40. 

Scarlett, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 337. 

Scarlett, Richard, pkyer, E.S. ii. 337. 

Scena, E.S. ii. 539; iii. 3. 

Scena Comica, E.S. iv. 359. 

Scena Satyrica, E.S. iii. 34; iv. 362. 

Scena Tragica, E.S. iv. 361. 

Scenae trigemina corona, E.S. i. 25 1. 

Scenarie, E.S. ii. 264; iv. 404; W.S. 

Scene, E.S. iv. 353-65. 

Scenes, as background for stage, E.S. 
i. 233; Hi. 12, 129; iv. 366, 370, 
37i> 372; for masks, E.S. i. 155, 
170-84, 189; as divisions of pky, 
E.S.ui. 50, 125, 131, 199; W.B.I. 
118, 124, 155, 199, 429; new or 
altered, at revivals, W.S. i. 212- 
14, 285, 291, 321, 361; types of, 
E.S. iii. 50-68, 1 06; variety of, 
E.S. iii. 70. See Perspective. 

Scenic presentation. See Staging. 

Schadleutner, Sebastian, pkyer, E.S. 

* 2 9 2 337- 

Schairp, John, E.S. ii. 268. 
'Schalknalyse', #^.1.467. See Lear. 
Schifanoya, II, E.S. i. 158. 
Schonaeus, Cornelius, E.S. iv. 24. 
Schone Phenicia, W.S. i. 388. 
Schont Sidea, W.S. i. 493. 
Schoolboy pkys, E.S. i. 239, 378; 

ii. n, 69-76; iii. 211. 
School-curriculum, W.S. i. 10. 

Schwartzenberg, Count Adam von, 

E.S. ii. 291. 
'Scipio Africanu?) E.S. i. 23 1 ; ii. 1 5 ; 

iv. 97, 156, 
'Scogan andSketton', E.S. ii. 178; iii. 


Scoloker, Anthony, W.S. ii. 214. 
Scornful Lady, E.S. ii. 60; iii. 229; 

fr. 37i, 393- 

Scot, Reginald, W.S. i. 362. 
Scot, Thomas, E.S. i. 107. 
Scotland, pkyers in, E.S. i. 341 ; ii. 

78, 265-70. 

'Scots Tragedy*. See Robert IL 
Scott, Bartholomew, E.S. iv. 109, 

Scott, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 78, 


Scott, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. 89. 
Scott, Sir Walter, W.S. ii, 301. 
Scott, Willkm, E.S. iii. 399. 
Scourge of Simony. See Parnassus. 
Screven, Thomas, E.S. iii. 385. 
Scriveners* copies of pkys, E.S. iii. 

Scrolls, W.S. i. 124, -198, 370. See 

Parts; Play-books. 
Scrope, Emmanuel, iithLord, E.S. 

iii. 246, 394. 
Scrope, Henry, 9th Lord, warden of 

west marches, E.S. ii. 266. 
Scrope (b. Carey), Phikdelphia, Lady, 

E.S. iv. 67. 
Scrope. See Kingston. 
Scudamore, Sir John, gentleman 

usher of the chamber, E.S. iii. 2 1 2. 
Scudamore, Mary Lady, E.S. i. 108 ; 

iii. 401 ; iv. 67. 
Scyros, E.S. i. 131; iii. 238; iv. 127, 


Sea Feast. StzAphrodysial. 
Seale (Surrey), E.S. iv. 114. 
Searle, John, E.S. iv. 95. 
Seasons for plays, E.S. i. 213, 329. 
Seats on stage, E.S. ii. 530, 534-8; 

iii. 119; iv. 366-8. 
'Sebastian of Portugal'* E.S. ii. 178; 

iii. 266, 303. 



Sebeck, Henry, player, E.S. ii. 260, 


Secchi, Nicolo, WS. i. 407. 
Second Maiden's Tragedy, E.S. i. 

321; ii. 216, 319, 336; iii. 126, 

193, 224, 322; iv. 45, 396, 402, 

405; W.S. i. 92, 109, 113, 114, 

Secondaries of the Compter, plays 

licensed by, E.S. i. 275. 
Secretaries of State, E.S. i. 48, 56, 


Secretarii, E.S. i. 55, 56. 
Sedie (seats), E.S. iv. 355, 358. 
Sedilia, E.S. 11.530. 
Sedition in plays, E.S. i. 264, 266, 

271, 273, 275, 283, 295, 299, 

324, 327; iii. 453-5; m 323, 332. 

See Censorship ; Politics ; Restraints ; 

Satire; Theology. 
Sedley, William, E.S. iv. 98. 
Segar, Sir William, garter king of 

arms, E.S. i. 319; iii. 170, 357, 

402, 403, 435, 439 487; W.S. i. 


Segenhoe (Beds.), E.S. iv. 86, 91. 
Segna, Nicoletto, E.S. iii. 5. 
Sehais, Jean, player, E.S. ii. 293, 

33 8 - 
Sejanus> notice of, E.S. iii. 366; 

mentioned, E.S. i. 327; ii. 210; 

iii. 115, 122, 255,433, 491; iv. 

388; W.S. i. 70, 84, 210, 234; 

ii. 72, 79, 206, 233. 
Selden, John, E.S. i. 252; iii. 254, 

355, 476; on plays, E.S. iv. 


*SelfLwe\ E.S. ii. 83. 
SelimuS) E.S. ii. 114; iii. 65, 322; 

iv. 27, 46, 384; W.S. i. 53, 268. 
Self-repetitions, IKS. i. 222. See 


Sellers, William, E.S. ii. 417, 432. 
Selman, John, cut-purse, E.S. iii. 

Sempill, Robert, E.S. iii. 476; iv. 

4I '. 
Sempringham (Lines.), E.S. iv. 83. 

Senate houses, E.S. i. 231; iii. 44, 

58, 95- 

Seneca, E.S. i. 240; iii. 2; W.S. i. 

Senecan translations, E.S. iii. 477-9; 
Agamemnon (John Studley), E.S. 
iii. 477; Hercules Furens (Jasper 
Heywood), E.S. iii. 477; Hercules 
Oetaeus (John Studley), E.S. iii. 
478; Hippolytus (John Studley), 
E.S. iii. 478; Medea (John 
Studley), E.S. iii. 478; Qctavia 
(Thomas Nuce), E.S. iii. 478; 
Oedipus (Alexander Neville), E.S. 
iii. 477; Ten Tragedies^ E.S. iii. 
478; Thyestes (Jasper Heywood), 
E.S. iii. 477; Troas (Jasper Hey- 
wood), E.S. iii. 477. 

Senobia, W.S. ii. 308. 

Sentie, John, E.S. iv. 342. 

Serger, Richard, E.S. iii. 187. 

Serjeants, E.S. i. 34, 42; at Arms, 
E.S. i. 47. 

Serle, Francis, E.S. iv. 106. 

Serlio, Sebastiano, E.S. iii. 10, 12, 

17, 1535^.353-65. 

Servi, Constantine de 1 , E.S. L 173, 
1 80 ; iii. 246. 

Servitors in playhouses. See Atten- 
dants; Hired men. 

'Set at Maw\ E.S. ii. 143, 168; iii. 

'Set at Tennis' \ E.S. ii. 177, 180; iii. 
448 ;iv. 14. 

Seton (Haddington), E.S. iv. 116. 

Seton, Robert, ist earl of Wintoun, 
E.S.iv. 116. 

Setting of plays. See Staging. 

Seurre, Michel de, E.S. i. 24. 

*r f 2 Seven Days of the Week\ E.S. 
ii. 144. 

Seven Days of the Week. See Christ- 
mas Prince. 

Seven Deadly Sins (plot), discussed, 
E.S. iii. 496; W.S. i. 123; cast of, 
E.S.ii. 307, 311, 333, 340; iv. 33; 
W.S. i. 44, 50, 51, 52, 60, 8 1, 83, 
106, 288, 325, 513; date of, E.S. 



ii. 125 ; hand of, /KB. i. 109, 502; 
identification of, 2T.B. ii. 107; 
staging of, E.S. iii. 73, 86; men- 
tioned, E.S. ii. 122; iv. 406; /KB. 

i- 33* 153- 
'Seven Wise Masters', E.S. ii. 171; 

iii. 266,288, 303, 335. 
Sewers, commissioners of, E.S. ii. 


Sewers for chamber, E.S. i. 46. 
Seymour (b. Stanhope), Anne, 

duchess of Somerset, E.S. iv. 94. 
Seymour, Edward, earl of Hertford, 

E.S. i. 10, 123; ii. 116; iv. 66, 

106; /KB. i. 358-61; his men, 

.B.ii. 1 16; /KB. 1.44. 
Seymour (b. Howard), Frances, 

countess of Hertford, .B. i. 54; 

Seymour, Lord Henry, .8. ii. 

Seymour, Jane, queen consort, E.S. 

ii. 80; iv. 21. 

Seymour, William, W.B. i. 485. 
Sforza, Giangaleazzo, E.S. .152. 
Shadow, EJS. ii. 544. See Play- 
Shadwell, Thomas, E.S. iii. 314; 

/KB. 11.239, 253, 255. 
Shakeshaft, the name, /KB. ii. 27, 

Shakespeare, the name, origin of, 

/KB. ii. 373; range of, /KB. ii. 

354-7U spelling of, /KB. ii. 371. 
Shakespeare, formerly Hathaway, 

Anne (wife), JKS. i. 17, 21, 89, 

90, 561; ii. 8, 9, 41-52, 176. 
Shakespeare, Anne (sister), /KB. i. 

12; ii. 2. 
Shakespeare, Anthony, /KB. ii. 3, 13, 

Shakespeare, Edmund (brother), E.S. 

ii. 125, 338; iv. 55; /KB. i. 12, 

87;ii. 2, 18,370. 
Shakespeare, Edward (nephew), E.S. 

11.3385 JK8.L 87; ii. 18. 
Shakespeare, Gilbert (brother), /KB. 

i. 12, 87; ii. 2, 7, 109, 278, 289. 

Shakespeare, Hamnet (son), /KB. i. 

18,21,74, 366; ii. 3,4. 
Shakespeare, Henry (uncle), Wi. i. 

ii, 15511. 14, 15, 16,27. 
Shakespeare, alias Saander, Hugh, 

/KB. 2.375. 
Shakespeare, Joan i (sister) PKS. i. 

125 ii. i. 
Shakespeare, kter Hart, Joan ii 

(sister), #f6\ i. 12, 87, 89; ii. 2, 

4>i2> 34>i7L 
Shakespeare, John, bit-maker, W.B. 

I53O70* 3 8 7- 

Shakespeare, John, corvizer, W.S. i. 
12; ii. 3, 106. 

Shakespeare, John (father), occupa- 
tion of, W.B. i. 12; ii. 252, 259, 
264, 293; as bailiff of Stratford, 
W$* i. 13; ii. 24; poverty of, 
/KB. i. 14; ii. 264; recusancy of, 
/K$. i. 15; spiritual will of, /KB. 
ii. 292, 380; mentioned, /KB. i. 
11-16, 21, 74; ii. 4, 15, 16, 18- 

28, 32-3* 33-4i> i *7* 36** 373- 
Shakespeare, John, of Clifford Cham- 

bers, /KB. i. 12; ii. 16, 17. 
Shakespeare, kter Quiney, Judith 

(daughter), /KB. i. 18, 74, 87-91; 

ii- 3* 7* 13* 1^9-76, 179, 250. 
Shakespeare, Margaret (aunt), /KB. 

ii. 14. 
Shakespeare, Margaret (sister), /KB. 

i. I2;ii. i. 
Shakespeare, formerly Arden, Mary 

(mother), /KB. i. 12, 87, 479; 

Shakespeare, Richard (brother), /KB. 

i. 12, 87; ii. 2, 7. 
Shakespeare, Richard (grandfather), 

/KB. i. ir; ii. 13, 15, 26, 27, 


Shakespeare, Richard, of Wroxall and 
Haseley, /KB. i. n; ii. 28, 357, 

Shakespeare, kter Hall, Susanna 
(daughter), E.S. ii. 424; /KB. i. 
18, 74, 87-91; ii. 2, 12, 112-13, 



Shakespeare, Thomas. See Green. 

Shakespeare, William, mentioned, 
E.S.i. 124, 186, 324, 342;"- 193> 
203, 208, 210, 211, 218, 219, 
321, 340, 361, 474, 496, 510, 
541; iii. 182, 192, 197, 198, 353, 
359 3 6 7> 3 68 > 394> 4^> 49 x 
493> 53> 5 6 > 5 IO 5 1 3> iv - x >4> 
7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 1 8, 19, 23, 25, 26, 
27, 30,45,46,49, 127, 130, 171, 
172, 246, 371. 

LIFB. Records: ancestry, W.S. 
i. ir; ii. 2532; birth and christ- 
ening, W.B. i. 12; ii. i; armorial 
bearings, E.S. i. 350; W.S* i. 71, 
74; ii. 18-26; brothers, #T#. i. 
12, 87; sisters, W.S. i. 12, 87, 89; 
marriage, IKS. i. 17; ii. 41-52; 
children, W.B. i. 18, 21, 74, 87, 
88, 89; hiatus in early history, 
W.8. i. 22, 26; Warwickshire 
names in plays, W.B. i. 25, 271, 
328, 396, 425; ii. 248.^ 

Relations with playing com- 
panies: Chamberlain's, 'E.S. ii. 6, 

I95> r 97> I99> 27> fl^- i- 6 2 > 
ii. 71-87; King's, /KS. i. 76; 
ii. 71-87; Pembroke's, E.S. ii. 
129; Queen Elizabeth's, E.S. ii. 
107; Strange's, E.S. ii. 122, 126, 
199; Sussex's, E.S. ii. 95. 

As designer of impresa, E.S. i. 
148; W.B. i. 87; ii. 153; as enter- 
tainer of preacher, WS. i. 88; ii. 
1 53 > as groom of chamber, E.S. i. 
24; W.B. i. 76; ii. 78; as litigant, 
W.B. i. 84; ii. 35-41* 113-18, 
122-7, r 59-65 > M maltster, W.B. 
i. 75, ii. 99-101; as payee, E.S. 
ii. 194; iv. 164; as promoter of 
Highways Bill, W.B. i. 81; ii. 152; 
as tax-payer, W.S. i. 76; ii. 87-90; 
as theatre 'housekeeper', E.S. ii. 
214,417-25 ;#TL8i;ii. 66-71. 

Financial position, E.S. i. 349, 
370; W.B. i. 62, 74, 81, 84; ii. 
68-71; his residence in Bishops- 
gate, JK8. i. 76; ii. 87-90; in 

Clink on Bankside, W.B. i. 76; ii. 
87-90; in Cripplegate, W.B. i. 85; 
ii. 90-5 ; in Shoreditch, W.B. i. 8 5 ; 
ii. 252; acquisition of New Pkce, 
W.8 i. 75; ii. 95-9; of Old Strat- 
ford knd, W.B. i. 75; ii. 107-11, 
141, 148 ; of Chapel Lane cottage, 
W.B. i. 75; ii. 111-13; of tithes, 
W.B. i. 85, 88; ii. 118-27, 148; 
of house in Blackfriars, E.S. ii. 324; 
W.B. i. 87; ii. 154-69; interest in 
Henley Street property, W.8* i. 16, 
74, 89, 91; ii. 32-4; Welcombe 
enclosure, W.B. i. 88; ii. 141-52; 
Wilmcote property, W.S* i. 14, 2 1, 


Migration to Stratford, W.8. i. 
84, 86, 8 8 ; ii. 98 ; visits to London, 
W.B. i. 87 ; failure of memory, W.S. 
i. 87; ii. 94; his will, W.S. i. 89; 
ii. 169-80; devolution of estate, 
MB. ii. 179-80; illness and death, 
W.8. i. 89; monument, W. i. 90; 
ii. 182-5,226,231,235,243,259, 
269; gravestone, W.8. i. 90; ii. 
181, 250, 257, 259, 260, 261, 
269, 272, 290; signatures and 
handwriting, E.S. iv. 33, 34; W.S. 
i. 23, 89, 500, 504-8; ii. 92, 157, 
159, 171, 173, 174, 178. 

LIFE. Tradition and Conjec- 
ture: ancestry, WKS. ii. 252, 264, 
281, 293; arms, W.S. ii. 203; 
sisters, W.B. ii. 253; schooling, 
W.S. i. 17, 22; ii. 208, 211, 224, 
245, 254, 264, 271; residence 
in Gloucestershire, W.S. i. 25; 
marriage, W.8. ii. 265; children, 
W.S. i. 541; ii. 249, 269; arrival 
in London, W.S* i. 22, 59; ii. 253, 
265; theatrical beginnings, W.B. i. 
58-61 ; ii. 86, 253, 265, 284, 285, 
287, 296; travels, E.S. ii. 90, 130, 
199, 269, 272; W8. L 61; and 
Leicester's men, E.S. ii. 90; 
possible illness, W.S. i. 86, 274, 
483; visits to Stratford, W.S. ii. 
253, 269. 



Shakespeare, William, cont. 

Fabricated references, E.S. ii. 
108 ; iv. i ; W.S. ii. 377-93 ; tradi- 
tion of, IKS. ii. 238-41; appren- 
ticeship to butcher, W.S. i. 17; ii. 
252, 259; deer-stealing, W.S. i. 17, 
18; ii. 239, 257, 258, 265, 279, 
281, 287, 289, 293, 294, 296, 
297, 299, 301; drinking exploits, 
E.S. iii. 306; W.S. i. 21, 89; ii. 

239, 250, 287, 291; occupations, 
W.S. i. 23; actor, W.S. i. 83, 
404; ii. 70, 86, 214, 253, 262, 
265, 278, 289; call-boy, W.S. i. 
60; ii. 296; horsekeeper, W.S. i. 
60; ii. 284, 285, 287; school- 
master, W.S. i. 22; ii. 254. 

His appearance, W.S. i. 90; ii. 
253; religion, W.S. i. 86; ii. 257; 
character, W.S. i. 58, 90; ii. 189, 
210, 213, 252, 253, 266-7: his 
apperceptive mind, <WS. i. 24; 
desire to found family, W.S. i. 
90; knowledge of country life, 
WS. i. 24, 287; of courteous 
society, W.S. i. 24; of laws, W.S. \. 
23; literary ambitions, W.S. i. 61, 
72; mental perturbations, W1S. i. 
73, 85, 228, 274, 483, 560; politi- 
cal philosophy, WS. i. 66 ; lameness, 
WS.\. 560; ii. 289; temperament, 
WS. i. 24, 216, 219, 228; use of 
books, W.S. i. 22; epigrams, WS. 
ii. 138, 246; love affairs, W.S. i. 62, 
85; ii. 191, 212, 239, 254, 270, 
271, 277, 283 ; mulberries, WS. ii. 

240, 286, 296, 298; old clothes, 
W.S.n. 297; papers, W.S. ii. 178, 
240, 272, 273, 292,297,298, 299; 
portraits, W.S. i. 90; ii. 182-5, 
207, 240, 300; relics, W.S. ii. 240. 

ORARIES: Record, tradition, and 
conjecture: Beaumont's lines on, 
W.S. ii. 222; and Burbadge, 
E.S. ii. 308; Chapman, E.S. 
iii. 249, 260; WS. i. 69, 337, 
568; Chettle, W.S. i. 58; ii. 

189; Combe family, W.S. i. 75, 
88, 89; ii. 107-11, 127, 138-52, 
178, 243, 246, 251, 253, 268, 
2 73> 2 94> Davenant family, WS. 
i- 85, 571-6; ii. 239, 254, 
258, 266, 269, 271, 277, 281, 
282, 283, 285; Derby, earl of, 
E.S. iii. 495; Drayton, E.S. iii. 
306 ; WS. i. 89 ; ii. 2 50 ; Elizabeth, 
Queen, E.S. i. 6; W.S. i. 66,434; 
ii. 189, 209, 212, 263, 266, 300; 
Essex, earl of, .8. i. 325 ; W.S. i. 
66, 246, 355, 393 ; fellow players, 
WS. ii. 71-87; Fletcher, E.S. iii. 
217, 226; W.S. i. 87, 496, 528- 
32; Greene, E.S. ii. 199; iii. 326; 
iv. 12; W.S. i. 22, 58, 69, 217; 
ii. r 88; Greville, Fulke, .8. iii. 
331; W.S. i. 24, 567; ii. 250; 
James I, W.S. i. 76, 473 ;ii. 209, 
270, 281; Jonson, E.S. i. 380-2; 
ii. 207; iii. 365; iv. 40; W.S. i. 
69, 70, 71; ii. 202-11, 243, 246, 
247, 250, 267, 271, 278, 286; 
Kempe, E.S. ii. 3 26; Lodge, E.S. 
iii. 409; Lowin, E.S. ii. 329; Mar- 
lowe, W.S. 1. 69; Marston, E.S. iii. 
432 ; Mount joy, Christopher, W.S. 
i. 85, 87; ii. 90-5 ; Pembroke, earl 
of, W.S. i. 68, 76, 565-8; ii. 228; 
Quiney, Richard, W.S. i. 75; ii. 
1 01-6; Rowley, William, .8. 
iii. 474; Shakespeare, Anne (wife), 
W.S. i. 21, 89, 90, 561; Shake- 
speare, John (father), W.S. i. 16; 
ii. 247 ; Southampton, earl of, W.S. 
i. 61, 68, 246, 338, 361, 543, 546, 
565-8, 571; ii. 266; Stratford 
neighbours, W.S. i. 88, 89; ii. 268, 
279, 300; Taylor, Joseph, E.S. ii. 

bibiographical data, collections, 
and notices, E.S. iii. 47990; 
Lost and Doubtful Plays, E.S. 
iii. 489-90; W.S. i. 532-42; 
contemporary notices of, W.S. i. 
245; ii. 186-237; performances 



Shakespeare, William, cont. 

of, W.S. ii. 303-53; provincial 
records of, WS. ii. 303-4. 

Methods, W.S. i. 228, 231; 
abstinence from 'blots', E.S. iii. 
194; W.S. i. 232, 509; ii. 230; 
afterthoughts, WS. i. 232, 235, 
326, 333, 344,^ 360, 39 6 44; 
alleged method in historical plays, 
W.S. ii. 271; development of art, 
W.S. i. 25 1 ; dropped threads, W.S. 
i. 228, 230; inconsistencies, WS. 
i. 228, 309, 326, 330, 333, 334, 
403, 432, 445, 450, 456, 466, 
48 1 ; merging of lines, W.S. i. 1 83, 
477; nomenclature, W.S. i. 232, 
301, 307, 334, 361, 370, 412, 
450, 482 ; punctuation, W.S. i. 1 9 1, 
J 95> 35> 595 speech-prefixes, 
W.S. i. 204, 237, 307, 326, 370, 
510; stage-directions, W.S. i-. 201- 
3> 3 3 6 3 2 3> 49 1 (see separate 
entry and each play), topical ele- 
ment, W.S. i. 66, 246, 336, 358, 
393, 407; tradition of rapid work, 
WS. ii. 262-3 ; use of sources, W.S. 
i. 218, 325, 327, 352, 367, 401, 

Style, W.S. \. 221-5, 253-69, 
287, 291, 301-3, 308, 309, 

318, 335> 35L 395 399 4 2 5 
444, 451, 455, 461, 497, 517, 
531; 'battledore' dialogue, W.S. 
i. 303, 517; echoes, W.S. i. 222, 
287 ; experiments in archaism, W.S. 
i. 308; in lyricism, WS. i. 308, 
335; in metre, W.S. i. 268, 308; 
in style, W.S. i. 444; imagery, 
W.S. i. 224, 254, 287; metrical 
variations, W.S. 2 5 5-69; tables of, 
W.S. ii. 397-408; prose, use of, 
W.S. i. 256, 257; 'ringing the 
changes' on words, W.S. i. 302, 
516; transitions between prose and 
verse, W.S. i. 181, 306, 329,436, 
449. See each play; First Folio; 
Play-texts; Quartos. 

Problems, W.S. i. 93; alien 

elements in pkys, W.S. i. 234-42; 
canon of, /&. 1.205-42; classifica- 
tion of texts, W.S. i. 1 55-67; colla- 
boration in, W.S. i. 87, 211, 234, 
324,331,497,516,526,531; dates 
of, W.S. I. 246, 270 (see under each 
play); grouping of, W.S. i. 250; 
homogeneity of, W.S. i. 235, 244; 
'imitation', theory of, W.S. i. 223; 
order of, WS.\. 243-74; 'originals' 
as basis of texts, W.S. i. 96, 152, 
162, 1 66; revision theories, W.S. i. 
207, 215, 218, 223-34 (see under 
each play). 

THE POET: A Lover 4 V Complaint, 
MS. i. 73, 550; Lucrece, W.S. i. 

6 *, 5*7 545? " X 9 X 93 *94 
195, 197, 199, 20i,220;Pafft0#- 
ate Pilgrim, W.S. i. 73, 547; ii. 
218; Phoenix and Turtle, W.S. i. 
72, 549; Poems(i6o), W.S.\. 556; 
ii. 232, 237; Sonnets, WS. i. 68, 

69* ?3> 8 4> 9> 5i7> 555-76; ii- 
194, 221 ; Fenus and Adonis, W.S. 
i. 61, 543 ;ii. 190, 193, 194, 195, 
197, 199, 201, 2 1 6, 220; ascribed 
verses, W.S. i. 88, 550-5; ii. 138- 
41, 206, 246, 247, 251, 253, 268, 
273, 279, 294. 

Shakespearean adaptations, seven- 
teenth century, W.S.\\. 254, 263. 

Shakespeares, of Alcester, W.S. ii. 
367; Baddesley Clinton, W.S. ii. 
26, 356; Balsall, W.S. ii. 354; 
Barston, ii. 367; Berkswell, W.S. 
ii. 367; Bishop's Tachbrook, W.S. 
ii. 366; Budbrooke, W.S. ii. 13; 
Cambridgeshire, W.S. ii. 367; 
Cheshire, W.S. ii. 355; Clifford 
Chambers, W.S. ii. 16; Coventry, 
W.S. ii. 355, 367; Cumberland, 
W.S. ii. 355; Derbyshire, W.S. ii. 
368; Essex, W.S. ii. 354, 372; 
Gloucestershire, W.S. ii. 16, 24, 
354, 368; Hampton Corley, W.S. 
ii. 3,13; Hampton-in-Arden, W.S. 
ii. 367; Hampton Lucy, W.S. ii. 
16; Haseley, W.S. ii. 364; Hatton, 



W.B. ii. 365; Ireland, W.B. ii. 355, 
369; Kent, W.S. ii. 354; Knowle, 
W.S. ii. 366; Lapworth, W.S. ii. 
366; Leicestershire, W.S. ii. 368; 
London, WS.'ii. 18, 369; Notting- 
hamshire, W.S. ii. 355, 368; 
Packworth, W.&. ii. 366; Rowing- 
ton, W.S. ii. 28, 359; Snitterfield, 
W.S. ii. 14, 26; Staffordshire, W.S. 
ii, 354; Stratford-on-Avon, W.S. 
ii. i; Surrey, W.S. ii. 354; Tan- 
worth, W.S.u. 366; Warwick, #T. 
ii. 365 ;WroxhaU, ^5.11.28,356; 
Yorkshire, W.S. ii. 355, 369. 

Shakestaff, the name, W.S. ii. 372. 

Shakshafte, William, pkyer (?), E.S. 
i. 280; ii. 338. 

Shanbrooke, John, player, E.S. ii. 

Shank, John, player, E.S. i. 371; ii. 
510; iv. 371; W.S. i. 80, 83; ii. 
75-84, 348. 

Shardeloes (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 81. 

Sharers, E.S. i. 352-8, 369, 380, 
382; ii. 214, 219; iv. 369; W.S. i. 
78; ii. 68-71, 77-80. See Playing 

Sharers, Papers of, 1635, E.S. i. 3 57 ; 
ii. 59, 384,417,425,426, 508-10. 

Sharp, Thomas, W.S. ii. 298. 

Sharpe, Richard, player, E.S. iii. 510; 
W.S. ii. 76-9. 

Sharpham, Edward, playwright, 
career and works, E.S. iii. 490; 
Pkys: Cupid's Whirligig, E.S. iii. 
491; The Heir, E.S. iii. 490; 
mentioned, E.S. ii. 66; 0?3. 1.468. 

Shaw (Berks.), E.S. iv. 107, 117. 

Shaw (Shaa), Robert, pkyer, E.S. i. 
352; ii. 130, 151, 152, 153, 154, 
156, I57> 161, I75> i?6, 181, 
200, 339; iii. 353, 454, 517; iv. 
165, 166, 323. 

Shealden, pkyer, E.S. ii. 339. 

'She Saint\ E.S. ii. 253; iii. 272. 

Sheen (Surrey), E,S. i. 9, 13; iv. 105. 

Sheffield (Yorks.),.tf.ii. 301. 

Sheffield, Edmund, 3rd Lord, E.S. 

ii. 299. 
Sheffield, John, duke of Buckingham, 

W.B. ii. 270, 280. 
Sheffield, Lady, E.S. iv. 99. 
Shield-boys, E.S. i. 189. 
Sheldon family, W.S. ii. in, 131, 

Shelley Hall (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 79. 

Shelton, Thomas, transktor, E.S. iii. 

221, 313; #f. 1.539. 
Shelton. See Walsingham. 
Shenley (Herts.), E.S. iv. 83. 
Shenton, William, court fool, E.S. i. 

Shephard, Paul's door-keeper, E.S. 

ii- 339- 

Shepherd, Jane, MS. i. 573. 
Shepherds, king and queen of, E.S. 

iv. 66. 
'Shepherd's Song 9 (show), E.S. iii. 

Sheppard, Samuel, E.S. iii. 368, 491 ; 

iv. 19; WiS. i. 210; ii. 206. 
Sheppard, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

Sherborne (Glos.), E.S. iv. 90, 92, 

Sherborne St. John (Hants), E.S. iv. 

85, 106. 

Sherington, Sir Henry, E.S. iv. 90. 
Sherley (Shirley) family, E.S. iii. 286. 
Sherwood forest, E.S. i. 122. 
Shiels, Robert, W.S. ii. 285. 
Ship, movable, E.S. iii. 18. 
Ship-board scenes, E.S. iii. 1 16. 
Shirley, James, E.S. iii. 218, 233, 

250, 259, 441; WS. i. 101, 213, 


Shirley, Sir Robert, W.S* i. 406. 
Shoemaker a Gentleman, E.S. iii. 473 ; 

iv. 395. 
Shoemaker's Holiday, E.S. ii. 159, 

171; iii. 59, 60, 291, 302; iv. 112, 

3 8 ?-. 
Shoes, in pky, E.S. ii. 326, 365; iii. 

Shops on stage, E.S. iii. 59, no. 



Shore. See Edward 17. 

'Shore's Wife\ E.S. ii. 228. 

'Short and Sweet\ E.S. iii. 323, 516; 

iv. 206. 
Short lines, W.S. i. 229, 258, 460; 

11.400,404. Bee Metre. 
Short, Peter, stationer, W.&. i. 140, 

Shorthand, pkys reported by, E.S. 

iii. 185, 343-4; # i- H7 i59~ 

Shottery (Warwick), WS. ii. 47-51, 

101, 132, 147,240. 
Shrewley (Warwick), W.B. ii. 365. 
Shrewsbury (title). See Talbot. 
Shrewsbury (Salop), E.S.i. 120; ii. i, 

81; iii. no; W.&. ii. 315, 328, 

340, 344- 
Shrovetide, E.S. i. 20, 75, 78, 156, 

157, 1 66, 213, 222; ii. 34; iv. 237. 
Shrove-Tuesday riots, E.S. i. 265 ; ii. 

Sibthorpe, Edward, Whitefriars 

lessee, E.S. ii. 65, 66, 339. 
Sicelides, E.S. i. 131; iii. 315; iv. 

373 394, 405- 
Side of stage, E.S. iii. 74. 
Sidney, Frances, Lady, W.S. i. 358. 
Sidney, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 337; iv. 

Sidney, Sir Philip, as playwright, E.S. 

iii. 491; Lady of the May, E.S. i. 

124; iii. 491; Pastoral Dialogue, 

E.S. iii. 492; as tilter, E.S. i. 144; 

iv. 64; and Gosson, E.S. iii. 323; 

iv. 203, 206; on pkys, E.S. i. 257, 

259; iv. 226; mentioned, E.S. i. 

129; ii. 90, 343; iii. 211, 240, 

3i6 3i7> 3i8, 330, 337; JKS.i. 

311, 407, 470, 490, 527, 530; ii. 

194 sqq., 215, 220, 221, 250, 385. 
Sidney, Sir Robert, Viscount Lisle, 

afterwards earl of Leicester, E.S. i. 

53,64, 121, 322;ii.237;iv. 113; 

W.S. ii. 22. 

Sidney, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 402. 
Sidney. See Herbert; Manners; 


Sidonia und Theagenes, E.S. ii. 285. 
'Siege of Dunkirk and Alleyn the 

Pirate\ E.S. ii. 1 8 1 ; iii. 43 5. 
'Siege of Edinburgh Castle\ E.S. iii. 

Siege of London, E.S. ii. 146, 168; iv. 


Siege scenes, E.S. iii. 38, 54, 91, 96. 
Siege of Rhodes > E.S. iv. 372. 
Signatures, W.B.'i. 172. ^Printing- 
house methods. 

Signet, clerks of, E.S. i. 48, 57. 
Signet licences for pkyers, E.S. i. 306, 

338;ii. 260. 
Signs of theatres, E.S. ii. 362, 400, 


Sikestaff, the name, W.8. ii. 372. 
Silchester (Hants), E.S. iv. 114. 
Silent Woman. See Epicoene. 
Silva, Diego de, Spanish ambassador, 

E.S. i. 9, 24, 128, 161, 162, 203, 

225; iii. 310. 
Sifoanus, E.S. iv. 378. 
Silver Age y E.S. ii. 216, 232, 286; 

iii. 109, 114, 344; iv. 126, 178, 

392; W.S. i. 92, 112, 360; ii. 342. 
'Silver Mine', E.S. ii. 53. 
Silver mine, satire of, in play, E.S. ii. 


Silvester, Joshua, W.B. ii. 221, 227. 
Simier, M. de, E.S. i. 166; iv. 96. 
Simmes, Valentine, stationer, WS. i. 

Simpson, Christopher, unlicensed 

pkyer, E.S. ii. 339. 
Simpson, Cuthbert, unlicensed pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 339. 
Simpson, John, unlicensed pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 339. 
Simpson, Richard, unlicensed pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 339. 
Simpson, Robert, unlicensed pkyer, 

E.S. ii. 339. 
Sincler (Sincklo), John, pkyer, E.S. 

ii. 125, 199, 210, 339; iii. 431; 

W.8. i. 44. 48, 50, 288, 323, 380; 

ii, 81. 
Singer, John, pkyer and pkywright, 



E.S. iii. 492 ; 'Singer's Fallentaref> 
E.S. iii. 492; mentioned, E.S. i. 
45, 312; ii. 105, 106, 107, 115, 

T 77> 339? iv - 16 5> 2 5 2 2 9 6 *> ^- 

i. 106. 
* Singer's Voluntary 3 , -.5. ii. 1 77, 1 80 ; 

Singleton, Hugh, printer, E.S. iv. 

2 9 X - 
Singleton, James, j.6\ iii. 262. 

Sinking curtain, E.S. iii. 9, 30. 

Sion (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 92, 100, 
102, 108, 116. 

Sir Clyomon and Sir Clamydes, E.S. ii. 
114, 286; iii. 39, 236, 470; iv. 
6,386; 050.1.53,407. 

Sir Giles Goosecap, E.S. iii. 146, 251, 

'SirJohnMaudeville',E.S.\i. 122-3; 
iv. 12; W.S* ii. 307, 308 sqq. 

Sir John Oldcastle, E.S. i. 373; ii. 
6, 171, 218; iii. 67, 68, 94, 99, 
304, 306, 333, 447, 448, 517; 
W.8. 1. 134, 143, 206, 381, 533; 
ii. 322. 

Sir John van Olden Barnavelt> E.S. 
1.321, 327;ii. 317,319,336;^. 
i. 92, 109 sqq., 115, 118, 125; 
ii. 8 1. 

Sir Thomas More, discussed, E.S. iv. 
32-4; W.S. i. 499-515; biblio- 
graphy, W.S. i. 499-500; the 
MS., W1S. i, 109 sqq., 182, 501- 
2; censorship, E.S. i. 321; iii. 
193, 194; JKS.i. 115, 503, 511; 
the hands, PKS. i. 503-4; Hand 
D, W.S. i. 178, 507-9; Shake- 
speare's signatures, W. i. 504-7; 
'continuous copy', W.&\* 1 5 2, 227 ; 
abnormal spellings, W.8. i. 163, 
187; book-keeper and, W.S. i. 1 1 8, 
124; Chapman and, W.S. i. 69; 
political philosophy, W.B. i. 66; 
date and production, W.S. i. 510 
sqq.; staging of, E.S. iii. 57, 64, 
67, 68, 87; Addition III as Shake- 
speare's, W8. i. 514; mentioned, 

E.S. ii. 81, 319; iii. 196, 437, 

446, 448; iv. 21, 405; W.S. i. 

92, 204, 214. 

Sir Thomas Wyatt> E.S. iii. 293. 
'Sir William Longsword\ E.S. i. 320; 

ii. 170. 

Sissinghurst (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Siston (Glos.), E.S. iv. 128. 
Sittingbourne (Kent), E.S. iv. 98. 
*r, 2 Six Clothiers', E.S. ii. 178-9; 

i"- 333> 336, 494- 
'Six Fools', E.S. iv. 84, 144. 
'Six Yeomen of the West\ E.S. ii. 

162, 178; iii. 288, 336. 
Size of companies, E.S. i. 3 54. 
Skelton, John, E.S. iii. 28. 
Skevington, Richard, E.S. iv. 322. 
Skinner, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 82, 


Skipwith, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 64. 

Skipwith, Sir William, E.S. iii. 222 ; 
iv. 117. 

Skter (Slaughter), Martin, player, 
career of, E.S. ii. 340; mentioned, 
^i- 35 1 * 355 3795 " 6 4> 65, 
67, 69, 117, 149, 150, 156, 157, 
167, 170, 235, 236, 240, 269, 
270, 516; iv. 165, 167,343. 

Slaughter, William, 'ghost-name*, 
E.S. ii. 108, 340. 

Slawata, Gulielmus, E.S. iv. 352. 

Slee (Slye), John, player, E.S. ii. 79, 

Slurred syllables, W1S. i. 262. See 

Sly, Robert, E.S. ii. 213. 

Sly, Stephen, WiS. i. 25, 328 ; ii. 144. 

Sly, William, player, career of, E.S. 
ii. 340; mentioned, E.S. ii. 125, 

126, 197, 208, 210, 211, 213, 

214, 218, 219, 418, 510; iii. 253, 

359*3^1, 367* 3^8,431^493;^. 

8, 252; WS. i. 44, 48, 79, 536; 

ii. 55-78. 

SmaUbridge (Suffolk), E.S. iv. 79. 
Smallpiece, Thomas, E.S. ii. 497, 
Smarden (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Smart, William, W.S. i. 10. 


Smethwick, John, stationer, W.S. \. 

132* I33> 138- 
Smith, Antony, player, E.S. ii. 245, 


Smith, John, litigant, E.S. ii. 239. 
Smith, John, of Christ's, E.S. i. 250. 
Smith, John, player (interluders), 

E.S. ii. 82, 341. 
Smith, John, player (revels), E.S. 

ii. 59, 341 ; Hi. 370. 
Smith, Sir Thomas, clerk of privy 

council, master of requests, E.S. 

Smith, Sir Thomas, secretary, E.S. 

iii. 160; iv. 82. 
Smith, Sir Thomas, writer, W.S. ii. 

Smith, Wentworth, E.S. ii. 404, 

448; iii. 334, 493; iv. 8; W.S. i. 

Smith, W., playwright, E.S. iii. 493 ; 

Pky: Hector of Germany, E.S. iii. 

493; Lost Pkys: Albere Galles, 

E.S. iii. 494; i, 2 Black Dog of 

Newgate, E.S. iii. 494; i Cardinal 

Wolsey, E.S. iii. 494; Conquest of 

West Indies, E.S. iii. 493; Italian 

Tragedy > E.S. iii. 494; i Lady Jane, 

E.S. iii. 494 ; Love Parts Friendship, 

E.S. iii. 494; Marshal Osric, E.S. 

iii. 494; Merry as May Be, E.S. iii. 

494; i, 2 Six Clothiers, E.S. iii. 

494; Three (or Two) Brothers, E.S. 

iii. 494; Too Good to be True, E.S. 

iii. 494; Unfortunate General, E.S. 

iii. 494; mentioned, E.S. ii. 161. 
Smith, William, of Waltham Cross, 

E.S. ii. 399. 
Smith, William, poet, E.S. iii. 493 ; 

0ftf. 1.555. 
Smoking in playhouse, E.S. ii. 548; 

iv. 367. 
1 Smyght, William, player, E.S. ii. 1 1 5, 


Smyth, Matthew, E.S. iv. 55. 
Smythe, John, E.S. iii. 409. 
Smythe, Thomas, E.S. iv. 92. 
Smythe, William, E.S. i. 1 36. 

Snitterfield (Warwick), W.B.i. 5, n, 

12, 14; ii. 5, 14, 26-8, 31, 39-41; 

Shakespeares of, W.B. ii. 14. 
Snodham, Thomas, E.S. iv. 353. 
Snowden, George, stationer, W.B. i. 

Snowden, Lionel, stationer, WB. i. 


Soberton (Hants), E.S. iv. 85. 
Social criticism in pkys, W.B. i. 102, 

1 1 6, 238, 336, 467. See Censor- 

Sodden, Elizabeth, E.S. ii. 138. 
Sokce of queen, E.S. i. 267, 292; 

ii. 35. 
'SoUatr and the Duke of ', E.S. ii. 

ii8;iv-97, 157. 
Soldino, E.S. ii. 263. 
Soliman and Perseda, E.S. iii. 54, 57, 

75, 76, 92; iv. 28, 46, 383; W.B. 

i. 53> 3^6. 
'Solitary Knight, E.S. ii. 134; iv. 

'Solomon and Queen ofShebd (mask), 

E.S. i. 172; iv. 121. 
Solymannidae, E.S. iv. 378. 
Somborne (Hants), E.S. iv. 90. 
Somers, Sir George, W.B. i. 491. 
Somerset (b. Russell), Anne, Lady 

Herbert, E.S. i. 6, 169, 220; iii. 

375; iv. 29, 117; WB. 1.358. 
Somerset, Bknch, Lady, E.S. iii. 


Somerset, Edward, Lord Herbert of 
Chepstow, 4th earl of Worcester, 
master of the horse, lord privy seal, 
E.S. i. 34, 200, 209; ii. 220; iv. 
87 2 5> 335> 336; his men, E.S. 
ii. 225-9. 

Somerset (b. Hastings), Elizabeth, 
countess of Worcester, E.S. i. 54; 
iv. 67, 87. 

Somerset, George, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

I76>i77> 34-1- 

Somerset, Henry, Lord Herbert of 
Chepstow, afterwards 5th earl and 
ist marquis of Worcester, E.S. i. 
169; iv. 113; W.B. i. 358. 


Somerset, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 280, 

378, 393- 

Somerset, William, 3rd earl of 
Worcester, E.S. ii. 220; his men, 


Somerset. See Guildford; Petre; 

Windsor; Winter. 

Somerset (title). See Carr; Seymour. 
Somersham (Hunts.), E.S. iv. 118. 
Somerville, Sir WilHam, W.S. ii. 300. 
Somnium Fundatoris. See Christmas 

Songs, W.S. i. 235, 402, 405, 455, 

460, 462, 472. 

Sophia, Princess, E.S, iv. 121. 
Sophocles, E.S. i. 240. 
Sophoms&a, E.S. ii. 5 1 ; iii. 131, 132, 

148, 433 ;iv. 389; #T$.i.475. 
Sophonisbe, E.S. iii. 13. 
Sotherton, John, baron of exchequer, 

E.S. i. 92; ii. 371. 
Soundings in playhouse, E.S. ii. 

542; iii. 72; iv. 368. 
Sources, W.S. i. 218; as evidence of 

date, W.S. i. 245. See Play-texts; 

Shakespeare, William. 
Southampton (Hants), E.S. i. 120, 

122, 332, 336, 387; ii. i; iv. 78, 

85, 1 06, 117; W.S.n. 314, 318. 
Southampton (title). ^^Wriothesley. 
Southcot, Justice, E.S. iv. 277. 
Sou they, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 82, 


Southfleet (Kent), E.S. iv. 98. 
Southwell (Notts.), E.S. iv. 1 16. 
Southwell, Edward, W.S. ii. 259. 
Southwell (b. Howard), Elizabeth, 

Lady, E.S. i. 45, 54; iv. 67, 99. 
Southwell, Robert, W.S. i. 336, 406, 

474, 566; ii. 193. 
Southwell, Sir Robert, E.S. iv. 95, 


Southwick (Hants), E.S. iv. 78, 106. 
Southyn, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 341 ; 

iv. 261. 
Sovereign, pkys licensed by, E.S. i. 

Spain, pkyers in, E.S. ii. 292. 

Spaniard's Night-Walk. See Blurt 
Master Constable. 

'Spanish Comedy 3 , E.S. ii. 122; W.S. 
ii. 307. 

''Spanish Fig', E.S. ii. 179, 381; iii. 
300, 303. 

Spanish kndings in Cornwall, E.S. 
iv. 251. 

' 'Spanish Maze', E.S. ii. 21 1 ; iv. 119, 
137, 172; WS.\i. 332. 

1 Spanish Moor's Tragedy*, E.S. ii. 1 7 3 ; 
iii. 288, 303, 335,427. 

Spanish Tragedy, discussed, E.S. iii. 
395 396; staging of, E.S. iii. 41, 
59, 89, 92, 93; mask in, E.S. i. 
1 86; authorship of, W.S. i. 55, 
206; Burbadge in, W.S. i. 83; 
quoted by Nashe, W.S. i. 311; and 
Hamlet, W.S. i. 421, 424; men- 
tioned, E.S. ii. 122, 123, 126, 
170, 180, 279, 286; iii. 169, 186; 
iv. 23, 46, 253, 383; W.S. i. 53, 
106, 148, 268, 316, 412, 537; 
ii. 206. 

Spark, Thomas, on plays, E.S. iv. 
184, 208. 

Sparo, Mother, E.S. i. 87. 

Spear-shaking, W.S. i. 84, 443. See 
Shakespeare, William (as actor). 

Spectacle, interpoktion of, E.S. i. 
185; WS. i. 231, 235, 302, 404, 
472, 486, 493. See Dumb shows. 

Spectacuk at Geneva, E.S. i. 245. 

Spectators, role of, in mask, E.S. i. 

150* 153. i55> 197. 

Speculum Aestheticum, E.S. iii. 498. 

Speech-endings in mid-line, W.S. i. 
230, 265, 399; table of, W.S. ii. 

Speech-prefixes, W.S. i. 113, 118, 
184, 203, 232, 237, 307, 315, 
326, 370, 385, 510. See Shake- 
speare, William. 

Speech-rules, W.S. i. 113, 123, 204. 

Speed, John, #T. $1.217. 

Spellings. See Abnormal spellings. 

Spence, Joseph, W.S. ii. 271. 

Spencer, Gabriel, pkyer, career of, 


E.S. ii. 158; iii. 341; mentioned, 

E.S. ii. 131, 151, 153, 156, 157, 

167, 197, 200, 400; iii. 454; iv. 

252, 323; W.S. i. 50, 288, 324; 

ii. 80. See Jonson, Ben. 
Spencer, John (Hans Stockfisch), 

player, E.S. i. 342, 346; ii. 288, 

290, 291, 341; iii. 78, 345 353> 

Spencer, John, of Althorp, E.S. iii. 

Spencer, John, of Buckden, W.S. ii. 

348-52, 386. 

Spencer, Sir John, E.S. iii. 500. 
Spencer, Richard, master of West- 
minster, E.S. ii. 69. 
Spencer, Robert, ist Lord, E.S. ii. 

283; iii. 391; iv. 117. 
Spencer, Sir William, E.S. iv. 107. 
Spencer. See Stanley. 
'Spencers', E.S. ii. 163, 169; iii. 265, 

425, 467. 

Spense, 'Master', E.S. iv. 373, 374. 
Spenser, Edmund, lost comedies, E.S. 

iii. 494; supposed reference to 

Shakespeare, WS. i. 22; ii. 186; 

267; and Harvey, E.S. i. 257; iv. 

203; W.S. i. 374; mentioned, E.S. 

iii. 207, 328, 412, 458; iv. 27; 

W.S. i. 1 88, 360, 469, 545; ii. 

193, 194, 196, 208, 215, 219, 

220, 221. 

Spenser, John, publisher, E.S. iv. 373. 
Spenser, Sir John, W.S. ii. 246. 
Spes, Guerau de, Spanish ambassador, 

E.S. i. 24. 

Spiera, Francis, E.S. iii. 517. 
Spinelli, Gasparo, E.S. iii. 20. 
Spiritata, E.S. iii. 29, 352. 
Split lines, W.S. i. 184, 459, 477. 

See Pause-variation. 
Split scenes, E.S. iii. 86. 
Spondaic feet, WS.i. 259. *<? Metre. 
Square playhouse, E.S. ii. 439, 524. 
Squire, Lawrence, master of Chapel, 

E.S. ii. 341. 
Sf uires (mask), E.S. i. 173, 180, 182, 

103, 197* 201, 202, 210; iii. 245, 


Stafferton, Parr, of Gray's Inn, E.S. 

iv. 282. 
Stafford, E.S. iv. 92; W.S. ii. 336, 


Stafford, Mr., E.S. iv. 85. 
Stafford, Alexander, clerk comptroller 

of tents and revels, E.S. i. 100. 
Stafford (b. Stafford), Dorothy, Lady, 

mistress of robes, E.S. i. 45. 
Stafford, Edward, 3rd Lord, E.S. iii. 

272; iv. 92. 
Stafford, Rod., playwright, E.S. iii. 

Stafford, Thomas, E.S. iv. 92. 

Stafford's men, W.S. i. 45 ; ii. 315. 

Stage, early history of, W.S. i. 27; 
regulation of, W.S A. 28; opposition 
to, W.S. i. 29; structure of, E.S. ii. 
437, 528. See Play-houses. 

Stage-adaptation of plays, W.S. i. 98, 
108-12, 117-22, 153, 158, 164, 
2 35~7 28 4> 2 9 8 380, 416. See 

Stage-directions, nature of, E.S. iii. 
1 80, 193-8; music in, W.S. i. 120, 
236, 284; noises in, W.S. i. 120, 
153; players named in, E.S. iii. 
196, 227, 271, 285, 295, 330; 
iv. 32, 43, 45; W.S. i. 50, 122, 
164, 181, 237, 288, 323, 341, 
358, 380, 382, 386, 392, 512, 
580; properties in, W.S. \. 119- 
20, 236, 529; 'to them' in, W.S. 
i. 124, 154, 284; mentioned, W.S. 
i. 113, 118-22, 154, 157, 181, 

315, 323, 341, 385, 416, 429, 
Stage-keepers, E.S. ii. 109, 541; iv. 

Stage-right, W.S. i. 147, 208. 

Staging, in Italy, E.S. iii. 212; iv. 
353-65 ; in France, .. iii. 12-19; 
at court, E.S. iii. 19-46; in 
1 6th century, E.S. iii. 47-102; 
in 1 7th century, E~$. iii. 10330; 
in private theatres, E.S. iii. 130 
54; change of locality, the problem 


of, E.S. iii. 1 8, 99, 121-30. See 
Above; Academic; Alcove; Alter- 
nationist; Animals; Arbours; Arras; 
Atmospheric; Back cloths; Beam; 
Bears; Bed; Black; Canopy; 
Castles; Close walk; Counting 
house; Curtains; Descents; Dia- 
grams; Discoveries; Domus; 
Doors; Edge; '.Ek/eu/cAT^a; End; 
Entrance; Excursions; Fore- 
shortening; Gates; Hangings; 
Heavens; Hell; Houses; Hut; 
Interior action ; Interludes; Juxta- 
position; Locality; Machines; 
Multiple; Out-of-doors; Over; 
Perspective; Place; Posts; Pro- 
perties; Rake; Recesses; Removal 
of bodies; Rivers; Rocks; Rushes; 
Scenes; Senate houses; Shops; 
Side; Stairs; Standardization; 
Studies ; Tents ; Throne ; Thunder ; 
Titles; Traps; Traverse; Trees; 
Upper stage; Walls; Windows; 

Staines (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 94, 102, 
105, 114. 

Stairs, E.S. iii. 95. See Staging. 

Stallard, Thomas, corrector of books, 
E.S. iii. 167. 

Stamford, Alice, Lady, E.S. iv. 77, 

Stamford (Lines.), E.S. iv. 83. 

Stamford Hill (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 

Stamler, John Henry, W.B. i. 428. 

Standardization of effects, E.S. iii. 
2, 50, 131. &r* Staging. 

Standen, Anthony, E.S. iv. 108. 

Standing houses, E.S. i. 8, 17, 115; 
120; ii. 24; offices, E.S. i. 49, 71, 

Standon (Herts.), E.S. iv. 79, 95, 

Stanhope, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 116. 

Stanhope, John, ist Lord Stanhope of 
Harrington, treasurer of chamber, 
vice-chamberlain, E.S. i. 42, 64; 
iv- 134. 335* 336, 342- 

Stanhope, Sir John, E.S* iv. 115. 
Stanhope. See Seymour. 
Stanley family, W.B. i. 551-4. 
Stanley (b. Spencer), Alice, countess 

of Derby, E.S. i. 174; iii. 434; iv. 

67,112; W.B. 1.47. 
Stanley (b. Vere), Elizabeth, countess 

of Derby, E.S. i. 54, 168, 200; 

ii. 118, 127, 194, 301; iii. 278, 

282, 375, 380, 383; iv. 67, 109; 

0tf. 1.358. 
Stanley, Ferdinando, Lord Strange, 

5th earl of Derby, E.S. ii. 118; 

iii. 394, 402, 450; W.S. i. 32, 47, 

$3> 359^ 553? " 187, 318; his 

men, E.S. ii. 118-26. 
Stanley, Henry, Lord Strange, 4th 

earl of Derby, lord steward, E.S. 

i. 35; ii. n8;iv. 311; W.S.i. 34, 

549, 553; his men, E.S.ii. 118. 
Stanley (b. Clifford), Margaret, 

countess of Derby, E.S. iii. 401; 

Stanley, William, 6th earl of Derby, 

E.S.L i68;ii. 117, 118, 127,194; 

iii. 495; iv. 109; W.S.i. 358, 553; 

ii. 187; his men, E.S. ii. 126. 
Stanley. See Hastings. 
Stanley's boys, E.S. ii. 119. 
Stanstead (Sussex), E.S. iv. 106. 
Stanstead Abbots (Herts.), E.S. iv. 

87> 93> 94- 
StanweU (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 80, 


Staple of News, W.B. i. 397. 
Stapley, Drew, E.S. ii. 442, 
Star Chamber, E.S. i. 67, 69, 268, 

2 73> 295, 300, 309, 324, 328; ii. 

43 ; iv. 327 ; orders of, on printing, 

E.S. iii. 162, 166, 172, 192; iv. 

'State* for sovereign, E.S.i. 203, 205, 

226, 227, 228; iii. 77, 87, 89, 

108, 241, 245, 282. 
Stationers, ethics of, E.S. iii. 186. 
Stationers' Company, E.S. iii. 160- 

77, 186-91, 505; iv. 265, 303; 

TO. 1.128, 136. 


Stationers' Register, E.S. iii. 158, 
163-77, 188-91, 422; iv. 379, 
398; W.S. i. 128, 14.5, 245. See 
Blocking entries; Copyright. 

Statistics of plays, E.S. iii. 22, 49, 
105,177, 181-3. 

Statute of artificers, WiS. ii. 83. 

Statutes concerning players, E.S. i. 
270, 276, 279, 299, 303, 304; iv. 
260, 263, 269, 324, 336, 338. 
See Abuses of players; Profanity. 

Staunton, Joan, W.B. i. 575. 

Staying of printing, E.S. ii. 172, 
204; iii. 183-91, 292, 359-60, 
511; iv. 261; WS. i. 145. See 

Stealing boy players, E.S. ii. 14. 

Steevens, George, W.S. ii. 276, 280, 
295, 378. 

Stenography, W.S.i. 161,466, 521. 

'Stephen 9 , E.S. iii. 489; iv. 403 ; W.S* 

1 538. 
Stephens, John, playwright, E.S. iii. 

495; iv. 255; Play: Cynthia's 

Revenge, E.S. iii. 495. 
'Stepmother's Tragedy* 9 E.S. ii. 171; 

iii. 265, 303. 
Stettin-Pomerania, Philip Julius, 

duke of, E.S. ii. 46, 207, 367, 

456; iii. 256; W.S. ii. 328. 
Stevens, Thomas, of Burderhope, 

E.S. iv. 107. 
Stevens, Thomas, pkyer, E,S. ii. 272, 

273*341; ft. 1.40. 
Stevenson, R. L., fKS. I 234. 
Steventon (Hants), E.S. iv. 85. 
Steward of household, lord, E.S. i. 


Stewart, William, WS. i. 475. 
Stews, the, E.S. i. 359. See London. 
'Stewtley\ E.S. iv. 47. 
Stinkards, E.S. ii. 533; iv. 366. See 

Stock of playing companies, .S. i. 

352, 3?i> 372; ii- 55> I37 ^3^ 

Stocket, Lewis, surveyor of works, 

E.S. i. 80. 


Stockfisch, Hans, E.S. ii. 291. See 

Spencer, John, pkyer. 
Stockwell (Surrey), E.S. iv. 100, 103. 
Stockwood, John, on plays, E.S. i. 

254, 286, 348; ii. 4, 358; iv. 199. 
Stoke d'Abernon (Surrey), E.S. iv. 

105, 114. 
Stoke Newington (Middlesex), E.S., 93, 103. 

Stoke Poges (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 1 14. 
Stokedale, Edmund, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

341 ;iv. 262. 

Stokes Croft (Somerset), E.S. iv. 90. 
Stole, groom of, E.S. i. 53. 
Stonage, William, cobbler, E.S. ii. 9 1 . 
Stonard, Francis, E.S. iv. 98, 108, 


Stonard, John, E.S. iv. 93, 95. 
Stone, Philip, E.S. ii. 445. 
Stone, Sir William, mercer, E.S. ii. 

1 84; iii. 369. 

Stone the fool, E.S. iii. 369. 
Stoneham, South (Hants), E.S. iv. 

Stonnard, Thomas, of the revels, 

E.S. i. 101. 
Stonnard, William, of the revels, 

E.S.i. 101. 
Stools, E.S. ii. 535-7; iv. 366-8. 

See Pkyhouses. 
Stowe, John, historkn, E.S. i. 1 8, 90, 

104, 216; ii. 104, 1 86, 363, 373, 

376, 384, 419, 444, 454, 462; iii. 

242, 283, 330, 340, 369, 433, 

443>445>45*;iv. 55> 6 9, 71*109; 

WS. i. 289. 
Stowmarket (Suffolk), E.S. i. 214; 

iv. 95. 
Strachey, William, E.S. iii. 367 ; WS. 


Strade (gangways), E.S. iv. 3 5 5 . 
Strange (title). See Stanley. 
'Strange News out of Poland*, E.S. ii. 

171; iii. 335, 465- 
Strange's men, E.S. i. 296, 297, 315, 

332, 337; ii. 90, 118-24, 198, 

383, 408; W.S. i. 38, 39-41, 292, 

316; ii. 305, 306, 307, 310, 311; 



tumblers, E.S. ii. 119; W.S. i. 32, 


Strangwidge, Mrs., E.S. iv. 67. 

Straparola, Giovanni, W.S. i. 437. 

Stratford, William, player, E.S. ii. 
188, 341. 

Stratford-on-Avon (Warwick), E.S. 
ii. 91, 107, 305, 320, 321, 361; 
WS. i. 3-11; manor, W.S. i. 4, 5, 
6, 75; ii. 147; charters, W.B. i. 7, 
8; corporation, W.B. i. 7; court of 
record, WB. ii. 25, 113-18; 
charnel-house, W.S. ii. 181, 261, 
290; gild, W.B. \. 5, 7; ii. 130; 
college, /^9. i. 6, 7; ii. 125, 132, 
135; grammar school, WB. i. 5, 6, 
9, 22; 'pastoral' at, W.B. i. 9; 
decay, W.B. i. 8; ii. 99-101; 
extracts from registers, W.B. ii. 

Streatham (Surrey), E.S. iv. 98, 100, 
102, 108. 

Street, Peter, carpenter, E.S. ii. 399, 

Street scenes, E.S. iii. 56. 

Strenae, E.S. i. 5, 19. 

Stress-variation, W.B. i. 259. See 

Stringer family, W.B. ii. 39-40. 

Strode, William, W.S.i. 557; ii. 221. 

Strolling players, E.S. i. 332. 

Strowdewike, Edmund, player, E.S. 
ii. 83, 341. 

Structure and conduct of theatres, 
E.S.ii. 518-57. 

Struijs, J., W.B. i. 347. 

Stuart, Arabella, Lady, E.S. i. 54, 
199, 212, 325, 327; ii. 59; iii. 
278,279,282,370, 380; iv. 117; 
W.B. 1.485. 

Stuart, Esm6, Lord Aubigny, E.S. i. 
102; iii. 255, 280, 367, 382. 

Stuart, Sir Francis, E.S. iii. 320. 

Stuart, Ludovick, 2nd duke of 
Lennox, duke of Richmond, gentle- 
man of bedchamber, lord steward, 
E.S. i. 35, 146, 171; ii. 241; iii. 
246, 258, 280, 316, 382, 393; 

iv. 123, 124, 127, 129; W.S. ii. 

346; his men, E.S. ii. 241. 
Stuart, Sir William, master of Paris 

Garden, E.S. ii. 452, 465. 
Stuart. See Gordon; Howard. 
Stubbes, Christopher, E.S. iv. 314. 
Stubbes, Phillip, on plays, E.S. i. 

253,256,287, 3is;iv. 221. 
Studentes, E.S.m. 351. 
Studies, E.S. iii. 67, no. See 

Studley, John, translator, E.S. iii. 

477, 478, 495. 

l Stuhl-Weissenl>urg\ W.B. ii. 328. 
Stukeley, Captain Thomas, E.S. i. 

264; ii. 144; iii. 68, 74, 84, 99, 

301, 314; iv. 47, 387. 
Stukeley, Thomas, E.S. i. 138. 
l Sturgflattery\ E.S. ii. 132, 168. 
Sturley, Abraham, W.S. ii. 100, 


Sturm, John, E.S. i. 239. 
Stutfield, George, player, E.S. iv. 43. 
Style, percipience of, W.S. i. 219; 

analysis of, W.B. i. 220, 253; in 

early drama, W.S. i. 223, 317; 

as evidence of authorship, W.B. 

i. 220-3; as evidence of date, 

W.S. i. 254-69. See Shakespeare, 

Stylistic revision of plays, W.B. i. 

213, 215, 218, 234, 282, 298. 
Stymmelius, Christopherus, E.S. iii. 


Suavenberg or Snachenberg. See 


Subsidies, W.B. ii. 87-90, 105. 
Suburbs convenient for players, E.S. 

i. 278, 284, 290, 291, 298, 300; 

ii. 370. 
Suckling, Sir John, E.S. iii. 502; 

W.S. ii. 211. 
Sudbury (Suffolk), players at, W.B. 

ii. 315, 336. 
Sudbury, Thomas, player, E.S. ii. 79, 

80, 341. 
Sudeley (Glos.), E.S. i. 124; iv. 66, 



Sudeley Entertainment, E.S. iv. 66. 

Suetonius, W.S. i. 401. 

Suffolk (title). See Bertie, Howard. 

Suffolk and Norfolk Entertainment ', 
E.S. iv. 62. 

Sullen Lovers, W.S. ii. 25 5. 

Summer's Last Will and Testament, 
E.S.ii. H2;iii. 35, 75, 195,427, 
45i;iv. 52, 387; W.S. i. 435. 

Sunbury (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 113. 

Sunday performances, E.S. i. 255, 
260, 274, 283, 285, 287-90, 
293-6, 301, 302, 313, 314, 315, 
338; ii. 35, 141, 47> 456, 462, 
471 ; iv. 195, 200, 201, 202, 203, 

2O6, 210, 221, 225, 249, 262, 
267, 268, 275, 279, 282, 285, 
288, 292, 295, 296, 297, 302, 

35373i>3 2 9>335- 
Sundridge (Kent), E.S. iv. 98. 

Sunninghill (Berks.), E.S. iv. 80, 82, 

94, 97, 99, 100, 105, 108. 
Sun's Darling, E.S. ii. 167; iii. 299; 

iv. 396. 
Supernumeraries, E.S. i. 371; W.S. 

i. 120, 236. 
Supposes, E.S. i. 222; iii. 27, 321; 

iv. 381; #?. i. 328. 
Suppositi, E.S. iii. 9, 321; W.S. i. 

3 28 '.. 
Surreptitious play-prints, E.S. iii. 

184-92,197; W.S. 1.55,143,147, 
156, 162, 225, 289. See Quartos; 
Reported plays. 

Surrey (title). See Howard. 

Surveyors, court of, E.S. i. 58. 

'Susanna 9 , E.S. iii. 319; iv. 381, 


Susanna, E.S. ii. 275, 283-4. 
Susanna and the Elders y E.S. i. 345. 
Susenbrotus, E.S. i. 1 3 1 ; iv. 1 30, 378. 
Sussex (title). See Radcliffe. 
Sussex's men, E.S. i. 296, 337; ii. 

92-6; W.S. i. 28, 36, 37, 46, 47, 

54, 60, 315-21, 497; ii. 306-18; 

in provinces, E.S. ii. 92-4, 96. 
Sutton (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Sutton, Sir Henry, E.S, iv. 85. 


Sutton, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 341 ; 
iv. 261. 

Sutton, Thomas, founder of Charter- 
house, E.S. i. 10; iii. 369. 

Sutton, Thomas, preacher, E.S. i. 
263 ;iv. 259. 

Sutton Pkce, Woking (Surrey), E.S. 
iv. 78, 106. 

Swallow, Clement, W.S. i. 25. 

Swallow, John, ghost-name, E.S. iii. 


Swan playhouse, described, E.S. ii. 
411-14, 521, 526-31, 538-9, 
544-7; mentioned, E.S. i. 297, 
300, 317, 351, 364, 368; ii. 131, 
151, 196, 257, 359, 466-8; iii. 
106, 114,454, 501 ;iv. 247, 329; 
W.S. i. 411; ii. 322. See Witt, 
Johannes de. 

Swanston, Eliard, pkyer, E.S. ii. 341 , 
425, 510; iiL 218, 254; iv. 371; 

Sweden, Duke Karl of, E.S. ii. 274. 
Sweden, players in, E.S. ii. 274. 
Sweet, Robert, E.S. ii. 447. 
Swego, Mrs., tire-woman, E.S.i. 1 63 . 
Swetkowyz, Adam, imperial ambas- 
sador, E.S. iv. 82. 
Swetnam the Woman Hater Arraigned 

by Women, E.S. ii. 448. 
Swift, Jonathan, W.S. ii. 285. 
Swinfen (Staffs.), E.S. iv. 91. 
Swinnerton, Sir John, E.S. i. 137; 

iii. 305,443,493,496. 
Swinnerton (Swetherton), Thomas, 

pkyer, E.S. ii. 229,232, 235, 236, 

240, 341, 444; iv. 343. 
Sword dance, E.S. i. 171, 195; iii. 

280; iv. 117. 

Sydenham (Kent), E.S. iv. 105, 106. 
Sydmonscourt (Kent), E.S. iv. 115. 
Syferweste, Richard, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

226, 341. 
Sylkbic variation, W.S. i. 260; tables 

of, W.S. ii. 400, 404. See Metre. 
Syfoanaire, E.S. iii. 16. 
Sylvester, William, carpenter, E.S. ii. 




Symcockes, player, E.S. il 241,1 161, 162; W.S. i. 32-5, 37, 39. 


Symonds, Thomasine, E.S. ii. 405. 
Symons, John, player, E.S. ii. 101, 

in, 119, 201, 341, 550; iii. 159, 

Syndicates for companies, E.S. i. 379; 

ii.43,45, 56,65,416. 
Syston (Leicester), players at, W.S. ii. 



T., I., E.S. iv. 16. 

Tabarin, Giovanni, E.S. ii. 262. 

Tables, of metre, W.S. ii. 397; of 

play-dates, W.S. i. 246, 270; of 

quartos, W.B. ii. 394. 
Tags, ^5.1.258. 
Tailor, Robert, player, E.S. ii. 176, 

34i Si?- 
Tailor, Robert, playwright, E.S. iii. 

495-6; Play: Hog Hath Lost His 

Pearl, E.S. iii. 496. 
'Taking out' in mask, E.S. i. 150, 

i?3> i$$,iS9>** 6 >*97- 

Taking-up boys, E.S. ii. 17, 24, 26, 
3i> 33> 34 43> 6 2- 8** Impress- 
ment of boys. 

Takings of playhouses, E.S. i. 370; 
ii. 122, 148, 149. 

Talbot, corrector of books, E.S. iii. 

Talbot (b. Herbert), Anne, Lady, 
E.S.i. 1 60. 

Talbot, Edward, E.S. i. 325. 

Talbot, Francis, 5th earl of Shrews- 
bury, president of the north, E.S. 
i. 277; ii. 85;iv. 264. 

Talbot, Francis, Lord, E.S. i. 160. 

Talbot, Gilbert, 7th earl of Shrews- 
bury, E.S. i. 46; iii. 213; iv. 102, 
111,113, 116,336. 

Talbot. Bee Grey; Herbert; Howard. 

Tale of a Tub, E.S. iii. 373, 445; 
W.S. i. 101. 

1, 2 TamarCam (plot), E.S.n. 122-3, 
126, 139, 144, 177, i8i;iv. 47, 
406; W.S.i. I23;ii. 309,310,312. 

I, 2 Tamburlaine, notice of, E.S. iii. 
421; mentioned, E.S. i. 265; ii. 
136, I39> H6, 168; iii. 53, 54, 

65, 82; iv. 15, 24, 44, 48, 52, 
382; W.S. i. 38, 53, 55, 206, 325, 


Tamer Tamed, E.S. iv. 33; W.S. i. 
101, 104, 328. See Woman's 

Taming of A Shrew, discussed, E.S. 
iv. 48; W.S. i. 322-8; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 95, 128, 130, 140, 193, 
202, 311; iii. 92, 99, 324, 423, 
472; iv. 383; W.S. i. 54, 55, 62, 
140, ^148, 183, 218, 271, 273, 
310; ii. 319, 391. See Taming of 
The Shrew. 

Taming of The Shrew y discussed, E.S. 
iii. 482; W.S. i. 322-8; biblio- 
graphy, W.S. i. 323; texts, W.S. i. 
322; collaboration, W.S. i. 324; 
cuts, W.S. i. 1 66; dropped thread, 
WS. i. 230; mislineations, W.S. i. 
235 ; experiment in archaism, W.S. 
i. 308; revision theories, W.S. i. 
326; Love Labours Won, identified 
with, E.S. ii. 197; W.S. i. 273, 
326; date, W.S. i. 326; A Shrew, 
E.S. iv. 48; W.S.i. 324-5; stage 
history of A Shrew, WS. i. 327; 
bad quarto, W.S. i. 327; induction, 
E.S. i. 190; iii. 94, 310; sources, 
W.S. i. 328; performances, W.S. i. 
328; ii. 319, 352; staging of, E.S. 
iii. 100, 123; forgery, #T.ii. 391 ; 
mentioned, E.S. ii. 193, 200, 202; 
iii. 222; W.S. i. 207; ii. 249. 

Tamworth, John, groom of privy 
chamber, keeper of privy purse, 
E.S. i. 62. 

Tancred and Gismund, E.S. iii. 30, 
5i4;iv.27, 382; W.S.L 209, 214. 



'Tancredo\ E.S. iii. 517. 

Tanfield, Sir Lawrence, chief baron 
of exchequer, E.S. iv. 107. 

'Tanner of Denmark', E.S. ii. 122; 
/i*. 11.3 10. 

Tanworth (Warwick), WB. ii. 366. 

Taphouses at playhouses, E.S. i. 369; 
ii. 406, 424, 442. 

Taplow (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 115. 

Tarbuck, John, revels patentee, E.S. 
ii. 56, 342. 

Tarlton, Richard, player and play- 
wright, career and works, E.S. ii. 
342-5; iii. 496-7; Seven Deadly 
Sins, E.S. ii. 107, 125; iii. 496; 
WB. i. 33 ; doubtful pky, E.S. iii. 
496; his Jests, E.S. i. 225 ; ii. 109, 
299, 382, 394; iv. 17; W.B. i. 419; 
jigs, E.S. ii. 109, 552; and Mar- 
prelate controversy, E.S. i. 294; 
ii. no; iv. 229; in pky, E.S. iii. 
136, 465; mentioned, E.S. i. 261, 
268, 312, 324; ii. 4, 5, 105, 106, 
381, 403; iii. 83, 338, 412, 414, 
515; iv. 208, 240, 242, 244, 246, 
252, 296; W.B. i. 437; ii. 186, 

Tarrant (Dorset), E.S. iv. 123. 

'Tartarian Cripple', E.S. iv. 3 87, 403 . 

Tasso, Torquato, E.S. ii. 262; 
iii. 317; W.B. i. 360, 487; ii. 
196, 197. 

'Tasso's Melancholy', E.S. ii. 143, 
168, i8i;iii. 304; W.B. i. 212. 

Tatam, John, E.S. ii. 221, 222. 

Tate, Nahum, WB. ii. 2 1 1 . 

Tatham, John, E.S. iii. 285 ; iv. 16. 

Tattieton family, W.B. i. 574. 

Taverner, , E.S. iii. 170. 

Taverns, pkys in, E.S. i. 220. 

Tawler, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 125. 

Tawyer, William, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

Taxis, Juan de, Spanish ambassador, 
E.S. i. 25, 26, 204; iii. 281, 376. 

Taylor, Hugh, MS. ii. 296. 

Taylor, John, choirmaster, E.S. ii. 
69* 72, 73*345 5 iv. 144. 

Taylor, John, journalist, W.B. ii. 275, 

Taylor, John, water-poet, E.S. i. 
139, 265 ;ii. 127, 191,258, 370, 
371, 372, 422, 459, 468, 469; 
iii. 495, 497, 502; iv. 16, 73 ; W.B. 
i- I0 5 573 ii- 226, 282. 

Taylor, John, witness, E.S. ii. 462. 

Taylor, Joseph, player, career of, E.S. 
ii. 345; as Hamlet, E.S. ii. 219; 
iv. 371 ; W.B. i. 83 ; ii. 264; as lago, 
W.B. i. 462; in Henry Fill, W.B. 
i. 498 ; as Ferdinand in D. ofMalfi, 
E.S. iii. 5 10; as payee, E.S.ii. 253; 
iv. 1 80, 182; as sharer, E.S. ii. 
425, 510; kwsuit v. Heminges, 
E.S. ii. 243 ; verses to, E.S. iii. 222; 
mentioned, E.S. i. 386; ii. 242, 
245, 247, 248, 251 ; iii. 218, 223, 
373? iv. 370; W.B. i. 81 ; ii. 76-7. 

Taynton (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 107. 

Teatro Olympico, E.S. iii. ii. 

Tectum, E.S. ii. 531. 

Tedcastle, William, yeoman, E.S. ii. 


Tekri (scenic cloths), E.S. iv. 358. 

'Telomo\ E.S. ii. 89; iv. 99, 159. 

Temperament of players, E.S. i. 3 5 1 . 

Temperance and Humility, E.S. iv. I. 

Tempest, discussed, E.S. iii. 489 ; MS. 
i. 490-4; bibliography, W.B. i. 
490; text, W.B. i. 490, 491 ; Jonson 
on, W.B. i. 70; interpolations, MS. 
i. 1 66; stage-directions, MS. i. 
20 1; dropped thread, MS. i. 230; 
spectacle, E.S. i. 186; MS. i. 235; 
date, MS. i. 250, 491 ; verse, MS. 
L 264; Love Labours Won identi- 
fied with, W.S. i. 272 ; main source, 
W.B. i. 492; subsidiary sources, 
W.B. i. 494; revision theory, MS. 
i. 492; Die Bchone Sidea, W.B. i. 
493; Li tre Satiri, MS. i. 493; 
historical parallels to Prospero 
story, W.B. i. 494; forgery, W.B. 
ii. 388 ; performances, E.B. ii. 216, 
217; iv. 125, 127; MS. ii. 342, 
343; staging of, E.S. iii. 108, 123; 


mentioned, E.S. iii. 360, 373; iv. 

177, 1 80, 394; WS. 1.45 5. 
Temple Grafton (Warwick), WS. 


Temptation, E.S. i. 241. 
Tenancy, 'joint' and 'in common', 

E.S. ii. 147; WS. i. 82; ii. 66. 
Tents, office of, E.S. i. 10, 49, 72, 

74, 76, 82,94, I02;ii. 491. 
Tents on stage^... iii. 53, 86, 106. 
Terence, E.S. i. 237-40, 249; iii. 2, 

6, I5;iv. 184, 1 86, 187,188, 190, 

191, 196, 201, 217. 
Terence engravings, E.S. iii. 6, 1 5. 
Terence in English, E.S. iii. 236. 
''Terminus et non Terminus', E.S. iii. 


Tertullian, E.S. i. 248, 254. 
Tethg? Festival (mask), E.S. i. 173, 

179, 180, 181, 184, 197, 200, 

206, 209, 210; iii. 281; iv. 72, 


Tevery, Jarvis, masker, E.S. iv. 57. 
Tew, Great (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 88. 
Textor, J. Ravisius, E.S. iii. 351. 
Texts. &<? Play-texts. 
Thare (Thayer), John, player, E.S. 

ii. 226, 280, 283, 346. 
'That Will Be Shall Bt, E.S. ii. 144. 
Thatcham (Berks.), E.8. iv. 107. 
Thaxted (Essex), E.S. iv. 87, 95. 
'Theagenes and Charidea\ E.S. iv. 

88, 146. 

The Ball, E.S. iii. 260; WS. i. 101. 
''The Blind Eats Many a Fly\ E.S. ii. 

227; iii. 348. 

'The Buck is a Thief, E.S. iii. 232. 
The Case is Altered, E.S. i. 1 32, 1 37, 

373;ii-58, 553;iii-H7357;iv. 

The Devil is an Ass, E.S. ii. 336, 
535; iii. 117, 118, 373; iv. 30, 

The Hqg hath Lost his Pearl, E.S. ii. 

517; iii. 49 6 *> iv - 393- 
The Longer Thou Livest, the More 
Fool Thou Art, E.S. iii. 504; iv. 

The Tide Tarrieth No Man, E.S. iii. 
505 ;iv. 382. 

The Twins, E.S. iii. 456. 

The Weakest Goeth to the Wall, E.S. 
ii. 102; iii. 51, 448, 503; iv. 52, 
387; W.S.i. 450. 

*The Woman is too Hard for Him 9 , 
E.S. iii. 222. 

'The World Runs on Wheels', E.S. ii. 
1 69; iii. 146, 252. 

Theatre fires, WS. i. 82, 104, 144, 
150, 245, 320, 488, 495, 530; ii. 
344. See Globe. 

Theatre playhouse, history of, E.S. 
ii. 383-400; disturbance at, E.S. 
i. 287, 291 ; iv. 297, 298; perform- 
ance at, E.S. iv. 204; fenxing at, 
E.S. iv. 293 ; playing companies at, 
E.S.ii. 88, 89, 108, 120, 125, 136, 
194, 196; WS. , i. 31, 36, 41, 51, 
77, 411; mentioned E.S. i. 284, 
286, 289, 349, 357; iv. 202, 221, 

Theatre en demi-rond, E.S. iii. 

Theatre tout en pastoralle, E.S. iii. 

*7> 34.35*44,48, 52. 
Theatres. See Playhouses. 
Theatri, E.S. iv. 353-65. 
Thebais, .fl. iii. 478. 
Thelwall, Simon, WS. i. 99. 
Themes, E.S. i. 185, 192; ii. 109, 

I9i 3 343-4- 349 5535 iv. 
244, 246. 

Thenot and Piers (show), E.S. i. 
124; iii. 337. 

Theobald, Lewis, E.S. iii. 490; WS. 
i. 539; ii. 270, 377, 539-42. 

Theobalds (Herts.), E.S. i. 13, 20, 
108, 113, 118, 120, 124, 126, 
172; iii. 247-9, 392; iv. 69, 71, 
81, 87, 88, 91, 93, 94, 100, 101, 
102, 105, 108, in, 116, 118, 

120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 129. 

Theobalds 9 Entertainment (1591), 
E.S.iii. 247; (i594),.E.. iii. 248; 
(1607), E.S. i. 126; iii. 392. 

Theocracy at Geneva, E.S. i. 245. 


Theology in plays, E.S. i. 242, 271, 

273, 294; 11.328; iv. 254. 
Thersites, E.S. iii. 24. 
Thetford (Norfolk), E.S. i. 13; ii. 

Theydon Bois (Essex), E.S. iv. 88, 

Theydon Garnon (Essex), E.S. iv. 

Thierry and Theodoret, E.S. iii. 230; 

iv. 393- 

Thimelby, Richard, E.S. iv. 83. 
'Third University in England', E.S. 

i. 103. 

Thirlby, Thomas, W.S. ii. 165. 
Thistlethwaite, Giles, E.S. iv. 90. 
Thoby (Essex), E.S. iv. 95. 
Thomas Lord Cromwell, E.S. iii. 

493; iv, 8, 28, 388; W.S.l. 143, 

'Thomas Merry', E.S. ii. 171 ; iii. 288, 

335* 5 l8 - 
Thomas of Woodstock (c. 1592), E.S. 

iii. 61; iv. 42, 405; W.S. i. 92, 


Thomas, Steven, E.S. iii. 244. 
Thomas Strowd. See Blind Beggar 

ofBethnal Green. 
Thomas, William, WS. i. 494. 
Thomasina, court dwarf, E.S. i. 

Thompson, John, player, E.S.ii. 338; 

WS. ii. 76-84. 

Thornton (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 81. 
Thornton, Thomas, E.S. i. 251; iv. 


Thorny Abbey, E.S. iii. 506. 
Thorpe (Surrey), E.S. iv. 93, 94, 


Thorpe, Thomas, stationer, W.S. i. 

Thracian Wonder, E.S. iii. 512; iv. 

49> 397- 

Thrale family, E.S. ii. 428. 
Thrale, Hester, afterwards Piozzi, 

E.S. ii. 428. 
'Three Brother?, E.S. ii. 227; iii. 



Three Ladies of London, E.S. ii. 380; 
iii. 25, 515; iv. 216, 382; W.S. i. 

53. 374- 

Three Laws, E.S. iv. 380. 
Three Lords and Three Ladies of 

London, E.S. i. 226; ii. 345, 349; 

iii. 76, 196, 515; iv. 382. 
'Three Plays in Qne\ E.S. i. 231 ; ii. 

1 06; iii. 497 ;iv. 101, 160. 
'Three Bisters of Mantua', E.S. ii. 98 ; 

iv. 9 5, 154. 

Threshold scenes, E.S. iii. 59-63. 
Throckmorton, Job, E.S. iv. 229. 
Throgmorton, Arthur, E.S. i. 168, 

190, 196. 
Throgmorton, Sir Nicholas, E.S. i. 


Throgmorton. See Raleigh. 
Throgmorton Plot, E.S. 1.112. 
Throne, E.S. iii. 64, 72, 77, 87, 89, 

108; iv. 248. 
Thunder on stage, E.S. i. 232; iii. 

76, 1 10; iv. 248. to Atmospheric; 

Thursdays kept for bear-baiting, E.S. 

i.3i6;ii.47i;iv. 307. 
Thwaites, Edward, W.S. ii. 260. 
Thyestes, E.S. iii. 477; iv. 380. 
Thynne, Mrs., E.S. iv. 67. 
Thynne, Sir John, E.S. iv. 90. 
Ti&erius von Ferrara und Annabella 

von Mompelgart, E.S. iii. 432. 
Tice, John, E.S. ii. 503, 506. 
Tichborne (Hants), E.S. iv. 106, 

125, 130. 
Tichborne, Sir Benjamin, E.S. iv. 

106, 125, 130. 

Tichborne, Walter, E.S. iv. 124. 
Tichfield (Hants), E.S. iv. 85, 106; 

/S. 1.338. 

Tide Tarrieth. See The Tide. 
Tilbery, John, player, E.S. ii. 346. 
Tilbury (Essex), E.S. iv. 64, 70, 103, 


Tilbury Visit, E.S. iii. 21 1 ; iv. 64. 
Tilney, Charles, E.S. iii. 497; iv. 27; 

WS.i. 536;!!. 392. 
Tilney, Edmund, master of revels, 



notice of, E.S. i. 88; and revels 
office, E.S. i. 87, 89, 90-6, 101, 
103, 225, 230; iv. 285; licences 
issued by, E.S. i. 319; ii. 188, 221, 
224, 231, 243, 247; iv. 293; his 
activities as censor, E.S. i. 224, 
321, 322; iii. 170; iv. 32, 306; 
W.S. i. 109, 116, 502, 510-12 
(see Sir Thomas More) ; and Eliza- 
beth, E.S. ii. 104; iv. 106; W.S. i. 
28; mentioned, E.S. i. 144, 296, 
318; iii. 412; iv. 305, 308, 309, 
330; W.S. 1.41,995^305. 

Tilney, Philip, E.S. iv. 79. 

Tilts, E.S. i. 18, 19, 20, 21, 90, 
139-48; iii. 212-13, 245, 268-9, 
3i6, 393, 399 40^-5, 463* 509; 
iv. 63. See Books; Challenges; 
Cheques; Devices; Lists; Tourney. 

Tiltyards, E.S. i. 141. 

Time Triumphant. See Progress of 
James I. 

Time's Complaint. See Christmas 

'Time's Triumph and Fortune's', E.S. 
ii. 147; iii. 346. 

'Timoclea at the Siege of Thebes by 
Alexander \ E.S. ii. 76; iv. 90, 

Timon 9 E.S. iv. 49, 373, 406; W.S. i. 


Timon of Athens, discussed, E.S. iii. 
488; IKS. i. 480-3; bibliography, 
W.8. i, 480 ; text, W.S. i. 480, 48 1 ; 
date, W.S. i. 86, 273, 483; stage- 
directions, W.S. i. 20 1 ; mislinea- 
tions, WS. i. 2 3 5 ; revision theories, 
W.S. i. 482; source, W.S. i. 483; 
forgery, JK8. ii. 391; Chapman 
and, ..111. 260; Wilkinsand,.. 
iii. 513; IKS. i. 523; perform- 
ance, E.S. ii. 213; staging of, E.S. 
iii. 107, 123; mentioned, E.S. iv. 
394; W.S. i. 166, 341, 442. 

'Tinker of Totnes', E.S. ii. 144. 

'Tiph, toph', E.S. ii. 293. 

Tiptoft, John, earl of Worcester, E.S. 
ii. 293* 

Tire-men, E.S. i. 371; ii. 149, 226, 
540, 541; iii. 83; iv. 404; W.S. i. 
106, 108. 

Tire-women, E.S. i. 163; iii. 387. 

Tiring house, E.S. i. 100, 225, 226, 
229, 231, 356, 371 ;ii. 392,411, 
434> 437, 466, 535, 538, 539, 
54o> 54i, 543> 5 55; '&. 7*> 78, 
80, 82, 83, roi, 119; iv. 248, 370; 
W.S. i. 1 06. 

"Tis Good Sleeping in a Whole Skin', 
E.S. iii. 505 ;iv. 403. 

"Tis no Deceit to Deceive the 
Deceiver', E.S. ii. 163; 170; iii. 

Tithes of Stratford, W.S. i. 85, 88; 
ii. 106, 118-27, H&J J 79- 

Titirus and Galathea. See Galathea. 

Tide-pages, W.S. i. 174, 205, 245, 
289, 300, 319, 333, 338, 379; 
dates on, W.S. i. 175, 245, 489; 
misdated, W.S.\. 137. ^Printing- 
house methods. 

Titles. See Labels. 

Tito Andronico, E.S. ii. 285. 

'Titus and Gisippus', E.S. ii. 15; iv. 
91, 152. 

'Titus and 7espasian\ E.S. ii. 122-3, 
129-30, 202. See Titus Andron- 

Titus Andronicus, discussed, E.S. iii. 
482; W.S. i. 312-22; biblio- 
graphy, W.S. i. 314; texts, W.8. i. 
164, 312-14, 315; stage-history, 
..11.95, 122, 193; iii. 50; W.B. 
^ 54 55> 61; censorship, W.S. i. 
240; date, W.S. i. 247, 316, 320; 
authorship, E.S. ii. 129-30; W.S. 
i. 207, 224, 234, 318; revision 
theories, WS.'i. 316-17; German 
and Dutch versions, WB. i. 318; 
Titus and Vespasian, W.S. i. 319; 
variant version, W.S. 1.320; ballad, 
WS. i. 321; ultimate source, W.S. 
i. 322; staging of, E.S. iii. 59, 68, 
95 I2 3> performances, WS. i. 
321; ii. 308, 317, 319, 346; men- 
tioned, E.S. ii. 126, 202; iv. 246, 



383; WS. i. 50, 63, 130; ii. 191, 

206, 239, 251,254. 
'To them* in stage-directions, W.S. i. 

Tobacco in pkyhouses, E.S. ii. 549; 

iv. 366. 

'Tobias', E.S. ii. 179; iii. 266. 
Tobye, Edward, player, E.S. iv. 43. 
Toddington (Beds.), E.S. iv. 81, 86, 

'2 Tom Dough', .5. ii. 179; iii. 288, 

Tom Tyler and his Wife, E.S. iii. 27; 

iv. 50, 380. 

Tombs, E.S. iii. 59, no. See Pky- 
Tomkis, Thomas, pkywright, E.S. 

iii. 497-9; Plays: Albumazar, E.S. 

iii. 498; Lingua, E.S. iii. 497; 

Doubtful Pky: Pathomachia, E.S, 

iii. 499; mentioned, E.S. i. 131; 

iv. 373. 

Tomson, Lawrence, E.S. iv. 108. 
Tomsone, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 346; 

iii. 510. 

Tomumbeius, E.S. iii. 476; iv. 379. 
Tony, Will, .S.iv. 233. 
'Too Good to be True*, E.S. ii. 162, 

179; iii. 266, 333, 493. 
Tooke, Thomas, E.S. i. 117. 
'Tooley', E.S. ii. 134; iv. 93, 151. 
Tooley, Nicholas, player, career of, 

E.S. ii. 346; mentioned, E.S. i. 

363; ii. 125, 199, 212, 215, 218, 

219; iii. 228, 371, 372, 510; W.S. 

i. 80, 324; ii. 73-80. 
Tooling (Surrey), E.S. iv. 113. 
Top, E.S. iii. 98, 108; W.S. i. 293. 

See Pkyhouses. 

Topcliffe (Yorks.), E.S. iv. 116. 
TopdifFe, Richard, E.S. i. 114, 298; 

iii. 444, 455; iv. 323. 
Topical allusions in pkys, E.S. i. 

322-8; unreliable nature of, W.$. 

i- 253* 33<5, 360, 372, 44> 473 
479. Bee Satire; Sedition. 
Topping, Richard, tailor, E.S. iii. 

Torch-bearers in mask, E.S. i. 157, 

158, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 

i7S r 77> 183, 189, 191, 193, 

195, 208. 

*Torrismount\ E.S. ii. 65. ' 
Torze (torches), E.S. iv. 364. 
Totehill, William, E.S. iv. 81. 
Tottenham (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 94, 

101, 103, 105. 

Tottnell, Harry, pkyer, E.S. ii. 347. 
Touching for evil, E.S. i. 123, 
Tourneur, Cyril, pkywright, E.S. iii. 

499; Pky: Atheist's Tragedy > E.S. 

iii. 499; Lost Pky: The Nobleman, 

E.S.m. 500; Doubtful Pkys, E.S. 

iii. 500; mentioned, E.S. i. 187; 

iv. 5,42,45; #T. 1.482. 
Tourney, E.S. i. 140. 
Tournon, H&ene de, WIS. i. 337. 
Tout en pastoralle, E.S. iii. 34, 35, 

44, 48, 52, 107, 136, 145, 150, 


Towelle, Isaac, E.S. iv. 3 12. 
Towne, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 106, 

107, H5> 347; iv.296. 
Towne, Thomas, pkyer, career of, 

E.S. ii. 347; mentioned, E.S. ii. 

149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 160, 

174, 176, 177, 185, 186, 190. 
Townsend, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 246, 

259, 260, 347. 

Townsend, Sir Robert, E.S. iii. 221. 
Townsend, Roger, E.S. iv. 103. 
Townsend, Thomas, E.S. iv. 95. 
Townshend, Aurelian, E.S. i. 193. 
Toy, pkyer, E.S. ii. 347. 
'Toy to Please Chaste Ladies 9 * E.S. ii. 

144, 148- 
Tragedia del Libero Arbitrio, E.S. iii. 


Tragedie, E.S. iv. 360. 
Tragedy, definitions of, E.S. i. 240, 

Transcribers, W.8. i. 163, 177, 179, 

342, 413, 421. See Reported 

Transcripts of pkys, W.S. i. 97, 125, 

144, 151-3, 162, 1 66, 227, 228, 

I 4 8 


283, 299, 343, 3934i344o>453 

460, 488. See Reported plays; 

Transfers, of copyright, W.B. i. 129, 

146; of plays, E.S. iii. 50, 145. See 

Stationers' Register. 
'Transformation of the King of Trim- 
dadoes Daughters', E.S. iii. 268. 
Transubstantiation, E.S. i. 241. 
Trappolaria, E.S. iii. 476. 
Traps, E.S. ii. 528; iii. 42, 89, 90, 

96, 107, 132, 142, 148. See 

Travels of Three English Brothers, 

E.S. ii. 232, 404, 446; iii. 117, 

221, 286; iv. 390; W.B. i. 523. 
Travers, John, Serjeant of tents, E.S. 

Traverse, E.S. i. 181, 184; iii. 25, 

26, 27, 78, 80, iii, 234, 239, 

279, 282, 434; iv. 59. See Staging. 
Treason, executions for, E.S. iii. 286, 

Treasurer, lord high, E.S. i. 54, 67; 

of chamber, E.S. i. 54-67, 217; 

iv. 132-5; of household, E.S. i. 

35> 3755> 6 7- 
Trees on stage, E.S. i. 232; iii. 52, 

89, 107. 

Treheren, , E.S. ii. 175. 
Trentham. See Vert. 
Tres Sibylla* (show), E.S. i. 126, 

I30;iii. 332. 

Tresham, William, E.S. iv. 64. 
Trevell, William, Whitefriars lessee, 65, 66, 347. 
Trial of Chivalry, E.S. ii. 127; iii. 

54, 73, 266, 495; iv. 50,388. 
Trial of Treasure, E.S. iv. 51, 381. 
'Triangle of Cuckolds' , E.S. ii. 166; 

iii. 302. 
Trick to Catch the Old One, E.S. ii. 

22, 58; iii. 134, 143, 439; iv. 123, 

390; WB. i. 537. 
Trinummus, E.S. iii. 5. 
Trionfi,.. 1.152. 
Tripp, Henry, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 168. 

Trislegomena, W.S.i* 255. 

'Tristram of Lyons 9 , E.S. ii. 170. 

Trisyllabic feet, W.B. i. 188, 261. 
See Metre. 

Triumphs, E.S. i. 190. 

Triumphs of Reunited Britain (show), 
E.S.i. 1 37; iii. 448. 

Triumphs of Truth (show), E.S. i. 
1 37; iii. 443. 

Troas, E.S. iii. 477; iv. 380. 

Trochaic feet, W.B. i. 259. See 

Troilus and Cressida, discussed, .8. 
iii. 487; W.B. i. 438-449; biblio- 
graphy, W.B. i. 439; texts, W.S. i. 
162, 438, 439; transcript, W.B. i. 
440; bibliographical record of 
pky, E.S. iii. 169, 184, 1 8 8, 189; 
W.S.i. 132, 140, 146, 441 sqq.; 
revision theories, W.B. i. 69, 218, 
445-7; satire of Jonson in, E.S. i. 
381; ii. 207; W.B. i. 72; plot of, 
W.B. i. 123; afterthoughts, W.S. i. 
235; censorship, W.B. i. 238, 241 ; 
date, W.B. i. 249, 442-3 ; contem- 
porary allusions, W.B. i. 442-3; 
and Histriomastix, W.B. i. 443; 
temper of, W.B. i. 444, 509; 
sources, W.B. i. 448 ; and Iron Age, 
WB. i. 449; forgery W.B. ii. 386; 
staging of, E.S. iii. 1 23 ; mentioned, 
'E.S. iv. 19, 40, 388; W.B. i. 85, 
341, 564; ii. 216. 

Troilus and Cressida (plot), E.S. ii. 
158, 169, 170; iii. 265, 302; iv. 
51,406; W.B. i. 123. 

'Troilus and Pandar*, W.B. i. 

Troja Nova Triumphans (show), E.S. 
i. 137; ii. 217; iii. 305. 

Trollop, Thomas, E.S. iv. 1 3 3 . 

Trotte, Nicholas, E.S. iii. 500. 

Troublesome Reign of John, discussed, 
E.S. iii. 48; iv. 23; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 114, 202; iii. 56, 64, 66, 
i8i;iv. 382; W.B.I. 53, 55,140, 
148, 206, 218, 364-7, 537. See 


'Tfoy' 9 E.S. ii. 144, 168; iii. 345; 

W.B. i. 448. 
'Troy's Revenge and the Tragedy of 

Polyphemus', E.S. ii. 163, 169; 

iii. 265. 

True, E.S. i. 184. See Masks. 
Truchmen, E.S. i. 163, 165, 166, 

190, 195. See Masks. 
True Tragedy of Richard Duke of 

York. See Contention of York and 


True Tragedy of Richard III, dis- 
cussed, E.S. iv. 43; mentioned, 

E.S. ii. 108, 114, 129; iv. 4, 384; 

W.B.i. 32, 53, 304. 
Trumbull, Sir William, E.S. ii. 317. 
Trumpets in playhouse, E.S. i. 255; 

ii. 547;iii.72;iv. 367. 
Trunckewell, Robert, E.S. i. 15. 
Trundell, John, stationer, W.B. i. 

Trussell, Alvery, player, E.S. ii. 43, 

''Truth, Faithfulness, and Mercy', E.S. 

ii. 73;iv. 89, 147. 
'Truths Supplication to Candlelight', 

E.S. ii. 173; iii. 296, 303. 
Trying-over of pkys for court per- 
formance, E.S. i. 223. 
Tuckfield, Thomas, player, W.B. i. 

530; ii. 80. 

Tufton, John, E.S. iv. 89. 
Tugend- und Liebesstreit, E.S. ii. 147; 

WS. i. 407. 
Tuke, Sir Brian, treasurer of chamber, 

E.S.i. 59; iv. 133. 
Tuke, George, E.S. iv. 79. 
Tumblers. See Activities. 
Tunstall, James, player, career of, 

E.S. ii. 347; mentioned, E.S. ii. 

136, 137* *38 I49 X 5> I5* I5 2 > 

222; ^5.1.38, 39, 42, 48,49> 5 1 - 
Tunstall (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Tuono (thunder), E.S. iv. 365. 
Turberville, George, E.S. iii. 309. 
'Turcke', E.S. ii. 289; iii. 435. 
Turenne, Viscount, E.S. iii. 403; iv. 



Turk,E.S.ii. 66,289; iii-435;iv.39i. 

'Turkish Mahomet andHiren the Fair 
Greek', E.S. ii. 147; iii. 327, 462. 

Turkish rope-dancer, E.S. ii. m, 

Turned letters, WiS. i. 176. See 
Printing-house methods. 

Turner, fencer, E.S. ii. 413. 

Turner, W., poet, E.S. ii. 339, 369. 

'Turnhotf, E.S. i. 322. 

Turnor, Richard, lieutenant of Brill, 
E.S. iii. 499. 

Tusser, Thomas, poet, E.S. ii. 13. 

Twelfth Night, discussed, E.S. iii. 
487; W.S. i. 404-7; bibliography, 
W.S. i. 405; MS., W.S. i. 112, 
404; text, W.&. i. 405; verse- 
fossils, W$. i. 223; censorship, 
W.S. i. 241; date, E.S. ii. 207; 
W.S. i. 249, 405; alternative tide, 
W.S. i. 272; contemporary allu- 
sions, W.B. i. 406; revision theory, 
W.S. i. 406; sources, W.S. i. 407; 
German pky, W.S. i. 407; Mal- 
volio episodes, W.S. i. 407; per- 
formances, E.S. i. 222 ; W.S. i. 406, 
ii 3 2 7> 346; staging of, E.S. iii. 
123; mentioned, E.S. iv. 54, 376, 
394; WS.i. 93 ;ii. 233,379. 

Twelfth Night, E.S.i. 6, 19, 21, 152, 
166,205,213, 246;ii. 28;iii. 281. 

^Twelve Labours of Hercules', E.S. iv. 

Twelve Months (mask), E.S. i. 173, 
1 80, 198, 200; iv. 58, 406. 

Twickenham (Middlesex), E.S. iii. 

Twine, Lawrence, W.S. i. 522. 

Twins. See The Twins. 

Twins 9 Tragedie, E.S. ii. 216; iii. 
456; iv. 125, 127, 178, 180, 392, 
403; W.B. ii. 342, 343. 

i, V Two Angry Women ofAbingdon 9 
discussed, E.S. iii. 467 ; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 167, 169; iii. 75; iv. 386; 
039. i. 53. 

Two Gentlemen of Verona, discussed, 
E.S. iii. 483; WiS. i. 329-31; 



bibliography, W.S. i. 329; text, 
W.S. i. 329; assembling, WS. i. 
154, 1 66, 329; inconsistencies, 
WS. i. 330; revision theory, W.S. 
i. 218, 330; date, E.S. ii. 194; 
W.S. i. 247, 330; source, W.S. i. 
331 ; Julio und Hyppolita, E.S. ii, 
285; W.S. i. 331; staging of, E.S. 
iii. 51, 58, 123; mentioned, E.S. 
ii. 285; iv. 246, 394; W.S. i. 257, 

Two Italian Gentlemen. See Fedele 
and Fortunio. 

Two Lamentable Tragedies ', E.S. ii. 
172; iii. 125,266, 518; iv. 388. 

Two Maids ofMoreclacke^ E.S. ii. 66, 
215, 300; iii. 210; iv. 392; WS. 
ii. 378. 

'Two Merry Women of Abingdon\ E.S. 
ii. 1 70; iii. 467. 

Two Noble Kinsmen, discussed, E.S. 
iii. 226; PKS. i. 52932; biblio- 
graphy, WS. i. 529; texts, W.S. i. 
141, 528, 529; date, W.S. i. 250, 
530; authorship, E.S. ii. 217; W.S. 
i. 205, 234, 497, 5 3 1-2 ; source, 
W.S. i. 532; properties in stage- 
directions, E.S. iii. 196; W.S. i. 

237; performance,, W.S. i. 530; 
ii. 346; mask in, E.S. i. 187; 
mentioned, E.S. iii. 311, 373; iv. 

Two Noble Ladies, W.S. i. 92, 108, 


''Two Shapes'. See 'Caesar's Fall*. 
'Two Sins of King Davia", E.S. iv. 

Two Supposed Heads. See Necro- 

Two Tragedies in One. See Two 

Lamentable Tragedies. 
Two Wise Men and All the Rest Fools, 

E.S. iii. 260. 
Twyne, Thomas, E.S. iii. 309; on 

pkys, E.S. iv. 202. 
Tyinges (meadow), W.S. ii. no, 

363. See Shakespeare, the name. 
Tympans, W.S. i. 172. See Printing- 
house methods. 
Type-shortage, W.S. i. 370. 
'Tyrant\ E.S. iv. 45. 
Tyrell, Edward, E.S. iv. 95. 
Tyrrell, George, E.S. iv. 81. 
Tyrwhitt (b. Manners), Bridget, 

Lady, E.S. i. 45. 
Tyrwhitt, Robert, E.S. i. 45. 


Ubaldini, Petruccio, Italian player, 
E.S.L 163, 166, 178 ;ii. 264, 348. 

Udall, Nicholas, on plays, E.S. iv. 
1 88; mentioned, E.S. i, 127; ii. 
14, 32, 69, 70, 74; iii. 28, 199; 

IV. 22. 

Ulysses and Circe (mask), E.S. i. 174; 

iii. 238; iv. 406. 
Ulysses Redux, E.S. i. 186, 251 ; iii. 

318; iv. 245, 379, 383. 
Umbracuk, E.S. iii. 3. 
Unchastity in pkys, E.S. i. 252, 255, 

258, 282-3, 304. 

Underell, pkyer, E.S. ii. 226, 348. 
Underbill, Nicholas, player, W.S. ii, 


Underbill family of Oxford, WS. i. 

574- . 
Underbill family of Warwickshire, 

WS. i. 75;ii. 98. 
Understanders, E.S. ii. 527. See 

Underwood, John, pkyer, career of, 

E.S. ii. 348; mentioned, E.S. ii. 

43> 59> 2I 5> 218, 219, 403, 424, 

510; iii. 228, 229, 363, 365, 371, 

372, 510; iv. 372; WS. i. 80; ii. 

66, 76-7. 
'Unfortunate General', E.S. ii. 227; 

* Ungehorsam Khauffmanns Sohrf, 

E.S. ii. 284; iv. 28. 


Unity of place, E.S. iii. 18, 22, 29, 

34, 36, 40, 102, 121, 123, 134, 

146,152. ^Locality. 
Universities, public plays within, 

E.S. ii. 100, 113, 213; iii. 469; 

criticism of plays at, E.S. i. 249. 
University receptions, E.S. i. 127. 
University Wits. See Greene; 

Lodge; Marlowe; Nashe; Peele. 
Unlocated scenes, E.S. iii. 50. 
Unton (b. Broughton), Dorothy, 

Lady, E.S. i. 164. 
Unton, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 88, 90, 


Unton, Sir Henry, E.S. i. 64, 163. 

Upper rooms, E.S. ii. 387. 

Upper stage, E.S. iii. 120, 153. 

Upshire (Essex), E.S. iv. 93. 

Urbino, E.S. iv. 363. 

Ursarii, E.S. ii. 449. 

Ushers of Chamber, yeomen, E.S. i. 

45> 47 > 69; iv. 353. 
4 Utker Pendragon\ E.S. ii. 144, 1 68 ; 

iii. 475. 

Utrecht, E.S. ii. 90. 
Uvedale, Sir W., E.S. i. 65. 
Uxbridge (Middlesex), JS.8. 




Vagrants, laws against, E.S. i. 269, 

270, 280, 281, 299, 304, 388. 
Valentine and Orson 9 , E.S. ii. 114, 

166; iii. 333, 448; iv. 385, 403; 

MS.i. 53. 
Valentinian, E.S. iii. 229; iv. 395; 

WS.u. 75. 
Valiant Welshman, E.S. ii. 244, 300; 

iii. 210; iv. 51, 393. 
Van Buchell, Arend, E.S. ii. 361. 
Van den Bosch, Lambert, W.S.i. 305. 
Vandenbushe, Alexandre, W.B. i. 


Van Lore, Peter, E.S. iii. 279. 
'Vanity*, E.S. iii. 178. 
Variants in prints, W.B. i. 174, 296, 

33335> 369* 380, 463-4- 
Vasari, E.S. iii. 9. 
Vaudemont, Mile de, E.S. i. 176. 
Vaughan, Cuthbert, master of Paris 

Garden, E.S. ii. 450. 
Vaughan, Edward, E.S. iv. 326. 
Vaughan, Richard, corrector of books, 

E.S. iii. 167. 
Vaughan, Thomas, treasurer of 

chamber, E.S. i. 57. 
Vaughan, William, E.S. iii. 419. 
Vaux, Edward, 4th Lord Vaux, E.S. 

ii. 103; iv. 120; his men, E.S. ii. 


Vaux, William, 3rd Lord, E.S. ii. 

103; his men, E.S. i. 338; ii. 


Vauxhall (Surrey), E.S. iv. 112. 
Vaux's men, E.S. ii. 103. 
Vavasour, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 399. 
Vavasour, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 399, 

Vavasour or Finch, Anne, E.S. iii. 

399> 407- 

Vavisour. See Warburton. 
'Vayvode', E.S. iii. 178; 265; W.B. i. 


Veale, Richard, of the revels, E.S. i. 


Veil, E.S. iii. 80. See Curtains. 
Velasco, Juan Fernander de, constable 

of Castile, E.S. i. 12, 24, 147, 311 ; 

ii. 2ii,453;iv. 118, 169. 
'Venetian Comedy', E.S. ii. 143; iii. 

301 ;#ftf. 1.375. 
Vennar, Richard, playwright, career 

and pky, England's Joy, E.S. iii. 

500-3; mentioned, E.S. i. 371; 

ii- 4i 3*534.554; & ^87. 
Vere (b. Cecil), Anne, countess of 

Oxford, E.S. iv. 87. 
Vere, Bridget, W.B. i. 566. 
Vere, Edward, I7th earl of Oxford, 

great chamberlain, E.S. i. 4, 141, 



144; ii. 99, 497; iii. 412, 444, 

503, 506; iv. 87, 96, 246; W.S. i. 

99; his players, E.S. ii. 100-2. 
Vere (b. Trentham), Elizabeth, 

countess of Oxford, E.S. iv. 126. 
Vere, Sir Francis, E.S. i. 322; iii. 

Vere, Henry, 1 8th earl of Oxford, 

E.S. ii. 301. 

Vere, John, i6th earl of Oxford, 
great chamberlain, E.S. ii. 99 ; iii. 
322; iv. 79; his men, E.S. ii. 99. 

Vere, Mary, Lady, E.S. iii. 401. 

Vere, Susan, Lady, E.S. iii. 401. 

Vere. See Herbert, Stanley. 

Verge, E.S. iii. 387. 

Vergil, Polydore, W.B. i. 304. 

'Fmlf. See'ReFera'. 

Ferlome Bohn y E.S. ii. 281, 284, 

Verneuil, Mme de, E.S. iii. 257. 

Verney, Edmund, E.S. iv. 86. 

Verney, Francis, E.S. iii. 503; iv. 
373; Play: Antipoe, E.S. iii. 503. 

Vernon, George, player, E.S. iii. 
227; WB. ii. 81. 

Vernon, Sir George, E.S. ii. 220. 

Vernon. See Wriothesley. 

Verreyken, Ludovic, Flemish ambas- 
sador, E.S. i. 14, 23, 25, 220, 
311; ii. 204; JKS.ii. 322. 

Verse, and prose, confusion of, W.B. 
i. 123, 154, 161, 181, 233,430; 
fossils, W.B. i. 233, 456; para- 
graphs, WB. i. 262; rhythms in 
prose, W.B. i. 182, 233, 234, 258, 
329, 386, 403, 406, 436, 534; 
See Metre. 

Verstegan, Richard, W.S. ii. 373. 

Versurae (wings), E.S. iii. 3, 1 1, 100. 

'Fertumnus*. vt'Alba\ 

Fertumnus, sive y Annus Recurrent, 
E.S. i. 130, 234; iii. 332; iv. 391. 

Verulanus, Sulpicius, E.S. iii. 3. 

Vervins, peace of, W.B. i. 564. 

Fetus Comasdia, E.S. i. 295; ii. no. 

Vexillatores, E.S. ii. 547. 

Viae ad forum, E.S. iii. 4, 100. 

Viaud, Theophile de, E.S. iii. 17. 
'Vice', E.S. iii. 317, 412, 437, 466, 

504, 505 ; iv. 3, 6, 7, 9, 229, 233. 

See Plays. 
Vice-chamberlain of household, E.S. 

i. 41, 67. 

Vicenza, E.S. ^.355,356. 
Fictoria> E.S. iii. 31, 316; iv. 379. 
Villiers, George, duke of Bucking- 

ham, E.S. i. 34, 174, 200; iii. 389; 

W.S. i. 367 ;ii. 347. 
Vincent, player, E.S. ii. 125, 348; 

W.B. i. 44, 1 06. 
Vincent, Thomas, book-keeper, W.S* 

i. 105. 
Vincent, Thomas, of Richmond, E.S. 

iv. 109. 
Vincent, Thomas (?), of Stoke d'Aber- 

non, E.S. iv. 114. 
Fincentio and Margaret. See Gentle- 

man Usher. 
Fincentius Ladislaus, E.S. ii. 276, 


Vine (Hants), E.S. iv. 85, 106. 
Firgin Martyr, E.S. ii. 286; iii. 298; 

iv - 393- 

Firgin Queen, W.B. ii. 383. 
Virnius, Johann Friedrich, player, 

E.S. ii. 291, 348. 
Firtuous Qctavia> E.S. iii. 236; iv. 

Fision of Delight (mask), E.S. i. 21 1. 
Fision of the Twelve Goddesses (mask), 

E.S. i. 171, 177, 199, 21 1 ; iii. 

277; iv. 118. 
Vitruvius, E.S. i. 233; iii. 2, 3; iv. 


Vittoria (Fioretta), E.S. ii. 262. 
Vives, Johannes Ludovicus, on plays, 

E.S.i. 238, 241; iv. 185. 
Vizard family, W.B. i. 3 5. 
Vizards, E.S.i. 151, 162, 196, 371; 

iii. 241, 376, 387; iv. 38. See 

Vocabulary, as evidence of date, W.B. 

i. 255. 

Void, .tf.i. 152. 
Folpone, discussed, E.S. iii. 368; 


mentioned, E.S. ii. 213; iii. 26, 
in, 115, 123, 286, 432; iv. 16, 
36, 248, 371, 380, 406; W.S. ii. 
I 7ortigem 9 , E.S. ii. 144, 168, 180; 
iii. 425, 442. 

7ortigem and Rowena, PKS.ii. 383. 
Vulgarization in reported pkys, W.S. 

i. 156, 284, 392. See Corruption, 

Vuota di dicitori (tiring room ?), E.S. 

iv. 364. 


Wade, William, E.S. iv. 326, 340. 
Wadeson, Antony, E.S. iii. 503; iv. 

28 ; DoubtfulPky: Lookdbout You, 

E.S.111. 503. 
Wager, Lewis, playwright, E.S. iii. 

503; Play: Life and Repentance of 

Mary Magdalene, E.S. iii. 503; 

on plays, E.S. iv. 194; mentioned, 

E.S. 1.261; iii. 168. 
Wager, W., playwright, E.S. iii. 504; 

Pkys : Cruel Debtor, E.S. iii. 505 ; 

Enough is as Good as a Feast, E.S. 

iii. 504 ; The Longer Thou Lwest 

the More Fool Thou Art, E.S. iii. 

504; Lost Pky: 'TV/ Good Sleeping 

in a Whole Skin, E.S. iii. 505; 

mentioned, E.S. iii. 503; iv. 50. 
Wager paid in pky, E.S. ii. 248 ; iv. 


Wager pkys, E.S. ii. 297, 468, 554. 
Wages at court, E.S. i. 51. 
* Wagner Book', E.S. iii. 71, 96. 
Wakefield, Edward, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

276, 277, 348. 

Waldegrave, William, E.S. iv. 79. 
Walden (title). See Howard. 
Waldron, F. G., W.S. ii. 383. 
Walker, Sir Edward, W.S. ii. 98. 
Walker, Henry, minstrel, W.S. ii. 

154-9, 1 68. 

Walker, Thomas, E.S. ii. 375. 
Walkley, Thomas, stationer, E.S. iii. 

225; W.S. i. 133, 140; ii. 227; 
Waller, ,E.S. iv. 88, 92, 93, 102. 
Waller, Sir Walter, E.S. i. 280. 
Walley, Henry, stationer, W.S. i. 1 3 3, 

Walley, John, printer, E.S. iii. 177. 

Wallingford (Berks.), E.S. iv. 85. 
Wallop, Sir Henry, E.S. iv. 106. 
Wallop, William, E.S. iv. 106. 
Walls, E.S. ii. 36, 39, 44; iii. 54, 

55, 72, 96, 97, 98, 1 06. See 

Walpole, Francis, pkyer, E.S.ii. 237, 

Walsingham (b. Shelton), Audrey, 

Lady, E.S. i. 54, 200, 210, 220; 

iii. 278, 375, 380; iv. 67. 
Walsingham, Sir Francis, secretary 

of state, E.S. i. 88, 89, in, 119, 

266, 267, 291; ii. 90, 104, 343, 

497; iii. 174, 187, 506; iv. 94, 

99, 102, 104, 213, 226, 294, 296, 

303; WS.i.2S. 
Walsingham, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 

252, 257, 419; iv. no, 115. 
Waltham (Essex), E.S. i. 12; iv. 102, 

104, 108, in. 
Walton, Henry, .8. ii. 80. 
Walton, Isaak, E.S. iii. 517; W.S. i. 


Waltons (Essex), E.S. iv. 95. 
Walworth (Durham), E.S. iv. 116. 
Walworth, Sir William, E.S. i. 138; 

iii. 456; iv. 22. 
Wanstead (Essex), E.S. i. 1 2 5 ; ii. 89 ; 

iii. 492; iv. 79, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 

99, 126. 
Wapull, George, clerk to the 

stationers, pkywright, E.S. iii. 1 5 8, 

505 ; Pky: Tide Tarrieth No Man, 

E.S. iii. 505. 
'War without Blows and Love without 

Suit 9 , E.S. ii. 169; iii. 347; iv. 




Warburton (b. Vavisour), Anne, 

Lady, E.S. iii. 399; iv. 67. 
Warburton, John, E.S. iv. 398; W.S. 

i. 538. 

Warburton, Sir Richard, E.S. iii. 399. 
Ward, Anthony. See Arkinstall. 
Ward, Edward, E.S. iv. 107. 
Ward, John, vicar of Stratford, 1662, 

E.S. i. 349; W.S. i. 89; ii. 249. 
Ward, Richard, cofferer of household, 

E.S. iv. 64, 93, 114. 
Ward, Thomas, E.S. iv. 3 1. 
Wardrobe, Great, E.S. i. 40, 55, 72, 

80, 90, 94, 211 ; officers of, E.S. i. 

9, 42, 56. 

Wardrobe-keeper, W.S. i. 107. 
Wardrobe wit, W.S. i. 106. 
Ware (Herts.), E.S. i. 13; iv. 119. 
'Warlamchester', E.S. ii. 146. 
Warnborough, South (Hants.), E.S. 

iv. 114,117. 
Warner, William, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 505; 'Vlyy.Menaechmi, E.S. iii. 

505 ; mentioned, E.S. iv. 49; W.S. 

Warnford (Hants), E.S. iv. 106. 
Warning for Fair Women, E.S. ii. 

204, 434; iii. 58, 64, 79, 89, no, 

127,417, 518; iv. 52, 386. 
Warren, John, W.S. i. 557. 
Warren, William, E.S. iv. 83. 
Wan of Cyrus King of Persia, E.S. 

ii. 41; iii. 48, 311, 426; iv. 52, 

Warton, Thomas, W.S. i. 493; ii. 

288, 380. 
Warwick, E.S. i. 139; iv. 83, 88; 

W.S.U. 365. 

Warwick (title). &?* Dudley. 
Warwick College, W.S. ii. 27, 39, 

Warwick's men, E.S. i. 2 3 1 ; ii. 97-9, 

394; W.S.I. 141; 11,31 1; tumblers, 

E.S. ii. 99. 

Watching Chamber, E.S. i. 13. 
Water triumphs, E.S. i. 123, 134, 

138; iv. 72, 73, 74, 103, 124, 


Watermen, E.S. i. 63, 296; ii. 121, 

370, 371 ;iv. 312, 368. 
Waters, James, E.S. iv. 340. 
Waterson, John, E.S. iv. 41. 
Waterson, Simon, E.S. iv. 40. 
Watson, Sir Edward, E.S. iv. 120. 
Watson, John, ironmonger, E.S. iv. 1 6 . 
Watson, Thomas, playwright, career, 

E.S. iii. 317, 506; Y&y*.-Antigone, 

E.S. iii. 506; mentioned, E.S. i. 

104; iv. 246; W.S. \. 55, 223; ii. 


Watts, Anne, E.S. iv. 99. 
Watts, Sir John, E.S. iii. 500. 
Watts, Richard, E.S. iv. 89. 
Watts, William, E.S. iv. 320. 
Waymaker, E.S. i. 108, 116. 
Waymus (Wambus), Francis, player, 

E.S. ii. 247, 260, 348. 
Weak endings, W.S. \. 265 ; tables of, 

W.S. ii. 401, 405. See Metre. 
Weakest goeth to the Wall. See The 


Wealth andHealth,E.S.\\. 22 ; 17.380. 
Weather y E.S.iv. 380. 
Webbe, William, on plays, E.S. \. 

258 ;iv. 227; iii. 513, 514. 
Webbe, Sir William, E.S. i. 137; iv. 


Webbe family, W.S. ii. 14, 38-40. 
Webster, George, player, E.S. ii. 

278, 279, 348; iii. 507. 
Webster, John, player, E.S. ii. 278, 

348; iii. 507. 
Webster, John, pkywright, career 

and works, E.S. iii. 507-12; in 

revision theories, W.S. i. 398; 

Plays: Appius and Virginia, E.S. 

iii. 508; Duchess ofMalfi, E.S. iii. 

510; W.S. ii. 76, 86; Malcontent, 

E.S. iii. 508 ; Northward Ho, E.S. 

iii. 508; Sir Thomas Wyatt, E.S. 

iii. 508; Westward Ho, E.S. iii. 

508; WS. \. 442; White Devil, 

E.S. iii. 509; W.S. ii. 218; Later 

Plays: Cure for a Cuckold, E.S. iii. 

511; Devil's Law Case, E.S. iii. 

510; Lost Plays: A Late Murther 


of the Sonn upon the Mother, E.S. 
iii. 5 1 2 ; Caesar's FaIl,E.S. iii. 5 1 1 ; 
Christmas Comes But Once a Year, 
E.S. iii. 511; Guise, E.S. iii. 512; 
doubtful plays, E.S. iii. 512; on 
players, E.S. iv. 257; mentioned, 
# i- 3535 u. 210; iii. 294, 295, 
297, 431; iv. 42, 49, 52, 70, 250; 
W.S. i. 209, 210, 321; ii. 79, 221. 

Webster, William, E.S. iv. 49. 

Weckerlin, Rudolf, E.S. iv. 2. 

Weddings at court, E.S. iii. 23 3, 239, 
241, 245, 260, 276, 351, 378, 
381, 388, 393; iv. 82, 83, 86, 87, 
94, 99, 109, 112, 113, 119, 120, 
122, 123, 127, 128, 129. 

Wedel, Lupold von, E.S. i. 8, 14, 
15 sqq., 19, 22, 136, 143; ii. 358, 

Weelkes, Thomas, E.S. ii. 327; W.S. 

i. 548. 
Weever, John, E.S. ii. 296; iii. 467; 

iv. 38, 375 ; flW- i- 2 6, 248, 345> 

397 ;ii. 199. 
Weier, J., E.S. iii. 352. 
Wdcombe (Warwick), W.S. i. 88; 

ii. no, 125, 141-9. 
Weldon, Sir Ralph, clerk of green 

cloth, E.S. iv. 99. 
Welles, Thomas, W.S. ii. 7, 180. 
Wells (Somerset), E.S. i. 124, 126; 

iv. 128. 
Welsh Embassador, W.S. i. 92, no 

sqq,, 118, 121. 
Welsh play, E.S. iii. 457. 
'Welshman', E.S. ii. 147; iv. 51. 
'Welshman's Prize', E.S. ii. 166; 

iii. 265, 302, 307. 
Wensin, Daniel von, E.S. i. 343. 
Wentworth (b. Cecil), Elizabeth, 

.5. iv. 8 1,99. 

Wentworth, Sir John, E.S. iv. 79. 
Wentworth, Thomas, 2nd Lord 

Wentworth, E.S. iv. 276, 277, 


Wentworth, William, E.S. iv. 99. 
West, James, W.S. ii. 239, 295. 
West, John, E.S. i. 10. 


West, Thomas, i ith Lord Delawarr, 

E.S. ii. 516; iv, in. 
West, Thomas, I2th Lord Delawarr, 

E.S. iv. 254. 
West, William, loth Lord Delawarr, 

2?.5.iii.4i2;iv. 106. 
Westcott, Sebastian, master of Paul's, 

E.S. ii. 4, 12, 14, 15, 16, 40, 348; 

iv. 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 


Westenhanger (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Westminster, children of, discussed, 

E.S. ii. 69-73; mentioned, E.S. i. 

75 214* 225, 227; iv. 143, 146. 
Westminster School, statutes of, E.S. 

ii. 71-2; masters of, E.S. ii. 69. 
Weston, Elizabeth, E.S. iv. 88, 91. 
Weston, Sir Henry, E.S. iv. 78, 100, 


Weston, James, E.S. iii. 318. 
Weston, Sir Richard, E.S. iv. 114. 
Westward Ho, discussed, E.S. iii. 

295; mentioned, E.S. i. 197; ii. 

21, 22; iii. 141, 169, 256, 286, 

508; iv. 389; 0TS. 1.442. 
Weymouth (Dorset), E.S. ii. 2. 
Whaddon (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 84. 
Wharton, Mrs., E.S. iv. 67. 
Wharton (b. Clifford), Frances, Lady, 

E.S. iv. 94. 
Wharton, John, Blackfriars resident, 

E.S. iv. 320. 
Wharton, Philip, 3rd Lord, E.S. iv. 

'What Mischief Worketh in the Mind 

of Man 9 , E.S. ii. 104. 
What Tou Will, E.S. i. 381; ii. 21; 

iii. 131, 135, 140, 141, 196, 293, 

What Tou Will. See Twelfth Night. 

Whateley family, WB. i. 17; ii. 45> 

Wheathampstead (Herts.), E.S. iv. 

Wheaton, Elizabeth, E.S. ii. 311. 

When You See Me, Tou Know Me, 
E.S. ii. 189; iii. 169, 472; iv. 389; 

i 5 6 


Wherwell (Hants), .8. iv. 85. 

Whetstone, player, E.S. ii. 348. 

Whetstone, George, playwright, E.S. 
iii. 512; Play: Promos and Cas- 
sandra, E.S. iii. 5 1 2 ; on plays, E.S. 
i. 257, 259; iv. 201, 227; men- 
tioned, W.S. i. 457. 

Whitby, , E.S. iv. r 1 5. 

White, Edward, stationer, E.S. iii. 
395; #r.i. 130, 140. 

White, Joan, Lady, E.S. iv. 88. 

White, John, lessee, E.S. ii. 464. 

White, John, of Southwick, E.S. iv. 
78, 106. 

White, Richard, E.S. iv. 114. 

White, Rowland, E.S. i. 1 1, 64, 120, 
125, 146, 169, 220, 322; iii. 212, 
382; iv. 375. 

White, Thomas, on plays, E.S. i. 
254, 285; ii. 358; iv. 197. 

White, Sir Thomas, E.S. iv. r 17. 

White, William, property maker, 
E.S. ii. 184. 

White, William, stationer, W.S. i. 

White Devil, quoted, WS. ii. 218; 
discussed, E.S. iii. 509 ; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 232, 543; iii. 26, in; iv. 

White staves, E.S. i. 39, 40, 41, 205, 
226; iii. 376. 

Whitefriars, children of, E.S. ii. 55. 

Whitefriars pkyhouse, described, 
E.S. ii. 515-17; mentioned, E.S. 
i. 379; ii. 22, 58, 60, 65, 66, 257, 
472; iv. 340, 342, 369; W.S. i. 78. 

Whitelocke, Sir James, E.S. ii. 76, 

Whitgift, John, archbishop of Canter- 
bury, E.S. ii. 112; iii. 166, 450, 
451; iv. 101, 102, 103, 106, 108, 
109, in, 115, 306, 307, 308, 
315; 055.1.38. 

Whithorne, Timothy, E.S. ii. 334. 

Whittcombe, player (?), E.S. ii. 159. 

Whittington, Thomas, W.S. ii. 42, 

Whittington (Glos.), E.S. iv. 107. 

Whittle, Thomas, of the revels, E.S. 

i. lor. 

Whitton, Frances, E.S. iii. 352. 
'Who Buys fay Four Ropes of Hard 

Onions\ E.S. iii. 496. See Jigs. 
Whore of Babylon, E.S. ii. 189; iii. 

296 ;iv. 390. 
Wiburne, Nathaniel, E.S. iii. 513; 

iv. 376. 
Widdrington (Northumb.), E.S. iv. 


Widow, E.S. iii. 442; iv. 396. 
Widow of Wailing Street. See 


'Widow's Charm*, E.S. ii. 181. 
Widow's Prize, W1S. i. 101. 
Widow's Tears, E.S. ii. 58, 60, 367; 

iii. 132, 147, 256; iv. 127, 181, 


Wield (Hants), E.S. iv. 106. 
Wight, Isle of, E.S. iv. r 1 7, 1 22, 1 2 5 . 
Wight, Joseph, W.S. ii. 283. 
Wightman, William, E.S.iv. 87, 102. 
Wilbraham, Mr., E.S. ^.323. 
Wilcox, Thomas, E.S. iv. 197. 
Wild Goose Chase, E.S. ii. 329, 346; 

iii. 442. 

Wild men. See Woodwoses. 
Wilder, Philip van, lutenist, E.S. ii. 

I3> 3* 32>348. 
Wilkes, Sir Thomas, clerk of privy 

council, E.S. iv. 100. 
Wilkes, Thomas, W.S. ii. 290. 
Wilkes, William, E.S. iii. 428. 
Wilkins, George, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 513; Pky: Miseries of Enforced 

Marriage, E.S. iii. 513; Doubtful 

Plays, E.S. iii. 513; mentioned, 

E.S. iii. 286; iv. 55; WS. i. 482, 


Wilkins, Thomas, E.S. ii. 401. 
Wilkinson, John, coriour, E.S. ii. 

350; iv. 261. 

Wilkinson, Thomas, E.S. ii. 401. 
'Will' (Admiral's), player, .8. ii. 

'Will' (Strange's), player, E.S. ii. 



'Will of a Woman' . See 'Isle of a 

Willesden (Middlesex), E.S. iv. 108. 
Willett, John, mercer, E.S. ii. 228. 
'William Cartwrighf , E.S. ii. 181; 

iii. 336. 
'William the Conqueror*, E.S. ii. 95; 

iv. 12; W.S. ii. 317. 
Williams, John, player, E.S. ii. 348. 
Williams, John, bishop of Lincoln, 

E.S. ii. 349; W.S. i. 362; ii. 

Williams, Sir Roger, E.S. iii. 212; 

iv. 229; W.S.i. 395. 
Williams, Thomas, E.S. ii. 447. 
Williams. See Norris. 
Willington (Beds.), E.S. iv. 83. 
Willis, John, W.S.i. 161. 
Willis, R., E.S. i. 333. 
Willobie his Avisa, WS. i. 62, 90, 

568 sqq.; ii. 191. 

Willobie, Henry, WS. i. 569; ii. 191. 
Willobie, Thomas, W.S. i. 570. 
Willoughby, Ambrose, esquire of 

body, E.S. i. 46; WS. i. 407. 
Willoughby, Francis, E.S. i. 341 ; ii. 


Willoughby, Sir Henry, E.S. iii. 3 1 5 . 
Willoughby, Sir Percival, E.S. iv. 


Willoughby. See Bertie. 
Wilmcote (Warwick), WS.i. n, 12, 

14, 21 ;ii. 28-32, 35-9,248. 
Wilmot, Robert, playwright, E.S. iii. 

456, 495, 513; Play: Tancred and 

Gismund, E.S. iii. 514; Doubtful 

Pky, E.S. iii. 515; mentioned, 

E.S.iv. 27; WS. 1.214. 
Wilson, George, E.S. ii. 345. 
Wilson, Henry, player, WS. i. 121; 

ii. 80, 349. 
Wilson, John, corrector of books, E.S. 

iii. 168. 
Wilson, John, master of Westminster, 

E.S. ii. 69. 
Wilson, John, pkyer and minstrel, 

E.S. ii. 349; W.S. i. 386; ii. 80, 


Wilson, Robert, pkyer and pky- 
wright, career and works, E.S. ii. 
349; iii. 515; Pkys: Cobbler's 
Prophecy, E.S. iii. 516; Three 
Ladies of London, E.S. iii. 515; 
Three Lords and Three Ladies of 
London, E.S. iii. 515; Doubtful 
Pkys, E.S. iii. 516; Lost Pkys: 
i, 2 Black Bateman of the North, 
E.S. iii. 5 1 6 ; Catiline's Conspiracy, 
E.S. iii. 516; Chance Medley, E.S. 
iii. 516; i, 2 Earl Godwin, E.S. 
iii. 516; i Fair Constance of Rome, 
E.S. iii. 517; Funeral of Richard 
Ccsur de Lion, E.S. iii. 516; 
Hannibal and Hermes, E.S. iii. 5 1 6 ; 
2 Henry Richmond, E.S. iii. 517; 
Madman 9 s Morris, E.S. iii. 516; 
Owen Tudor, E.S. iii. 517; Pierce 
of Exton, E.S. iii. 516; Pierce of 
Winchester, E.S. iii, 516; i, 2 Sir 
J. Oldcastle, E.S. iii. 517; Short 
and Sweet, E.S. iii. 5 1 6 ; mentioned, 
E.S. i. 377; ii.^4, 86, 105, 106, 
107, 345,413; iii. 292; iv. 6, 12, 
24, 41, 160, 246, 252, 296; WS. 
i. 32, 53, 209, 304, 374. 

Wilson, Thomas, master of requests, 
secretary of state, E.S. ii. 15; iii. 

Wilton (Wilts.), E.S. i. 122, 143, 
218; ii. 209; iii. 238, 272, 337, 
492; iv. 90, 117, 168; WS. i. 
404; ii. 329. 

Wily Beguiled, discussed, E.S. iv. 53; 
mentioned, E.S. ii. 22; iii. 126, 

i35 136. 1 54. 472; iv- 3 8 9- 
Wimbledon Entertainment (1599), 

E.S. iii. 248. 
Wimbledon (Surrey), E.S. iv. roi, 

106, 108, 112, 115. 
Winchelsea (Sussex), E.S. iv. 89. 
Winchester (Hants), E.S. i. ii, 

171, 209; ii. i; iii. 285, 468; iv. 

78, 90, 106, 117, 350; WS. ii. 

Winchester (title). &r* Paulet. 
Winchester, bishop of, E.S. iv. 84, 

I 5 8 


85, 90, 93, 106, 114, 117, 123, 

125, 128, 130. 
Wincot (Warwick), W.S. i. 25; ii. 

248, 288. 

Windet, John, printer, W.S. i. 175. 
Windows, E.S. iii. 42, 58, 93, 95, 

98, 116, 119, 153. See Staging. 
Windsor, Edward, 3rd Lord, E.S. iv. 


Windsor, Frederick, 4th Lord, E.S. 
i. 144; iv. 64, 92, 96. 

Windsor (b. Somerset), Katharine, 
Lady, E.S. iii. 282, 380, 383. 

Windsor (Berks.), E.S., i. 9, 15, 20, 
116, 117, 142, 214; ii. 25, (St. 
George's), 61, 160; iv. 77- r 3 
passim ; W.S. i. 434. 

Windsor Chapel, children of, E.S. ii. 

Windsor Forest, Burley Bushes, E.S. 
i. ii; iv. 100 ; Folly John Park, 
E.S. iv. 93, 99, 105, 114; Mote 
Park, E.S. iv. 99, 1 14; New Lodge, 
E.S. iv. 80, 102, 105, 113, 115; 
Twelve Oaks, E.S. iv. 80. 

Wing (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 86. 

Wingate, Edward, E.S. iv. 84, 88. 

Wingfield, Sir Anthony, playwright, 
E.S. i. 109; iii. 517; iv. 377. 

Wingfield, Thomas, E.S. iv.-8i. 

Wingham (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 

Wings, E.S. iii. 100, 118, 130. See 

Winstanley, William, W.S. ii. 238, 

Winter (b. Somerset), Anne, Lady, 
E.S. iii. 282, 380, 383. 

Winter, Richard, player, E.S. ii. 350. 

Winter's Tale, discussed, E.S. iii. 
489; W.S. 1.487-9; bibliography, 
W.S. i. 48 8 ; text, W.S. i. 487, 488 ; 
'allowed book' of, W.S. i. 104, 
151; censorship, W.S. L 102; 
stage-directions, W.S. i. 154; tran- 
script, MS. i. 1 66, 197; assem- 
bling, W.S. i. 488; date, E.S. ii. 
215; W.S. i. 250, 489; source, 
W.S. i. 489; performances, *E.S. ii. 

216, 217; iv. 125, 127; W.S. i. 

489; ii. 340, 342, 343, 346, 347, 

352; staging of, E.S. iii. 124; 

Jonson on, W.S. i. 70; ii. 207, 

248; mentioned, E.S. ii. 286; iii. 

373; iv. 177, 180, 394; MS. i. 


Wintersjow (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Wintoun (tide). See Seton. 
Winwood, Ralph, E.S. i. 325; ii. 

420; iii. 242, 244, 245, 262, 276, 

Wisdom of Dr. Dodipoll, E.S. ii. 20; 

iii. 136; iv. 54, 387; W.S. i. 397.^ 
Wise, Andrew, stationer, E.S. iii. 

189; W.S. i. 131. 
Wise, Francis, Radcliffe librarian, 

W.S. ii. 288, 380. 
'Wise Man of West Chester', E.S. ii. 

143, 148, 168, i8o;iii. 446; W.S. 

i. 510. 
Wise Woman of Hogsdon> E.S. iii. 

342;iv.2o, 395. 

Wistow, , licensee, E.S. ii. 45 1. 
Wit and Science^ E.S. ii. 1 1 . 
'Wit and Will', E.S. iv. 30, 84, 144. 
Wit and Wisdom, E.S. iii. 24; iv. 29. 
Wit at Several Weapons, E.S. iii. 

232 ;iv. 396. 

Wit of a Woman, E.S. iv. 54, 388. 
Wit without Money, E.S. iii. 229; iv. 

Witch (Middleton), W.S. i. 92, 125, 

Witch of Edmonton, E.S. iii. 298; iv. 

39 6 - 
'Witch of Islington^ E.S. ii. 147. 

Withdrawing chamber, E.S. i. 14. 
Withens, Robert, E.S. ii. 406. 
' Witless', E.S.iv.Q\. 
Witney (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 37, 107. 
Witold of Lithuania, W.S. i. 494. 
Wits, E.S. iii. 90; iv. 372; W.S. i. 


Wits engraving, E.S. ii. 510. 
Witt, Johannes de, E.S. ii. 361, 393, 

412, 456, 524, 526, 538; iii. 50, 

73 78, 9 I00 I01 - 


Witter, Anne, formerly Phillips, E.S. 

ii. 418. 
Witter, John, E.S. ii. 334, 418, 423, 

424; WS. ii. 52-8. 
Woburn (Beds.), E.S. i. no; iv. 88. 
Woderam, Richard, pkyer, E.S. ii. 

101, 350. 
Woking (Surrey), E.S. i. 13; iv. 84, 

85, 97, 99, 100, 105, 115, 120. 
Wolf, John, printer, E.S. in. 173; 

iv. 327> 345- 
Wolgast-Pomerania, Philip Julius, 

duke of, E.S. ii. 288. 
Wolkton (Notts.), E.S. ii. 2; iv. 1 16. 
Wolley (b. More), Elizabeth, Lady, 

E.S. ii. 498. 

Wolley, Sir Francis, E.S. iv. 117. 
Wolley, Sir John, Latin secretary, 

JE.S. ii. 497; iv. 97, 99, 100. 
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal, E.S. i. 

8, 9, 14, 61 ; ii. 1 1, 27 ; iii. 20. 
'Woman Hard to Please', E.S. ii. 144; 

iii. 467. 
Woman Hater, E.S. i. 327; ii. 22; 

iii. 143, 219, 314; iv. 390. 
Woman in the Moon, E.S. iii. 46, 91, 

135, 416; iv. 385; WS.i.^o. 
'Woman is too Hard'. See 'The 

Woman Killed with Kindness, E.S. 
ii. 227, 232; iii. 52, 126, 341, 342, 

Woman's Prize, E.S. iii. 222; iv. 33, 

395; W.S*\. 107. 
'Woman's Tragedy', E.S. ii, 163, 167; 

iii. 265. 
Women on stage, E.S. i. 371; iii. 

Wonder of a Kingdom* E.S. iii. 288, 

299 ;iv. 394. 
'Wonder of a Woman', E.S. ii. 144; 

2i- 43 3> 474- 

Wonder of Women. See Sofhonisba. 
Wooburn (Bucks.), E.S. iv. 92. 
Wood, Anthony, E.S. iii. 312; W.S. 

ii. 238, 250, 252, 256, 258. 
Wood, Sir Robert, mayor of Norwich, 

E.S. iv. 62. 

Wood Rising (Norfolk), E.S. iv. 95. 
Woodcuts in plays, E.S. iii. 6, 210, 

322, 328 ;iv. 20. 
Woodes, Nathaniel, playwright, E.S. 

iii. 5 1 7 ; Pky : Conflict of Conscience, 

E.S. iii. 517. 
Woodford, Thomas, lessee, E.S. ii. 

65, 66, 350. 
Woodford or Simball, Thomas, E.S. 

ii. 424, 445, 5 l6 - J 7- 
Woodhall (Herts.), E.S. iv. 91. 
Woodhouse, Mrs., maid of honour, 

E.S. i. 54. 

Woodhouse, Francis, E.S. iv. 95. 
Woodhouse, Sir Roger, E.S. iv. 95. 
Woodman, victualler, E.S. ii. 493. 
Woodruff, Lady, E.S. iv. 114. 
Woodruff, Sir Nicholas, E.S. iv. 279, 

Woods, John, player, E.S. ii. 292, 

Woodstock (Oxon.), E.S. i. u, 13, 

121, 122, 124, 142, 214; iii. 267, 

400-2, 404-7; iv. 83, 88, 90, 92, 

107, 117, 119, 120, 124, 127, 

Woodstock Entertainment (1575) 

E.S. iii. 400; (1592) E.S. iii. 404. 
Woodward, Mr., E.S. iv. in, 115. 
Woodward, Agnes, E.S. i. 358. 
Woodward, Elizabeth, E.S. ii. 333. 
Woodward, Joan, E.S. i. 358; ii. 

139, 185. 
Woodwoses, E.S. i. 123-4, 135, 

194; iv. 65, 66. 
'Wooer 9 , E.S. iii. 470. 
'Wooing of Death', E.S. ii. 173; iii. 

Woolwich (Kent), E.S. iii. 369; iv. 

77, 124, 129. 

Worcester (title). See Somerset. 
Worcester, E.S. i. 116, 336, 387; iv. 

92; bishops of, E.S. iv. 92; W.B. 

i. 4, 6; ii. 129, 130, 133, 147; 

consistory court of, W.S. ii. 7, 12, 

26, 41-6. 
Worcester's men, discussed, E.S. ii. 

220-9; mentioned, E.S. i. 219, 



268, 302, 310, 319, 336, 337, 
35 1 364 366? " J 37 221 (in 
provinces); W.B. i. 38, 48, 95; ii. 
Work for Cutlers, E.S. iv. 54, 373* 

Works, office of, E.S. i. 49, 80, 90, 

Worksop (Notts.), E.S. iv. 116. 
*#W^ runs on Wheels'. See '2% 


'World's Tragedy \ E.S. ii. 144. 
Worrall, Thomas, #?. i. 138. 
'Worse Afeared than Hurt', E.S. ii. 

169; iii. 302, 308. 
Worsopp, John, E.S. iv. 99. 
Worth, Ellis, player, E.S. ii. 233, 

236* 237, 240, 350; iii. 271; iv. 


Worthington, Mr., E.S. iv. 81. 
Wotton, Edward, ist Lord, comp- 
troller of household, E.S. i. 35, 

64; iv. 342. 
Wotton, Sir Henry, E.S. ii. 419; 

iii. 212, 496, 517; W.B. i. 495; ii. 


Wotton, John, E.S. iv. 277. 
Wotton, Thomas, E.S. iv. 89. 
Wounds of Civil War, E.S. ii. 139, 

147; iii. 58, 66, 95, 410; iv. 384. 
Wren, Christopher, E.S. iii. 518; iv. 


Wrest (Beds.), E.S. iv. 116. 
Wrestling, E.S. iv. 79. 
Wright, James, E.S. ii. 374; iv. 

370-2; WS.ii. 262. 
Wright, Richard, E.S. iv. 315. 
Wright, Thomas, vintner, E.S. ii. 

Wriothesley (b. Vernon), Elizabeth, 

countess of Southampton, E.S. i. 

45; m. 1.358, 565; 2.198. 
Wriothesley, Henry, 2nd earl of 

Southampton, .. i. 162 ; iii. 48 8; 

iv. 82. 
Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd earl of 

Southampton, and Chapman, E.S. 

iii. 249; and Heywood, E.S. iii. 

338; and Shakespeare, W.8. i. 23, 
61, 62, 68, 338, 358, 361, 387, 
543, 546, 565-8; ii. 266; men- 
tioned, E.S. i. 45, 46, 147, 220; 
iii, 212, 393, 417; iv. 106, 119, 
121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 139; 
W.S. i. 407, 571 ;ii. 198, 332. 

Wriothesley (b. Cheyne), Jane, coun- 
tess of Southampton, E.S. iv. 85. 

Wriothesley (b. Browne), Mary, 
countess of Southampton, after- 
wards Lady Heneage and Lady 
Hervey, E.S. i. 162; iii. 468; iv. 
82; W.B. i. 358; ii. 190. 

Wroth (b. Sidney), Mary, Lady, E.S. 

iii- 37^ 375- 
Wroth, Sir Robert, E.S. iv. 105, 108, 

in, 120, 322. 
Wroughton, Mrs. Mary, E.S. ii. 

Wroxall (Warwick), Shakespeares of, 

W.S. ii. 28, 356-8. 
Wroxton (Oxon.), E.S. iv. 120. 
Wurmsser von Vendenheym, Hans 

Jacob, E.S. ii. 419; JK8. ii. 

Wfirttemberg, Frederick, duke of, 

Wiirttemberg, Lewis Frederick, 

prince of, E.S. ii. 369, 419, 457; 

#TS.ii. 336. 

Wyart, Jerome, E.S. i. 249. 
Wyatt, Sir Henry, treasurer of 

chamber, E.S. i. 59; ii. 476. 
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, discussed, E.S. 

iii. 293; mentioned, E.S. ii. 227, 

232; iii. 264, 304, 347, 494, 508; 

iv. 391. 
Wyatt, Sir Thomas, E.S. iii. 399; 

W.S. ii. 220. 

Wye (Kent), E.S. iv. 89. 
Wylie Beguylii, E.S. iv. 53. 
WyUiam, W., E.S. iv. 31. 
Wylye (Wilts.), E.S. iv. 90. 
Wynkyn de Worde, printer, E.S. iii. 

I7 9 ;iv.44. 

Wynsdon, Mr., E.S. ii. 105. 
Wyntown, Andrew, W.S. i. 475. 




Xenophon of Ephesus, E.S. iii. 311; 
1K8. i. 346. 

'Xerxes\ E.S. ii. 63; iv. 91, 149. 

Yard, E.S. ii. 527. See Pkyhouses. 

Yarington, Robert, pkywright, E.S. 
iii. 518; Pky: Two Lamentable 
Tragedies* E.S. iii. 5 1 8 ; mentioned, 
E.S. ii. 172; iii. 289; iv. 52. 

Yarmouth (Norfolk), E.S. i. 298, 

Yarnton (Oxon), E.S. iv. 107. 

Yate, James, E.S. iv. 107. 
Yattendon (Berks.), E.S. iv. 85. 
Yaxley, John, mayor of Cambridge, 

E.S. iv. 6. 
Yelverton, Christopher, E.S. iii. 321, 

348, 518. 

Yelverton, Sir Henry, solicitor- 
general, E.S. i, 2ii ; iv. 59. 
Yeoman, of chamber, E.S. i. 44; of 

crown, E.S. i. 47; of guard, E.S. 

i. 47, 63 ; of revels, E.S. i. 72, 94. 
Yetswiert, Nicasius, French secretary 

and clerk of signet, E.S. i. 98. 
Yomans, Francis, E.S. iii. 507. 
Yonge, Bartholomew, WiS. i. 3 3 1 . 
Yonge, Walker, .8. i. 323. 
York, E.S. i. 336; ii. i; iv. 69, 

116; W.S. ii. 316. 

York, John, E.S.iv. 31. 
Yorke, Sir John, E.S. i. 305, 328. 
Yorkshire, E.S. i. 277, 304, 328; iv, 

''Yorkshire Gentlewoman and her So?i, 

E.S. iii. 260; iv. 404* 
Yorkshire Tragedy discussed, E.S. iv. 

54; mentioned, E.S. ii. 213; iii. 

115, 231, 513; iv. 391; W.B. i. 

Young, John, pkyer, E.S. ii. 80, 82, 

Young, Sir John, mayor of Bristol, 61,90, 198. 
Young, Richard, J.P., E.S. i. 285, 

291 ; ii. 478; iv. 93, 96, 293, 297, 

305, 310. 
Young, Richard, of Woolley Farm, 

E.S. iv. 15. 
Young minstrels, E.S. ii. 13, 31- 


Your Five Gallants, E.S. i. 188, 33 1 ; 
ii. 53, 58; iii. 150, 440; iv. 

Youth* E.S. iii. 23; iv. 380. 

Yuletide* See Christmas Prince. 

Zanni, E.S. ii. 264. 
Zanobi, , E.S. iii. 13. 
Zelotypus, E.S. iv. 379. 
'Zeno&ia' 9 E.S.u. 122. 
'Zerstorung der Stadt Constantinopet ', 
E.S. ii. 289-90; iii. 462. 

'Zerstorung der Stadt Troja 9 , E.S. ii. 

289; iii. 345. 

Zingerling, Justus, E.S. ii. 369, 457. 
Zoglk (lintle), E.S. iii. 21. 
Zouch, Sir John, E.S. iv. 94. 
Zuniga, Don Pedro de, E.S. i. 25.